action focus 645

advocacy 46

affirming statements 801

allies 64

ambivalence 723, 746, 78

analytical thinking 19

anticipating future events

importance and impact of 2931, 61

making sense of 316

practical advice 368

resources 40

things to work on 389

anxiety and change 57, 70

Apple 61


of the company 678

of individuals 746

your personal 82, 83

authority and autonomy 13

backward-pass thinking 1920, 22, 234

benchmarking exercises 523

benefits of technology 34, 8

‘big assumptions’

of the company 678

of individuals 746

your personal 82, 83

‘blue sky’ thinking 25

boundary spanning

importance of 346

innovation and 35, 44, 478, 65

ways of 369, 523

brainstorming 37

business models 62, 68

capabilities, pillars of 458

Carlzon, Jan 2

Caston, Art 45


change cycle 736

importance of 578

initiating and delivering 618

preparation for 701, 78, 82

reactions to 5961, 703

Stages of Change model 7681

supporting team through 7683

change agents 589

change cycle or roller coaster 735

change talk 63, 76

channels of engagement 12

collaboration 43, 467, 501, 71


change talk 63, 76

hearts and minds 656

strategic 223

competing commitments 746, 83

compromise 43

conferences 37, 38, 39

connecting people 35, 42, 64, 656

consequences of actions 645

controllers 1112

co-operation 43, 467

Covey, Stephen 20

cross-department/discipline/industry experiences

see boundary spanning

culture of innovation 438

customer feedback 56, 12, 13

customer journeys 10, 13, 14

customer needs 911, 13

customer relationships

importance and impact of 14

making sense of 49

practical advice 912

resources 1415

things to work on 1214

customer value proposition 57, 68

data overload 312

deciding stage of change process 789

decision-making 17, 19, 22, 25

defenders as leaders 60

DiClemente, Carlo 77

disintermediation 45, 9

disruptive impact of technology 59

dissatisfaction 656

doing stage of change process 79

do-it-yourself interactions 68

driving change

importance and impact of 579

making sense of 5961

practical advice 616

resources 69

things to work on 678

easy to do business with (ETDBW) 2, 13

education 38

effort required by customers 8, 11, 12

emerging trends 212, 245, 26, 31

emotion 656, 736

empathy 82

end-to-end processes 36

engagement channels 12, 1314

experimentation 44, 63, 645, 79

external focus 1, 2, 9, 13

see also boundary spanning

face-to-face interactions, removal of 68

failure 44, 63, 645

fair process 66

fears 63

features of technology 34, 8


from customers 56, 12, 13

giving 801

from your team 49, 80

FlexShapeGripper 35

forward-pass thinking 19

future memories 334, 37

goals, long-term 1718, 19, 223, 623

Google Trends 48

Gratton, Lynda 35

grief 74, 75

hobbies 38

induction processes 501, 55

information overload 312


boundary spanning and 35, 44, 478, 65

importance and impact of 413

making sense of 438

practical advice 4953

resources 556

things to work on 535

insight 48

intelligent opportunism 22, 245, 27

see also opportunity spotting

interactions with customers 68, 1112

intermediaries 45

internal customers 12

intuition 20, 26

iterative approaches 63

Jobs, Steve 61

Kodak 58

Kotter, John 656, 77

Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth 74, 75

language 223

listening 79, 81, 82, 83

long-term perspectives 1718, 19, 223, 623

loyalty 12, 89

maintaining stage of change process 7980


response to change 5961

role in change process 7781

memories of the future 334, 37

MindSumo 35

‘moments of truth’ 2, 5, 10

motivational interviewing 76

networking 37, 39

nimble mimics as leaders 60

objectives and strategic thinking
1718, 19, 223, 623

online help information 7

open-ended questioning 79, 80

openness 43

opportunity spotting

to drive change 62, 645

importance and impact of 2931

intelligent opportunism 22, 245, 27

making sense of 316

practical advice 368

resources 40

things to work on 389

outcome focus 911, 1314, 223, 63, 64

‘out-of-the-box’ thinking 65

passion 656

pattern recognition 2930, 325

peer pressure 64

peer-to-peer networks 51


importance and impact of 2931

making sense of 316

practical advice 368

resources 40

things to work on 389

personal agendas 63

personalities in customer-facing roles 1112

pioneers as leaders 601

post-implementation reviews 34

pre-thinking stage of change process 78

proactive behaviour 301, 58

process scouting 53

Prochaska, James 77

purpose, shared 43, 46


innovation and 456, 4950, 545

to support change 79, 80

rational agendas 63

reactions to change

importance and impact of 703

making sense of 736

by managers/leaders 5961

practical advice 7681

resources 834

things to work on 813

reactive behaviour 301

reactors as leaders 60

reading 37

recruitment 50, 55

reflection 26

reflective listening 79, 81, 83

Reichheld, Frederick 8


to change 701

dealing with 63, 66

‘right first time’ mentality 63

risk-taking 26

role play 36

Scandinavian Airlines 2

scenario planning 33, 37, 38

self-development 38

self-organising systems 21

self-service interactions 5, 68

services and customer satisfaction 3

shared purpose 43, 46

social agendas 63

social media 56, 8

stack ranking 73

staff rotation and temporary transfers 36, 52

Stages of Change model 7781

status quo, dangers of 58

strategic thinking

change agents and 623

importance and impact of 1618

making sense of 1822

practical advice 225

resources 278

things to work on 257

success, celebrating 66

summarising 81

support through change 7980

synthesis 1920, 22, 234

systems thinking 1920, 22, 234

taboos 63

Tapscott, Don 45


benefits and features 34, 8

disruption from 59

telephone interactions, removal of 68

thinking stage of change process 78

transition curve 75

trends 212, 245, 26, 31

trust-based relationships 80, 82

truths 63, 678

uncertainty 57, 60

‘user stories’ 1011, 13, 14

value chains 2

vision 234, 39

Web 2.0 4

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