© Yadu Rajiv 2018
Yadu RajivDeveloping Turn-Based Multiplayer Gameshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3861-5_1

1. An Introduction to GMS2

Yadu Rajiv1 
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

In this chapter, you will get started with GameMaker Studio 2 (GMS2). The first thing we will be doing is to find out how we can download and install the latest version of GameMaker Studio 2. Once we have downloaded and installed the software, we will get started with an overview of GameMaker Studio 2’s interface and then move on to create our first project.

Through this chapter, you will get a basic understanding of how a GameMaker Studio 2 project is laid out and navigate the integrated development environment (IDE). This will give you a foundation for all future projects to come.

Installing GameMaker Studio 2

Welcome to the exciting world of GameMaker Studio 2; I know that you are raring to go, but before we can do anything, we need to get ourselves a copy of GameMaker Studio 2. The easiest way of doing this is to go to the YoYo Games website and click on the button titled “Get GameMaker” ( https://www.yoyogames.com/get ).

This page displays various options for you to choose from, the first of them being the trial for GameMaker Studio 2. If you choose to go for the trial, you will be navigated to another page that prompts you to login or register a new account with YoYo games. Once you register, you will receive an e-mail prompting you to reset your password, and once you are logged in, you are redirected to your My Accounts page, which gives you the option to download the Limited Trial version of GameMaker Studio 2 for both Windows and Mac. Click the Download GameMaker Studio 2 button to start your download.

If you scroll down, you will see options to purchase the full Desktop version and other modules that you will use to export your games to other platforms. Scroll down further and you will notice a table that lists the licenses available to you. By default, you have the GameMaker Studio 2 Trial license associated with your account.

Once the download completes, run the installer to install GameMaker Studio 2.

Once installed, click on the new GMS2 icon on your desktop to run it. You will be required to key in your e-mail and password for your YoYo Games account that you have previously created while GMS2 starts up for the first time. After you are successfully logged in and the application starts, you will be greeted by the Start Page and the Welcome page—both of which are accessible via the Help menu. The Welcome page gives you access to videos that can get you started with the key concepts behind GMS2 as well as what is new in GMS2 compared to its predecessor.

The Start page is divided into three parts. The top section contains links to recent blog posts, tutorials, and news from YoYo Games as well as links to demos you may have downloaded. The bottom half of the start page has is divided into two parts: on the left you have a list of recently accessed projects, and on the right, you have actions that you can perform. The Getting Started section includes options to create a new project, open an existing project, or import an existing GM:S 1.4 project. Below the Getting Started section, the Explore section provides links to the Marketplace as well as official YoYo Games GMS2 tutorials and projects that demonstrate specific features of GMS2 via demos.
Figure 1-1

TheWelcome page and the Start page(first tab, hidden here)


Detailed help is available to you at the click of a button, and that magic button is F1.

GameMaker Studio 2: An Overview

GameMaker Studio is a very structured piece of software. The tool tries to be a one-stop shop for all your 2D game development needs, and it does a pretty good job at it. Before getting started, it would be good to have a better understanding of the bigger picture.

The Resources Panel

Most of GameMaker Studio’s workflow is centered around the resources you add into the program. The resource panel is a central part of almost everything you do in any GameMaker Project. It allows you to create, organize, and edit all the resources that your project will have. The most common resources you will be using are Rooms, Sprites, Objects, Sounds, Scripts, and Fonts. There are more resources that you will work with, but you can make a functional game even with just these resources.


Rooms are where your games happen; a room is a way of structuring different parts of your game. Rooms are equivalent to scenes in a film. You could have a room for your company logos, your main menu, level selection, levels, etc. A room is the only resource that is created for you by default when you start any new project. The first room at the top of the Rooms list is considered the entry point into your game. Everything pertaining to the room can be edited in the Room editor. The first room’s size is taken into consideration when creating the application window. You must have at least one room in your project. Rooms have layers of different kinds—each layer is, in a way, specific to the kind of asset it can hold or a specific function it provides. The different kinds of layers are background, instance, tile, path, and asset. You can have more than one of these layers.
  • Background Layer: This background layer essentially lets you pick a background color or a sprite; it also automatically tiles images and scrolls them to a set speed.

  • Instance Layer: This is where all instances of the objects you created will go. This is one of the most commonly used layers. Almost all items we add to the game will go here.

  • Tile Layer: This layer lets you create tile maps easily from a tile set. A tile set is a set of images, and a tile map is a large map created by placing these smaller tiles from the tile set.

  • Path Layer: This is special layer that can hold Paths that has been created in the Resource panel. A path, which can be straight or curved, is formed of a list of connected points and is essentially used as a way for objects to move along it.

  • Asset Layer: The asset layer lets you directly place or paint sprites into it.

Objects and Instances

Objects are our bread and butter. Objects are the building blocks of your game. They add the interactivity and logic that is at the core of every game. Objects have many properties—they can be visually represented through sprites, or they can exist without any other supporting resource, but they can receive and respond to events if they are placed inside a room. Objects need to be placed into rooms via the Room editor. When your game is executed, GameMaker creates the room and then goes on to create each layer and item on it. Each object in that room is an instance of that object.

Listening to Events

At its core, GameMaker Studio is event-driven; everything that happens in a game is a response to some sort of an event happening. They can be as generic as a Step event (an event that happens every frame of the game) or specific like a Mouse event on an instance of an object. GameMaker Studio expects you to build working systems and rules on top of these events and the information that GMS itself provides.

Starting Our First Project

When you click the Create New Project option on the Start Page or via the File menu, you are given an option to switch between Drag and Drop and GameMaker Language. The Drag and Drop option is a friendlier visual interface for coding in the GameMaker Language, or GML for short.

The GML is the scripting language for GameMaker Studio. It shares similarities with many languages like Lua, JavaScript, and C. Although the language offers different styles of writing code, we will try to stick to one style consistently across this book.

Starting off your adventures in GameMaker Studio using the Drag and Drop will help you to get acquainted with GameMaker and programming in GML. The GameMaker Language option lets you type in code directly without the Drag and Drop interface. You can, however, alternate between the two to an extent, as you will see in the future chapters. Let’s focus on how to get acquainted with coding from the get go. This chapter will ease you into the programming interface that we will be using extensively in the chapters to come. Click on GameMaker Language to continue.

You will be prompted with a save dialog box, which lets you save the new project that you have started. Once saved, GMS2 greets you with an empty workspace.
Figure 1-2

A new project with an empty workspace

At this point, you have a very rudimentary base game. Let’s run this game and see what happens!
Figure 1-3

The menu and toolbar-the Run button is the seventh from the left and looks like a Play button

To run this base project of yours, you can use the Run button (as seen in Figure 1-3) from the main toolbar, select the Run command from the Build menu in the menu bar, or hit the F5 key. Once you hit Run, you would see a set of new windows appear near the bottom of the screen with a flurry of activity. The window that has focus is called the Output window. This window is one of the primary ways in which GameMaker Studio talks to you—about what it is currently doing, what has transpired, or when it encounters errors. This Output window is also a handy space for your game to send messages to as well. Once GMS2 compiles the project, it executes it, and now you should see a window with a black background.
Figure 1-4

Running your project for the first time

Editing Our Rooms

On the left side you have your empty workspace, and on the right side you have your Resources panel, and docked within it your Recent windows panel as well. The Resource window contains all the elements pertaining to your project.

When you previously ran the game project via the Run command, you saw a black screen; this black and empty space was an empty room that was created for you by GameMaker Studio when it created the project for you.
Figure 1-5

The room editor

If you look at your resources panel on the right, you will see that there is a section called Rooms within it. Click this to see a list of rooms available to you. The list contains one room called room0 . Let us try to edit this room; we can do this by double-clicking the room in the resources list. The room editor opens with a new panel to your left and the room now in the center. The left panel contains three sections that we will be using a lot: the first section is dedicated to layers in the room; the second portion is a context-sensitive panel dedicated to the properties of each of the selected layer; and the third section is dedicated to the properties (metadata/features) of the room.

Looking at the Room Settings in the Properties panel for the room, you can see that our room has a width and a height of 1024 and 768 pixels, respectively. Let us change it to 640 and 480 pixels and run the game after to see what happens. As you would have noticed, as we changed the size of the room, the room that was open in the middle also changed in size. When we run the game, the new window that is created will now become smaller in size. Let’s change one more property—click on Backgrounds in the list of layers for this room in the Layers panel. The Background layer is a special layer that can act as a static or animated backdrop for the room. It can have a color or it can be a sprite (a sprite is the gamedev way of describing a static or animated image; we will look at sprites in detailed in upcoming chapters). For now, we will just change the color by clicking the dark bar labeled color. In the color picker that opens, select a color; I have set mine to white. Let’s run the game again to see how it has changed.
Figure 1-6

The room with a new background color and new size. To view up to this point in the project, please open the file (gms2_ch_01_01.yyz).

Now that we learned to edit the room and have a basic understanding of how the GMS2 interface works, lets jump in and explore the rest of GMS2 and how you can make your game come to life through the GML. To view our progress up to this point in the project, please open the file gms2_ch_01_01.yyz.

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