Chapter 4. Scope

Domain Storytelling is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. In this chapter, we will discuss the level of detail that stories have, whether they are descriptive or exploratory, and the amount of technical information they contain. We will call all of these factors the scope of a domain story. The scope or parts of the scope are often reflected in the name of a domain story. Let’s look at the factors that determine the scope.


So far, you have seen several domain stories from the cinema domain. Metropolis 1 models a high-level view, where buying a ticket is just one activity. (Here we look at its variant with subdomains, Metropolis 1a; see Figure 2.10.) Metropolis 2 (see Figure 1.10) elaborates that activity into a whole domain story: It shows in detail how a moviegoer buys a ticket at the box office. Figure 4.1 visualizes this refinement.


Figure 4.1 From Metropolis 1a to Metropolis 2: An activity from a COARSE-GRAINED story is detailed in a FINE-GRAINED story.

As you can see, the level of detail varies from story to story. This level of detail is expressed in the scope factor granularity. Domain stories can be COARSE-GRAINED, FINE-GRAINED, and everything in between, e.g., MEDIUM-GRAINED. The spectrum is continuous. But if you find yourself modeling detailed interactions between users and systems (e.g., “customer clicks button”) or interactions between objects (as in a UML sequence diagram), then you have probably gone too far.

Always aim for a consistent level of detail throughout a story. Mixing FINE-GRAINED and COARSE-GRAINED activities can be confusing and indicative of a larger problem—e.g., the COARSE-GRAINED parts may indicate that some knowledge holders were not present at the workshop. If this is the case, annotate the story and fill in the gap in another session with people who have the necessary knowledge.

A Useful Metaphor for Granularity

Distinguishing different levels of granularity with terms like FINE-GRAINED and COARSE-GRAINED has limited expressiveness. In Writing Effective Use Cases, Alistair Cockburn introduces a metaphor for granularity that can also help with domain stories [Cockburn 2001]. Cockburn defines so-called goal levels by using the ocean as a metaphor (see Figure 4.2). You start at sea level. A sea-level goal describes something a user wants to achieve. When you get more COARSE-GRAINED, you ascend to kite and cloud level, which are summaries of sea-level goals. Going more FINE-GRAINED, you descend below sea level to fish level. Finally, at the bottom of the ocean lies the clam level (which Cockburn also calls “too low”).


Figure 4.2 Different goal levels1

1 The icons are taken from Wikipedia [Wikipedia Cockburn-Style] and were created by Menner under Creative Commons CC0.

These metaphors are of course not meant as an exact measure for granularity. But, to give you some idea:

• For Cockburn, a sea-level use case is something that can be achieved by the user in one go. A kite-level use case takes the user more than one sitting with the software.

• For us, the Metropolis 1 example hovers at kite level, and the Metropolis 2 example floats at sea level (see Figure 4.1).

• At cloud level, you might model the whole organization Metropolis as a single actor (not differentiating between departments, roles, and software systems).

As a moderator, you can bring these metaphors into play whenever the scope seems unclear. Draw the icons from Figure 4.2 on sticky notes and post them on a wall in the meeting room. The icons serve as a constant reminder: “At what level of detail do we need to discuss this?” Once these metaphors are established, you may hear people saying things like, “Let’s bring this kite down to sea level!” or “This is not the time to dive to fish level!” It can make sense to add the goal-level metaphor to a domain story, either as an icon or as part of a story’s name.2

2 In modern Unicode there are even emoji for it: Image. Probably it’s good advice to be careful and not use them in filenames, though.

Since COARSE-GRAINED stories cover a lot of ground, storytellers from different departments or even different organizations should participate in a workshop. Up to 15 storytellers is common in such cases. The number of storytellers in a workshop for FINE-GRAINED stories is usually smaller, i.e., around two to seven people. Often the storytellers are from only one (or a few) business departments. But even if we focus just on one department, there might be different roles that need to be represented.

Point in Time (AS-IS vs. TO-BE)

Both Metropolis 1 and Metropolis 2 (see Figure 4.1) describe a process as it currently is. Domain stories can also describe how it will (possibly) look in the future. This point in time is another scope factor of a domain story (see Figure 4.3).

The current situation is often called the problem space because the intent of modeling is to improve something that is bad or to solve a problem. Domain stories that model the problem space are called AS-IS stories. Possible improved situations can also be explored with the help of domain stories. Hence, such TO-BE processes describe the solution space.


Figure 4.3 Scope factor point in time

We chose the word pairs AS-IS/TO-BE and problem/solution space because they are established in the business process modeling community and in the Domain-Driven Design community (see, for example, Implementing Domain-Driven Design [Vernon 2013]). You may have come across other word pairs that have the same intention: descriptive versus exploratory or informational versus aspirational.

Usually, AS-IS means the situation at the time of modeling—at a certain point in time. TO-BE, on the other hand, is a look ahead. There can be different points in the future that may be interesting to model as separate TO-BE domain stories (see Figure 4.4). Also, you may look at alternative models that explore the same point in time. This is useful for comparing different possible solutions and finding the best one.

Often, the different points in time are chosen because something will be accomplished or changed by then; e.g., a new software system will be operational. The point in time is sometimes added to the name of a domain story.


Figure 4.4 Example points in time of a domain story

Workshops in which TO-BE stories are told should involve the future actors—e.g., the (future) users of the software system that is being developed. Other stakeholders such as product owners are also valuable.

Domain Purity (PURE vs. DIGITALIZED)

Looking back at the Metropolis example again, we saw that app developer Anna and movie theater manager Matthew modeled two AS-IS stories in the first workshop: the COARSE-GRAINED (or kite-level) Metropolis 1 and the FINE-GRAINED (or sea-level) Metropolis 2 (see Figure 4.1). Did you realize that Anna did not model any software systems that Matthew has used? Surely even a small cinema like the Metropolis must run some kind of IT, even if it is just a spreadsheet. But Anna did not forget to ask Matthew about the software he uses. In fact, Anna made a deliberate choice. When modeling domain stories, you either include or omit (existing or yet to be built) software. This scope factor is called domain purity. We call domain stories without software systems PURE, and those with software systems DIGITALIZED.

PURE domain stories are particularly helpful for building new software systems. They allow you to understand a domain without also internalizing the accidental complexity added by existing software. To lift the veil of software off the domain, the experts should talk about how things would be done if all activities were motivated only by the domain (and not by the existing software systems).


For domains that existed before software was ubiquitous, do a thought experiment: Ask for stories that tell how things were done in the pen-and-paper days. Focus on provoking thoughts, not on historical accuracy.

In DIGITALIZED domain stories, the actors can be people or software systems. That means software functionality and its shortcomings are part of the story. In Figure 4.5, for example, the IT system “cinema website” is modeled as an actor.


Figure 4.5 Domain stories with software systems as actors are called DIGITALIZED.

In many organizations, the domain model is buried under decades of badly modeled software systems. You can use DIGITALIZED AS-IS domain stories to visualize and talk about this mess. Find out which activities are not motivated by the domain but required in order to work with the present software systems. Identify language that was introduced by software developers and is not rooted in the domain. That is where annotations come into play because they help to explain why people are doing what they are doing.

When you want to explore or show how a new software system would change the work, DIGITALIZED TO-BE domain stories will help you. They are often a further development of a PURE AS-IS story—one to which the system is added.

Combining the Scope Factors: A Typical Journey

The factors that determine the scope can be combined in many ways. Mathematically speaking, the scope is a cross product:

Scope = Granularity × DomainPurity × PointInTime

We are going to describe typical scopes of domain stories and how you can travel from one scope to the next:




These are only examples of different types of domain stories, with no strict definitions. Hence, this is not the only possible journey. Feel free to adapt. Also, you do not have to use Domain Storytelling in a sequence from COARSE-GRAINED to FINE-GRAINED. Modeling is usually an iterative process, and you may change the scope as needed. We will show you another example of a journey through different scopes in Part II, “Purposes.”

Explore a New Domain (COARSE-GRAINED, PURE, AS-IS)

The first Domain Storytelling workshop in a company, a department, or a development project often takes a COARSE-GRAINED view at the problem space. Stories like that help to get your bearings. Usually, it is helpful to omit software systems to see the naked domain itself.

Since organizations serve a purpose, it is a good idea to look at the primary purpose from the viewpoint of the organization’s customers. Hence, COARSE-GRAINED domain stories often illustrate an end-to-end business process. That is why Metropolis 1 (see Figure 1.9) tells a story from buying a ticket for a movie to watching it. If you are uncertain what “end-to-end” really means, you can get the conversation going by explicitly adding a few extra sentences at the beginning and at the end.

COARSE-GRAINED, PURE, AS-IS stories can serve several purposes:

• They are a starting point for exploring the domain (knowledge crunching).

• They provide an overview of several FINE-GRAINED domain stories (see Chapter 3, “Scenario-Based Modeling”).

• They can be analyzed to find boundaries (see Chapter 10) in the domain. You saw a brief example of that in Metropolis 1a (see Figure 2.10), which shows subdomains of the cinema domain. Subdomains can be used as boundaries in teams and boundaries in software—for example, designing a new system in a modular way, splitting a big ball of mud [Foote/Yoder 1997] into modules, or splitting a monolith into microservices.

Drill Down into Subdomains (FINE-GRAINED, PURE, AS-IS)

After you’ve roughly found your way around a domain and established a common understanding of a project’s extent, you can drill into the details. Instead of looking at the domain as a whole, you should focus on a selected subdomain. For example, Anna and Matthew drilled down into the ticket sales subdomain when they modeled Metropolis 2 (see Figure 1.10) and Metropolis 3 (see Figure 3.3).

Many companies are organized by subdomains, which means FINE-GRAINED AS-IS stories often take place within one department. However, it can be interesting to add an extra sentence at the beginning and at the end of the story. By doing so, you can take a look at the interface between subdomains or departments. This will help you to understand how people work together across department boundaries.

FINE-GRAINED, PURE, AS-IS stories show how people work together today (i.e., in the problem space). Such stories are useful in several ways:

• You can find out which business processes could benefit from improved software support. This is often a starting point for conversations about software requirements (see Chapter 11).

• You can distill a technologically untainted domain model from them and implement the model in code (see Chapter 12).

• By comparing AS-IS with TO-BE domain stories, you can visualize how work will change (see the next section).


A common way of using domain stories is to tell how things should change. Stories can be about improved processes, new roles, or new software.

The Metropolis, for example, wants to introduce an app for moviegoers. Obviously, Anna and Matthew will want to model how moviegoers would use the app as a FINE-GRAINED, DIGITALIZED, TO-BE domain story. However, the app will also impact the box office. After all, tickets for the same shows will be sold via two sales channels—the moviegoer app and the box office. This will go well only if the cashiers use a box-office app that works together with the moviegoer app. Hence, Anna and Matthew revisit the box-office sales process they modeled as a PURE AS-IS domain story—Metropolis 2 (see Figure 1.10). From it, they derive a DIGITALIZED TO-BE version of the box-office sales process—Metropolis 4 (see Figure 4.6).


Figure 4.6 Metropolis 4: Ticket sales, happy path—FINE-GRAINED, DIGITALIZED, TO-BE

As you can see, sentences 2, 3, and 6 must be supported by the box-office app. These are the first requirements for that app.

FINE-GRAINED, DIGITALIZED, TO-BE stories show how people and software systems should work together in the future. This is useful for a variety of purposes:

• Visualizing how the work will change once the improvements are implemented. FINE-GRAINED, DIGITALIZED, TO-BE stories often complement FINE-GRAINED, PURE AS-IS stories—they are at the same level of detail (about sea level), but with systems and in the solution space. (Read on in Chapter 13, “Supporting Organizational Change.”)

• Working with requirements (see Chapter 11).

• Modeling the domain in code (see Chapter 12).

• Deciding make or buy and choosing off-the-shelf software (see Chapter 14).

Summarizing the Journey

You have now read about three different scopes, each illustrated by a domain story about Metropolis. Table 4.1 shows an overview of the journey.

Table 4.1 Overview of the Metropolis Domain Stories


We hope that this chapter will guide you to find a scope that helps you with your modeling problem.

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