There are too many people I need to thank, both directly and indirectly for making this book possible. First I would like to thank my family for always providing me with love and support despite my crazy dreams and ideas. To my dad who is looking down from above, we miss you.

My friend and older "hyung" John Hong, for recognizing the potential I had and pushing me into the deep waters. I still remember the night when you yelled at me to quit my day job and get into photography. Thank you for your sound advice and friendship throughout the years.

There are many photographer friends who have invested their time and resources unconditionally to me. I'd especially like to thank Mike Colón, David Jay, [b]ecker, Skip Cohen and Ray Santana for their support and friendship. Also Bob and Dawn Davis for allowing me to unofficially coin them as my photography mentors and for providing great advice and many opportunities. Thank you all for leading by example.

To the wonderful staff at Wiley Publishing, thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity. Barry Pruett, Courtney Allen and Sandy Smith – it has been a wonderful experience working on this project with you. And my sincerest gratitude to Alan Hess for his tremendous help in developing the content for this book.

To all my past and future clients – thank you for entrusting me to photograph the most important day of your life. It is an honor and privilege to walk into your life and to capture the essence of your special day.

To many of my wonderful friends in the industry (too many to name – you know who you are), thank you for the opportunities to network, learn and grow together. In the words of Skip Cohen, "You have all taught me that the best part of this industry has little to do with photography. It's about the friendships that come out of our mutual love for the craft."

And finally, I must give all thanks to God – the original author and perfector of my faith.

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