Professor Brian Sutton has over 40 years’ management and leadership experience. He has developed comprehensive information systems (IS) strategies, conducted large-scale re-engineering initiatives and led major organisational change. He regularly contributes articles to professional journals and speaks at major professional gatherings. He holds a Doctorate in Corporate Education, a Master’s degree in Information Systems Management from the London School of Economics and has worked extensively in both the private and public sectors in Europe and the United States. He was formerly a Professor of Systems Management in the Information Resources Management College of the National Defence University in Washington, DC. He is currently Professor of Learning Performance in the Faculty of Professional and Social Sciences at Middlesex University.

Dr Robina Chatham has over 35 years’ experience in IT. She has held positions that range from IT project manager within the shipbuilding industry to European Chief Information Officer for a leading merchant bank and lecturer at Cranfield School of Management. She is qualified as both a Mechanical Engineer and a Neuroscientist. Previous books include Corporate Politics for IT Managers: How to Get Streetwise; Changing the IT Leader’s Mindset: Time for Revolution rather than Evolution; and The Art of IT Management: Practical Tools and Techniques. Robina now runs her own company specialising in management development and executive coaching. She is also a visiting fellow at Cranfield School of Management and a research associate for the Leading Edge Forum. Her prime focus is on helping senior IT managers to increase their personal impact and influence at board level.

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