Azure SQL

Azure SQL is SQL Platform as a Service (PaaS) provided by Azure to host databases. Azure provides a secure platform to host databases and takes complete ownership to manage the availability, reliability, and scalability of the service. With Azure SQL, there is no need to provision custom virtual machines, or deploy SQL server, configure, and patch it. Instead, the Azure team does these activities behind the scene and also manages them on our behalf. It also provides firewall services enabling security and only IP addresses allowed by the firewall are allowed to connect and access it. The two virtual machines that will be provisioned to the host sample application in containers have distinct public IP addresses assigned to them and they are added to the Azure SQL firewall rules dynamically so that the web application can access its database seamlessly. The Azure SQL server and its database are created while executing the Azure resource manager template; however, tables in the database are created during the provisioning of Pull Server. It is to be noted that generally management virtual machines should execute such tasks but, for the sake of simplicity, the Pull Server virtual machine is used. In a real life scenario, it is recommended to use a separate virtual machine.

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