Editor Biography

John Sammons is an Assistant Professor and Director of the undergraduate program in Digital Forensics and Information Assurance at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. John teaches digital forensics, electronic discovery, information security and technology in the Department of Integrated Science and Technology. He is also adjunct faculty with the Marshall University graduate forensic science program where he teaches the advanced digital forensics course. John is the founder and past President of the Appalachian Institute of Digital Evidence (AIDE). AIDE is a nonprofit organization that provides research and training for digital evidence professionals including attorneys, judges, law enforcement and information security practitioners in the private sector. He is the author of best selling book, The Basics of Digital Forensics published by Syngress.

John, a former police officer, is also an Investigator with the Cabell County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and a member of the West Virginia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. He is an Associate Member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the High Technology Crime Investigation Association, the Southern Criminal Justice Association and Infragard.

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