
Please note: Illustrations are identified by italicized page references.


customer, 166

gaining market, 174176

acquisitions, impact of, 14

Adams, Robert (PARC), laser imaging, 88

adapters, early, 178

adeptness, assessment of innovation, 2832

Adobe Systems, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 88

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), innovation efforts at, 43

advantage, first mover, 25, 109114

Advantium™, GEs revolutionary, 131, 173


Colgate-Palmolive s Total launch, 180

credibility, 178

mean time to payback, 171173

Miller Lite’s capture of the low-calorie beer market through, 113

strategy innovation, 2023

agenda, putting innovation on the, 184

Amazon.com, strategy innovation, 22

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, demand for teeth-whitening services, 161162

American Airlines, IdeAAs suggestion program, 8081

Ampex, limiting market base, 114

Amway, innovative distribution methods, 163

anthropology, understanding customer behavior, 172173

Apple Computer, Inc.

downloading music, 152

Guy Kawasaki, 168170

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 88

personal computer pioneers, 109

public relations programs, 106

Appledorn, Roger (3M), encouraging innovation, 54

Appleton Paper, GO Process, 8990

approaches, comprehensive, 56

Arthur D. Little, deriving business value from innovation survey, 139140



climate for innovation, 6364

innovation adeptness, 2832

Association of Managers for Innovation, study of innovation centers, 5859

assumptions, challenging existing, 106107

A.T. Kearney, supplier-manufacturer relationship survey, 133

AT&T, cellular phone use study, 112

attention, state of continuous partial, 121

Austgen, David (Royal Dutch/Shell), GameChanger program, 98100


design, 105106

insurance reform legislation, 162163

AutoNation, used car superstores, 172

Avon, innovative distribution methods, 163

awareness, building consumer, 180181

balance, problem-solving styles, 7172

Bank of America, Innovation Vanguard Firms, 2


lack of time, 65

new idea implementation, 8587

organizational, 4142

structural and cultural, 6364

Bauer, Alan, Progressive Casualty Insurance, 40

Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) improving automobile designs, 105106

Innovation Vanguard Firms, 2

Virtual Innovation Agency (VIA) customer dialogues, 128129

Be Aggressive Campaign, Bristol-Myers Squibb idea catalyst campaign, 127

beers, light, 109, 113, 142

Beetle, Volkswagen of America, 27


acknowledging innovative, 46

controlling vs. shaping, 5758

encouraging new, 40

risk taking, 5253

understanding customer, 172173

Ben Gay, Aspirin product failure, 138

benchmarks, ideation methods, 122125

benefits, novel enabling, 141143

Berra, Yogi, on predictions, 97

Big Bertha, Callaway Golf, 131132, 142

Blank, Arthur, Home Depot founders, 69

Blockbuster Video, impact of Netflix, 152

blueprint, creating an innovation, 184

BMW See Bavarian Motor Works (BMW Borg-Warner Automotive

adopting new business models, 84

Innovation Champion program, 13, 41

John Fiedlers growth goals, 4041

Boston Consulting Group, Business Week, 16

Boyle, Brendan, Skyline founder, 119120


ideation sessions, 123125

scheduling sessions for, 118

branding, product, 23

brands, loyalty, 110111

Brandweek, Total toothpaste launch, 180

Branson, Richard (Virgin Group), employee suggestion programs, 85

Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), ideation at, 126127

BriteSmile, meeting customer needs, 161162


brochures, scanning the future, 101102

Buckley, George, the invention process, 117

Buffalo Wings, Tyson Foods, 156

Burke, Steve (Disney), Gong Show, 84

Business Innovation Consortium (BIC), David Sutherland, 4142

business model

category killers, 152153

Dell Computer, 164

obsolescence, 151

Business Week

Boston Consulting Group, 16

cost of introducting Miller Lite, 113

Whirlpool’s chief information officer, 3738

Business Week Online, role of the CIO, 42


gaining customer, 166

lack of, 37

calculators, early adapters, 178

Callaway Golf, Big Bertha, 131132, 142

capability, building, 7

capital, obtaining investment, 110

Carpenter, Maxie (Wal-Mart), challenging assumptions, 107

case management, legal, 73

case study

Post-It Note, 6061

Royal Dutch/Shell, 98100

Cash Management Account, Merrill Lynch & Co., 18

category killers, business model, 152153

caviar, waste reduction suggestion, 8081

cellular phones, evaluating future use of, 112

centers, innovation, 5859, 69

chain of command, bypassing the, 94


identification and development of, 7374

selecting idea, 99100

See also Innovation Champions


exploiting, 100101

fear of, 37

industry clockspeed, 39

channels, finding new market, 23

characteristics, innovative potential, 7475

checkpoints, Mining the Future, 144145

Chicken McNuggets, McDonalds Corporation, 157

chief innovation officer (CIO), appointing a, 3638

Chief Innovation Officer Leadership Summit, 44

chores, customer outsourcing, 160

Chrysler, Walter, marketing the Chrysler Six, 166

Chux, disposable diapers, 109, 111

Citigroup, Vanguard Firms, 2

claims adjustment, Progressive Insurance, 21

clockspeed, industry, 39

Colgate-Palmolive, Total toothpaste, 179180


outside the company, 34

shared space, 148

CommGuard, Verizon, 8889


familiar terms, 175

idea evangelists, 168170

improving, 54

new product development, 145

unmanageable, 122

compensation, tying to innovation pipeline results, 38



changing the rules, 22

incremental innovation, 24

monitoring, 9798

complacency, avoiding, 9798

computer aided design (CAD), rapid prototyping products, 148

Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), radiologist resistance to, 175


mouse inventor, 165

personal, 109

concepts, marketing new, 174176

conferences, scanning the future, 103

conformity, human tendencies, 70

consulting, internal units, 125

Consumer Electronics Association, new product introductions, 167168

Continuous Improvement Model, Dana Corporation, 8284

contributors, feedback on ideas, 94

Cooper‚Robert G. (McMaster University), “Stage-Gate approach”, 144145

copyrights, proprietary technology, 110

Corning, free time policies, 66

Corporate Creativity: How Innovation and Improvement Really Happen (Robinson and Stern), maintenance employee suggestions, 81

correlation, between new products and revenue growth, 16

Costco Wholesale Corporation

market positioning, 159


strategy innovation, 22

costs, cutting, 14

Covey, Steven, mining the future, 114115


basic training in, 47

encouraging, 40

flat world, 120122

personal, 120121

recognition for, 95

styles, 7173

credibility, advertising, 178

credit, extending, 142, 174

Crest, Colgate-Palmolive toothpaste, 179180


challenging assumptions, 106107

creating an innovation-adept, 6175

fear based organizational, 5657

idea management systems that fit your corporate, 9596

improving your firm’s innovation rate, 62

innovation rate, 62

organizational, 5556

supportive of innovation, 76

curriculum, creating a, 4647


creating new value for the, 157

cynicism, 173

gaining acceptance of new products, 167168

involving your, 127130

listening to, 89

serving nontraditional, 132133

strategy innovation, 220

DaimlerChrysler, PT Cruiser concept, 129130

Dana Corporation, Continuous Improvement Model, 8284

database, Profit Impact of Market Strategies (PIMS), 108109

Davenport, Tom, Babson College, 121

Daytimer, organizer notebooks, 141

defiance, rewarding, 68

DEKA Research and Development Corporation, problem solutions, 137

Dell Computer Corporation

innovative distribution methods, 164

strategy innovation, 2122

dentistry, cosmetic, 161162

DeSimone, Livio (3M), encouraging new product creation, 5051

development, learning-driven product, 146147

diabetes, Glucophage targeted idea catalyst campaign, 126127

dialogues, customer, 128129


disposable, 109, 111

products serving contradictory needs, 142

DIRECTV, Hughes Electronics, 2122


Gong Show, 84

vision statements without limitations, 107


innovative methods of, 163164

strategy innovation, 2122

disunity, politics that create, 5052


balancing innovative, 76

thinking styles, 69

“Do More with Chicken”, Tyson Foods motto, 156

Dollar Discount Stores of America, market positioning, 159

Dollar General Corporation, 159

“Doug Day”, taking a, 122

Dreaming Sessions, General Electric customer involvement programs, 127

dreams, smoking out customer, 131

DuPont Corporation

biodegradable fiber, 27

Center for Innovation and Creativity, 7172

Innovation Process Group, 125

legal departments case-management system, 73

marketing Kevlar, 176177

e-Markets Initiative, MIT Media Laboratory, 148149, 151


building new markets, 23

innovative distribution methods, 164

strategy innovation, 2122

Edelheit, Lewis L. (GE), embracing future growth opportunities, 108

Edison, Thomas, selling new ideas, 165

EDS. See Electronic Data Systems (EDS) Edwards, Billy, AMDs CIO, 43

effects, reputation, 111

Eggo Waffles, Kellog Company, 167

Einstein, Albert, on insanity, 154

Eisner, Michael (Disney), Gong Shows, 84

electricity, converting homes from gas to, 165

Electronic Data Systems (EDS)

EDS Innovates, 44

Idea2Reality program, 8587

new venture teams, 8587

open door policies, 85

Vanguard Firms, 2

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, friendship essay, 104

Employee Involvement Association, suggestion programs, 80


underestimating their potential, 74

who fit-the-innovation-mold profiles, 75

empowerment, champions, 7374

Engelbart, Douglas, selling the concept of the computer mouse, 165, 181

engineering, concurrent, 148

Enron, organizational culture, 56

enterprise, total involvement in the, 78


conditions promoting new ideas, 117118

shifting your, 121122


essentials, leading innovation, 37

Esso Resources, Royal Order of the Duck, 68

ethnography, new product design, 130

Eureka! Ranch, ideation sessions, 123125

evangelist, the idea, 168180

excellence, operational, 17

Expanding the Innovation Horizon, 154155

expectations, communicating, 4546

experimentation, reducing the risk, 174

failures, rewarding, 68

Farrah, Pat (Home Depot), company mavericks, 6970

Fast Company, 3M initial reaction to Post-It Notes, 60

fatigue, upgrade, 168

Federal Food and Drug Administration, Total toothpaste approval, 180181

FedEx Corporation

exploiting changing customer demands, 100

process innovation, 20

feedback, idea contributors, 94

Fiedler, John (Borg-Warner Automotive), company reorganization, 4041

Filofax, organizer notebooks, 141

first mover, advantage, 108110

flexibility, managing the present as well as the future, 3536

fluoride, vs. Triclosan in toothpaste, 180


market positioning, 158160

value, 143144

followers, fast, 115

foods, products serving contradictory needs of customers, 142

Ford, Bill (Ford Motor Company) business model obsolescence, 151

Frappuccino, Starbucks’ drink, 7273

Friedman, Thomas, New York Times, 120

friendship, differences of opinion, 103104

front end, fuzzy, 100

frustrations, smoking out customer, 131

Fry, Art (3M), Post-It Note creator, 60, 174

Fuller, Buckminster, discovering new ideas, 102103

funnel, strategies for filling the idea, 120

Fusion, Gillette razor, 172


inventing the, 25, 3536

making predictions, 97

strategies for Mining the, 100114, 101, 171

Future Shock (Toffler), overchoice, 168

GameChanger, program at Royal Dutch/Shell, 98100


competitor positioning, 158160

growth, 14

high vs. low performers, 15

Gap, The, Old Navy, 100


identifying the, 178

Total toothpaste, 180181

Genentech, public relations programs, 106

General Electric Company (GE)

Advantium™ ovens, 131, 173

digital x-ray system, 27

GE Medical, 147, 174

vision statements without limitations, 108

General Motors Corporation, OnStar, 18


Gillette Company

Fusion razor, 172

Sensor shaving system, 26, 141

gingivitis, Total toothpaste, 180

Glucophage, targeted idea catalyst campaigns at Bristol-Myers Squibb, 126127

GO Process, Appleton Paper, 8990

goals, innovation, 37

Colder, Peter and Gerard Tellis, study of market pioneers, 108109

Goldwyn, Sam, on “yes” men, 55

golf clubs, Big Bertha, 131132, 142

Gong Show, Disney, 84


new idea programs, 118

planned escape from day-to-day routines, 66

Goss, Robert (Whirlpool Corporation), product development, 80

Got Milk? Organization, Got Ideas? session, 119

Greene, Doug, New Hope

Communications, taking a Doug Day, 122


innovation opportunity, 19

innovation types, 26

Grossman, John, Inc. magazine, 35, 124


changing target, 20

focus, 129130

reaction to prototypes by focus, 129130

training, 48


best practices for driving, 39

business model innovation, 154155

chasm, 15

goals, 4041

increasing proportion of turnover, 50

jump-starting, 1

Most Innovative Companies mean margin, 16

strategies, 158164

taking action, 183188

guarantees, money back, 174

Guehler, Paul (3M)

balancing rewards, 51

corporate free time policies, 66


designing your idea management process, 9296, 93

Mining the Future, 101

partnership with suppliers, 134135

producing powerful products, 140

Haber, Jack (Colgate-Palmolive), Team Total, 179, 181

habits, reading, 101102

Hall, Doug, Eureka! Ranch, ideation sessions, 123125

health care, serving nontraditional customers, 132133

Health Care Solutions Group, Royal Philips Electronics, 132133

Healthcare Forum Journal (Ryan) ‚ organizational fear in the healthcare industry, 5657

Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company), making the Model T affordable, 142

Henry Ford Museum, early mechanical inventions, 142

Hewlett-Packard Company, Chuck House Medal of Defiance, 68

Hindman, Jim (Jiffy Lube International), customer outsourcing, 160

Hippie, Jack (Association of Managers for Innovation), corporate innovation program study, 5859

history, finding ideas that contradict, 124


Holmes, Oliver Wendell, exposure to a superior value proposition, 152

Home Depot, The

customer outsourcing, 160161

inventory control system, 39

mavericks, 6970

hot buttons, reptilian, 130

House, Chuck (Hewlett-Packard Company), open door policies, 68

housing, customized tract, 129130

Huggies, Kimberly-Clark products serving contradictory needs, 142

Hughes Electronics Corporation, DIRECTV, 2122

Hultgren, Dennis (Appleton Papers), GO Program, 8990

human resources, recruiters, 7475

Humana, healthcare innovations by, 43

Hyundai, market positioning, 158159


limiting market base, 114

new idea programs, 118

idea factory

activating your own, 120122

Inside the Innovation Elite, 79

idea management

future scanning, 104106

Innovation Vanguard companies, 65

models, 7996

process, 4041

program administration, 94

systems, 7879, 9296, 93


EDS idea management system program, 8687

Electronic Data Systems new venture program, 8587

IdeAAs, suggestion program at American Arlines, 8081


“best” vs. “rest” companies at idea generation, 138139

bias against individual contributors, 89

breakthroughs, 2627, 140143

Buckminster Fuller on discovering new, 102103

encouraging counterintuitive, 6970

funding, radical, 27

novel, 46

prevailing assumptions, 8

promoting new, 117118

proprietary, 110

quarterbacks, 7374

reviewers, 9495

selling new, 169

soliciting, 77, 93

stimulus, 124

that contradict history, 124125

vs. innovation, 1617

IdeaScope Associates, Electronic Stethoscope, 133


customer involvement, 128132

reinventing, 118120

IDEO, toy design unit, 119120

Immelt, JefF, General Electric CEO

Dreaming Sessions, 127

efforts to stimulate innovation from within, 184


idea to, 171

training in, 48


breakthrough, 25

continuous postlaunch, 113114

incremental, 2325, 8384

substantial, 25

Inc. magazine, Eureka! Ranch, 3

incubators, skunkworks vs., 88

indicators, corporate success, 15

industry, breakthrough innovations, 2627

inertia, structure, 35



sharing about prototypes, 133135

storing for future use, 103


e-Markets, 148149

innovation, 41

process innovation, 17

strategy innovation, 153154

Toyotas quality, 83


business model, 20

cultivating a climate of, 76

degrees of, 2325, 24

essence of, 1617

inhibitors to, 6568

pipeline bottlenecks, 167

process design, 28

radical, 27, 112113

six essentials of leading, 37

strategy, 22

types, 1822

Innovation Champions, Borg-Warner program, 13, 41

Innovation Fellows, Electronic Data Systems idea management program, 8687

Innovation Initiative, preparing your own, 185188

Innovation Summit, Business Innovation Consortium (BIC), 41

Innovation Vanguard firms

idea solicitation systems, 77

Procter & Gamble, 34

surveys, 77

“Inside the Innovation Elite”

idea factory process, 79

innovation adeptness assessment, 28

Inspired Chef, Whirlpool Corporations Kitchen Aid, 92

insurance, innovative pricing strategy, 162163

Intel, product branding, 23


BMW’s VIA customer dialogue program, 128129

downloading music, 152

impact on newspaper business, 152

selling radical new ideas, 112113

intranet, submitting ideas via, 8687

Intrapreneuring: Why You Don’t Have to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur (Pinchot), encouraging strong champions, 74

intuition, listening to your, 104

inventions, breakthrough, 2627

iPod, cases for, 137

J.D. Power and Associates, redefining the research industry, 163

Jiffy Lube International, customer outsourcing, 160

jobs, problem solving styles, 7172

John Deere, Innovation Vanguard Firms, 2

Johnson, Robert (Johnson & Johnson), encouraging risk taking, 56

KAI Inventory, individual problem-solving style survey, 7172

Kaizen teams, continuous improvement model, 82

Kamen, Dean, DEKA Research and Development Corporation, 137

Karol, Robin, Duponts Innovation Process Group, 125

Kawasaki, Guy (Apple Computer), evangelist, 168170

Kellogg Company, Eggo waffle products, 167

Kevlar, developing a market for, 176177

killers, category, 22



Huggies and Pull-Ups, 142

Kleenex products, 167168

vision statements without limitations, 108

Kirton, Michael (Occupational Research Centre), creativity style differences, 71

Kitchen Aid, Inspired Chef program, 92

Kleenex, Kimberly-Clark, 167168

Kleinschmidt and Cooper, study of new product idea sources, 127128

Kridel, Kathryn (American Airlines), employee suggestion systems, 8081

Kuczmarski & Associates, study of new product and service management, 138139

Kwolek, Stephanie and Paul Morgan (DuPont), development of Kevlar, 176177

Lafley A.G., Procter & Gamble, 3335

Lambert, Tom (GE Medical), introducing CAT technology, 175

lasers, imaging, 88

Latella, Richard W. (Cushman & Wakefield), predicted diminishing impact of category killer stores, 153


appointing, 42

creating an innovation blueprint, 184

vice-president in charge of innovation, 3638

L’eggs, innovative distribution methods, 163

legislation, auto insurance reform, 162163

Letzler, John (Russell Athletic), marketing ideas, 46

Lewis, Peter, Progressive Casualty Insurance, 40, 162

Lincoln, Abraham, ordinary people, 74


to customers, 89

encouraging risk taking behavior, 54

literacy, innovation, 47

litter systems, SecondNature dog, 172173

Lockhart, Melinda (Electronic Data Systems)

corporate culture at EDS, 8687

open door policies, 84

Lockheed, skunkworks approach, 88

Lord, Jonathan, Humana CIO, 43

loyalty, brand, 110111

Lynn, Gary (Stevens Institute of Technology), probe and learn product development, 146147

MacArthur, General Douglas, 126

MacArthur, Marsha (Bristol-Myers Squibb), idea catalyst campaigns, 126127

magazines, scanning the future, 106

Magliochetti, Joseph M. (Dana Corporation), idea encouragement, 82


innovation chiefs, 4244

See also idea management

Marcus, Bernard, Home Depot founders, 6970

market share, Crest vs. Total toothpaste, 179180


breakthrough selling strategy, 181

idea evangelists, 168170

increase sales, 14

Kevlar, 176177

new concepts, 174

strategy innovation, 2123



building new, 23

establishing new, 175178

evaluating potential mass, 111112

positioning focus, 158

probing potential, 146147

Mary Kay Cosmetics, innovative distribution methods, 163

Maslow, Abraham, hierarchy of needs and wants, 161

mavericks, identifying corporate, 6970

Maytag Corporation, Neptune appliance line, 91

Mazelsky Jay (Phillips Electronics), products serving nontraditional users, 132133

McCaw Cellular Communications, mass marketing of cellular phones, 112

McCormick, Cyrus, selling harvesting machines on credit to farmers, 142, 174

McDonalds Corporation

exploiting cultural change, 100

innovative products and services, 26

Tyson Foods, 157

McGregor, Jena, Business Week Online, 42

McKenna, Regis (McKenna Group), challenging assumptions, 106107

Mead, Margaret, importance of small groups, 38


cost savings, 81

relationship effectiveness, 134

return on innovation investment (ROI), 139

Medtronic Corporation

Pacemaker, 142

Quest awards program, 68

Men’s Wearhouse, market positioning, 159

Merrill Lynch & Co., Cash Management Account, 18


benchmarking idea, 122125

customer-driven ideation, 128

distribution, 22


assessment tools, 64

common innovation, 6

establishing, 4952

implenting, 154

Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS), personal computer pioneers, 109

Microsoft Corporation

beta testing Windows, 149

think time, 66

vision statements without limitations, 108

Mignone, Lou (Colgate-Palmolive), introduction of Total toothpaste, 181

Miller Brewing Company, Miller Lite, 109, 113, 142

Mind Dumpster, tactics, 124125

MIT Media Laboratory, e-Markets Initiative, 148149, 151


continuous improvement teams, 8284

idea management, 79

incubator lab, 88

innovation teams, 9192

new business, 22

new venture teams, 8587

obsolescence of business, 151152

open door policy, 8485

suggestion system, 8082

Top Line, All-Enterprise Idea Management, 89

monopoly, temporary, 26


Morgan, Paul and Stephanie Kwolek (DuPont), development of Kevlar, 176177

Most Innovative Companies (MIC), Standard & Poors 1200 Global Stock Index, 16

motivation, rewards, 5354

mouse, computer, 165, 181

multitasking, at home, 121

Museum, Henry Ford, 142

music, downloading to MP3 players, 152

National Institute of Justice, Kevlar vests, 177


meeting customer, 159

serving contradictory, 142

unarticulated customer, 131132

unmet customer, 161162

Nelson, Glen (Medtronic), Quest awards program, 68

Nemeth, Charlan (University of California Berkeley)

human conformance tendencies, 70

role of the nonconformist, 5758

Neptune, Maytag s new washing machine, 91

Nestea, Tea Whiz product failure, 137

Netflix, impact on Blockbuster Video, 152

newspaper business, impact of Internet, 152

nonconformist, role of the, 5758

norms, cultural, 5758

notebooks, organizer, 141

objectives, company financial & growth, 47

observation, self, 104

obsolescence, resistance to planned, 168

Occupational Research Centre, creativity style differences, 71

Old Navy, exploiting cultural change, 100

OnStar, General Motors, 18


creating cultural, 68

questioning assumptions, 106107

opinion, being open to differences in, 103104


continued search for, 7

market positioning, 158160

monitoring, 100101

scanning process, 106

white space, 87, 97

oral care, market in the U.S., 179180

O’Reilly, Charles and Michael Tushman, Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal, 35

organizations, characteristics of successful, 138139

organizers, notebook, 141

outsourcing, customer, 160161

overchoice, coping with, 167168

Pacemaker, Medtronic, 142

Packard, David (Hewlett-Packard), Chuck House Medal of Defiance, 68

Palm Computing, Pilot Organizer, 141

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Xerox Blue Sky Incubator, 88

Pampers, disposable diapers, 109

Pantene, Procter & Gamble, 167

partnering, involving suppliers in product ideation, 133135


Kevlar, 176

proprietary technology, 110

Total toothpaste with Triclosan, 180


paths, finding ideas that contradict history, 124

payback, customers mean time to, 171173

payoff, strategy innovation, 154155


balancing thinking styles, 69

connecting with, 103104

Personal Valet, Whirlpool Corporation, 92, 172

personality, effective collaboration, 148

Petchey Ailsa (Virgin Atlantic), Virgin Bride, 84

Philip Morris, Miller Brewing Company, 113

Pilot Organizer, Palm Computing, 141

PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategies), 108109

Pinchot, Gifford, Intrapreneuring: Why You Don’t Have to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur, 74

pioneers, study of market, 108109


bottlenecks in the innovation, 167

product turnover, 52

planning, building markets, 177

policies, free time, 6668

politics, resulting in disunity, 5052

Post-itTM Notes

3M Corporation, 23, 174

case study, 6061

product acceptance, 178179

practices, for driving growth through innovation, 39

Prather, Charles (DuPont Center for Innovation and Creativity), mixing em-ployees’ problem-solving styles, 7172

presentations, tailoring, 170171

PricewaterhouseCoopers, study of growth and profitability, 1516, 50

priorities, senior managements top, 37

probe and learn, product development strategy, 146147


articulating unsolved, 133134

superior solutions to existing, 141143

unarticulated, 131132


disciplined innovative, 45

formal innovative, 66

new product development, 145

radical innovations, 27

process innovation, defined, 1920

Procter & Gamble

Crest toothpaste, 179180

Head & Shoulders, 3335

innovative clothes refresher products, 172

Pampers, 109, 111112

Pantene products, 167

Vanguard Firms, 2

product innovation

defined, 1819

learning-driven development evaluation, 146147

vs. strategy innovation, 155


acceptance of new, 178

competitor positioning, 158

designing a process for developing new, 144145

learning-driven development of new, 146147

line extensions vs. new, 5052

producing powerful, 140

proprietary, 110

studying breakthrough, 140143

Profit Impact of Market Strategies (PIMS), 108109


competing specialty stores, 153

strategy innovation, 157158



employee involvement, 8082

suggestion, 23

Toyotas continuous improv, 83

Progressive Casualty Insurance

Alan Bauer, 40

auto insurance innovation, 162163

exploiting changing customer demands, 101

Peter Lewis, 40, 162

strategy innovation, 21

value-added service offerings, 2122

Vanguard Firms, 2

Proposition 103 (California), auto insurance reform, 162163


focus groups, 129130

rapid, 148149

sharing information, 133

PT Cruiser, DaimlerChrysler, 129130

publications, scanning the future, 106

Pull-Ups, Kimberly-Clark products serving contradictory needs, 142

pyramids, inverted business, 108

quandry the leaders, 3435

quarterbacks, idea, 7374

Quest, Medtronic awards program, 68


assessing your firm’s adeptness with ideation, 135136

identifying cultural climate for innovation, 64

organizational structure, 7576

upgrading your product strategy, 149150

race, first-mover/fast-follower, 109114

radical innovations, 2627, 112113

radiologists, resistance to CAT technology, 175

Ralston Purina, SecondNature dog litter system, 172173

Rapaille, G. Clotaire (DaimlerChrysler), archetype research, 129130

RCA, color television, 113

reading, scanning the future, 101102, 106


creativity, 95

rewards, 54

recorders, Sony’s BETA videocassette, 111

recruiters, human resources, 7475

regulations, exploiting changes in, 101

relationships, supplier-manufacturer, 134135

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, radical innovation study, 27

reputation, effects, 111

research, archetype, 129130

Research Technology Management, company practices study, 100


to innovative thinking, 104

to planned obsolescence, 168

resources, allocating, 48

response, to new ideas, 94

responsibilities, a CIO’s, 4344


diffused, 6

spreading, 4548, 54

retailing, warehouse club, 22

return on innovation investment (ROII), measuring, 139

Reveal, Quest skunkworks project, 68


increasing top line, 17

percent from new products and services, 50

reviewers, idea management teams, 9495


balancing, 52

for creative ideas, 3334


intrinsic vs extrinsic, 53

recognition, 54

Rheingold Brewery, Gablinger Light beer, 109, 113


customer discomfort with, 173174

encouraging managers to take, 56

managing, 48

radical breakthroughs, 2627

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Premier product failure, 138

Robinson, Alan and Sam Stern, Corporate Creativity: How Innovation and Improvement Really Happen, 81

Royal Dutch/Shell

case study, 98100

defining breakthroughs, 25

Royal Order of the Duck, Esso Resources, 68

Royal Philips Electronics, Health Care Solutions Group, 132133


changing the, 2223

ideation session ground, 122125

Russell Athletic, marketing ideas, 46

Ryan, Mary Jean (SSM Healthcare Corporation), fear in the healthcare industry, 5657


breakthrough strategies, 181

developing customer acceptance, 166

easy credit, 174

increase market share, 14

strategy innovation, 2023

samples, offering free, 174

savings, measurement of cost, 81

S.C. Johnson & Son meeting ban, 66

Ziploc garbage bags, 168

scanners, fan-beam, 147

Schrage, Michael (MIT Media Laboratory), e-Markets Initiative, 148149, 151

Schumpeter, Joseph, innovation, 183

scoring, innovation adeptness assessment, 3132

SecondNature, dog litter systems, 172173

security, automobile designs, 130


building the buy-in, 181182

future mining capability, 114115

idea management process, 9296

innovation in your company, 3942

strategy innovation, 164

Sensor, Gillette’s shaving system, 26, 141


as product, 1819

Progressive Casualty Insurances 1-800-AUTO PRO, 21, 162

value added, 22

sessions, facilitation ideation, 118120

shelf-life, business models, 152

shifts, radical market environmental, 3536


breaking down, 8, 34

functional and divisional, 41

thinking, 46


exploration of new markets, 120122

selling to the global economy, 166

skunkworks, programs, 68, 88

Skyline, IDEO toy design unit, 119120

sleep, workers’ lack of adequate, 121

Sloan Management Review, study of self-described market pioneers, 109

Smith, Fred (FedEx), our natural resistance to innovative thinking, 104


Snyder, Nancy (Whirlpool Corporation), innovation program, 91

Solaris™, Sun Microsystems Unix operating system, 143


finding superior, 141

novel, 46

Sony Corporation of America, BETA videocassette recorders, 111

Southwest Airlines

market positioning, 159

strategy innovation, 22

space, shared, 148

SPARC™, Sun Microsystems microchip, 143

specialists, ideation, 123

specialty stores, competing with category killers, 153

Spencer, Simon (Borg-Warner), Innovation Champion, 13, 41

SSM Healthcare Corporation, fear in the healthcare system, 5657


idea management programs, 94

problem-solving styles, 7172

Stage-Gate, product development process, 144145

Standard & Poors 1200 Global Stock Index, Most Innovative Companies (MIC), 16

Starbucks Corporation

Frappuccino drink, 7273

free samples, 174

statements, vision, 107

Stern, Sam and Alan Robinson, Corporate Creativity: How Innovation and Improvement Really Happen, 81

stethoscope, electronic, 132133

stewardship, rewarding, 8687

stores, category killer, 153


filling the idea funnel, 120

generating growth, 155, 158

leadership, 3654

Mining the Future, 100114, 101, 171


leadership, 3654

learning-driven product development, 146147

Stage-Gate product development, 144145

strategy innovation

defined, 2023

elements, 21

vs. product innovation, 155

Tyson Foods, 156157

stress, crunch times, 67


Association of Managers for Innovation, 5859

Boston Consulting group s list of the Worlds 25 Most Innovative Companies, 16

cellular phone use by AT&T, 112

company practices in Research Technlogy Management, 100

Corporate Strategy Board, 1314

growth and profitability by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 50

IBM’s Expanding the Innovation Horizon, 154155

innovation centers by the Association of Managers for Innovation, 5859

J.D. Power and Associates, 163

leading innovators by Robert B. Tucker, 101102

market pioneers by Tellis and Colder, 109

new product and service management by Kuczmarski & Associates, 138139


new product idea sources by Kleinschmidt and Cooper, 127128

PricewaterhouseCooper on growth stimulation, 1516

Profit Impact of Market Strategies (PIMS) database, 109

radical innovations by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 27

self-described market pioneers by Shan Management Review, 109

See also case study; surveys

study course, “Inside the Innovation

Elite”, 28

styles, problem-solving, 7173


measuring new product/service “best” vs. “rest”, 138139

rewarding, 54

study of market pioneer, 109

suggestion programs

employee involvement, 8082

implementing, 23

summit, Chief Innovation Officer Leadership, AA Sun Microsystems, Solaris Unix operating system, 143

supercenters, vs. specialty stores, 153

suppliers, product ideation involvement, 133135

support, for new products by management, 139


Arthur D. Little deriving business value from innovation, 139140

Boston Consulting Group on innovation spending, 153154

CEO’s on source of new ideas by IBM, 128

Innovation Network, 77

KAI Inventory, 7172

supplier-manufacturer relationships by A.T. Kearney, 133

Trek Consulting on responsibilities of innovation chiefs, 4244

See also case study; study

survival, adapting the enterprise, 155

Sutherland, David, Business Innovation Consortium (BIC), 4142

Sutton, Robert I., interview with Brendan Boyle, 119120


dog litter, 172173

establishing metrics, 4952

fan-beam scanners, 147

FedEx tracking, 20

GE Medicals CT, 147

GE s digital x-ray, 27

idea management, 7879, 9296, 93

idea solicitation, 77

inventory control, 39

legal case-management, 73

personal future-scanning, 101104

rewards, 5254

suggestion, 8082

Sun Microsystems Solaris Unix operating, 143

See also idea management

tactics, Mind Dumpster, 124125

tasks, customer outsourcing, 160161

Taylor, Frederick, organizational thinking, 46

team, process design, 7576

Team Total, launch of Total toothpaste, 179, 181


cross-functional, 147148

idea selection, 45

innovation, 9192

Investment Opportunity, 87

Kaizen, 82

new venture, 7, 8587

techniques, ideation, 119120



BMW’s program for integrating new, 105106

protecting proprietary, 110

teeth-whitening, meeting customer needs, 161162


Hughes Electronics Divisions DIRECTV, 2122

RCAs color, 113

Tellis, Gerard and Peter Colder, study of market pioneers, 108109

Terry, Tom (Verizon), CommGuard tool creation, 89

testimonials, personal, 178

testing, beta, 149

thinkers, skeptical, 170


idea stimuli, 124

natural resistance to innovative, 104

“silo”, 46

3Com, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 89 3M Corporation

encouraging risk taking, 56

free time policy, 66

human resources recruiters, 7475

innovation metrics, 6

policies that encourage new products and services, 5051, 54

Post-It™ Notes, 23, 6061, 174, 178179

Richmond, Virginia Post-It introduction, 60

time, barriers to innovation, 6568

time out, taking a scheduled, 122

Tomer, Alvin, Future Shock, 168

tools, assessment, 64

toothpaste, Colgate-Palmolive Total, 179180


continuous improvement programs, 83

quality initiatives, 83

Trained Brains, Eureka! Ranch, 124


basic creativity, 47

implementation, 48


analyzing, 9798

missing the big picture, 83

tracking, 101102

Triclosan, vs. fluoride in toothpaste, 180

Tucker, Robert B., Winning the Innovation Game, 101102

Tupperware, distribution methods, 163

turnover, of products and services, 15

Tushman, Michael and Charles O’Reilly, Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal, 35

types, innovation, 1822

Tyson, Donald, Tyson Foods, “Do more with chicken” motto, 156157

uncertainty factoring in, 147

University of California Santa Barbara, 2

UNIX, Sun Microsystems Solaris operating system, 143

Upper Class, Virgin Atlantic, 160

USA Today, advertiser’s mean time to payback, 172


creating new, 159

creating new customer, 1718, 143144, 155

delivering, 111

strategy innovation, 22

valve, safety, 94

Vanguard firms. See Innovation Vanguard firms


VCRs, Sony’s BETA, 111

vendors, cultivating relationships with, 133135

Verizon, CommGuard, 8889

vests, Kevlar, 177

videocassette recorders, Sony’s BETA, 111

views, adopting majority, 70

Virgin Group

employee suggestion programs, 8587

market positioning, 160

Virgin Bride, 39

Virtual Innovation Agency (VIA), Bavarian Motor Works, 128129

vision, statements, 107

voice, customer, 144

Volkswagen of America, Beetle, 27


business model, 21

new business model, 22

Sam Walton on questioning assumptions, 107

supercenters, 153

Wall Street Journal, upgrade fatigue, 168


anticipating the consumer’s unmet, 161

meeting customer, 159

Warren, Tim (Royal Dutch/Shell), encouraging growth, 98100

web, prototyping on the, 148

websites, www.innovationresource. com, 28

Webvan, investor’s mean time to payback, 172173

weddings, Virgin Bride planning services, 39


chief information officer on innovation, 3738

Innovation Vanguard Firms, 2

Whirlpool Corporation

Innovation Team for product development, 9192

Personal Valet, 91, 172

white space, opportunities, 87, 97

WiltonArmatale, new idea programs, 118

Windows 95, beta testing, 149

Winning the Innovation Game (Tucker), study of leading innovators, 101102

Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal (Tushman and O’Reilly), 35

wisdom, going against conventional, 142143


knowledge, 6568

longer hours spent working, 121

suggestion programs, 8082

temporary, 93

World Wide Web, selling radical new ideas, 112113

World’s 25 Most Innovative Companies, Boston Consulting group’s list of, 16

Wright, Mark (Bristol-Myers Squibb), targeted idea catalyst campaigns, 126127

x-rays, GE’s digital, 27

Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 88

Ziploc garbage bags, S.C. Johnson & Son, 168

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