Crossing Over into HP NetMetrix

Network Node Manager makes a great launching platform for NetMetrix. NNM discovers all known RMON probes on the network, which NetMetrix can then use. NetMetrix can collect statistics from all these probes in the background. You can then view this historical data. For probes with RMON2 or extended RMON, you can also display traffic between source and destination subnets by application and by system, as shown in Figure 9-11.

Figure 9-11. NetMetrix Internet view of point-to-point traffic.

Properly located RMON2 probes can see traffic between subnets as well as local traffic on each subnet. This diagram shows subnets as ovals. Lines between traffic sources, such as those between the Marketing and Engineering subnets, show how much total traffic flows between devices on these subnets. A thick line represents more traffic than a thin line.

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