Chapter 5. Best Practices for Instrumentation

Quite often, the hardest step to take on any journey is the first. This holds true when it comes to instrumenting your applications for distributed tracing. Questions pile upon questions — “What should I do first?”, “How do I know I’m doing things right?”, and “When am I done?” are some common refrains. Unfortunately, every application is different! Never fear, however, as there’s some good general advice and strategies that we can use in order to create best practices for instrumenting applications.

When we think about best practices for instrumentation, it’s important to keep in mind that these do not exist in a vacuum. The data that’s generated by your instrumentation will be collected by a trace analysis system, one which is capable of analyzing the various pieces of information available to it and processing it in some way. As the instrumenter, it’s critical that you provide the best data possible to these collection and analysis systems!

In this chapter, we’ll first discuss an application that lacks instrumentation in order to ground our discussion. Then, I’ll talk about the first steps you should take when instrumenting an existing application - looking at the nodes and edges - and some common ways to accomplish that. Afterwards, we’ll go over best practices for creating spans and the sort of information you’ll want to add to them. Afterwards, I’ll discuss how you’d use tracing as part of the development of an application to validate that your architecture is working the way you expect it to work. Finally, I’ll give you some signals that you should be aware of to know when you’ve hit too much instrumentation.

Tracing By Example

It’s a truism that the best way to learn is by doing. To help make sense of how we should instrument a microservices application for distributed tracing, it stands to reason that we must first have a microservices application. In order to do so, we’ve built a sample application that we will use to illustrate some techniques and best practices. In this section, we’ll describe how you can run the service on your computer in order to follow along with the examples provided, and demonstrate some basic principles of instrumentation that can be applied more generally to instrument your own services.

Installing the Sample Application

We’ve developed a small microservice application in order to demonstrate the important concepts required to instrument an application. To run it, you’ll need an up-to-date version of the Go runtime ( and Node.JS ( installed on your computer. You’ll also need to download a copy of the source code for the application, which can be found at TODO: MOVE REPO — you can check it out using the Git version control software, or download and extract a zip archive of the files. Once you’ve got a local copy of the source files, running the software is fairly straightforward: in a terminal window, execute go run cmd/<binary>/main.go from the microcalc directory to run each service. To run the client application, you’ll need to first execute npm install in the web subdirectory, then npm start.

The application itself is a basic calculator with three components. The client is a web application for the browser, written in HTML and JS, that provides an interface to the backend service. The next major component is an API proxy that receives requests from the client and dispatches them to the appropriate worker service. The final component, the operator workers, are services that receive a list of operands and perform the appropriate mathematical operation on those operands and return the result.

Adding Basic Distributed Tracing

Before you start adding tracing, you should first look at the code itself and how it functions. We’ll look at these in order — first, the web client, then the API service, and finally the workers. Once you have an understanding of what each piece of code does, it becomes easier to understand both the how of instrumenting the service, but also the why.

An overview of the application design of MicroCalc.
Figure 5-1. The design of MicroCalc

The client service is very straightforward, a simple HTML and JavaScript front-end. The HTML presents a form, which we intercept in JavaScript and create a XMLHttpRequest that transmits data to the back-end services. The un-instrumented version of this code can be seen in [Link to Come]. As you can see, we’re not doing anything terribly complicated here — we create a hook on the form element and listen for the onClick event that is emitted when the Submit button is pressed.

const handleForm = () => {
    const endpoint = 'http://localhost:3000/calculate'
    let form = document.getElementById('calc')

    const onClick = (event) => {

        let fd = new FormData(form);
        let requestPayload = {
            method: fd.get('calcMethod'),
            operands: tokenizeOperands(fd.get('values'))

		calculate(endpoint, requestPayload).then((res) => {
    form.addEventListener('submit', onClick)

const calculate = (endpoint, payload) => {
  return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const req = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', endpoint, true);
    req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    req.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
    req.onload = function () {

Our first step when instrumenting this would be to trace the interaction between this service and our back-end services. OpenTelemetry helpfully provides an instrumentation plugin for tracing XMLHttpRequest, so we’ll want to use that for our basic instrumentation. After importing the OpenTelemetry packages, we then need to set up our tracer and plugins. Once we’ve accomplished that, we wrap our method calls to XMLHttpRequest with some tracing code, as shown here:

// after importing the dependencies, we need to first create a tracer and configure it.
const webTracerWithZone = new WebTracer({
  scopeManager: new ZoneScopeManager(),
  plugins: [
    new XMLHttpRequestPlugin({
      ignoreUrls: [/localhost:8090/sockjs-node/],
      propagateTraceHeaderCorsUrls: [

webTracerWithZone.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(new ConsoleSpanExporter()));

const handleForm = () => {
    const endpoint = 'http://localhost:3000/calculate'
    let form = document.getElementById('calc')

    const onClick = (event) => {
		// notice that we're starting a new span here. this encapsulates our entire logical request from client to server, it is the root span of the trace.
        const span = webTracerWithZone.startSpan('calc-request', { parent: webTracerWithZone.getCurrentSpan() });
        let fd = new FormData(form);
        let requestPayload = {
            method: fd.get('calcMethod'),
            operands: tokenizeOperands(fd.get('values'))
		// here we wrap our call to calculate, which will automatically create a child span. no additional code is required in calculate.
        webTracerWithZone.withSpan(span, () => {
          calculate(endpoint, requestPayload).then((res) => {
    form.addEventListener('submit', onClick)

Run the page in web with npm start and click Submit with your browser console open — you should see spans being written to the console output. We’ve now added basic tracing to our client service!

We’ll now look at the back-end services - the API and workers. Our API provider service uses the Go net/http library to provide an HTTP framework that we’re using as an RPC framework for passing messages between the client, the API service, and the workers. As seen in Figure 5-1, the API receives messages in JSON format from the client, looks up the appropriate worker in its configuration, dispatches the operands to the appropriate worker service, and finally returns the result to the client.

Our API service has two main methods that we care about — Run and calcHandler. The Run method initializes the HTTP router and sets up the HTTP server. calcHandler performs the logic of handling incoming requests by parsing the JSON body from the client, matching it to a worker, then creating a well-formed request to the worker service.

func Run() {
	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux.Handle("/", http.HandlerFunc(rootHandler))
	mux.Handle("/calculate", http.HandlerFunc(calcHandler))
	services = GetServices()

	log.Println("Initializing server...")
	err := http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not initialize server: %s", err)
func calcHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	calcRequest, err := ParseCalcRequest(req.Body)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

	var url string

	for _, n := range services.Services {
		if strings.ToLower(calcRequest.Method) == strings.ToLower(n.Name) {
			j, _ := json.Marshal(calcRequest.Operands)
			url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/%s?o=%s", n.Host, n.Port, strings.ToLower(n.Name), strings.Trim(string(j), "[]"))

	if url == "" {
		http.Error(w, "could not find requested calculation method", http.StatusBadRequest)

	client := http.DefaultClient
	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
	res, err := client.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

	resp, err := strconv.Atoi(string(body))
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d", resp)

When approaching how to instrument this code, where should you start? Generally, your first stop should be finding instrumentation for your RPC framework. In this case, as we’re using HTTP for communicating between services, we’ll want to instrument this code. Now, you could write this yourself, but it’s generally a better idea to look for open source instrumentation for these common components. In this case, we can utilize the OpenTelemetry project’s existing othttp package in order to wrap our HTTP routes with tracing instrumentation.

// handle errors, etc. appropriately. some code deleted for clarity.

// first, we need to register an exporter to actually view the telemetry output; this could also be an external analysis backend, but we'll use stdout for now.
std, err := stdout.NewExporter(stdout.Options{PrettyPrint: true})

// then, register the exporter with the trace provider and set it to sample 100% of spans.
traceProvider, err := sdktrace.NewProvider(sdktrace.WithConfig(sdktrace.Config{DefaultSampler: sdktrace.AlwaysSample()}), sdktrace.WithSyncer(std))

// register our tracer as the global tracer.

// notice the difference in the calls to mux.Handle -- we're wrapping the call to HandlerFunc with the OpenTelemetry HTTP instrumentation.
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/", othttp.NewHandler(http.HandlerFunc(rootHandler), "root", othttp.WithPublicEndpoint()))
mux.Handle("/calculate", othttp.NewHandler(http.HandlerFunc(calcHandler), "calculate", othttp.WithPublicEndpoint()))

What does this do for us? First, the instrumentation plugin will handle quite a bit of convenience tasks for us, like propagating spans from incoming requests and adding some useful attributes??? for us such as the HTTP method type, response code, and more. Simply by adding this, we’re able to begin tracing requests to our backend system.

	"SpanContext": {
		"TraceID": "060a61155cc12b0a83b625aa1808203a",
		"SpanID": "a6ff374ec6ed5c64",
		"TraceFlags": 1
	"ParentSpanID": "0000000000000000",
	"SpanKind": 2,
	"Name": "",
	"StartTime": "2020-01-02T17:34:01.52675-05:00",
	"EndTime": "2020-01-02T17:34:01.526805742-05:00",
	"Attributes": [
			"Key": "",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "localhost:3000"
			"Key": "http.method",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "GET"
			"Key": "http.path",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "/"
			"Key": "http.url",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "/"
			"Key": "http.user_agent",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "HTTPie/1.0.2"
			"Key": "http.wrote_bytes",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "INT64",
				"Value": 27
			"Key": "http.status_code",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "INT64",
				"Value": 200
	"MessageEvents": null,
	"Links": null,
	"Status": 0,
	"HasRemoteParent": false,
	"DroppedAttributeCount": 0,
	"DroppedMessageEventCount": 0,
	"DroppedLinkCount": 0,
	"ChildSpanCount": 0

In calcHandler, we’ll want to do something similar to instrument our outgoing RPC to the worker service. Again, OpenTelemetry contains an instrumentation plugin for Go’s HTTP client that we can utilize.

client := http.DefaultClient
// get the context from the request in order to pass it to the instrumentation plugin
ctx := req.Context()
request, _ := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", url, nil)
// create a new outgoing trace
ctx, request = httptrace.W3C(ctx, request)
// inject the context into the outgoing request
httptrace.Inject(ctx, request)
// send the request
res, err := client.Do(request)

This will add W3C tracing headers to the outgoing request which can be picked up by the worker, propagating the trace context across the wire. This enables us to visualize the relationship between our services very easily, since spans created in the worker service will have the same trace identifier as the parent(s).

Adding tracing to the worker services is equally straightforward, as we’re simply wrapping the router method with the OpenTelemetry trace handler, as shown in the following:

// you also need to add an exporter and register it with the trace provider, as in the API server, but the code is the same.
mux.Handle("/", othttp.NewHandler(http.HandlerFunc(addHandler), "add", othttp.WithPublicEndpoint()))

The instrumentation plugins handle a great deal of the boilerplate that we need to be concerned with in this and other languages — things like extracting the span context from the incoming request, creating a new child span (or a new root span, if appropriate), and adding that span to the request context. In the next section, we’ll look at how we can extend this basic instrumentation with custom events and attributes from our business logic in order to enhance the utility of our spans and traces.

Custom Instrumentation

At this point, we’ve got the critical parts of tracing set up in our services; each RPC is traced, allowing us to see a single request as it travels from our client service to all of our back-end services. In addition, we have a span available in our business logic, carried along the request context, that we can enhance with custom attributes or events. What, then, shall we do? In general, this is really up to you, the instrumenter. We’ll discuss this in more detail later in this chapter, but there’s a few things that are generally helpful to add custom instrumentation for in your business logic — capturing and logging error states, for example, or creating child spans that further describe the functioning of a service. In our API service, we’ve implemented an example of this by passing the local context into a different method (ParseCalcRequest), where we create a new span and enhance it with custom events as shown here:

var calcRequest CalcRequest
err = tr.WithSpan(ctx, "generateRequest", func(ctx context.Context) error {
	calcRequest, err = ParseCalcRequest(ctx, b)
	return err
func ParseCalcRequest(ctx context.Context, body []byte) (CalcRequest, error) {
	var parsedRequest CalcRequest

	trace.CurrentSpan(ctx).AddEvent(ctx, "attempting to parse body")
	trace.CurrentSpan(ctx).AddEvent(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s", body))
	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &parsedRequest)
	if err != nil {
		trace.CurrentSpan(ctx).AddEvent(ctx, err.Error())
		return parsedRequest, err
	return parsedRequest, nil

In the preceding block, you can see what we’re doing with the passed context — we get the current span from the context and add events to it. In this case, we’ve added some informational events around what the function actually does (parsing the body of our incoming request into an object), and changing the span’s status if the operation failed.

Now that we’ve got a basic handle on how to add instrumentation to an application, let’s step back a bit. Obviously, real applications will tend to be more complex, and more intricate, than a purpose-built sample. The good news, however, is that the basic principles we learned and implemented here are generally applicable to instrumenting software of any size or complexity. Let’s take a look at instrumenting software more generally, and how to apply these basic principles towards microservice applications more generally.

Where To Start — Nodes and Edges

We tend to start at the outside when we’re solving problems. Organizational, financial, computational, or even culinary, the easiest place to start is at the place that’s closest to you. The same approach applies to instrumentation of services for distributed tracing.

Practically, starting from the outside is effective for three major reasons. The first of these is that the edges of your service are the easiest to see - and, thus, manipulate. Generally, it’s fairly straightforward to add things that surround a service even if it’s hard to modify the service itself. Second, starting from the outside tends to be organizationally efficient. It can be difficult to convince disparate teams to adopt distributed tracing, especially if the value of that tracing can be hard to see in isolation. Finally, distributed tracing requires context propagation — we need each service to know about the caller’s trace, and each service we call out to needs to know that it’s included in a trace as well. For these reasons, it’s highly useful to begin instrumenting any sort of existing application starting from the outside and moving in.

Framework Instrumentation

In any distributed application, your services will need to communicate with each other. There’s a variety of protocols and transport methods this RPC traffic can take — structured data over HTTP, protocol buffers over gRPC, Apache Thrift, custom protocols over TCP sockets, and more. It’s a truism, however, that there must be some equivalency on both sides of this connection. Your services need to be speaking the same language when they talk to each other! We can leverage this fact in order to ease the journey of instrumentation.

There are two critical components when it comes to instrumentation at the framework level. First, our frameworks must allow us to perform context propagation, the transmission of trace identifiers across the network. Second, our frameworks should aid us in creating spans for each service.

Context propagation is perhaps the easier challenge to solve here. Let’s take another look at MicroCalc to discuss it. As shown in Figure 5-2, we’re only using one transport method (HTTP), but two different ways of passing messages — JSON, and query parameters. You can imagine that some of these links could be done differently; for instance, we could refactor the communication between our API service and the worker services to use gRPC or another strongly typed RPC framework.

An overview of the protocol design of MicroCalc.
Figure 5-2. The protocols used for inter-service communication in MicroCalc.

Once you identify the transport protocols your services use to communicate with each other, you should consider the critical path for your service calls. In short, identify the path of calls as a request moves through your services. In this stage of analysis, you’ll want to focus on components that act as a hub for requests. Why? Generally, these components are going to logically encapsulate operations on the back-end and provide an API for multiple clients (such as browser-based web clients or native applications on a mobile device). Therefore, instrumenting these components first allows for a shorter timeline to derive value from tracing. In the above example, our API proxy component meets these criteria — our client communicates directly through it for all downstream actions.

After identifying the service you’ll instrument, you should consider the transport method used for requests coming into, and exiting, the service. Our API Proxy service exclusively communicates via structured data using HTTP, but this is simply an example for the sake of brevity — in the real world, you’ll often find services that can accept multiple transports and also send outgoing requests through multiple transports. You’ll want to be acutely aware of these complications when instrumenting your own applications.

That said, we’ll look at the actual mechanics of instrumenting our service. In framework instrumentation, you’ll want to instrument the transport framework itself of your service. This can often be implemented as some sort of middleware in your request path, code that is run for each incoming request. This is a common pattern for adding logging to your requests, for example. What are the middlewares that you would want to implement for this service? Logically, you’ll need to accomplish the following:

  • Check if an incoming request includes a trace context, which would indicate that the request is being traced. If so, add this context to the request.

  • Check if a context exists in the request. If the context exists, create a new span as a child of the flowed context. Otherwise, create a new root span. Add this span to the request.

  • Check if a span exists in the request. If a span exists, add other pertinent information available in the request context to it such as the route, user identifiers, etc. Otherwise, do nothing and continue.

These three logical actions can be combined into a single piece of middleware through the use of instrumentation libraries such as the ones we have discussed in Chapter 4. We can implement a straightforward version of this middleware in Golang using the OpenTracing library, as shown in the following code or by using instrumentation plugins bundled with frameworkes like OpenTelemetry, as seen earlier in this chapter.

func TracingMiddleware(t opentracing.Tracer, h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		spanContext, _ := t.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(r.Header))
		span := t.StartSpan(r.Method, opentracing.ChildOf(spanContext))
		span.SetTag("route", r.URL.EscapedPath())
		r = r.WithContext(opentracing.ContextWithSpan(r.Context(), span.Context()))
		defer span.Finish()
		h(w, r)
		span.SetTag("status", w.ResponseCode)

This snippet accomplishes the goals laid out above — we first attempt to extract a span context from the request headers. In the sample above, we make some assumptions, namely that our span context will be propagated using HTTP Headers and not any sort of binary format. OpenTracing, generally, defines these headers to be of the following format — 

ot-span-id // a 64 or 128 bit unsigned integer
ot-trace-id // a 64 or 128 bit unsigned integer
ot-sampled // a boolean value indicating if the upstream service has sampled out the trace

As we learned in the chapter on instrumentation, the span context is critical to propagating a trace throughout our services, which is why we first extract them from the incoming request. After extracting any incoming headers, our middleware then creates a new span, named after the HTTP operation being performed (GET, POST, PUT, etc.), adds a tag indicating the route being requested, then adds the new span to the Go context object. Finally, the middleware continues the request chain. As the request resolves, it adds the response code from the request to the span, which is closed implicitly through our call to defer.

Let’s imagine that we stopped here. If you were to add this middleware to the API proxy service, along with a tracer and trace analyzer, what would you see? Well, every single incoming HTTP request would be traced, for one. This would give you the ability to monitor your API endpoints for latency on every incoming request, a valuable first step when monitoring your application. The other win here is that you have now propagated your trace into the context, allowing for further function or RPC calls to add information or create new spans based off of it. Meanwhile, you will still be able to access latency information, per API route, and use that to inform you of performance issues and potential hotspots in your code base.

There are tradeoffs with instrumenting the framework, however. First, framework instrumentation heavily relies on the ability to make code changes to your services themselves. If you can’t modify the service code, you can’t really instrument the transport framework. You may find framework instrumentation difficult if your API proxy acts simply as a translation layer — for example, a thin wrapper that translates JSON over HTTP to a proprietary or internal transport — in this case, the general principle would apply but you may lack the ability to enrich a span with as much data as you would want. Finally, framework instrumentation may be difficult if you do not have components that centralize requests. An example of this would be a client that calls multiple services directly, rather than through some proxy layer. In this case, you could use the client as the centralization point, and add your initial instrumentation there.

Service Mesh Instrumentation

When discussing the tradeoffs of framework instrumentation, the first consideration we mentioned was What if you can’t change the code? This isn’t an unreasonable or outlandish hypothetical. There are a variety of reasons that the person instrumenting software isn’t able to modify the service they’re attempting to instrument. Most commonly this is a challenge for larger organizations to address, where the people monitoring the application are very divorced from the people making the application along axes such as geography, time zone, and so forth.

How, then, to instrument code that you can’t touch? In short, you instrument the part of the code that you can touch and go from there. We’ll cover this topic in more detail in chapter TODO, but I’ll briefly cover the concept now.

You should first understand what a service mesh is — if you know, feel free to skip ahead a paragraph or so. A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer designed to support interprocess communication among services. It performs this, generally, through sidecar proxies, processes that live alongside each service instance and handle all of the interprocess communicate for their associated service. In addition to service communications, the service mesh and its sidecars can handle monitoring, security, service discovery, load balancing, encryption, and more. In essence, the service mesh allows for a separation of developer concerns from operations concerns, allowing teams to specialize and focus on writing performant, secure, and reliable software.

Now that we’re on the same page, let’s talk about what service mesh instrumentation looks like. As I indicated above, one of the critical features of the sidecar proxy is that all interprocess communication flows through the proxy. This allows us to add tracing to the proxy itself! As it happens, this functionality works out of the box in many modern service mesh projects such as Istio, but at a more hypothetical level (perhaps your particular application has a home-brewed service mesh style infrastructure layer?) the mechanics look remarkably similar to how framework instrumentation works. On incoming requests, pull the span context from the headers, create a new span using this context, and add tags that describe the operation — finishing the span when the request resolves.

The biggest advantage to this style of instrumentation is that you can generally get a complete picture of your application. Recall our discussion of framework instrumentation — we started at a centralization point, and then continued outward from there. By instrumenting at the service mesh, all of the services which are managed by the service mesh will be part of the trace, giving you much greater insight to your entire application. In addition, service mesh instrumentation is agnostic to the transport layer of each service. As long as the traffic is being passed through the sidecar, it will be traced.

That said, there are tradeoffs and drawbacks to service mesh instrumentation. Primarily, service mesh instrumentation acts as a black box form of instrumentation. You have no idea what’s happening inside the code, and you can’t enrich your spans with data outside of the data that’s already there. Realistically, this means you can achieve some useful implicit findings — tagging spans with HTTP response codes, for example, and presuming that any code in the 5xx range will be an error — but requires specialized parsing or handling to get explicit information into a span. The other flaw with service mesh instrumentation is that it’s difficult for services to enrich the spans coming from the service mesh. Your sidecar will pass tracing headers into your process, yes — but you will still need to extract those headers, create a span context, and so forth. If each service is creating its own child spans, you can very quickly get into a state where your traces have become extremely large and begin to have a real cost for storage or processing.

Ultimately, service mesh instrumentation and framework instrumentation are not an either-or decision. They work best together! Not all of your services, realistically, will need to be instrumented out of the box, or potentially ever! Let’s talk about why.

Creating Your Service Graph

Regardless of which methodolgy you use to begin instrumenting your application, you should consider the first milestone you’d like to achieve. What’s the particular thing you want to measure? We would argue that tracing is primarily a way to measure the performance and health of individual services in the context of a larger application. To understand that context, however, you need to have some idea of the connections between your services and how requests flow through the system. Thus, a good first milestone to seek to achieve would be to build a service graph for your complete application or some significant subset of it, as seen in Figure 5-3.

Above, MicroCalc's service graph. Below, a more complex microservice application's service graph.
Figure 5-3. A comparison of MicroCalc vs. a more complex microservice graph.

This comparison should demonstrate the necessity of understanding your service graph. Even when services are simple, with few dependencies, understanding your service graph can be a critical component of improving your MTTR (Mean Time to Resolution) for incidents. A key benefit of distributed tracing is that it allows you to implicitly map your services and the relationships between them, allowing you to identify errors in other services that contribute to the latency of a particular request. When applications become more complicated and interconnected, understanding these relationships stops being optional and starts becoming fundamental.

In our sample application, we can see that the dependencies between services are fairly straightforward and easy to understand. Even in this simple application, being able to build the entire graph is highly valuable. Let’s imagine that we used a combination of techniques in order to instrument each of our services (API proxy, authentication service, worker services, etc.) and have a trace analyzer that can read and process the spans generated from our application. Using this, we’re able to suddenly answer questions that would be difficult if we didn’t have access to these service relationships. These questions can range from the mundane — What services contribute most to the latency of this specific operation? — to the specific — For this specific customer ID, for this specific transaction, what service is failing? However, if we limit ourselves to merely tracing the edges of our services, we’re in a bit of a pickle. We can identify failures in a very coarse manner, such as if a request failed or succeeded.

So, how do you fix this? Well, there’s several options. Certainly one is to begin adding instrumentation to the service code itself. As we’ll discuss in the next section, there’s an art and a science to creating spans that are useful for profiling and debugging traced code. The other is to leverage the edges you’ve traced, and mine them for more data. We’ll present three more advanced mechanisms that use the concepts of framework and mesh instrumentation to fill in the gaps of your service mesh.

The first method is to increase the level of detail in our framework-provided spans. In our example HTTP middleware, we recorded only a small amount of detail about the request such as the HTTP method, route, and status code. In reality, each request would potentially have a great deal more data recorded. Are your incoming requests tied to a user? Consider attaching the user identifier to each request as a tag. Service-to-service requests should be identified with some semantic identifiers provided by your tracing library such as OpenTracing’s RPC classifiers or kind tags that allow you to identify the type of a service (cache, database, and so forth). For database calls, instrumenting the database client allows you to capture a wide variety of information such as the actual DB instance being used, the database query, and so forth. All of these enrichments help build your service graph into a semantic representation of your application and the connections between it.

The second method is to leverage existing instrumentation and integrations for your services. A variety of plugins exist for OpenTracing and OpenCensus that allow for common, off the shelf open source libraries to emit spans as a part of your existing trace. If you’re facing a daunting instrumentation journey, with a large amount of existing code, you can use these plugins to instrument existing frameworks and clients alongside higher level instrumentation at the service mesh/framework layer.

The third method is through manual instrumentation. We covered manual instrumentation in detail in chapter TODO, and the same principles apply in this case. You’ll want to ensure that a root span is propagated into each service that you can create child spans from. Depending on the level of detail required for a service, you may not need multiple child spans for a single service, consider the following pseudo-code as an example — 

Example 5-1.

func uploadHandler(request) { image = imageHelper.ParseFile(request.Body()) resizedImage = imageHelper.Resize(image) uploadResponse = uploadToBucket(resizedImage) return uploadResponse }

In this case, what do we care about tracing? This is an answer that is going to vary based on your requirements. There’s an argument for having most of the methods being called here to have their own child spans, but in general we would suggest that the real delination here would be to restrict child calls to methods that are outside the scope of responsibility for a given team. You can imagine a situation where as our service grows we may factor the functions that parse and resize images out of this into another service. As written, you’ll probably want to simply encase this whole method in a single span and add tags and logs based off the responses to your method calls, something like this — 

Example 5-2.

func uploadHandler(context, request) { span = getTracer().startSpanFromContext(context) image = imageHelper.ParseFile(request.Body()) if image == error { span.setTag(“error”, true) span.log(image.error) } // etc }

Any, or all, of these methods can be intermingled in order to build a more effective and representative service graph that accurately describes not only the service dependencies of your application but semantically represents the nature of these dependencies. You may notice that we made a lot of references to adding or enriching spans, but didn’t discuss much of how to create these spans, or how to determine exactly what the most important and valuable information you should add to a span is. Let’s look at exactly that now.

What’s In A Span?

Spans are the building blocks of distributed tracing, but what does that actually mean? A span represents two things - the span of time that your service was working, first off. Beyond this, a span is the mechanism by which data is carried from your service to some analysis system that is capable of processing and interpreting that data. Creating effective spans that unlock insights into the behavior of your service is one part art, one part science. It involves understanding best practices around assigning names to your spans, ensuring that you’re tagging spans with semantically useful information, and logging structured data.

Effective Naming

What’s in a name? When it comes to a span, this is a very good question! The name of a span — also known as the operation name — is a required value in open source tracing libraries, in fact, it is one of the only required values. Why is this the case? As we’ve alluded to, spans are an abstraction over the work of a service. This is a significant difference from the way you might think of a request chain, or a call stack. You should not have a one-to-one mapping between function name and span name, although see the Trace-Driven Development subsection for ideas on when you might.

That said, what’s in a span name? There’s a few things to keep in mind. The first tip is names should be aggregateable. In short, you want to avoid span names that are unique to each execution of a service. One anti-pattern we see, especially in HTTP services, is implementors making the span name the same as the fully matched route (i.e., GET /api/v2/users/1532492). This pattern makes it difficult to aggregate operations across thousands or millions of executions, severely reducing the utility of your data. Instead, make the route more generic and move parameters to tags, such as GET /api/v2/users/:id with an associated tag of userId: 1532492. Our second piece of advice is that names should describe actions, not resources. To use an example, let’s think back to RateMyCat. There’s a data store, could be blob storage, could be SQL, could be anything. In lieu of naming a span based on the resource it’s accessing, mutating, or otherwise consuming you’ll be far better served by describing the action and tagging the span with the resource type. This allows for queries against your spans across multiple types, allowing for interesting analytical insights. An example would be the difference between the names WriteUserToSQL and WriteUser. You can imagine a situation where these independent components are switched out for testing (suppose we wanted to trial a NoSQL or cloud data store for our users?), having this less proscriptive name would allow for comparisons between each backing store. Following these two pieces of advice will ensure that your spans are more useful later down the line as you analyze them.

Effective Tagging

You’re not required to tag your spans, but you should. Tags are the main way you can enrich a span with more information about what’s happening for a given operation, and unlock a lot of power for analytics. While names will help you aggregate at a high level (i.e., allowing you to ask questions like “What’s my error rate for looking up users across all services?”), tags will allow you to slice and dice that information to better understand the why of your query. Data with a high cardinality should be exposed in your span as a tag, rather than something else — placing high cardinality data in a name reduces your ability to aggregate operations, and placing it inside of log statements often reduces its indexability.

So, what makes an effective tag? Tags should be externally important, which is to say, they should have meaning to other consumers of your trace data. While there are ways to use tags and traces in development, the tags you emit into a production tracing system should be generally useful to anyone trying to understand what your service is doing. Tags should be internally consistent as well, by using the same keys across multiple services. In our mock application, we could theoretically have each service report the same piece of information (a user ID, let’s say) using different tag keys - userId, UserId, User_ID, USERID, and so forth - but this would be difficult to create queries about in external systems. Consider building helper libraries that standardize these keys, or settle upon a format that comports with your organization’s coding standards. In addition to the consistency of tag keys, ensure that tag data is kept consistent as possible within a tag key. If some services report the userId key as a string value, and others as an integer value, problems could arise in your analysis system. Furthermore, ensure that if you’re tracking some numerical value, that you add the unit of the tag to the key. For example, if you’re measuring the bytes returned on a request, message_size_kb is more useful than message_size. Tags should be succient rather than verbose — don’t put stack traces in tags, for example. Remember, tags are critical to querying your trace data and building insights, so don’t neglect them!

Effective Logging

Naming and tagging of spans both assist in your ability to derive insights from your traces. They help you build a relational graph of sorts, showing you what happened (through names) and why it happened (through tags). Logs could be thought of as the how it happened piece of this puzzle, offering developers the ability to attach structured or unstructured text strings to a given span.

Effective logging with spans has two central components. First, ask yourself what you really should be logging! Named and tagged spans can significantly reduce the amount of logging statements required by your code. When in doubt, make a new span rather than a new logging statement. For example, imagine the following pseudocode -

Example 5-3.

func getAPI(context, request) { value = request.Body() outgoingRequest = new HttpRequest() outgoingRequest.Body = new ValueQuery(value) response = await HttpClient().Get(outgoingRequest) if response != Http.OK { request.error = true return } resValue = response.Body() // go off and do more work }

Without tracing, you would want to log quite a bit here - potentaily the incoming parameters, especially the value we care about here. The outgoing request body would possibly be interesting to log. The response code would definately be something you’d look to log, especially if it’s an exceptional or error case. With a span, however, there’s significantly less that’s valuable as a log statement - the incoming parameter value, if it’s generally useful, could be a tag such as value:foo, the response code would certainly be one, and so forth. That said, you might still be interested in logging the exact error case that’s happening there. In this situation, you should consider making a new span for that external request instead. The rationale here is twofold - one, this is an edge of your application code, and as discussed earlier it’s a good practice to trace the edges. The second reason is that a log statement would be less interesting in terms of data than another span. HTTP GET may seem like a simple operation, and it often is when we think about using it. Consider what’s happening behind the scenes, though - DNS lookups, routing through who knows how many hops, time spent waiting on socket reads, and so forth. This information, if made available in a span through tags, can provide more fine-grained insight into performance issues and is thus better served by being a new span rather than a discreate log operation. The second aspect to effective logging in your spans is when possible, write structured logs and be sure your analysis system is capable of understanding them. This is more about ensuring the usability of your spans later down the line than anything else — an analysis system can turn structured logging data into something more readable in a GUI, and provides options for performing complex queries (i.e., “show me all logs from service x where an event was logged with a particular type of exception” or “are any of my services emitting logs at an INFO level”).

Understanding Performance Considerations

The undesireable side-effect of creating these rich, detailed spans is that they all have to go somewhere, and that takes time. Let’s consider a text representation of a typical span for an HTTP request:

Example 5-4.

{ context: { traceId: 9322f7b2-2435-4f36-acec-f9750e5bd9b7, spanId: b84da0c2-5b5f-4ecf-90d5-0772c0b5cc18 } name: “/api/v1/getCat”, startTime: 1559595918, finishTime: 1559595920, endTime: tags: [ { key: “userId”, value: 9876546 }, { key: “srcImagePath”, value: “s3://ratemycat-objects/19/06/01/catten-arr-djinn.jpg” }, { key: “voteTotalPositive”, value: 9872658 }, { key: “voteTotalNegative”, value: 72 }, { key: “http.status_code”, value: 200 }, { key: “env”, value: “prod” }, { key: “cache.hit”, value: true }


This is less than 1kb of data — about 600 bytes. Encoding it in base64 brings that up to around 800 bytes. We’re still under 1kb, so that’s good - but this is just one span. What would it look like for an error case? A stack trace would probably balloon us up from sub 1KiB to around 3-4KiB. Encoding a single span is, again, fractional seconds - (time openssl base64 reports cpu 0.006 total) - which isn’t that much when you get down to it.

Now multiply that by a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand… eventually, it adds up. You’re never going to get any of this for free, but never fear, it’s not as bad as it might seem. The first thing to keep in mind is that you don’t know until you know - there’s no single rule we can give you to magically make everything perform better. The amount of overhead you’re willing to budget for and accept in your application’s performance is going to vary depending on a vast amount of factors that include: * language and runtime * deployment profile * resource utilization * horizontal scalability With that in mind, you should consider these factors carefully as you begin to instrument your application. Keep in mind that the stable use-case and the worst-case performance profile will often look extremely different. More than one developer has found themselves in a hairy situation where some external resource was suddenly unexpectedly available for a long period of time, leading to extremely ungraceful and resource-intensive service crash loops or hangs. A strategy you can use to combat this is to build in safety valves to your tracing framework - try to detect if your application has entered some unsalveagable state, and stop creating spans. Additionally, consider building in some sort of method to remotely disable the tracer in your application code. This can be useful in a variety of scenarios beyond the aforementioned unexpected external resource loss, it can also be helpful when wanting to profile your service performance with tracing on vs. with tracing off.

Ultimately, the biggest resource cost in tracing isn’t really the service-level cost of creating and sending spans. A single span is, most likely, a fraction of the data that’s being handled in any given RPC in terms of size. You should experiment with the spans you’re creating, the amount of data you’re adding to them, and the rate at which you’re creating them in order to find the right balance between performance and information that’s required to provide value from tracing.

Trace-Driven Development

When tracing is discussed as part of an application or service, there’s a tendency to “put it off”, so to speak. In fact, there’s almost a heirarchy of monitoring that is applied, in order, to services as they’re developed. You’ll start off with nothing, but quickly start to add log statement to your code, so you can see what’s going on in a particular method or what parameters are being passed around. Quite often, this is the majority of the monitoring that’s applied to a new service up until it’s about ready to be released, at which point you’ll go back in and identify some metrics that you care about (error rate, for example) and stub those in, right before the whole ball of wax gets shoved into your production deployments. Why is it done this way? Well, there’s several reasons, some of them good. It can be very difficult to write monitoring code when the code you’re monitoring shifts and churns under your feet — think of how quickly lines of code can be added, removed, or refactored while a project is in development — so it’s something that developers tend not to do, unless there’s a very strong observability practice on their team. There’s another reason, though, and it’s perhaps the more interesting one. It’s hard to write monitoring code in development because you don’t really know what to monitor. The things you do know to care about, such as an error rate, aren’t really that interesting to monitor and often can be observed through another source, such as through a proxy or API gateway. Machine-level metrics, such as memory consumption of your process, aren’t something most developers have to worry about and if they do, then those metrics are going to be monitored by a different component rather than by their application itself. Neither metrics nor logs do a good job of capturing the things you do know about at the beginning of your service’s development, such as what services it should be communicating with, or how it should call functions internally. Tracing offers an option here, allowing for the development of traces as you develop your application that both offer necessary context while developing and testing your code as well as providing a ready-made toolset for observability within your application code. In this section, we’ll cover the two high-level parts of this concept - developing using traces, and testing using traces.

Developing With Traces

No matter what language, platform, or style of service you’ll write in your life, they’ll all probably start at the same place — a whiteboard. It’s this surface that you’ll use to create the model of your service’s functions, and draw lines that represent the connections between it and other services. It makes a lot of sense, especially in the early prototyping phases of development, to start out in such a malleable place.

The problem comes when it’s time to take your model and translate it into code. How do you ensure that what you’ve written on the board matches up with your code? Traditionally the usage of test functions is reccomended, but this is perhaps too small of a target to really tell you anything useful. A unit test, by design, should validate the behavior of very small units of functionality — a single method call, for example. You can, of course, write bigger unit tests that begin to validate other suppositions about your functions, such as ensuring that method A calls method B calls method C… but eventually, you’re just writing a test that exercizes every code path for spurious reasons. When you start trying to test the relationship your service has to antecedent and dependent services, it gets even more convoluted. Generally, these would be considered integration tests. The problem with integration tests to verify your model is twofold, however. The first problem is that if you begin to mock services out, then you’re not testing against the actual service, just a mock replacement that follows some preordained command. The second, and perhaps larger problem, is that integration tests are necessarily going to be limited to your test environment and have poor support for communicating across process boundaries (at least, without going through a bunch of hoops to set up an integration test framework, or to write your own).

If unit tests and integration tests won’t work, then what will? Well, let’s go back to the original point — it’s important to have a way to validate your mental model of your application. That means you should be able to write your code in such a way that allows you to ensure both internal methods and external services are being called in the correct order, with the correct parameters, and that errors are handled sanely. One common mistake we’ve observed in code over the years, especially code with significant external service dependencies, is what happens on persistent service failure? You can see examples of this happening in the real world all the time. Consider the outages that ocurred as a result of Amazon Web Services S3 buckets becoming persistently unavailable for hours upon end several years ago. We may write a service to address what happens in intermittent failure cases, and we may even write tests for this, but it can be difficult to understand the impact of a persistent failure without something like tracing being integrated into the service code, allowing for end-to-end visibility over the entire request chain.

Tracing as a part of your development process works similarly to tracing anywhere else in your code base, with a few notable conveniences. First, recall back to our earlier discussion of how to start tracing a service - “nodes and edges”. The same principle applies when writing a new service as much as it does instrumenting an existing one. You should apply middleware to each incoming request that checks for span data, and if it exists, create a new child span. When your new service emits outbound requests, it too should inject your current span context into the outgoing request so that downstream services that are tracing-aware can take part in the trace. The changes to the process tend to come between these points, as you’ll be faced with challenges around how much to trace, exactly.

As we’ll discuss at the end of this chapter, there is such as thing as too much tracing. In production, especially, you want to limit your traces to the data that matters for external observers and users when they view an end-to-end trace. How, then, to accurately model a single service with multiple internal calls? You’ll want to create some sort of verbosity concept for your tracer. This is extremely common in logging, where log levels exist such as info, debug, warning, and error. Each verbosity specifies as minimum level that the log statement must meet to be printed. The same concept can apply to traces as well. The following is an example in Golang that demonstrates one method to create verbose traces, configurable via an environment variable — 

var traceVerbose = os.Getenv("TRACE_LEVEL") == "verbose"


func withLocalSpan(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, opentracing.Span) {
	if traceVerbose {
		pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
		callerFn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
		if ok && callerFn != nil {
			span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, callerFn.Name())
			return ctx, span
	return ctx, opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)

func finishLocalSpan(span opentracing.Span) {
	if traceVerbose {

Setting trace verbosity isn’t just limited to Go - aspects, attributes, or other dynamic/metaprogramming techniques can be utilized in languages with support for them. The basic idea is as presented, though. First, ensure that the verbosity level is set appropriately. Then, determine the calling function and start a new span as a child of the current one. Finally, return the span and the language context object as appropriate. Note that in this case, we’re only providing a start/finish method - this means that any logs or tags we introduce will be added not necessarily to the verbose child, but could be added to the parent if the child doesn’t exist. If this wasn’t desireable, then consider creating helper functions to log or tag through to avoid this behavior. Actually using our verbose traces is fairly straightforward as well — 

import (

func main() {
	// create and register tracer

	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("../static"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/getFoo", getFooHandler)
	mux.Handle("/", fs)

	mw := nethttp.Middleware(tracer, mux)
	log.Printf("Server listening on port %s", serverPort)
	http.ListenAndServe(serverPort, mw)

func getFooHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	foo := getFoo(r.Context())
	// handle response

func getFoo(ctx context.Context) {
	ctx, localSpan := withLocalSpan(ctx)
	// do stuff

In this example, we’re creating a simple HTTP server in Golang and tracing it with the go-stdlib package. This will parse incoming HTTP requests for tracing headers and create spans appropriately, so the edges of our service are being handled. By adding the withLocalSpan and finishLocalSpan methods, we can create a span that’s local to a function and only exists when our trace verbosity is set appropriately. These spans could be viewed in a trace analyzer while performing local development, allowing you to accurately assess that calls are happening in the same way that you think they should be, ensuring that you can observe your service as it calls other services (or is called by them), and as a nice side advantage allows you to use open source frameworks as a default choice for questions like “what logging/metrics/tracing API should I be using?” as these can be performed through your observability API. Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t need to, after all!

Testing With Traces

Trace data, as mentioned earlier, can be represented as a directional acyclic graph. While it’s usually represented as a flame graph, traces are simply directional acyclic graphs of a request, as demonstrated in Figure 5-4. A directed acyclic graph, or DAG, may be extremely familiar to you if you have a computer science or mathematics background; It has several properties that are extremely useful. DAGs are finite (so, they have an end) and they have no directed cycles (so, they don’t loop on themselves — aka cyclical references). One other useful property of the DAG is that they are fairly easy to compare to each other.

The same trace expressed in two different ways.
Figure 5-4. Comparison of a flame graph view of a trace versus a DAG view.

Knowing this, what are our possibilities? First, you may be asking yourself, “so what?” As discussed earlier, integration testing and other forms of higher-level tests are sufficient and necessary to ensure the operation of our service as it is deployed, and this is true. That said, there are several reasons you might want to consider adding trace comparisons to your testing repitoire. The easiest way to think about applied trace data as a form of testing is through simple diffs between environments. Consider a scenario where we deploy a version of our application to a staging or pre-production environment after testing it locally. Further consider that we export our trace data in some sort of flat file, suitable for processing — 

Example 5-5.

[ { name: “getFoo”, spanContext: { spanId: 1, traceId: 1 }, parent: nil }, { name: “computeFoo”, spanContext: { spanId: 2, traceId: 1 }, parent: spanContext{ spanId: 1, traceId: 1 } }, … ]

In a real system, we might expect these to be out-of-order or otherwise not exist in a sorted state, but we should expect that the call graph for a single API endpoint will be the same between them. One potential application, then, is to perform a topopgraphical sort on each set of trace data, then compare it by length or through some other diffing process. If our traces differ, we know we have some sort of problem — the results didn’t match our expectations. Another application of this would be to identify, proactively, when services begin to take dependencies on your service. Consider a situation where our authentication service, or search service, was more widely publicized to other teams. Unbeknownest to us, they start to take a dependency on it in their new services. Automated trace diffing would give us pro-active insights into these new consumers, especially if there’s some sort of centralized framework generating and comparing these traces over time. Another application is simply using tracing as the backbone of gathering Service Level Indicators and Objectives for your service, and automatically comparing them as you deploy new versions. Since traces are inherently able to understand the timing of your service, they’re a great way to keep track of performance changes across a wide variety of requests as you iterate and further develop services. Ultimately, a lot of this is speculative — we’re not aware of anyone using distributed tracing heavily as a part of their test suites. That doesn’t mean it isn’t useful, but as a new technology, not every facet of it has been explored and exploited yet. Maybe you’ll be the first!

Creating an Instrumentation Plan

For better or for worse, most people come to distributed tracing and monitoring late in the development of an application or piece of software. Some of this has to do with the nature of iterative development — when you’re creating a product or service, it can be difficult to understand what it is you need to know until you’ve spent some time actually building and running it. Distributed tracing adds a wrinkle to this as well, as developers will often come to it as a solution to problems that are cropping up due to scale and growth, be it in terms of service count or organizational complexity. In both of these cases, it’s often the case that you’ve got some large, presumably complicated set of services already deployed and running, and need to know how you can leverage distributed tracing in order to improve the reliability and health of not only your software, but also your team. Perhaps you’re starting greenfield development on some new piece of software and are adding distributed tracing out of the gate — you’ll still need to create a plan for how to both add and grow tracing throughout your team and organization. In this section, we’ll discuss how you can make an effective case for instrumentation of either new or existing services in your organization and how to get buy-in from your (and other) teams, signals that indicate when you’ve instrumented enough, and finally how to sustainably grow instrumentation throughout your services.

Making The Case For Instrumentation

Let’s assume that you’re already sold on the idea of distributed tracing by virtue of you reading this book. The challenge, then, becomes convincing your colleagues that it’s as good of an idea as you think it is, because they’re going to have to do some work as well to ensure that their services are compatible with tracing.

Knowing When To Stop Instrumenting, and Knowing When To Keep Going

We’ve touched upon the costs of instrumentation several times in this chapter, and to close it out, let’s take a deeper look. At a high level, instrumentation is a tradeoff like anything else in software. You’re trading some measure of performance for, hopefully, a much higher level of insight into the operation of your service at a level that’s easy to communicate to others in your team or organization. That said, there’s a few notable anti-patterns we can point out that you should watch out for when you’re instrumenting, as there’s the risk that the tradeoffs become too costly and lead you to stop instrumenting, or to oversample and lose resolution on your traces.

One anti-pattern is implementing too high of a default resolution. A good mental rule is that your service should emit as many spans as logical operations it performs. Does your service handle authentication and authorization for users? Logically, break down this function — it’s handling an incoming request, performing some lookups in a data store, transforming the result, and returning it. There’s two logical operations here — handling the request/response, and looking up the data. It’s always valuable to separate out calls to external services (so, in this example, perhaps you might only have a single span if the data store is some sort of local database), but you may not need to emit a span for marshalling the response into a new format that your caller expects. If your service is more complicated, then adding more spans can be ok, but you need to consider how consumers of your trace data will find it valuable, and consider if it’s collapsible into less spans. The corollary to this point is that you may want to have the ability to increase the verbosity of spans emitted by a service — this is a good idea, refer back to the section on trace-driven development for ideas on how to increase or decrease the resolution of your spans. This is why we say default resolution, as you want to ensure that the default amount of information emitted is small enough to integrate well into a larger trace, but large enough to ensure that it contains useful information for consumers that might not be on your team (but might be affected by issues with your service!) Another anti-pattern is not standardizing your propagation format. This can be challenging, especially when integrating services written by a variety of teams, or legacy services. The key value of a trace is in the interconnected nature of a trace. If you have twenty, fifty, two hundred, or more services that are all using a mish-mash of tracing formats, then you’re going to have a bad time trying to get value out of your traces. Avoid this by standardizing your tracing practices as much as possible, and provide shims for legacy systems or between different formats. One method to combat this is to create a stack of tracing propagators that can be aware of different headers (such as X-B3 or opentracing) and select the appropriate one on a per-request basis. You might find that it’s less work to actually update existing systems to the new format rather than create compatibility layers — use your best judgement, and your organization’s existing standards and practices, to figure out what’s right for you.

The final advice, going back to the section title, is knowing when you should stop and when you should keep going. Unfortunately, there’s not a cut and dry answer here, but there’s some signals you should pay attention to. In general, you should consider what your service’s breaking point is without sampling any of your trace data. Sampling is a practice where a certain percentage of your traces aren’t recorded for analysis in order to reduce the overall load on your system. A discussion of sampling appears later in this book, but we would advise that you don’t consider the sample rate when writing instrumentation. If you’re worried about the amount of spans created by your service, consider using verbosity flags in order to dynamically adjust how many spans are being created, or consider tail-based sampling approaches that analyze the entire trace before making a sampling decision. The reason this is important is because sampling is the best way to accidentally throw away potentially critical data that might be useful when debugging or diagnosing an issue in production. In contrast, a traditional sampling approach will make the decision at the beginning of a trace, so there’s no reason to optimize around “will this or won’t this be sampled” - your trace is going to be thrown away in its entirety if it is sampled out. A sign that you need to keep going is if the inter-service resolution of your trace is too low. For example, if you’re eliding multiple dependent services in a single span, you should keep instrumenting until those services are independent spans. You don’t necessarily need to instrument the dependent services, but your RPC calls to each of them should be, especially if each of those calls are terminal in your request chain. To be more specific, imagine a worker service that communicates with several data store wrappers — it may not be necessary to instrument those data store wrappers, but you should have separate spans for each of the calls from your service to them in order to better understand latency and errors (am I failing to read, or failing to write?). You should stop tracing if the amount of spans you’re emitting by default begins to look like the actual call stack of a service. You should keep instrumenting if you’ve got unhandled error cases in your service code — being able to categorize spans with errors vs. spans without errors is vital. Finally, you should keep instrumenting if you’re finding new things to instrument. Consider modifying your standard bug-handling process to not only include writing new tests to cover the fix, but to include writing new instrumentation to make sure that you can catch it in the future.

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