
I am delighted to introduce you to this exciting book on the dramatic shifting demographics as well as the sledgehammer impact being felt in the workplace, including by leaders and those being led. This important book clearly describes that impact and the implications, both for today and the future.

My life’s work has been helping global 500 organizations ensure that they have the executive and leadership talent needed to achieve their strategic objectives. I’ve always worked with CEOs and other senior executives to create executive development strategies, systems, and programs that develop the capabilities they need to achieve their vision and execute their strategies.

Part of my consulting process includes ensuring that clients are aware of key global forces and trends so that they are not caught off guard by critical challenges that could impact the ability to successfully implement their strategy.

Decades of Differences covers one of those challenges that every leader in every organization needs to be aware of. I believe this topic is critical today, especially because of the impact that generational differences are having in the workplace and on our leadership development efforts. And perhaps it will be even more important over the next 10 years for the development of the next generation of leaders.

There has been a lot said about generational differences: perhaps too much heat and not enough light for many of us. Hagemann and Gronbach have addressed the topic so that we can actually understand what this means in a practical and meaningful way, and, more importantly, know what to do about it—whether you are a top-level executive, a current leader, an aspiring leader, or someone being led.

While the workplace is always shifting, we seem to be feeling the changes now more like the rumblings of an approaching earthquake more than the gentle adjustments of the past. With the technology revolution, change is coming much faster, and the younger generations just might be in the driver’s seat this time around.

Each of us has our own idea about what these diverse generations, technology, and globalization are going to mean, but tying Hagemann’s years of leadership development and talent management experience with Gronbach’s expertise in demographics provides a fresh and highly relevant look into these changes including the associated opportunities, problems, and possible solutions. By the way, as you turn the pages, you’ll notice the authors poke a little fun at each of the generations, which makes the book quite enjoyable.

The authors have done a good job of combining research and experience to explain how shifting demographics are forever changing the workplace and leadership as we know it. It is definitely worth your time to sit down with your favorite latte, coffee, tea, or adult beverage to explore the richness of our diversity through the lens of the generations.

James F. Bolt

Founder, Bolt Consulting

Cofounder, FrED

Selected by Financial Times as one of the leading experts in executive/leadership development, Harvard Business Review author, author of three books including Strategic Executive Development and The Future of Executive Development, Fast Company magazine online columnist, named by Linkage, Inc. as one of the top 50 executive coaches in the world, editor of The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual: Leadership Development.

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