Job Aid

Curriculum Meeting Checklist

Remember that the purpose of the curriculum meetings is to get the managers and training department involved and to ensure that the curricula that are developed will be beneficial to the learners and their departments. Use these checklists to keep your curriculum meetings on track.

Initial Curriculum Collaboration Meeting Agenda images
Explain reason for meeting.  
Provide overview of curricula.  
Review motivational and financial objectives unique to the business.  
Outline responsibilities.  
Establish a timeline.  
Conclusion—review of responsibilities and due dates.  
Set a date for next meeting.  
Review Curriculum Collaboration Meeting Checklist3 images
Review edit/changes and adjustments.  
Discuss any potential gaps.  
Ensure full understanding of any classes they have requested research.  
Conclusion—review responsibilities and due dates.  
Set date for next meeting.  
Final Curriculum Collaboration Meeting Checklist3 images
Review researched classes.  
Set up tracking.  
Set timeframe for review (quarterly, annual, etc.).  
Conclusion—agree on final curriculum.  
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