Annmarie Neal

Annmarie Neal is the founder of the Center for Leadership Innovation. Prior, she held the position of chief talent officer at Cisco Systems and First Data Corporation. With more than 25 years of experience working with multinational firms, she advises venture capital investors, boards of directors, and executive teams on the alignment of business strategy with innovative talent management and leadership development practices. She holds a doctorate and master's degree in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology—Alameda/Berkeley.

Daniel Sonsino

Daniel Sonsino serves as the vice president of talent for Polycom. Previously, Sonsino served as vice president of talent for both Hewlett-Packard and Bank of America, and led the talent management practice for Raytheon. Sonsino possesses more than 20 years of experience in building individual, team, and organizational capabilities in both public and private companies.

Editor, Infoline

Phaedra Brotherton

Associate Editor

Stephanie Castellano

Production Design

Lon Levy


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