System Call Handler and Service Routines

When a User Mode process invokes a system call, the CPU switches to Kernel Mode and starts the execution of a kernel function. In Linux a system call must be invoked by executing the int $0x80 assembly language instruction, which raises the programmed exception that has vector 128 (see Section 4.4.1 and Section 4.2.4, both in Chapter 4).

Since the kernel implements many different system calls, the process must pass a parameter called the system call number to identify the required system call; the eax register is used for this purpose. As we shall see in Section 9.2.3 later in this chapter, additional parameters are usually passed when invoking a system call.

All system calls return an integer value. The conventions for these return values are different from those for wrapper routines. In the kernel, positive or 0 values denote a successful termination of the system call, while negative values denote an error condition. In the latter case, the value is the negation of the error code that must be returned to the application program in the errno variable. The errno variable is not set or used by the kernel. Instead, the wrapper routines handles the task of setting this variable after a return from a system call.

The system call handler, which has a structure similar to that of the other exception handlers, performs the following operations:

  • Saves the contents of most registers in the Kernel Mode stack (this operation is common to all system calls and is coded in assembly language).

  • Handles the system call by invoking a corresponding C function called the system call service routine .

  • Exits from the handler by means of the ret_from_sys_call( ) function (which is coded in assembly language).

The name of the service routine associated with the xyz ( ) system call is usually sys_ xyz ( ); there are, however, a few exceptions to this rule.

Figure 9-1 illustrates the relationships between the application program that invokes a system call, the corresponding wrapper routine, the system call handler, and the system call service routine. The arrows denote the execution flow between the functions.

Invoking a system call

Figure 9-1. Invoking a system call

To associate each system call number with its corresponding service routine, the kernel uses a system call dispatch table , which is stored in the sys_call_table array and has NR_syscalls entries (usually 256). The n th entry contains the service routine address of the system call having number n.

The NR_syscalls macro is just a static limit on the maximum number of implementable system calls; it does not indicate the number of system calls actually implemented. Indeed, any entry of the dispatch table may contain the address of the sys_ni_syscall( ) function, which is the service routine of the “nonimplemented” system calls; it just returns the error code - ENOSYS.

Initializing System Calls

The trap_init( ) function, invoked during kernel initialization, sets up the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) entry corresponding to vector 128 (i.e., 0x80) as follows:

set_system_gate(0x80, &system_call);

The call loads the following values into the gate descriptor fields (see Section 4.4.1):

Segment Selector

The _ _KERNEL_CS Segment Selector of the kernel code segment.


The pointer to the system_call( ) exception handler.


Set to 15. Indicates that the exception is a Trap and that the corresponding handler does not disable maskable interrupts.

DPL (Descriptor Privilege Level)

Set to 3. This allows processes in User Mode to invoke the exception handler (see Section 4.2.4).

The system_call( ) Function

The system_call( ) function implements the system call handler. It starts by saving the system call number and all the CPU registers that may be used by the exception handler on the stack — except for eflags, cs, eip, ss, and esp, which have already been saved automatically by the control unit (see Section 4.2.4). The SAVE_ALL macro, which was already discussed in Section, also loads the Segment Selector of the kernel data segment in ds and es:

  pushl %eax 
  movl %esp, %ebx 
  andl $0xffffe000, %ebx

The function also stores the address of the process descriptor in ebx. This is done by taking the value of the kernel stack pointer and rounding it up to a multiple of 8 KB (see Section 3.2.2).

Next, the system_call( ) function checks whether the PT_TRACESYS flag included in the ptrace field of current is set — that is, whether the system call invocations of the executed program are being traced by a debugger. If this is the case, system_call( ) invokes the syscall_trace( ) function twice: once right before and once right after the execution of the system call service routine. This function stops current and thus allows the debugging process to collect information about it.

A validity check is then performed on the system call number passed by the User Mode process. If it is greater than or equal to NR_syscalls, the system call handler terminates:

  cmpl $(NR_syscalls), %eax 
  jb nobadsys 
  movl $(-ENOSYS), 24(%esp) 
  jmp ret_from_sys_call 

If the system call number is not valid, the function stores the -ENOSYS value in the stack location where the eax register has been saved (at offset 24 from the current stack top). It then jumps to ret_from_sys_call( ). In this way, when the process resumes its execution in User Mode, it will find a negative return code in eax.

Finally, the specific service routine associated with the system call number contained in eax is invoked:

call *sys_call_table(0, %eax, 4)

Since each entry in the dispatch table is 4 bytes long, the kernel finds the address of the service routine to be invoked by multiplying the system call number by 4, adding the initial address of the sys_call_table dispatch table and extracting a pointer to the service routine from that slot in the table.

When the service routine terminates, system_call( ) gets its return code from eax and stores it in the stack location where the User Mode value of the eax register is saved. It then jumps to ret_from_sys_call( ), which terminates the execution of the system call handler (see Section 4.8.3):

movl %eax, 24(%esp) 
jmp ret_from_sys_call

When the process resumes its execution in User Mode, it finds the return code of the system call in eax.

Parameter Passing

Like ordinary functions, system calls often require some input/output parameters, which may consist of actual values (i.e., numbers), addresses of variables in the address space of the User Mode process, or even addresses of data structures including pointers to User Mode functions (see Section 10.4).

Since the system_call( ) function is the common entry point for all system calls in Linux, each of them has at least one parameter: the system call number passed in the eax register. For instance, if an application program invokes the fork( ) wrapper routine, the eax register is set to 2 (i.e., _ _NR_fork) before executing the int $0x80 assembly language instruction. Because the register is set by the wrapper routines included in the libc library, programmers do not usually care about the system call number.

The fork( ) system call does not require other parameters. However, many system calls do require additional parameters, which must be explicitly passed by the application program. For instance, the mmap( ) system call may require up to six additional parameters (besides the system call number).

The parameters of ordinary C functions are passed by writing their values in the active program stack (either the User Mode stack or the Kernel Mode stack). Since system calls are a special kind of function that cross over from user to kernel land, neither the User Mode or the Kernel Mode stacks can be used. Rather, system call parameters are written in the CPU registers before invoking the int 0x80 assembly language instruction. The kernel then copies the parameters stored in the CPU registers onto the Kernel Mode stack before invoking the system call service routine because the latter is an ordinary C function.

Why doesn’t the kernel copy parameters directly from the User Mode stack to the Kernel Mode stack? First of all, working with two stacks at the same time is complex; second, the use of registers makes the structure of the system call handler similar to that of other exception handlers.

However, to pass parameters in registers, two conditions must be satisfied:

  • The length of each parameter cannot exceed the length of a register (32 bits).[66]

  • The number of parameters must not exceed six (including the system call number passed in eax), since the Intel Pentium has a very limited number of registers.

The first condition is always true since, according to the POSIX standard, large parameters that cannot be stored in a 32-bit register must be passed by reference. A typical example is the settimeofday( ) system call, which must read a 64-bit structure.

However, system calls that have more than six parameters exist. In such cases, a single register is used to point to a memory area in the process address space that contains the parameter values. Of course, programmers do not have to care about this workaround. As with any C function call, parameters are automatically saved on the stack when the wrapper routine is invoked. This routine will find the appropriate way to pass the parameters to the kernel.

The six registers used to store system call parameters are, in increasing order, eax (for the system call number), ebx, ecx, edx, esi, and edi. As seen before, system_call( ) saves the values of these registers on the Kernel Mode stack by using the SAVE_ALL macro. Therefore, when the system call service routine goes to the stack, it finds the return address to system_call( ), followed by the parameter stored in ebx (the first parameter of the system call), the parameter stored in ecx, and so on (see Section This stack configuration is exactly the same as in an ordinary function call, and therefore the service routine can easily refer to its parameters by using the usual C-language constructs.

Let’s look at an example. The sys_write( ) service routine, which handles the write( ) system call, is declared as:

int sys_write (unsigned int fd, const char * buf, unsigned int count)

The C compiler produces an assembly language function that expects to find the fd, buf, and count parameters on top of the stack, right below the return address, in the locations used to save the contents of the ebx, ecx, and edx registers, respectively.

In a few cases, even if the system call doesn’t use any parameters, the corresponding service routine needs to know the contents of the CPU registers right before the system call was issued. For example, the do_fork( ) function that implements fork( ) needs to know the value of the registers in order to duplicate them in the child process thread field (see Section In these cases, a single parameter of type pt_regs allows the service routine to access the values saved in the Kernel Mode stack by the SAVE_ALL macro (see Section

int sys_fork (struct pt_regs regs)

The return value of a service routine must be written into the eax register. This is automatically done by the C compiler when a return n ; instruction is executed.

Verifying the Parameters

All system call parameters must be carefully checked before the kernel attempts to satisfy a user request. The type of check depends both on the system call and on the specific parameter. Let’s go back to the write( ) system call introduced before: the fd parameter should be a file descriptor that describes a specific file, so sys_write( ) must check whether fd really is a file descriptor of a file previously opened and whether the process is allowed to write into it (see Section 1.5.6). If any of these conditions are not true, the handler must return a negative value — in this case, the error code -EBADF.

One type of checking, however, is common to all system calls. Whenever a parameter specifies an address, the kernel must check whether it is inside the process address space. There are two possible ways to perform this check:

  • Verify that the linear address belongs to the process address space and, if so, that the memory region including it has the proper access rights.

  • Verify just that the linear address is lower than PAGE_OFFSET (i.e., that it doesn’t fall within the range of interval addresses reserved to the kernel).

Early Linux kernels performed the first type of checking. But it is quite time consuming since it must be executed for each address parameter included in a system call; furthermore, it is usually pointless because faulty programs are not very common.

Therefore, starting with Version 2.2, Linux employs the second type of checking. This is much more efficient because it does not require any scan of the process memory region descriptors. Obviously, this is a very coarse check: verifying that the linear address is smaller than PAGE_OFFSET is a necessary but not sufficient condition for its validity. But there’s no risk in confining the kernel to this limited kind of check because other errors will be caught later.

The approach followed is thus to defer the real checking until the last possible moment — that is, until the Paging Unit translates the linear address into a physical one. We shall discuss in Section 9.2.6, later in this chapter, how the Page Fault exception handler succeeds in detecting those bad addresses issued in Kernel Mode that were passed as parameters by User Mode processes.

One might wonder at this point why the coarse check is performed at all. This type of checking is actually crucial to preserve both process address spaces and the kernel address space from illegal accesses. We saw in Chapter 2 that the RAM is mapped starting from PAGE_OFFSET. This means that kernel routines are able to address all pages present in memory. Thus, if the coarse check were not performed, a User Mode process might pass an address belonging to the kernel address space as a parameter and then be able to read or write any page present in memory without causing a Page Fault exception.

The check on addresses passed to system calls is performed by the verify_area( ) function, which acts on two parameters: addr and size.[67]

The function checks the address interval delimited by addr and addr + size - 1, and is essentially equivalent to the following C function:

int verify_area(const void * addr, unsigned long size) 
    unsigned long a = (unsigned long) addr; 
    if (a + size < a || a + size > current->addr_limit.seg) 
        return -EFAULT; 
    return 0; 

The function first verifies whether addr + size, the highest address to be checked, is larger than 232 -1; since unsigned long integers and pointers are represented by the GNU C compiler (gcc) as 32-bit numbers, this is equivalent to checking for an overflow condition. The function also checks whether addr + size exceeds the value stored in the addr_limit.seg field of current. This field usually has the value PAGE_OFFSET for normal processes and the value 0xffffffff for kernel threads. The value of the addr_limit.seg field can be dynamically changed by the get_fs and set_fs macros; this allows the kernel to invoke system call service routines directly and to pass addresses in the kernel data segment to them.

The access_ok macro performs the same check as verify_area( ). The only difference is its return value: it yields 1 if the specified address interval is valid and 0 otherwise. The _ _addr_ok macro also returns 1 if the specified linear address is valid and 0 otherwise.

Accessing the Process Address Space

System call service routines often need to read or write data contained in the process’s address space. Linux includes a set of macros that make this access easier. We’ll describe two of them, called get_user( ) and put_user( ). The first can be used to read 1, 2, or 4 consecutive bytes from an address, while the second can be used to write data of those sizes into an address.

Each function accepts two arguments, a value x to transfer and a variable ptr. The second variable also determines how many bytes to transfer. Thus, in get_user(x,ptr), the size of the variable pointed to by ptr causes the function to expand into a _ _get_user_1( ), _ _get_user_2( ), or _ _get_user_4( ) assembly language function. Let’s consider one of them, _ _get_user_2( ):

_ _ get_user_2: 
    addl $1, %eax 
    jc bad_get_user 
    movl %esp, %edx 
    andl $0xffffe000, %edx 
    cmpl 12(%edx), %eax 
    jae bad_get_user 
2:  movzwl -1(%eax), %edx 
    xorl %eax, %eax 
    xorl %edx, %edx 
    movl $-EFAULT, %eax 

The eax register contains the address ptr of the first byte to be read. The first six instructions essentially perform the same checks as the verify_area( ) functions: they ensure that the 2 bytes to be read have addresses less than 4 GB as well as less than the addr_limit.seg field of the current process. (This field is stored at offset 12 in the process descriptor, which appears in the first operand of the cmpl instruction.)

If the addresses are valid, the function executes the movzwl instruction to store the data to be read in the two least significant bytes of edx register while setting the high-order bytes of edx to 0; then it sets a 0 return code in eax and terminates. If the addresses are not valid, the function clears edx, sets the -EFAULT value into eax, and terminates.

The put_user(x,ptr) macro is similar to the one discussed before, except it writes the value x into the process address space starting from address ptr. Depending on the size of x, it invokes either the _ _put_user_asm( ) macro (size of 1, 2, or 4 bytes) or the _ _put_user_u64( ) macro (size of 8 bytes). Both macros return the value 0 in the eax register if they succeed in writing the value, and -EFAULT otherwise.

Several other functions and macros are available to access the process address space in Kernel Mode; they are listed in Table 9-1. Notice that many of them also have a variant prefixed by two underscores (_ _ ). The ones without initial underscores take extra time to check the validity of the linear address interval requested, while the ones with the underscores bypass that check. Whenever the kernel must repeatedly access the same memory area in the process address space, it is more efficient to check the address once at the start and then access the process area without making any further checks.

Table 9-1. Functions and macros that access the process address space



_ _get_user

Reads an integer value from user space (1, 2, or 4 bytes)

_ _put_user

Writes an integer value to user space (1, 2, or 4 bytes)

_ _copy_from_user

Copies a block of arbitrary size from user space

_ _copy_to_user

Copies a block of arbitrary size to user space

_ _strncpy_from_user

Copies a null-terminated string from user space


Returns the length of a null-terminated string in user space

_ _clear_user

Fills a memory area in user space with zeros

Dynamic Address Checking: The Fixup Code

As seen previously, verify_area( ), access_ok, and _ _addr_ok make only a coarse check on the validity of linear addresses passed as parameters of a system call. Since they do not ensure that these addresses are included in the process address space, a process could cause a Page Fault exception by passing a wrong address.

Before describing how the kernel detects this type of error, let’s specify the three cases in which Page Fault exceptions may occur in Kernel Mode. These cases must be distinguished by the Page Fault handler, since the actions to be taken are quite different.

  1. The kernel attempts to address a page belonging to the process address space, but either the corresponding page frame does not exist or the kernel tries to write a read-only page. In these cases, the handler must allocate and initialize a new page frame (see the sections Section 8.4.3 and Section 8.4.4).

  2. The kernel addresses a page belonging to its address space, but the corresponding Page Table entry has not yet been initialized (see Section 8.4.5). In this case, the kernel must properly set up some entries in the Page Tables of the current process.

  3. Some kernel function includes a programming bug that causes the exception to be raised when that program is executed; alternatively, the exception might be caused by a transient hardware error. When this occurs, the handler must perform a kernel oops (see Section 8.4.1).

  4. The case introduced in this chapter: a system call service routine attempts to read or write into a memory area whose address has been passed as a system call parameter, but that address does not belong to the process address space.

The Page Fault handler can easily recognize the first case by determining whether the faulty linear address is included in one of the memory regions owned by the process. It is also able to detect the second case by checking whether the Page Tables of the process include a proper non-null entry that maps the address. Let’s now explain how the handler distinguishes the remaining two cases.

The exception tables

The key to determining the source of a Page Fault lies in the narrow range of calls that the kernel uses to access the process address space. Only the small group of functions and macros described in the previous section are used to access this address space; thus, if the exception is caused by an invalid parameter, the instruction that caused it must be included in one of the functions, or else be generated by expanding one of the macros. The number of the instructions that address user space is fairly small.

Therefore, it does not take much effort to put the address of each kernel instruction that accesses the process address space into a structure called the exception table. If we succeed in doing this, the rest is easy. When a Page Fault exception occurs in Kernel Mode, the do_page_fault( ) handler examines the exception table: if it includes the address of the instruction that triggered the exception, the error is caused by a bad system call parameter; otherwise, it is caused by a more serious bug.

Linux defines several exception tables. The main exception table is automatically generated by the C compiler when building the kernel program image. It is stored in the _ _ex_table section of the kernel code segment, and its starting and ending addresses are identified by two symbols produced by the C compiler: _ _start_ _ _ex_table and _ _stop_ _ _ex_table.

Moreover, each dynamically loaded module of the kernel (see Appendix B) includes its own local exception table. This table is automatically generated by the C compiler when building the module image, and it is loaded into memory when the module is inserted in the running kernel.

Each entry of an exception table is an exception_table_entry structure that has two fields:


The linear address of an instruction that accesses the process address space


The address of the assembly language code to be invoked when a Page Fault exception triggered by the instruction located at insn occurs

The fixup code consists of a few assembly language instructions that solve the problem triggered by the exception. As we shall see later in this section, the fix usually consists of inserting a sequence of instructions that forces the service routine to return an error code to the User Mode process. Such instructions are usually defined in the same macro or function that accesses the process address space; sometimes they are placed by the C compiler into a separate section of the kernel code segment called .fixup.

The search_exception_table( ) function is used to search for a specified address in all exception tables: if the address is included in a table, the function returns the corresponding fixup address; otherwise, it returns 0. Thus the Page Fault handler do_page_fault( ) executes the following statements:

if ((fixup = search_exception_table(regs->eip)) != 0) { 
    regs->eip = fixup; 

The regs->eip field contains the value of the eip register saved on the Kernel Mode stack when the exception occurred. If the value in the register (the instruction pointer) is in an exception table, do_page_fault( ) replaces the saved value with the address returned by search_exception_table( ). Then the Page Fault handler terminates and the interrupted program resumes with execution of the fixup code.

Generating the exception tables and the fixup code

The GNU Assembler .section directive allows programmers to specify which section of the executable file contains the code that follows. As we shall see in Chapter 20, an executable file includes a code segment, which in turn may be subdivided into sections. Thus, the following assembly language instructions add an entry into an exception table; the "a" attribute specifies that the section must be loaded into memory together with the rest of the kernel image:

.section _  _ex_table, "a" 
    .long faulty_instruction_address, fixup_code_address 

The .previous directive forces the assembler to insert the code that follows into the section that was active when the last .section directive was encountered.

Let’s consider again the _ _get_user_1( ), _ _get_user_2( ), and _ _get_user_4( ) functions mentioned before. The instructions that access the process address space are those labeled as 1, 2, and 3:

_ _get_user_1: 
1:  movzbl (%eax), %edx 
_ _get_user_2: 
2:  movzwl -1(%eax), %edx 
_ _get_user_4: 
3:  movl -3(%eax), %edx 
    xorl %edx, %edx 
    movl $-EFAULT, %eax 
.section _ _ex_table,"a" 
    .long 1b, bad_get_user 
    .long 2b, bad_get_user 
    .long 3b, bad_get_user 

Each exception table entry consists of two labels. The first one is a numeric label with a b suffix to indicate that the label is “backward”; in other words, it appears in a previous line of the program. The fixup code is common to the three functions and is labeled as bad_get_user. If a Page Fault exception is generated by the instructions at label 1, 2, or 3, the fixup code is executed. It simply returns an -EFAULT error code to the process that issued the system call.

Other kernel functions that act in the User Mode address space use the fixup code technique. Consider, for instance, the strlen_user(string) macro. This macro returns either the length of a null-terminated string passed as a parameter in a system call or the value 0 on error. The macro essentially yields the following assembly language instructions:

    movl $0, %eax 
    movl $0x7fffffff, %ecx 
    movl %ecx, %ebp 
    movl string, %edi 
0:  repne; scasb 
    subl %ecx, %ebp 
    movl %ebp, %eax 
.section .fixup,"ax" 
2:  movl $0, %eax 
    jmp 1b 
.section _  _ex_table,"a" 
    .long 0b, 2b 

The ecx and ebp registers are initialized with the 0x7fffffff value, which represents the maximum allowed length for the string in the User Mode address space. The repne;scasb assembly language instructions iteratively scan the string pointed to by the edi register, looking for the value 0 (the end of string character) in eax. Since scasb decrements the ecx register at each iteration, the eax register ultimately stores the total number of bytes scanned in the string (that is, the length of the string).

The fixup code of the macro is inserted into the .fixup section. The "ax" attributes specify that the section must be loaded into memory and that it contains executable code. If a Page Fault exception is generated by the instructions at label 0, the fixup code is executed; it simply loads the value 0 in eax — thus forcing the macro to return a 0 error code instead of the string length — and then jumps to the 1 label, which corresponds to the instruction following the macro.

[66] We refer, as usual, to the 32-bit architecture of the 80 × 86 processors. The discussion in this section does not apply to 64-bit architectures.

[67] A third parameter named type specifies whether the system call should read or write the referred memory locations. It is used only in systems that have buggy versions of the Intel 80486 microprocessor, in which writing in Kernel Mode to a write-protected page does not generate a Page Fault. We don’t discuss this case further.

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