
What gives you high-speed Internet access, runs thousands of apps, lets you take high-resolution photos and HD videos (and play them on a TV as well), gives you immediate access to information about all your friends, family, and contacts, handles any email you can throw at it, is a wizard at Facebook and other social networking services…and lets you make and receive phone calls as well?

It’s the Droid X—the smartphone with a big 4.3-inch screen and enough tech specs to make any smartphone lover’s heart skip a beat.

The Droid X brings together superb hardware from Motorola with Google’s powerful, flexible Android operating system. Many people consider the Droid X to be the best smartphone on the planet. If you’re holding this book in your hand, you’re probably among them—or soon will be.

This book will help you get the most out of your Droid X, and there’s a lot you can get out of it, as you’ll see. Whether you’re looking just to get started, or want to dig deep into the phone’s capabilities, this book’s got you covered.

About the Droid X

The Droid X is arguably the hottest smartphone on the market, with good reason. First, there’s the hardware. Motorola gave it a 4.3-inch, high-resolution screen; an 8-megapixel camera; and an HD camcorder. For keeping you connected, the Droid X has antennas for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS.

For its part, Verizon threw in its speedy 3G network, which lets you talk, text, and surf the Web almost anywhere in the U.S. (Anywhere important, anyway.)

Google contributed its Android operating system, with seamless access to Gmail, YouTube, and other Google services. The worldwide developer community created thousands of apps—programs for your Droid X—in the Android Market (with more coming every day).

Put it all together, and you can do just about anything. You can get turn-by-turn directions, check weather and traffic, and identify landmarks. You can work with word processing and spreadsheet files and manage your email and calendar. You can take pictures and share them on Facebook, or shoot videos and upload them to YouTube. You can even turn the Droid X into a Wi-Fi hotspot for getting up to five computers online.

Oh, and it’s also a darn good phone with great sound quality and all the calling features you could ask for.

You could figure out how to make the most of all these features on your own, but by that time there’d be a whole other generation of smart phones to learn. This book will put you on the fast track to all of the Droid X’s magic.

About This Book

There’s an entire world to explore in the Droid X, and the little leaflet that comes in the box doesn’t begin to give you all the help, advice, and guidance you need. So this book is the manual that should have accompanied the Droid X.

The brain running the Droid X is a piece of software from Google called Android. Motorola then tweaked Android so it gets the most out of the Droid X. Both Google and Motorola regularly issue updates that improve the way the Droid X works. So there’s a chance that since this book was written, there have been some changes to the Droid X. To help keep yourself up to date about them, head to this book’s Errata/Changes page. (Go to

About the Outline

Droid X: The Missing Manual is divided into six parts, each of which has several chapters:

  • Part 1, Android Basics, covers everything you need to know about using the Android as a phone, as well as how to type on it, send text messages, and use a nifty feature called Visual Voice Mail. So you’ll get a guided tour of the phone, learn how to dial, to manage your contacts, to use caller ID and similar features, to make conference calls, and more, including fancy phone tricks.

  • Part 2, Camera, Pix, Music, and Video, gives you the rundown on using the Droid X for taking pictures, recording videos, viewing pictures, playing videos, and playing and managing your music.

  • Part 3, Maps, Apps, and Calendar, shows you the many ways in which the Droid X connects you to the outside world—and it includes plenty of what appears to be magic as well. You’ll learn how to navigate using a GPS, to find any location in the world with maps, to find your own location on a map, to get weather and news, to use a great calendar app, and to synchronize that calendar with your Google calendar, or even an Outlook calendar.

  • Part 4, Android Online, tells you everything you need to know about the Droid X’s remarkable online talents. You’ll find out how to get online, either over Verizon’s network or a Wi-Fi hotspot, see how you can turn your Droid X into a portable 3G hotspot, master email, browse the Web, and download and use countless apps from the Android Market.

  • Part 5, Advanced Topics, covers a wide variety of subjects, including how to sync and transfer files between the Droid X and your PC and Mac, to use the Droid X at your workplace, and to control the Droid X by talking to it. And you’ll find a comprehensive listing of the Droid X’s settings.

  • Part 6, Appendixes, has three reference chapters. Appendix A shows you how to activate your Droid X. Appendix B shows what kind of accessories you can get for your Droid X, such as cases, chargers, and screen protectors. Appendix C offers plenty of help troubleshooting issues with the phone’s operation.


In this book and the entire Missing Manual series, you’ll find instructions like this one: Tap Settings→Call Settings→“Voicemail settings”. That’s a shorthand way of giving longer instructions like this: “Tap the Settings button. From the screen that opens, tap Call Settings. And from the screen that opens after that, tap ‘Voicemail settings’.”

It’s also used to make it easier to understand instructions you’ll need to follow on your PC or Mac, such as File→Print.

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