Chapter 9. Switching Pattern

There’s nothing worse than being stuck on a boring team assignment, where you feel like every day is a complete drag, and you feel like you’re stagnating. It doesn’t have to be like that. Engagement at work can happen when you are intellectually stimulated and are able to continually learn in your job. Sometimes that can mean finding a new team situation where you are with completely different people, working on completely different things to refresh your focus. Just having the opportunity to switch teams can bring companies tremendous retention possibilities.

Besides that, switching can help us to build a more sustainable and resilient company. If only one person maintains a critical system and then leaves, you could experience tremendous setbacks. So why not mitigate that by building in some proactive switching? Don’t fall into the “we must have stable teams” dogma that can lead you into these traps.

The pages that follow dig into the switching pattern, where one person leaves a team and then joins a team, as depicted in Figure 9-1.

The Switching Pattern
Figure 9-1. The switching pattern

Switching is also when people switch pairs within a team when pair programming, as the next two stories illustrate.

Switching Pairs Within a Team

Pair programming is a classic method of spreading knowledge around a team. It’s when two software engineers work with one monitor on the same code, at the same time, with one or more keyboards. Combined with the switching pattern, it’s an awesome way to spread knowledge and learning around a team, as described in the following stories.

Richard Sheridan, reflecting back on his pre–Menlo Innovations days, told me about how he discovered Extreme Programming Explained by Kent Beck.1 As a programmer himself, Richard was struck by something in Kent’s book. “It’s when Kent said, Think back like I did. When were you the most productive? I was the most productive when I worked closely with another person.” Richard reflected back to when he was a programmer and remembered when he paired with another person…that they were able to be productive together and that they had safety together to not make a big mistake.2 He and James Goebel (who would later become his Menlo Innovations cofounder) decided to propose an experiment with their software engineers to try out extreme programming as a way to learn Java.

This was back in 1999. They wanted to spread the knowledge of Java around the team, which at the time was about 14 developers, and only 3 had knowledge of Java. They paired in order to spread the learning as quickly as possible.

As their experiment started to progress, they started what he called dynamic re-pairing. To his surprise, “there was actually a productivity to it that we hadn’t expected, and we just started tracking for that…. We paired people for two weeks at a time, and then we just let them sort of dynamically re-pair.”

After a while, they noticed that “cliques were starting to form.” To mitigate that, they started to assign the pairs. They framed it as an experiment: “We started orchestrating the pairs, almost like a square dance because we wanted to make sure, again, that everybody gets a chance to pair with everybody.” People liked that because it took away the social pressure of trying to figure out who they were going to pair with. If you were picked last for a pair it could get very awkward.

The side effect of this pairing system was that people formed new friendships. As Richard said, “Some of them, they have worked with for a decade or more, but they never worked with them quite like they had in this circumstance. So suddenly there was this new energy about getting to know people in the team, and believe me, these were introverted engineers, right? So this was not their natural inclination.”

After interviewing Richard, I reviewed his book, Joy, Inc. He recounts this story there, too. What strikes me from the book is the following passage. Richard wrote about what the atmosphere was like on this team during this experiment: “I couldn’t believe what I saw immediately in this new space: energy, noise, collaboration, progress, work, learning, and fun. In a word, joy. (Although I wouldn’t think of it in those terms until years later).”3

This switch from solo programming to pair programming was a huge, animated contrast. Moreover, the switching of the pairs in particular brought additional fulfillment to the people who were present in that space. When you switch pairs, or teams for that matter, you are exposed to new people and new ideas. You just learn more. That feels good to us as humans.

When I was at AppFolio, especially in the early years, we always kept an anchor when we switched pairs. An anchor is a concept we learned from Pivotal Software, who trained us way back when. One engineer would stay with the work, while another engineer would rotate in. That’s not the only way to apply the switching pattern to pair programming, as this next story, also from Menlo Innovations, illustrates.

Switching Pairs Out Completely for Problem Solving

Another benefit to switching pairs was revealed in a story Richard told me was a “magical moment” for him. It was about two engineers who paired on a bug for two weeks but couldn’t figure it out. When you’re in a situation like that, you feel like you have so much time invested that you might be hesitant to switch out (or split up) the pair. But Richard’s cofounder, James, suggested that they try an experiment. They didn’t just switch in one person in the pair; instead, they reassigned the bug to two different people entirely. The two people switched in were one experienced developer and one junior developer—and those two people wound up solving the bug in an hour.  

“The whole idea of keeping the same people doing the same thing over and over again, which is this fundamental belief from productivity and efficiency and all that sort of thing, is a false premise,” according to Richard. He talked about the pattern he saw when a pair cycled off of some work and a new pair cycled into it: “The people who supposedly didn’t know as much […] were better contributors than the long-standing team members.” In addition, those long-standing team members were excited about having a chance. In his words, “What you saw in them was excitement. You saw human energy. They’re thinking, Oh, I get to learn something new. I’m not doing the same thing over and over and over again.

The huge insight for Richard is best articulated in his words: “It challenged my thinking as a manager, as a director, as a vice president. And, things I thought were true probably weren’t. […] James and I at that moment were forever changed, and we’ve never varied.”4

As I alluded to earlier in this chapter, in my experience at AppFolio it was very rare (at least in the first nine years, from my vantage point) to entirely switch out one pair for another. It was more common for us to keep part of the pair on the story, and switch out one person. So we had the continuity of the original person and the addition of the new “brain” to the mix. Learning this story from Richard really shifted my thinking. There are so many different ways to work. In his book, he talked about the shift from “less I to more we.”  In his words, “If a pair was silently stuck at their computer, staring motionless at the screen, another pair would arrive and ask, What’s going on? It felt safe and nurturing, rather than competitive and tense.”5 This is a strong sense of “whole team.”

Switching pairs within a team is one way that the switching pattern shows up in organizations. But that’s not the only level. Sometimes we switch one person from one team to another with the deliberate goal of sharing knowledge, as the next story illustrates.

Switching Teams to Share Knowledge and Support a Feature

In the nine years that I was at AppFolio, we had feature teams that had collective code ownership, and we had full stack Ruby on Rails developers. For years, any team could work on any area of the codebase. Collective code ownership was valued. Over time, however, some teams organically became specialized—specifically the teams that dealt with complex commerce systems. To get things done quickly, as was desired at times for this area of work, that team became a logjam of sorts. We made the deliberate decision to spread the knowledge of this business domain to another team.

Because we still had the strong pair programming ethic, we spread the knowledge across teams via pairing. A developer from the initial commerce team went and spent time with the new team, which was going to be getting commerce-related work in the future. This developer stayed over there for a few sprints and then left to go back to his initial commerce team. Having that developer leave his home team to go over to another team for the short term might have felt painful for the initial team for a bit, but in the big picture it wasn’t that long for him to be away. And, since the teams were colocated, it didn’t feel like he was physically going too far away, as the teams were seated near each other.

This same type of situation happened when training AppFolio’s tech support team on how to use some key commerce features. After the initial team built certain systems, it started to field the escalated customer service–related requests for the rest of the company. This wound up getting in the way of developing new features. It reached a point where it made sense to the people involved to transfer knowledge and responsibility to another team. So one developer from the commerce team went and paired for a while with the tech support team to teach it how to field the related questions in order to support the commerce feature. When the tech support team and the developer felt that enough knowledge was shared, and that the tech support team could be on its own with the customer service requests, the developer left the team and returned to his original team.

I think that switching people across teams for temporary periods of time and then sending them back to their home team is an overlooked strategy for tackling dependencies. That comes up in the next story, as well as the idea of switching at a regular cadence, deliberately, to spread knowledge proactively.

Deliberate Switching at a Cadence to Share Knowledge

Switching teams to spread knowledge deliberately is also commonplace at Pivotal Software, where the company automates the deployment of “platform as a service” as its business. In fact, it’s built into the organizational strategy, as relayed to me by Evan Willey, director of program management. Using a home-grown tool called Allocations, created while consultants at the other division of their business were on the bench and not on client engagements, engineering managers and leads keep track of their 50+ teams and are able to understand and see who is on which team “now,” and for how long. Evan described Allocations as their “meta-level team creation activity that we do and team engineer rotation tool that we use.”6

Evan said, “Our engineering directors and leadership look at Allocations twice a week in set rituals.” They make decisions about who should remain on teams, and who might move to other teams. He explained the context like this:

Let’s see how we can kind of rejigger the overall makeup of the team. It’s fairly incremental. It changes week over week. It depends on factors like where the backlog is going, how critical is that team’s feature set, but also, are there engineers on the team who’ve been there for over nine months who are getting due to rotate out to another team? They’ll keep an eye on those factors as well to make sure that we’re not ending up with silos of information that are growing because somebody’s been on a team for two to three years and just becomes the holder of all knowledge.

Their organizational structure and code organization is designed to match their reteaming. Each team at Pivotal is fairly atomic, and in Evan’s words, “We really try to maintain as much contract-based, API-based separation of concerns between teams as much as we can. We try not to share codebases between teams. All the Git repos for a particular team’s feature are wholly owned by that team, and if another team is going to make an addition or change to that codebase, they’ll either do it with a pull request or through cross-team pairing—where we would kind of send one half of a pair over to the dependency holding team and one half of that team’s pair back to the upstream team to work on that feature.”

Pivotal Software has two levels of deliberate reteaming to spread knowledge. Through its strong pair programming culture, within-team switching is highly encouraged. Pairs are like microteams within teams. Two people are continuously integrating ideas. And then the pairs switch, and knowledge is spread around within the team. “If you don’t have pair rotation within a team, it can get kind of stagnant, and eventually it gets a little frustrating for the folks that are on that team, so we try to keep that from happening,” said Evan. I asked Evan to describe the concept of “stagnation” further. (This is a word that came up across many of my reteaming interviews.) He said he was referring to the collaboration: “You don’t get the variety of interactions that you would if you were more frequently rotating within the team.”

Pair switching is so important in the “Pivotal process” that it’s tied to a role. The “anchor” role on the company’s teams is the developer responsible for the delivery health of their team. This person is also responsible for making sure that their pair rotation within the team is taking place successfully. They are also making sure that the retrospectives take place and that standups are healthy.

The second level of reteaming is cross-team. If one team has a dependency with another team, Evan told me that “those teams may arrange to swap pairs, and somebody might go from one team to another team for a few days or a week to get the feature done.” This is a very functional reteaming with a clear goal.

Besides cross-team switching for getting dependencies completed, they also switch teams to proactively share knowledge. According to Evan, “knowledge sharing generally happens through the ongoing rotation of engineers through all the teams so that they get a variety of different kinds of teams to work with.”

By working with different people on different subject matter, we can learn new things from each other and make the knowledge stickier in our companies. This helps us to deliberately sustain the knowledge. It’s good risk management. It’s quite the opposite of the Tower of Knowledge anti-pattern described by Richard Sheridan in Chapter 10. “We like to build that generalism amongst the entire engineering staff,” Evan told me. “We really believe in generalism and that it leads to empathy. So we aren’t creating my team versus that team because I might be on that team for a month. It helps us outsmart the Mythical Man-Month a little bit as well.7 So that if we have a critical project or if we get in the middle of a release and there’s a feature that becomes a long pull, and it’s falling behind and it’s the thing we said is a must have for the release, we do have the option to make the team that’s working on that feature stronger.” Because the team switching happens, it takes less time and effort to switch over and help out another team: “We already have a larger pool of folks that already have familiarity in that team’s domain and feature.”

This reteaming is quite contrary to the now-seemingly antiquated, canonical software organizational advice that encourages us to keep our teams stable or “the same” as a strategy. I’m blown away, frankly, by this deliberate generalism. It’s almost as if they are creating microorganisms that move around within the team and across teams. This brings up visuals of building an organization that really moves. It’s antistagnation. It’s alive.

There are other reasons why we might encourage the switching pattern across our teams, and they’re human ones, discussed next.

Rotating Developers for Friendship and Pairing

I was working once with three teams at AppFolio. The developers pair programmed. When we made the switch from one team to two teams using the grow-and-split pattern discussed earlier in this book, and then added a few team members to form three teams, some of the developers were sad that they could no longer pair program with their friends who were now on “other teams.”

So we started a regular rotation of one engineer from team to team, as shown in Figure 9-2, in order to address that concern and to provide more fulfillment to these engineers. That was pretty dynamic in that context.

Rotation of Engineers Between Teams
Figure 9-2. Rotation of engineers between teams

Comron Sattari reminisced with me about this. In his words: “So eventually you want to rotate people out. But you don’t want to rotate everyone out at once. So what we ended up doing, I think every six weeks or every couple of sprints we would rotate one person out. So three of the team members stayed the same, and we’d take one person from another team and would rotate people out. Eventually the teams would get all mixed up and you’d get that bigger team mentality because you’re working with everybody but you’ve got more focus on the smaller team.”8

He elaborated on what this was like for him: “It was really good because you had that momentum with your team. You knew what everyone was working on. We’d sit right next to each other. Communication was super easy. But then every few weeks you get new blood, new ideas, new faces, and they are people you see every day in the office, obviously. I was on a team, I really liked working with Donnie, but Donnie was on another team. But I knew in a couple weeks he might be on my team and we could do something new together.”

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all cadence to use for team rotation. Start somewhere, visualize your reteaming, align on why you’re doing it, and reflect at a regular cadence to grow and evolve to the best situation for your team. And better yet, listen to your developers. See what they need. I love how AppFolio adjusted with the hope of bringing fulfillment to these engineers.

Fulfillment at work is one of the keys to engagement and retention. When we are able to pursue our learning goals within the companies we are working at, it’s like we’ve struck gold because we’ll probably look forward to coming to work each day. This brings us to the next section about switching.

Switching for Personal Growth and Learning

It’s nice when people aren’t stuck in one team forever and when we view people with a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed one.9 We can learn and grow and change in our lives. It’s more engaging when we are learning and interacting with different people.

At Jama Software in Portland, Oregon, where at the writing of this book they had around 35 engineers, Cristian Fuentes, an engineering manager, has seen the company grow from about 9 people to 140 people. Cristian told me about how their team members self-select onto different teams depending on work needs and personal interests. People have the opportunity to leave the team they are on now and switch to a different team that matches what they want to learn. He said, “If a team member has been working on an API-type of project […] and they want to learn frontend, for example, they move to one of the teams working on frontend-type features for their own career growth.” When you find the right fit, and you are enjoying your team, you might not change teams. In his words, “Right now we’re at a point where there’s certain teams or team members that have really enjoyed working together—so they stuck together. There are other team members that still move around teams.”10

At AppFolio, we were organized with feature teams that could really work on any part of our property management application. We had a few more specialized teams when I was there, one that built and maintained the data centers that housed our software, a handful of other teams that focused on noncustomer visible infrastructure projects for customers and others in the engineering team, and a tech support team. I worked with all of these teams throughout the years in an agile coaching capacity.

From time to time, engineers would rotate in and out of infrastructure teams. One engineer told me that working in those teams, as opposed to feature teams, provided different, larger, more systemic problems to solve. And, the product managers were other engineers. That was very motivating to him.

People in our tech support team would leave their team and go work on feature teams from time to time. There, they would gain specialized knowledge of the features they would support when they returned back to their tech support team. There was at least one instance where a tech support engineer left their team and then stayed over in a feature team. It’s nice that the company was flexible to allow for this personal growth and choice.

Enabling switching can be considered a strategic advantage. Mike Boufford, CTO at Greenhouse, views it as a “secret weapon.” When people have been working somewhere for a while, they might just get the itch for change. So when you rotate them to a different team “their itch has been scratched.” He said, “I actually think it’s like a secret weapon in retention to give people the opportunity to move between teams and change their environment a bit.”11

We’ve gone over several different facets of the switching pattern. We’ve seen how it applies when switching pairs within teams as well as across teams. You can apply the switching pattern for knowledge sharing, and to encourage the fulfillment and learning of your people. It also has the potential to enable awesome transformative learning for people to reinvent themselves at work. Sounds good, right? There are also pitfalls to this pattern.

Pitfalls of the Switching Pattern

Keeping the people and their personal development in mind is one aspect of switching. There can be threats to this, which lead us to sometimes want to restrict switching because we want to keep the best people on our teams. Additionally, if there is very low knowledge redundancy on our team, switching can be quite painful, so we might desire to avoid it. Furthermore, if we have single specialist roles on our teams, and when they’re the only ones on our teams, it’s probably more challenging to embark on switching. Let’s explore these three pitfalls, starting with the desire to hoard good team members.

The Desire to Hoard Good Team Members

When you get “good people” on your teams, it’s natural not to want them to go to other teams. However, this can get in the way of switching for the pursuit of learning and fulfillment, or what could be the best for the team member at hand. This came up in conversations I had with Rachel Davies. She told me about managers who had control over reteaming, and during reteaming situations, would keep their “stars” but share out the less competent engineers.

As she put it, “Sometimes people don’t want to let a good person go. So when the decision about team rotation is with the team leads, then it’s easy to kind of go, Oh yeah, you can have this person who’s not very good but this precious person who’s fantastic I wanna keep them. But that’s not good for the person.”12

You can think of reteaming methods on a scale of transparency. On one end you have manager-decided reteaming, and on the opposite spectrum you have team member–decided reteaming. The greater the visibility you have on your reteaming, the more freedom your team members have to control their own destinies.

Manager-driven reteaming can be more of a closed and guarded system, and team member–driven reteaming can be a more open and liberating system that provides people with greater autonomy.

If this is an issue in your organization, you can work with leadership to give feedback to the manager who is doing the hoarding. Sometimes all it takes is giving feedback to help someone see things differently. The book Crucial Conversations even has syntax you can apply to give feedback that might be triggering for the person receiving it. Another book to consult for inspiration is Radical Candor.13

Cultivating a community of managers who have shared goals to help the whole department succeed is another idea to go after. You can have an offsite meeting with managers and, with some coaching, have a session to create a shared vision and values for how you want engineering management to be at your company. In that context, you can lay the groundwork for helping engineers follow their career goals by reteaming.

Another thing you can do is strengthen the individual development plans for your software engineers. An individual development plan, or IDP as it is sometimes called, is a document where engineers can detail their career goals for the upcoming two quarters, for example. If the engineer’s learning goals suggest that reteaming might help that engineer achieve their goals, you can use that in your discussions about team change. You need to strike a balance and find the place on the Venn diagram that represents what the individual wants and what the company needs.

Helping people follow their learning paths may lead them to switching to another team. After they have switched, sometimes the team members are missed and it’s hard for the people on the original team if they haven’t prepared for this change.

It Can Be Challenging When a Team Member is “On Loan” to Another Team

When you’re on a team with someone, and then they switch to another team (or leave, for that matter), you might miss them and really feel the pain of their loss. Maybe you liked having them around—they could be a person that you really enjoyed collaborating with day to day. Or maybe their contributions were so great when they were with the team, and now that they’re gone (even if only temporarily) it is hard to get by. This is all interesting information to take in. If it is highly difficult to have this team member leave in terms of the work that needs to move on in their absence, maybe you need to focus on more pairing or knowledge sharing within your team so that people can practice healthier switching in the future. We can build up our companies to be more resilient so that when we want to switch team members out for whatever reason, we can still continue on as the original team. Prepare as if everyone will leave your team at some point, because they will, as you might recall from Chapter 1. Strategize on how your teams can be resilient.

With Teams Comprised of Single-Specialist Roles, Your Switching Is Limited

If your team is comprised of named roles—such as one frontend engineer, one backend engineer, one iOS engineer, one Android engineer, a quality assurance engineer, a user experience engineer, and a product manager, for example—switching out any of those roles leaves you with a loss, unless someone comes into the team to fill the single specialist “slot.” You’ve built such a specialized team that it is not as resilient as it could be if you were to have a setup as is suggested in Scrum, with “development team members,” who are people who can really work together across roles to move the work forward. If you have two of each role on the team, maybe there is more wiggle room for switching. But is it realistic to think our companies would fund “Noah’s ark”? I’m not sure—but if they did, you’d probably have a team that grows too big that you’d want to split anyway. Single specialist roles could be one of the root causes of teams that grow too big. If you are in specialist world, however, you might consider having developer “exchanges” where you get one frontend engineer, for example, who is interested in what you are doing, in exchange for sending yours over to the other team.

This chapter covered the switching pattern and some pitfalls with it. Switching is very much a human-driven reteaming pattern, and you might think that it is quite similar to the one-by-one pattern because it also involves moving one person into a team or out of a team. These are separate patterns because the one-by-one pattern is very strongly tied to growth and attrition. The switching pattern is very strongly tied to the pursuit of learning, knowledge sharing, developing a resilient and sustainable company, and the quest for fulfillment.

All five of these dynamic reteaming patterns—one by one, grow and split, isolation, merging, and switching—define dynamic reteaming. The fact is, these patterns are likely to be happening simultaneously at our companies, and at different levels—the company level, department level, tribe level, team level, and individual level. This is the panarchy concept discussed in Chapter 1. When we realize that all of this is going on at once, and to different degrees at different companies, maybe dynamic reteaming as a concept is a bit easier to grasp.

Despite that, reteaming is not easy to experience at times. Depending on what you are trying to do pattern-wise and how you go about it, it can be very challenging. It is either going to happen to you naturally through the course of time and then you have to deal with it, or you will decide to deliberately catalyze changes along the lines of the five patterns described in this book, and then you have to deal with the consequences of that. You don’t get anything for free here. You need to think deliberately, reflect, and act accordingly while applying critical thinking. You can’t just “install” dynamic reteaming.

This brings us to the anti-patterns to reteaming. Many were expressed in each of the pattern chapters as pitfalls. But there are more. What follows are identified changes that I wouldn’t seek to repeat. And I’m sure there are more out there in the world that remain to be harvested. I’d like to think that all these anti-patterns emerge out of positive intention. We are trying to help our companies succeed, yet sometimes things can just, well, go wrong. We can learn from anti-patterns. Let’s explore.

1 Beck, Extreme Programming.

2 Richard Sheridan, in an interview with the author, October 2016.

3 Sheridan, Joy, Inc., 25.

4 Richard Sheridan, in an interview with the author, October 2016.

5 Sheridan, Joy, Inc., 31.

6 Evan Willey, in an interview with the author, February 2017.

7 See Brooks, Mythical Man-Month. In his book, Brooks asserts that “adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.” He calls this Brooks’s Law.

8 Comron Sattari, in an interview with the author, March 2016.

9 Dweck, Mindset.

10 Cristian Fuentes, in an interview with the author, April 2017.

11 Mike Boufford, in an interview with the author, January 2020.

12 Rachel Davies, in an interview with the author, December 2016.

13 Patterson et al., Crucial Conversations; Scott, Radical Candor.

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