

accuracy, 33

active lawsuits, 131–132

activist hedge funds, 65–67

Agape World Inc., 57

age discrimination, 35

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 103

analysis of information, 101, 145–158

anonymous tip line, 9, 104

archives of websites, 62

Asia, 46

asset investigations, 121–129

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 103

attorneys, 107–110, 112


backdating options, 66

background checks

as deal-killers, 3

conducting, 3–4

corporate records, 19

court records, 7

criminal records, 7

frequency of, 63

frequency recommended, 8

importance of, 1–3, 6–7

mandates for, 4

recommended frequency, 26

what they find, 15–21

what to include, 7–9

BaFin, 110

bankruptcy petitions, 28

Bayou Hedge Fund Group, 169–170

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, 160

Better Business Bureau (BBB), 133, 175

blogs, 64

Bloomberg, 93, 145, 149, 177

bottom-line blockade, 2

bragging, 56

Brazil, 51–52

BRB Publications, 25, 175


California Sex Offender Registry, 39, 174

campaign contributions, 175

career history, investigating, 35

Cayman Islands, 127

CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), 152, 174

Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 151

CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission), 152

Channel Islands, 127

character, 7–9

Chartered Financial Analyst, 151

chat rooms, 64

Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), 152, 174

child abuse, 39

ChoicePoint, 155

co-ops, 109

Code of Ethics policy, 133

college degree verification, 20

Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 152

Companies House (United Kingdom), 47

competitive intelligence, 65–72

complaints from consumers, 175


imaging, 84

policies about, 71

spyware, 86

conducting background checks, 3–4

conducting interviews, 29–41, 64, 74–77

construction companies and organized crime, 115–118

consumer complaints, 175

consumer credit reports, 98, 155

corporate crime, 170–172

corporate discrimination, 35

corporate fraud, 103–106

corporate governance, 4

corporate records, 19, 72, 146

Corporate Resolutions, Inc., 2, 20

Cosa Nostra, 113

Cosmo, Nicholas J., 57–59

court records, 7, 25, 27–28, 64

CPA (Certified Public Accountant), 151

credentials, exaggerated, 15, 20–21

credit reports, 98, 155


corporate, 170–172

organized, 113–120

white-collar, 120

criminal background, 57

criminal behavior, 89–92, 94–101

criminal records, 7, 28, 59


degree verification, 20

Delaware, 19, 146

Delaware Secretary of State, 174

Department of Education, 88

Department of Justice, 48–49

diploma mills, 88, 176

discrimination, 35

disorderly conduct, 140

domain name registrations, 129, 176

DowJones, 93

Dreier, Marc, 15–16

due diligence, 1


E.F. Hutton, 114

EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), 35

embezzlement, 94–98, 103


finding former employees, 35–38, 74, 77, 126, 136

whistleblower hotlines, 103–106

employment history, investigating, 35

Enron, 105

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 135, 176

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 35

Equifax, 155

Ethics Hotline, 64

exaggerated credentials, 15, 20–21

Experian, 155

expunged records, 153


FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 99, 128, 175

Facebook, 34–35

Factiva, 93, 149, 177

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 98, 155

faultless fraud, 78–79, 81

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 135, 176

FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) of 1977, 48–49, 51, 53

FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), 155

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 135

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 99, 128, 175

Federal Bureau of Prisons, 39, 41, 174

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 135, 176

Federal Election Commission, 128, 175

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 132, 176

fidelity insurance, 77

Financial Crimes Task Force, 20

financial due diligence, 1

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 45, 134, 152, 173

Financial Services Authority (FSA), 47, 152, 173

Finding former employees, 35–38, 74, 77, 126, 136

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), 45, 134, 152, 173

flock funding, 2

FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), 68–70

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 135

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977, 48–49, 51, 53

Form ADVs, 134

fraud, 77–81, 103–106

fraudulent wire transfers, 92

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 68–70

FSA (Financial Services Authority), 47, 152, 173

FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 132, 176


Gang Land News, 118

General Services Administration (GSA), 135, 175

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, 110

global investigations, 43–53

Godfather, 113

Google, 145

GSA (General Services Administration), 135, 175

Guidestar, 72, 177

health problems, 32–33

hedge funds, 65–67

hidden assets, 127

hip pocket sources, 39

Hong Kong, 47–48


identifiers, 38, 147

imaging computers, 84

ImClone, 55

Insider Trading database, 66, 177


fidelity insurance, 77

fraud, 77

key man policy, 32

theft, 77

insurance fraud, 139

intellectual property, 129

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 176

Internal Security Association, 120

international investigations, 43–53

international sources, 47

Internet, 15, 69

InterPacific Capital, 167

interviewing people, 29–41, 64, 74–77

IRS (Internal Revenue Service), 176

Isle of Man, 127, 170

Israel, Sam III, 169–170

IT staff, 88

Italian Mafia, 114


key man policy, 32

Know Your Customer guidelines, 4, 119, 142

Latin America, 52

law firms, 107–110, 112

lawsuits, 131–132

legal due diligence, 1

LexisNexis, 15, 19–20, 72, 93, 124, 145–146, 149, 157, 177

liars, thinking like, 11–14

LinkedIn, 35

Luxembourg, 127


Madoff, Bernie, 1–3, 160–162

mafias, 113–120

Marino, Dan, 169–170

Mauritius, 127

media, 116

media databases, 149

media research, 93

media sources, 64

Megan’s Law, 39

Middle East, 46

military records, 62, 152

military service, investigating, 175

money laundering, 56, 90


companies, 64

executives, 64

moral compass, 137, 139–143

mortgage records, 25


National Archives and Records Administration, 175

National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), 134

National Futures Association (NFA), 152, 173

National Student Clearinghouse, 20, 61–62, 174

net worth, verifying, 63

New Jersey, 19, 146

New Jersey Secretary of State, 174

New York Sex Offender Registry, 174

NFA (National Futures Association), 152, 173

nondisclosure, 55, 60–63

nonprofit entities, 72


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 133, 175

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), 135, 175

organized crime, 113–120

PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records), 28, 58–59, 152, 174

Pang, Danny, 3, 166–168

past performance, as indicator of future behavior, 23

Patent and Trademark Office, 129, 136

patents, 176

PEMG (Private Equity Management Group), 166, 168

personal judgment, 137, 139–143

personality traits, 30

Petters Company, Inc., 105

Petters, Thomas, 105

pilot’s licenses, verifying, 175

political contributions, 128

political donations, 175

polygraphs, 96–97

Ponzi schemes, 57, 105

Ponzi, Charles, 12

post-acquisition problems, 73–74

post-investment research, 78

preventing fraud, 78

Private Equity Management Group (PEMG), 166, 168

property records, 25, 85, 108–109, 124, 127, 157

property transfers, 150

protecting assets, 123

Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER), 28, 58–59

pump and dump scams, 117


race discrimination, 35

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 116–117

The Real Deal magazine, 125

references, 34

regulatory agencies, 132–136

regulatory filings, 64

regulatory issues, 132–136


media outlets, 116

media sources, 93

post-investment, 78

strategies for, 145–158

résumé fraud, 15, 20–21

Reuters publications, 93

RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), 116–117

Rowley, Coleen (FBI), 105

Royal Dutch Shell Plc, 52

Russian mafia, 118–120


Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 4, 142

Searcey, Dionne (Wall Street Journal reporter), 52

SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), 45

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 45

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 45, 134, 152, 173

Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), 48, 174

sex offenders

California Sex Offender Registry, 174

New York Sex Offender Registry, 174

registries, 39–40

SFC (Securities and Futures Commission), 48, 174

Siemens AG, 48

slumlords, 85

The Sopranos, 114


hip pocket sources, 39

international sources, 47

media outlets, 149

spyware, 86

Stanford Group Company, 162–163, 166

Stanford, Robert Allen, 3, 162–166

Stewart, Martha, 55

Sun Microsystems, 52

swindlers, thinking like, 11–14


TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 171

tax assessors, 25

telephone calls, 69

theft, insurance for, 77

thinking like a liar, 11–14

Thomas publications, 93

threats, 83–88

three principles of wrongdoing, 86

tip-line, 104

tracking origins of threats, 84–88

trademarks, 176

TransUnion, 155

Trojan software, 86

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 171

two-person interviews, 76


U.S. Department of Education, 88, 176

U.S. Department of Justice, 48–49

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 129, 136, 176

U.S. Patriot Act, 4, 119

U.S. Tax Court, 176

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), 108–109

United Kingdom, 47–48

UTStarcom, Inc., 49

Vendex, 115

verifying net worth, 63


Wall Street, 101

The Wall Street Journal, 52, 153

Watkins, Sherron (Enron whistleblower), 105

Way Back Machine, 62, 176

website archives, 62

wedding announcements, 150

Westlaw, 27, 93, 124, 149, 157, 177

whistleblower hotlines, 9, 103–106

white-collar crime, 120

WHOIS database, 129, 176

wrongdoing, three principles of, 86

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