Grabbing Information from Other Web Servers

One of the most frequent questions I hear from ASP developers is “How can I grab information from another web server?” Specifically, they’re interested in the HTML generated by a particular URL, be it a static web page or an ASP page.

There are many reasons a developer may be interested in using an ASP page to obtain a web page fresh from another server. One of the most popular reasons is to obtain some real-time data. For example, several of the portals maintain updated stock quotes and weather information. Many developers would like to be able to snatch this information and display it on their own web page.


Many sites that provide weather or stock information have the actual temperature or quotes in a specific column and row in an HTML table. An excellent article on, “Grabbing Table Columns From Other Web Pages,” by Thomas Winningham, presents an application to quickly and easily grab a particular column and row from an HTML table residing on a different web server. The article is available at:

To grab information from a web page, we need look no further than to Stephen Genusa’s excellent set of objects. The ASPHTTP object, available for $49.95 at, allows developers to download HTML content from another web server. Furthermore, while using ASPHTTP, you can save the downloaded content to a file if you so choose!

When you download the ASPHTTP DLL from, you will need to move it to your Windows System directory and register it using regsvr32. Once it is registered, you are ready to start using the component in your ASP pages.

ASPHTTP’s Properties and Methods

ASPHTTP contains a vast array of properties. A full listing of these properties can be seen at: Table 8.4 contains a listing of some of the more commonly used properties.

Table 8-4. The ASPHTTP Properties




Returns the data obtained by ASPHTTP in binary format. This is useful if you are using ASPHTTP to grab binary images, such as GIFs, from other web sites.


Returns the response HTTP headers sent by the web server contacted by ASPHTTP.


Indicated what port to connect to on the remote web server (defaults to 80, the standard HTTP port).


Specifies the data to send through the HTTP POST.


Used to save the resulting HTML or binary data to a file.


Specifies the URL to grab the information from (must start with http://).

The most common ASPHTTP method is the GetURL method, which returns the response of the HTTP request to the URL specified by the URL property.

Retrieving a Web Page with ASPHTTP

Since ASPHTTP is designed to request data through the HTTP protocol from other servers, let’s look at an example of doing just that. When using ASPHTTP, as with any of the other components discussed in this chapter, you must first create an instance of the object. To create an instance of ASPHTTP, simply use the following two lines of code:

Dim objASPHTTPInstance
Set objASPHTTPInstance = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn")

To retrieve the contents of an HTML page, all you need to do is set the URL property accordingly and call the GetURL method. Example 8.3 contains ASP code that will grab the HTML content from the homepage and display the HTML syntax.

Example 8-3. Grabbing the HTML of a Web Page on a Remote Web Server Is Easy with the ASPHTTP Component

<% Option Explicit %>
  Dim objAspHTTP, strHTML
  Set objAspHTTP = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn")

  'Grab the HTML from
  objAspHTTP.URL = ""

  strHTML = objAspHTTP.GetURL(  )
  <H1>Here is the HTML to display!</H1>

  Set objAspHTTP = Nothing     'Clean up!

Once the GetURL method is called, the web site is contacted through an HTTP Get, and the response is stored in the variable strHTML. Understand that strHTML simply contains the HTML returned by /default.asp on When the contents of strHTML are output, the HTML source is shown due to the surrounding XMP tags. A screenshot of the code in Example 8.3, when viewed through a browser, can be seen in Figure 8.4.

The HTML source for is displayed.

Figure 8-4. The HTML source for is displayed.

Retrieving Binary Data with ASPHTTP

ASPHTTP is not restricted to grabbing just textual HTML information from remote servers; binary data, such as GIFs, JPGs, and ZIPs, can also be obtained by ASPHTTP. Furthermore, with the SaveFileTo property, you can save these files to the web server.


You can also use the SaveFileTo property to save textual HTML data from remote servers.

Imagine that a News web site had a GIF that showed any major accidents on the expressways in your location. This GIF was updated as accidents occurred and were cleared, and was always stored in one location, perhaps If you wanted to provide a picture of this GIF on your site, you could do so with a simple IMG tag, like so:

<IMG SRC="">

However, if your site attracts a lot of visitors during the day, the webmasters at might not appreciate your linking directly to their image and eating up their bandwidth. To appease these webmasters, you might decide to copy this GIF to your web server. However, if this traffic map is updated frequently, the copy on your web server would become quickly outdated.

The following situation would be ideal, and is quite possible using ASPHTTP:

  • A user visits a web page on your server that displays the accident map. Before displaying the map, the date and time the image was saved to the web server are compared to the current time. If the accident map on the local web server is less than one hour old, the user is shown that image.

  • If, however, the image is more than an hour old, the current accident map is downloaded from, the user is shown the more recent map, and the downloaded accident map is saved to the local web server.

To accomplish this, we will use an ASP page, /images/TrafficReport.asp, that outputs the correct traffic report image (either the local copy or the one on the web site) in binary GIF form. Since /images/TrafficReport.asp will output the GIF in binary format, you can display the GIF from any other ASP or HTML page using the IMG HTML tag, like so:

<IMG SRC="/images/TrafficReport.asp">

In the file /images/TrafficReport.asp, we will need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Check to see if a version of the traffic report GIF exists on the local web server. If there is no local copy, proceed to Step 4.

  2. Since the file exists, compare its date last modified property to the current time. If the file is more than an hour old, proceed to Step 4.

  3. If we’ve reached this point, the traffic report GIF on the local web server is less than one hour old, so show this GIF and end.

  4. If we’ve reached this point, either a local copy of the traffic report does not exist, or it is out of date. In either case, use ASPHTTP to grab the recent version from, saving the GIF to the local web server.

The source code for /images/TrafficReport.asp can be seen in Example 8.4. Note the comments in Example 8.4 illustrating the start of the four steps outlined.

Example 8-4. The Traffic Report GIF Is Only Downloaded from if the Local Version Is Outdated or Nonexistent

<% Option Explicit %>
  'We are going to be outputting a GIF, so set the ContentType
  Response.ContentType = "image/gif"

  'strVirtualName is the virtual file name of the traffic report GIF
  'on the local Web server 
  Const strVirtualFileName = "/TrafficReport.gif"

  'strFileName stores the physical file name of the traffic report GIF
  Dim strFileName
  strFileName = Server.MapPath(strVirtualFileName)

  'Create an instance of the FileSystemObject component
  Dim objFSO
  Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  '******** STEP 1: Determine if the file exists ***********
  If objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) then
    'Since the file exists, we need to check when it was created
    Dim objFile
    Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFileName)

    '********* STEP 2: Compare the local copy's DateLastModified property
                       with the current date/time (Now(  )) ******************
    Dim dtDateModified
    dtDateModified = objFile.DateLastModified
    Set objFile = Nothing

    If DateDiff("h", dtDateModified, Now(  )) = 0 then
      '****** STEP 3:  The local copy is up to date - show it to the user! ******
      Response.Redirect strVirtualFileName
    End If
  End If

  Set objFSO = Nothing

  '********** STEP 4 **************
      'If we get here, the file either doesn't exist on the web server, or it
      'is outdated. Use ASPHTTP to grab the current version and save it to disk.
  Dim objAspHTTP, strHTML
  Set objAspHTTP = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn")

  'Grab the traffic report banner and save it to disk
  objAspHTTP.URL = ""
  objAspHTTP.SaveFileTo = strFileName

  objAspHTTP.GetURL         'Get the file

  'Since we grabbed binary data from, we must output it using
  'the BinaryWrite method of the Response object and the BinaryData property
  'of the ASPHTTP component.
  Response.BinaryWrite objAspHTTP.BinaryData

  Set objAspHTTP = Nothing        'Clean up  


In Step 4, the GIF is output using the BinaryWrite method of the Response object and the BinaryData property of the ASPHTTP object. This line of code could be replaced by:

Response.Redirect strVirtualFileName
..................Content has been hidden....................

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