Predefined and Custom Alarm Categories

The predefined alarm categories and their associated numeric codes are:

0 = Ignore

1 = Log only

2 = Error Alarms

3 = Threshold Alarms

4 = Status Alarms

5 = Configuration Alarms

6 = Application Alert Alarms

The xnmevents GUI displays these and custom-defined categories as shown in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2. The xnmevents GUI.

This little window pops up by default when you start an ovw session. Each button color shows the most severe level of the alarms. Pressing the button brings up an alarms browser that lets you display detailed information about the alarms in that category. This screenshot shows the standard categories.

The events corresponding to the router console log messages will usually be sent to a custom event category (not shown above). There they can be viewed in the event browser and operated on as usual.

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