Looking at default Search results

The easiest way for us to take a look at what Drupal will return is by navigating to the homepage of our site and clicking on the search icon in the main menu.

We can now enter the keyword or term of lorem, as shown in the following image:

Looking at default Search results

Once we have entered a keyword, we can hit Enter on our keyboard, which will take us to the Search results page located at /search/node?keys=lorem. We now have our first glance at the markup that Drupal displays by default.

Looking at default Search results

Comparing the results to our Mockup, we can visually see that each individual result is displaying as an ordered list. Within each result, there is also additional information such as comments, which we will need to suppress. Search provides us with a couple of Twig templates we can use to clean up our markup. But before we move on to theming, it would help to have a better understanding of the options we have within core search and how to configure it for our needs.

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