Chapter 5. Networking Hacks


You probably spend most of your time accessing servers on the Internet or on your own network. In fact, networking has become so prevalent, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to tolerate even short periods of network outages.

This chapter contains many ideas for accessing networking services when the conventional avenues seem to be unavailable. Have you ever wanted to train your system to notify you of its new network configuration when its primary link becomes unavailable? Would you like to check your email from a system that doesn’t contain a preconfigured email client? How can you maintain network connectivity when your ISP’s DHCP server no longer recognizes your DHCP client?

You’ll also gain insight into how some of the networking services and tools we often take for granted work. Become a tcpdump guru—or at least lose the intimidation factor. Understand your DNS messages and how to troubleshoot your DNS servers. Tame your sendmail daemon.

Finally, meet two excellent open source utilities that allow you to perform routine tasks simultaneously on all of your servers.

See Console Messages Over a Remote Login

View a server’s console messages remotely

As a Unix system administrator, you can do 99% of your work remotely. In fact, it is very rare indeed that you’ll need to sit down in front of a server (assuming the server even has an attached keyboard! [Hack #26] ).

However, one of the key functionalities you lose in remote administration is the ability to see the remote server’s console. All is not lost, though. First, let’s answer these questions: “What do you mean by the console, and why would you want to see it?”

The Console

If you’re physically sitting at a system, the console is the virtual terminal you see when you press Alt-F1. If you’ve ever logged into this particular virtual terminal, you’ve probably noticed that error messages appear here. These messages can be rather disconcerting when you’re working at the console, especially if you’re fighting your way through vi and bright white error messages occasionally overwrite your text.

If you ever find yourself in that situation, Esc-Ctrl-r will refresh your screen. Better yet, don’t log into Alt-F1 when you’re physically sitting at a system. Instead, log into a different terminal, say, the one at Alt-F2.

However, when you access a remote system, you can’t log into a virtual terminal, and the console is considered to be a virtual terminal. (You access it by pressing Alt-F1 at the local keyboard, after all). Instead, you log into a pseudoterminal (also known as a network terminal).

Here’s an example. I’m sitting at a system and have logged into the virtual terminals at Alt-F2 and Alt-F3. From Alt-F3, I’ve used ssh to log into the localhost. If I run the w command, I’ll see this:

% w
12:25  up 22 mins, 3 users, load averages: 0:00, 0:00, 0:00
USER           TTY      FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
genisis         v1      -                12:25PM     - -csh (csh)
genisis         v2      -                12:25PM     - ssh localhost
genisis         p0      localhost        12:25PM     - w

Notice that the virtual (or physical access to keyboard) terminals begin with a v in the TTY section. Since terminals start numbering at 0, I’m logged into the second (v1) and third (v2) virtual terminals. I’m also connected to the first pseudoterminal, p0, so I’m currently the only user logged in over the network.

In my ssh session, if I press Alt-F1, I’ll access the console on my local system (where I am sitting), not the console on the remote system.

Seeing Remote Console Messages

If Alt-F1 won’t do it, how can you see remote console messages? A quick hack for your current session is to run this command:

% tail -f /var/log/messages &

tail shows the end of a file, much like head shows the start. In this case, the file is /var/log/messages. This particular log contains a copy of the messages that appear on the system console. When run with the -f switch, tail will remain open, allowing you to see when new entries are added to that logfile. The trailing ampersand (&) runs the command in the background, so you’ll get your prompt back if you press Enter or type in another command.

As the system writes console entries to this file, tail will also display to your current pseudoterminal. If you’re in the middle of typing something when a log message is displayed, Ctrl-r will refresh your command prompt line so you can see where you left off typing.

An Alternate Method

There’s always more than one way to skin a cat. Since syslog is responsible for logfiles, you can also change its configuration file. Let’s start by seeing why messages are sent to the console:

% grep console /etc/syslog.conf
*.err;kern.debug;auth.notice;mail.crit       /dev/console
# uncomment this to log all writes to /dev/console to /var/log/console.log                                /var/log/console.log

See how messages are sent to /dev/console by default? This file also gives a hint on how to send those messages elsewhere—to a file called console.log. By uncommenting that line, you can send those messages to /var/log/console.log.

If you decide to remove that #, don’t forget to create an empty logfile with the specified name and to inform syslogd of your changes by sending it a signal one:

# touch /var/log/console.log
# killall -1 syslogd

Now you’re probably thinking, big deal. So I’ve sent console messages to a different filename. I still have to run that tail -f command to see them.

Well, how about changing that line to this instead:                                root,genisis

Don’t forget to killall -1 syslogd once you save your changes.

Now when I ssh into that system as the user genisis, I don’t have to remember to run the tail command. As long as I’m the user genisis, even if I become the superuser, all console messages will be sent to my terminal.

Hacking the Hack

You may have noticed that uncommenting the line results in messages being sent twice: once to /var/log/console.log and once to either the original console or the specified users. If you prefer to only have messages sent to either the log or the console or user, recomment the line and indicate in the line that originally specified /dev/console where you want the information to go.

For example, to log only to a file:

*.err;kern.debug;auth.notice;mail.crit       /var/log/console

Or to log only to the specified users:

*.err;kern.debug;auth.notice;mail.crit       root,genisis

Again, don’t forget to inform syslogd of any changes you make to /etc/syslog.conf.

See Also

  • man w

  • man syslog.conf

Spoof a MAC Address

Even good guys can use secret identities.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. There’s never a legitimate reason to spoof any type of address, right? Even if there were, why would you bother to spoof a MAC address, other than to prove that it can be done?

Consider the following scenario. I was administrating a small network where the ISP restricted the number of IP addresses a DHCP client was allowed to receive. Their DHCP server kept track of the leased addresses by using a combination of the client’s MAC address and an OS identifier. One day I needed to replace that network’s external NIC. It took me a while to figure out why the new NIC refused to pick up a DHCP address from the ISP. Once the restriction was explained to me, I contemplated my available courses of action. One was to spend the afternoon listening to Musak in the hopes that I’d eventually get to speak to one of the ISP’s customer service representatives. I decided my time would be better spent if I instead took 30 seconds and spoofed the old MAC address. This provided a quick solution that allowed the owner to get back online until he could make arrangements with the ISP regarding the new MAC address.

Spoofing on FreeBSD

Before I could accomplish the spoof, I needed two pieces of information. The first was the MAC address for the old NIC. Fortunately, I record such things in a binder. However, I initially found out that information using ifconfig. In this scenario, the interface in question was called rl0:

% ifconfig rl0
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        ether 00:05:5d:d2:19:b7
        media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT/UTP)

The MAC address is the hex number immediately following ether.

Second, I needed to know the identifier used by the ISP’s DHCP server. This was found in the DHCP lease:

% more /var/db/dhclient.leases | grep host
option host-name "00-05-5d-d2-19-b7-36-33"

Some ISPs use option host-name, while others use option dhcp-client-identifier. Choose the option in the lease that is associated with the MAC address. In this example, my identifier was the MAC address, followed by -36-33.

Armed with the information I needed, I could spoof the old MAC address onto the new NIC card. In my case, the new card was an ed0:

# ifconfig ed0 ether 00:05:5d:d2:19:b7

# ifconfig ed0 | grep ether
ether 00:05:5d:d2:19:b7

Note that you have to be the superuser to change these settings.

This particular change won’t survive a reboot, as the NIC will give the kernel its burnt-in MAC address during the hardware probe that occurs during bootup. If you intend to reboot before sorting out the situation with the ISP, carefully add this line to /etc/rc.conf:

ifconfig_ed0_alias0="ether 00:05:5d:d2:19:b7"

This will create an alias for ed0 that uses the desired MAC address, rather than the MAC address burnt into the physical card. Think of an alias as an alternate set of instructions an interface can give to the kernel—a kind of networking nickname.

Next, I’ll edit /etc/dhclient.conf:

# vi /etc/dhclient.conf
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/dhclient.conf,v 1.3 2001/10/27 03:14:37 rwatson Exp $
#        This file is required by the ISC DHCP client.
#        See ``man 5 dhclient.conf'' for details.
#        In most cases an empty file is sufficient for most people as the
#        defaults are usually fine.
interface "ed0" {
                   send host-name "00-05-5d-d2-19-b7-36-33";
                   send dhcp-client-identifier "00-05-5d-d2-19-b7-36-33";

By default, this file contains only comments; I added a section for interface ed0. When editing your own file, remember to include the opening and closing curly braces ({}). Each statement must also end in a semicolon (;). Here, I’ve set both the host-name and the dhcp-client-identifier options to the values expected by the ISP.

Now it’s time to test that these changes did indeed work. You don’t need to reboot in order to test that alias in /etc/rc.conf. This command will do the trick:

# /etc/netstart
Doing stage one network startup:
Doing initial network setup:.
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        ether 00:05:5d:d2:19:b7
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
        inet netmask 0xff000000 
Additional routing options: ignore ICMP redirect=YES log ICMP redirect=YES drop SYN+FIN 
packets=YESsysctl: unknown oid 'net.inet.tcp.drop_synfin'
Routing daemons:.

Excellent. The new NIC kept the spoofed MAC address. Now let’s see how the DHCP server responds when I release and try to renew an address:

# dhclient -r ed0

Using -r with dhclient forces the DHCP client to give up its old address and request a new lease from the DHCP server. If this succeeds, the prompt will return without any error messages. Running ifconfig ed0 will show that the ISP’s DHCP server did indeed give this interface a public IP address.

Spoofing on NetBSD

The current version of ifconfig that ships with NetBSD does not support this functionality. To allow MAC address changes, try Dheeraj Reddy’s ifconfig patch, available from

You will need to apply this patch to NetBSD sources and build a new version of ifconfig. To begin, download the system sources, unpack them, and change the working directory to src/sbin/ifconfig. Download the patch and apply it with:

# patch < ifconfig.patch

Build a new binary with:

# make

Remember that this code is experimental and may not always work as advertised, so it is crucial that you back up the original ifconfig binary in some safe place.

When you have the new binary, run it with:

# ifconfig interface-name lladdr MAC-addr

Spoofing with OpenBSD

The standard ifconfig that ships with OpenBSD does not contain an option to change the MAC addresses of interface cards. If you need it, you will have to build your own tool for that purpose with sea.c. Download it from

Build sea as follows:

# gcc -Wall -o sea sea.c -lkvm

Next, boot OpenBSD into single-user mode:

# reboot
boot> boot -s

Then, once in single-user mode, use sea to spoof the desired address on the specified NIC:

# sea  

See Also

  • man ifconfig

  • man dhclient.conf

Use Multiple Wireless NIC Configurations

Take the pain out of configuring your laptop’s wireless interface.

If you use a laptop and have remote sites that you visit regularly, configuring your wireless interface can be interesting. For example, every wireless network has a unique service set identifier (SSID). Each site that uses WEP will also require a unique encryption key. Some networks may use static IP addresses, while others may use a DHCP server.

You could keep a copy of each network’s configuration in your wallet and reconfigure your NIC manually at each site, but wouldn’t you rather automate the various network configurations and choose the desired configuration after bootup?

For the purpose of this exercise, we will assume that the wireless access points have been properly configured and activated.

Initial Preparation

Before you can script the network configurations, you’ll need to collect the information listed next. I’ve associated the necessary information with ifconfig’s keywords where possible. You will see these keywords in the configuration script.

  • ssid, the name of the wireless network

  • authmode, the network’s authorization mode (none, open, or shared)

  • nwkey, the encryption key, in hexadecimal

  • Whether to use a static IP address or dhclient to obtain dynamic IP address information

  • inet, the static IP address, if necessary

  • netmask, the netmask, for static network configuration

  • The default gateway, for static IP configuration

  • Nameservers, for static IP configuration

  • The network device (wi0, an0, etc.)

You can obtain all but the final item from whoever set up the wireless access points for each site.

If you don’t know the name of your network device, review the output of dmesg for networking protocol names (Ethernet, 802.11) and MAC addresses. Here’s the command I use and the relevant lines from my laptop:

# dmesg | grep address
rl0: Ethernet address: 00:08:02:9e:df:b8
wi0: 802.11 address: 00:06:25:17:74:be

rl0 is the device name for the cabled Ethernet port, and wi0 is the device name for the wireless PCMCIA card.

Preparing the Script

Here are a few notes regarding the network device configuration script:

  • The script is named for the network device it controls.

  • The script will live in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. Since we do not want the script activated at bootup, the script name must not end in .sh.

  • Each network device should have its own script so that the connection can be easily dropped using the argument stop.

  • Each configuration will have its own section in a case construct.

  • Each section’s name will consist of a d (to use DHCP) or an s (to use a static IP address) followed by a location name.

  • The script will accept a section name as a command line argument for configuration selection.

  • In order to use WEP with DHCP, the device must be configured with the encrypted code prior to calling dhclient.

  • A status section will give us current network information for the device.

  • A wildcard section will print a list of the section names when given an invalid argument.

Since my network device is wi0, I’ll save the script as /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wi0. I tend to use my laptop in three locations: at home with DHCP and WEP, at home with a static IP address and WEP, and at my sister’s home with DHCP and WEP. Tables Table 5-1 through Table 5-3 list the appropriate configurations.

Table 5-1. Using DHCP and WEP in my home network

Option name


section name








ip address

Use dhclient to obtain the IP address, netmask, gateway, and nameservers

Table 5-2. Using a static IP address and WEP in my home network

Option name


section name








ip address



name servers,

Table 5-3. Using DHCP and WEP at my sister’s home

Option name


section name








ip address

Use dhclient to obtain the IP address, netmask, gateway, and nameservers

The Code

Here is the resulting script:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wi0
# Configure wireless interface

# See the ifconfig(8), dhclient(8) and route(8) man pages for further 
# assistance.


case $1 in 
       ifconfig ${NIC} ssid "myhome" authmode "shared" nwkey 0x123456789a
       dhclient ${NIC}
       echo ${NIC}
       ifconfig ${NIC} inet ssid "myhome" authmode "shared" ""
       nwkey 0x123456789a netmask
       route add default
       echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf
       echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf
       echo ${NIC}
       ifconfig ${NIC} ssid "sisterhome" authmode "shared" nwkey 
       dhclient ${NIC}
       echo ${NIC}
       [ -s /var/run/ ] && kill `cat /var/run/`  
           && rm /var/run/
       ifconfig ${NIC} remove
       echo " ${NIC} removed"
       ifconfig ${NIC}
       echo "usage: /usr/local/etc/${NIC} [dhome|shome|dsister|stop|status]"

Note that the stop option kills dhclient. If you will be using multiple network interfaces, you may wish to delete the line that reads:

[ -s /var/run/ ] && kill `cat /var/run/` && rm 

The script should be owned by root and be readable by root only. If you create your script as a normal user, you need to change its owner. Become the superuser, and:

# chown root:wheel /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wi0
# chmod 700 /usr/local/etc/wi0

Running the Hack

Using the script is fairly straightforward. To activate the dhome configuration (DHCP at home):

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wi0 dhome

To remove the wi0 interface and kill the connection:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wi0 stop
wi0 removed

If I enter an erroneous argument, I’ll get a list of valid arguments:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wi0 badargument
usage: /usr/local/etc/wi0 [dhome|shome|dsister|stop|status]

Now you can choose an existing network configuration without having to remember any network details.

A similar script will work for cabled network devices. Simply change the device name and remove the wireless keywords (ssid, authmode, and nwkey) and values.

Hacking the Hack

For all the geek points, you could put your wireless card in promiscuous mode (if it supports it), sniff for the available ESSIDs and their signal strengths, and choose the appropriate configuration based on that information. If you go this route, install the net/bsd-airtools port and remember to ask for permission before using someone else’s resources.

See Also

  • man dhclient

  • man ifconfig

  • man route

Survive Catastrophic Internet Loss

Set up your network to recover from a full Internet loss.

Someday this all too common event may happen: while you’re away from your network, your connection dies. Whether the ISP drops it, the cable gets unplugged or the server behind your NAT box dies, it is gone. You are now lost at sea, not knowing what is actually going on back at home. You ping, telnet, and pray to the network gods, but nothing seems to work.

Wouldn’t it be better if your network could recognize that it has lost that connection and find a way for you to get back in touch? The system that I set up did just that. All it took was a well-configured OpenBSD firewall with NAT and a short Ruby program that uses the Jabber protocol to get my attention.

Hardware Configuration

I use OpenBSD on a 486 to make my network resistant to total connectivity failure. The computer has two network cards, one for the DSL bridge and the other for the rest of the network. In addition, I managed to find a 56k ISA modem.

Since this computer provides little more than firewall and NAT services, it’s more than capable of serving a small home or business network. The DSL bridge provides the primary Internet connection with a static IP. The service through my provider is usually quite good, but there have been troubled times. The house has only one phone line, which is plugged into the 56k modem in the same computer as the DSL line. You could easily make the modem computer a different machine entirely, but I found that this 486 is quite compact and sufficient for my purposes.

Connectivity Software

The current OpenBSD operating system (Version 3.4 as of this writing) comes with a wonderful firewall and NAT package, named Packet Filter (PF). PF works well on a day-to-day basis moving my packets from the network to the Internet. Unfortunately, it does not handle the loss of the connection to the ISP. A full discussion for configuring PF is beyond the scope of this hack, but you can find what you need from the OpenBSD PF FAQ at

When the unthinkable happens and your network falls off the Internet, you may fall back to your trusty 56k modem. The idea is that the modem will dial out automatically once your main connection goes away. First, though, you need some way to detect that your connection is lost. I use a slow ping to the router on the other end of my DSL connection.

I run this heartbeat from cron instead of using a daemon process. It sends three pings at two-second intervals every 10 minutes—a very conservative test, especially if you are only sending to your local gateway. Here is the cron entry:

*/10 * * * * /usr/local/testconnect/

The script resembles this:


# First gather data about your connection
PINGS=`ping -c 1 -i 2 [your gateway] | wc -l`

# Apply test and execute on result
if [ -f /tmp/lostconnection.lock ]
  echo "Lockfile in place"
  echo "No lockfile"
  if [ $PINGS -lt 8 ]
    echo "Connection lost, commencing dialup"
    touch /tmp/lostconnection.lock
    pfctl -d
    ppp -nat internet
    ruby /usr/local/testconnect/send_new_ip.rb
    echo "All is well"

If the gateway is unavailable, then the pings will time out and generate a short ping result. By counting the number of letters (with wc -l) and applying a length test (if [ $PINGS -lt 8]), the script can tell if the pings failed. In the case of failure, the script goes through the steps to give you connectivity through alternative means and to stop it from doing it every 10 minutes if things go really wrong.

First, it creates a lockfile to ensure future runs of this script do not dial out over and over again. Second, it shuts down the current NAT interface to make way for the next step. Third, it fires up the modem and connects to my emergency ISP using a preconfigured ppp.conf profile called internet. Here, I enabled NAT (-nat) over PPP so that computers at my house will only notice that the service is slow. The Internet connection will still function in the same way. Finally, I run a script to alert me to the failure.

You may have noticed one flaw in this setup. Most cheap ISP services usually do not give you the same IP address when you dial into them. How do you know how to contact your reconnected gateway from the outside? Easy: have the computer tell you.

Jabber and Ruby to the Rescue!

There are many ways a computer can contact you with its current status. I decided to use Jabber because I spend a fair amount of time with a Jabber session running. This script will notify me quickly if something untoward happens to my connection at home, such as an incident involving the vacuum cleaner.

I figured that a message from my computer with the current network configuration would provide enough information to allow me to log in remotely. The most important information is the current IP address of the backup PPP connection. I decided to create a Ruby script using the Jabber4r module to accomplish this:

require 'jabber4r/jabber4r'

now    = `date`.chomp!
ipdata = `/sbin/ifconfig tun0`

session = Jabber::Session.bind_digest("user@jabberserver/modem", "secret")
   set_body("I had to dial up for internet access at #{now}.

sleep 5

The Ruby script grabs the current time and state of the tun0 interface, which contains the current IP address assigned by the dial-up ISP. Armed with that IP address, you can then ssh into your computer and begin to diagnose the situation.

The Jabber4r module lives at You will also need the REXML module from Both of these installed without issue on top of the Ruby package that shipped with OpenBSD 3.4.

The Last Piece

After your connection has been restored, you need to clean up. You will need to stop ppp, start PF again—hopefully with pfctl—and remove the lockfile that prevents the /tmp/ script from dialing out over and over. After that, you should be back to normal, at least until the next mishap.

See Also

Humanize tcpdump Output

Make friends with tcpdump .

One of the most useful utilities in a network administrator’s tool belt is tcpdump. While you probably agree, I bet the very thought of wading through a tcpdump sniff makes you groan. Take heart: I’ll walk you through some concrete examples that show how to zero in on the information you need to solve the particular network problem that prompted you to consider doing a packet sniff in the first place.

You might be thinking, “Why bother? There are much nicer utilities out there.” That’s true. My personal favorite happens to be ethereal. However, you don’t always have the luxury of working on a system that allows you to install third-party utilities or, for that matter, even has X installed. tcpdump is guaranteed to be on your BSD system. It’s there, it’s quick, it’s dirty, and it’s darn effective if you know how to harness its power.

The Basics

Let’s start with the basics: starting a capture. Before you can capture any packets, you need to be the superuser. You also need to have the bpf device in your kernel. If you’re using the GENERIC kernel, you’re set. If you’ve created your own custom kernel [Hack #54] , double-check you still have that device. In this example, my kernel configuration file is called CUSTOM:

# grep bpf /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/CUSTOM
# The 'bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter.
device    bpf    #Berkeley packet filter

You also need to know the names of your interfaces and which interface is cabled to the network you wish to sniff. You can find this with ifconfig:

# ifconfig
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        ether 00:05:5d:d2:19:b7
        media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT/UTP)
rl1: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        ether 00:05:5d:d1:ff:9d
        media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT/UTP)
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        ether 00:50:ba:de:36:33
lp0: flags=8810<POINTOPOINT,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
        inet netmask 0xff000000

This particular system has three Ethernet (ether) cards attached to three different networks. Since I’m interested in the traffic on the network, I’ll use the ed0 interface.

To start a capture, simply specify the interface you’re interested in, with the interface (-i) switch:

# tcpdump -i ed0
tcpdump: listening on ed0
Ctrl t
tcpdump: 24 packets received by filter, 0 packets dropped by kernel
Ctrl c
33 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

You will lose your prompt for the duration of the dump, and captured packets will be displayed to your terminal (these weren’t shown in this example’s output). If you press Ctrl-t, you can see how many packets have been captured so far and how many have been dropped, if any. If you’re dropping packets, that means packets are arriving faster than tcpdump can process them. To end your sniff, press Ctrl-c and you’ll return to your prompt.

Unless you’re a speed reader or have a very boring network, you’ll probably prefer to send the captured packets to a file. Use the -w (write) switch to specify the name of the file you’d like to create:

# tcpdump -i ed0 -w dumpfile
tcpdump: listening on ed0
Ctrl t
load: 0:00  cmd: tcpdump 1458 [bpf] 0.01u 0.00s 0% 1576k
Ctrl c
56 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

Note that you won’t be able to read that file with a pager or editor, as it is written in a format that only tcpdump or another packet-sniffer utility can understand. Instead, use the -r (read) switch and specify the name of the file:

# tcpdump -r dumpfile | more

Display Filters

If you try the previous examples on a moderately busy network, you’ll probably remind yourself why you don’t like using tcpdump. In a minute you can capture hundreds of seemingly unintelligible lines of numbers. You’re wasting time and brain cells if you’re wading through hundreds of lines and you’re interested in only two or three of them. You can save on both of those precious resources if you spend a few minutes creating a display filter.

There’s always a reason behind a packet sniff. tcpdump is a very intelligent utility, but it’s not a mind reader. However, if you can convert your reason into syntax that tcpdump understands, you can create a filter that will display only interesting packets.

Let’s say that you suspect broadcast packets are slowing down a network segment. This incantation will capture only broadcast packets:

# tcpdump -i ed0 broadcast

When you end your capture, you’ll find that the number of packets received by the filter will be greater than the number of packets displayed to your screen. This means that tcpdump will still capture all packets, but will display only the packets matching your filter. This can give you a good idea of ratio. For example, if you captured 100 packets in a minute and only 4 of those packets were broadcasts, then broadcasts probably aren’t an issue on that network.

Next example: a particular workstation is having problems connecting to a server. Create a filter that zeros in on the packets between those two systems, in this case, genisis and server1:

# tcpdump -i ed0 host genisis and server1

In this example, I only have to use the host keyword once, as it is assumed until I specify a different keyword. If I really like to type (which I don’t), it would have been just as correct to type host genisis and host server1.

You can also fine-tune that syntax to unidirectional traffic like so:

# tcpdump -i ed0 src host genisis and dst host server1

That will show only the traffic that was created at genisis and is destined for server1. This time I had to repeat the word host, as one incantation was src host while the other was dst host.

Suppose you’re interested in only ICMP traffic:

# tcpdump -i ed0 icmp

or perhaps only ARP traffic:

# tcpdump -i ed0 arp

Perhaps you’re having a problem with IKE, which uses UDP port 500:

# tcpdump -i ed0 udp port 500

As you can see, tcpdump comes with many keywords that assist you in creating a display filter suited to your needs. These keywords are building blocks for more complex expressions. When you do your own combinations, you might find it easier to use the words and, or, and not. For example, this will capture all traffic on network that is not ARP-based:

# tcpdump -i ed0 net 192.168.2 and not arp

Of course, you can find all of the keywords, along with examples, in man tcpdump. I’ve highlighted only the most commonly used keywords.

More Complicated Filters

tcpdump is capable of zeroing in on any particular field in a packet. In order to harness this power, it’s useful to have a picture of the various types of headers in front of you. Once you have a picture of the fields contained within the particular header you’re interested in, the examples in man tcpdump will make a lot more sense.

You’ll know you’re creating a very specific filter if your tcpdump expression contains the name of a protocol followed by square brackets ([ ]). Let’s take a look at this example from the manpage, which is designed to capture only SYN-1s, the first packet in the TCP three-way handshake. Remember that square brackets may have special meaning to the shell, so quote complex expressions to prevent weird syntax errors:

# tcpdump -i ed0 'tcp[13] =  = 2'

If you’re familiar with the three-way handshake, you know that it involves the flags field of a TCP header. Let’s find that particular field within the TCP header. Figure 5-1 shows the header fields of a TCP packet.

TCP packet headers
Figure 5-1. TCP packet headers

The number enclosed within the [ ] represents how many octets into the header a particular field occurs. Each line, or word, of a header is 4 octets long. The Flags field is after the first three words (i.e., 12 octets) and occurs one more octet in, just after the Data Offset and Reserved fields. So, this particular TCP field occurs in octet 13 and is represented by tcp[13].

Still with me? Okay, where’d the = = 2 come from? For that one, you need to know the names of the flags as well as the decimal equivalents for each binary bit that represents a flag. These are listed in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4. TCP flags and their decimal equivalents

Flag name

Decimal equivalent













Finally, you need to know that the first packet in the three-way handshake is distinguished by just the SYN flag being turned on. Since all of the other flags will be turned off and will therefore contain a value of 0, a value of 2 in this field indicates that only the SYN bit is enabled.

If math isn’t your strong point, there is an alternate way to write this particular expression:

# tcpdump -i ed0 'tcp[tcpflags] =  =tcp-syn'

If the particular field you’re interested in happens to be the TCP flags field, the ICMP type field, or the ICMP code field, you’re in luck. Those three fields are predefined, so you don’t have to count how many octets in that field occurs in the header. So:

  • tcp[13] is the same expression as tcp[tcpflags].

  • icmp[1] is the same expression as icmp[icmpcode].

  • icmp[2] is the same expression as icmp[icmptype].

Again, the manpage lists which ICMP types have predefined keywords. To specify the other types or the codes, look up the desired number from the official list at

Deciphering tcpdump Output

Okay, you’ve managed to capture just the packets you’re interested in. Now, can you understand your results?

Let’s look at some sample lines from a dumpfile. This particular dump is the first few packets from a POP3 session:

# tcpdump -r dumpfile
17:22:36.611386 arp who-has tell genisis.
17:22:36.611642 arp reply is-at 0:48:54:1e:2c:76

ARP packets are fairly comprehensible. In this example, my ARP table didn’t contain an entry for my default gateway, My system, genisis, sent out a request looking for that gateway. The gateway responded with its MAC address, 0:48:54:1e:2c:76.

17:22:36.620320 genisis..49570 >  40816+ 
A? (35)
17:22:36.628557 > genisis..49570:  40816 
1/4/4 A (203) (DF)

Once ARP had sorted out the MAC address, a DNS lookup had to occur. The word domain in these lines indicate a DNS lookup request followed by a DNS reply. Let’s see if we can decipher both the request and the reply.

Each starts with a timestamp, which is composed of the time and a random number, separated by a dot. Since many packets can be sent within the same second, the random number is used to differentiate between packets.

The two hosts are separated by a greater-than sign. If you can visualize it as an arrow, like -->, you can see that genisis sent that first packet to Each hostname has an extra dot, followed by either a port number or a resolved port name. In this case, genisis used port 49570, and used the domain port. If you come across a port name you’re not familiar with, look it up in /etc/services:

% grep -w domain /etc/services
domain    53/tcp    #Domain Name Server
domain    53/udp    #Domain Name Server

The next number, 40816, is an ID number that is shared by both the DNS client (genisis) and the DNS server. The client then asked a question (?) regarding the A record for The entire packet itself was 35 bytes long.

The second packet, from the DNS server, shared the same ID number. It was also a longer packet, 203 bytes, as it contained the answer. See the 1/4/4? This means that there is one entry in the answer section, four entries in the authority section, and four entries in the additional section. (See [Hack #47] for an explanation of these sections.) The DNS server also sent the requested A record, which contains the requested IP address,

Now that name resolution has succeeded, a packet can be sent to the POP3 server:

17:22:36.629268 genisis..49499 > S 
2697729992:2697729992(0) win 65535 <mss 1460,nop,wscale 1,nop,nop,timestamp 
2474141 0> (DF)
17:22:36.642617 > genisis..49499: S 
2225396806:2225396806(0) ack 2697729993 win 25920 <nop,nop,timestamp 
3293621409 2474141,nop,wscale 0,mss 1452> (DF)

This output is much easier to read if you have a picture of a TCP header handy, as the output details the information found in that header. Each line starts out as before: the timestamp, source port, >, and destination port. We then see an S, which refers to that SYN flag.

This is followed by the sequence number and, almost always, by the ack number. The only packet that doesn’t have an ack number is the SYN-1, the first packet in this example. This is because a SYN-1 is the first TCP packet, so there is nothing to acknowledge yet. All other TCP packets after the SYN-1 will have an ack.

Next comes the window size. If the packet has any options, they will be enclosed within angle brackets. Finally, the IP header had the “don’t fragment” flag, DF, set. This is important enough to be printed at the end of any line representing a TCP or UDP header.

See Also

Understand DNS Records and Tools

Demystify DNS records.

DNS is one of those network services that has to be configured carefully and tested regularly. A misconfigured DNS server can prevent the world from finding your web and mail servers. Worse, a misconfigured DNS server can allow the world to find more than just your web and mail servers.

Even if you’re not a DNS administrator, you should still know some handy DNS commands. The simple truth is, if DNS isn’t working, you’re not going anywhere. That means no surfing, no downloading, and no email for you.

Exploring Your ISP’s DNS

On your home system, you most likely receive your DNS information from your ISP’s DHCP server. Do you know where to find your primary and secondary DNS server addresses? If not, try this:

% more /etc/resolv.conf

Another method is to use the dig (domain information groper) utility. Here, I’ll ask for the nameservers (ns) for the network:

% dig ns

; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> ns 
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 2
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 4
;;, type = NS, class = IN

;; ANSWER SECTION:                8h29m IN NS                8h29m IN NS                8h29m IN NS                8h29m IN NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:        23m45s IN A        32m47s IN A         27m28s IN A         22m26s IN A

;; Total query time: 2038 msec
;; FROM: genisis to SERVER: default --
;; WHEN: Sun Nov 23 17:22:31 2003
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 30  rcvd: 182

Understanding DNS entries

dig results are divided into sections. Not surprisingly, the ANSWER SECTION answers the question asked; in this case, “What are the nameservers for” In DNS, each entry in the DNS database is called a record. The answer indicates that has four nameservers. Their hostnames are:





The next section, ADDITIONAL SECTION, maps each hostname in the ANSWER SECTION to its corresponding IP address. As an end user, you’re really interested in the IP addresses of your nameservers, not their names. You need the address of least one DNS server before you can resolve any name to an address.

The other thing I’d like to point out is the type of records that were returned in the output. Notice that each nameserver record had an NS. If you ever see NS in a DNS database, you know you’re looking at a DNS server record. Also, all hosts, regardless of whether they also happen to be a DNS server, web server, or mail server, have an A record. An A record maps a hostname to an IP address. In other words, a DNS server has two records: the NS record indicates that it is a DNS server, and the A record lists its IP address.

Can you tell which of the four nameservers in this output is the primary nameserver? You could look at the names and try to figure it out from there. However, it is possible to find out for sure, and it’s easy once you know that SOA, the start of authority record, indicates the primary nameserver. Let’s ask dig to show us the SOA record:

% dig soa
<snip banner>
;; ANSWER SECTION:                16m18s IN SOA (
;; AUTHORITY SECTION:                3h22m20s IN NS                3h22m20s IN NS                3h22m20s IN NS                3h22m20s IN NS
;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:          8m36s IN A         9m55s IN A        18m57s IN A         13m38s IN A

;; Total query time: 239 msec
;; FROM: genisis to SERVER: default --
;; WHEN: Sun Nov 23 17:36:22 2003
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 30  rcvd: 228

Notice the answer? Looks like or is the primary nameserver. We also received an extra section, the AUTHORITY SECTION. Every query except ns will show which nameservers have the “authority” to answer your question.

You may prefer to try an any query instead of ns. This will show both the NS records and the SOA record, all in one shot.

While you’re digging through your ISP’s DNS information, you might want to find the name of your SMTP server. Since these servers have mail exchange (MX) records, use an mx query:

% dig mx
<snip banner>
;; ANSWER SECTION:                27m48s IN MX        5                27m48s IN MX        5                27m48s IN MX        5                27m48s IN MX        5

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:                2h34m29s IN NS                2h34m29s IN NS                2h34m29s IN NS                2h34m29s IN NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:        28m30s IN A          13m56s IN A          28m30s IN A          13m56s IN A

Looks like my ISP has four SMTP servers; I’d better remember which one I’m supposed to use!

MX records always include a priority number. In this example, each mail server has a priority of 5, so they all have the same priority. Sometimes you’ll see records where one mail server has a higher number than another. Always try sending your email to the server with a lower number—that server has a higher priority. If the priority is 0, you should always use that mail server. This bit of information is good to know if you plan to send someone an email without using a mail client [Hack #48] .

Securing DNS

Put on your administrator’s hat for a moment and re-examine these dig outputs. Did you happen to notice that the nameservers live on different networks? Let’s take another look at those A records for the DNS servers:         8m36s IN A        9m55s IN A       18m57s IN A        13m38s IN A

Two of the four nameservers live on network 204.101.252, and the other two live on network 209.226.175. This is actually a good network design. Several attacks against high-profile companies have succeeded because their DNS servers were all on the same subnet of the same network. (See this article about DNS troubles at Microsoft for an example:

Realistically, to provide such protection, your company has to enter into an agreement with another company willing to host a copy of your DNS database. That other company may be your ISP, or perhaps a sister company. While adding redundancy, this also adds complexity and another element of trust. It’s one thing to keep your own DNS servers up-to-date, fully patched, and securely configured. It’s quite another to work with another administrator and assume that she has the resources to devote the same time and effort to your DNS servers.

Regardless of how the network is organized, someone has to address the issue of zone transfers. In DNS, your database is called a zone, as it really is just a portion of the globally distributed DNS database. When you need to make a change to your zone, you edit the database on the primary DNS server. However, you have to implement at least one secondary DNS server to provide redundancy. How are those changes propagated to the secondary DNS server(s)? If you guessed “via a zone transfer,” you’re right!

It’s important to make a distinction here. Resolving a hostname is one thing. As an end user, you need that functionality in order to access Internet resources. As an administrator, you want your DNS servers to provide name resolution. Otherwise, you have to listen to a lot of unhappy end users.

However, your end users do not need to know the entire contents of your DNS database. The world at large certainly doesn’t need to know the name and IP address of every host in your network. Think about that one for a moment. You probably have machines right now called finance, hr, patents, store, or admin. What tasty names those are to fire the imaginations of a malicious user!

The two-pronged approach

You can use a two-pronged approach to prevent your DNS servers from leaking information you’d rather not have the world see. The first approach is called split DNS. Run your full DNS zone within your internal network, and run a very small subset of that zone in your DMZ. That small subset is all the world sees. If you think about it for a moment, which records does the world need to know about? Probably just the record for your DNS server (the one in the DMZ, with its secondary preferably hosted at your ISP or somewhere else), the record for your web server, and the record for your SMTP server. Those are the only records that this mini-zone should contain.

The second approach is to control zone transfers tightly. The last thing you want to happen is for the DNS server in the DMZ to ask for a copy of your full internal zone. For that matter, you also don’t want a user on the Internet to ask your internal DNS server for all of the records in your network.

There are multiple ways to control zone transfers, and you should implement all of them. First, read the documentation for your DNS server to see how to restrict the IP addresses that are allowed to ask for zone transfers. (The “Securing an Internet Name Server” link in this hack’s Section 5.7.3 section explains how to do this for BIND.)

Second, configure your firewalls to control zone transfers. DNS is an interesting protocol, as it uses port 53 with both TCP and UDP. Your firewalls must allow UDP 53; if you deny this, all name resolution will stop. That is a bad thing. However, TCP 53 is used for zone transfers. You must carefully construct a firewall rule that allows TCP 53 only for the specific IP addresses of the DNS servers that need to participate in a zone transfer. Remember, you do want to transfer changes to your secondary servers.

Third, create guidelines to test your DNS servers periodically. Notice how complex it was to secure those nameservers. How many things could go wrong? Perhaps an OS patch or a DNS server application patch will introduce a new hole. Perhaps a change in a firewall rulebase will unwittingly reallow zone transfers. You’re dealing with multiple DNS servers—probably in multiple locations—and multiple firewalls, which only increases the possibility of error. A routine testing schedule increases the chance of catching those errors before they remain for very long.

Testing DNS

You can use the axfr switch with dig to test your DNS servers, but I prefer the output provided by host -al. When you run this utility against your own domain name, you should see a result similar to this one:

% host -al
rcode = 0 (Success), ancount=4
Found 1 addresses for
Found 1 addresses for
Found 1 addresses for
Found 1 addresses for
Server failed, trying next server: Query refused
Server failed, trying next server: Query refused
Server failed, trying next server: Query refused
Server failed: Query refused

Remember, host -al asks for a zone transfer. You want your DNS servers to refuse this request. In this example, all four DNS servers received the request, so I know they are up and working. The host utility then requested a zone transfer from each server. Note the order: the first IP address is for the first listed nameserver, and so on. This is important, especially if one of those nameservers responds with a zone transfer. I can’t count the number of times I’ve tested DNS servers and two out of three will refuse the query, but one will allow the zone transfer. You’ll know which DNS server was the culprit if you make note of the server response order.

This test is especially important if one or more of your DNS servers is hosted elsewhere. Make sure your agreement indicates that you will be regularly testing your DNS servers for misconfigurations.

See Also

Send and Receive Email Without a Mail Client

Learn to speak SMTP and POP3.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to go to the trouble of configuring an email client just because you want to check your email or send off a quick email message.

Normally when you use the telnet application, you use a Telnet client to attach to a Telnet server listening on port 23. Once you’re connected, you can log in and do anything on that device as if you were physically there, typing at its keyboard.

The Telnet client has even more powerful capabilities than this. If you specify a port number with the telnet command, you will attach directly to the TCP server listening on that port. If you know which commands that server can respond to, and if the service understands plain text commands, you can talk directly to that server. This essentially means that you no longer require a client application specific to that server.

Sending Email with telnet

Whenever you send an email, you connect to an SMTP server listening on port 25. Let’s use telnet to see what really happens in the background and which commands the client and the SMTP server exchange. Note that in the following examples, the names and addresses have been changed to protect the innocent.

% telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP server (InterMail version x) ready Sun, 2 
Nov 2003 09:54:18 -0500
mail from:<[email protected]>
250 Sender <[email protected]> Ok
rcpt to:<[email protected]>
250 Recipient <[email protected]> Ok
354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
This is a test message.
               Not very interesting, really.
250 Message received:[]

Let’s pick apart that output. Note the 25 at the end of the telnet command. If you forget the port number, your prompt will probably hang. This is because instead of trying to connect to the SMTP service, you’re trying to receive a login prompt from your ISP’s mail server. If you actually do receive a login prompt, it is time to switch ISPs, as security is obviously not one of their concerns!

Next, the output indicates when you successfully connect to the SMTP service. Notice that there are very few secrets in TCP/IP-land. The SMTP server readily shows its banner, which indicates the type of SMTP application running on that server, its version and patch level, as well as the time and date you connected. We’ll talk more about banners later.

After connecting to the server, I issued two SMTP commands: MAIL FROM and RCPT TO. Some SMTP servers are pickier than others and won’t recognize these commands unless you say hello first. If your SMTP server complains about your lack of politeness, try typing HELO or EHLO. I know that this SMTP server accepted my commands because the responses start with 2xx and end with Ok. Responses that begin with 5xx indicate errors—you either made a typo or used the wrong command. Most SMTP servers try to be helpful by giving the syntax of the command they expect to receive.

After providing the sender and recipient email addresses, I issued the DATA command and pressed Enter. The SMTP server then asked me to type my message. To indicate I was finished, I put a dot (.) on a line by itself. The server responded with a message number, and I ended the session by typing QUIT.

Some interesting things happen if I play a bit with the SMTP commands. For example, the MAIL FROM command does not verify that the given email address is valid. This has some interesting ramifications, as I could pretend to be [email protected], [email protected], or any other address my imagination could dream up. Remember this quirk when you read your email. There is no guarantee that any given email was actually sent from the email address it purports to be from.

Additionally, I’ll have mixed results if I start playing with the RCPT TO address. I might start receiving error messages like this:

550 relaying mail to is not allowed

This is actually a good error message to receive, as SMTP relaying is considered to be a bad thing. In this particular instance, I’ve asked the SMTP server of to send my message to a recipient at The server rightfully complained, as it should only be responsible for the recipients at If I want to send a message to a recipient at, I should instead attach to’s SMTP server.


Since you’re supposed to connect to the correct SMTP server in order to send email, how can you find out the name of a recipient’s SMTP server? This is a very easy matter, since a company’s DNS server has to maintain an MX record for just this purpose. See [Hack #47] for details.

Testing for Relaying

As mentioned before, relaying is considered harmful because it allows spammers to use another company’s SMTP server to relay spam. If you’re responsible for an SMTP server, be sure to read your SMTP documentation to see whether relaying is off by default and how to turn it off if it isn’t. You can then initiate a quick telnet session to port 25 to ensure your SMTP server does indeed refuse to relay email. For example, I don’t want the SMTP server to respond like this:

               rcpt to:<[email protected]>
250 Recipient <[email protected]> Ok

If it does, it is willing to relay to the SMTP server.

What else should you look for when you telnet to your own SMTP server? Take a careful look at your banner. Does it freely advertise that you’re one or two patch levels behind? Do you really want to tell anyone who knows enough to ask which particular SMTP product you’re using? If they know enough to use telnet, they probably know how to use Google to look for known vulnerabilities in that product. It’s always good to know exactly what the world sees. You can then determine if you prefer to change the banner to something a little less chatty. Read the documentation for your particular product to see how to do so.

Testing SMTP Server Availability

Finally, telnet is an invaluable troubleshooting tool. For example, if users complain that they can no longer access the mail server, your first step is to check connectivity by pinging the mail server. If the mail server responds, you can telnet to its SMTP port to verify that the SMTP service is still running.

Reading Email with telnet

Let’s move on to POP3, so we can pick up our email messages. Here I’ll pick up that message I sent previously:

% telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK InterMail POP3 server ready.
user you
+OK please send PASS command
pass thecleartextpassword
+OK you is welcome here
+OK 1 messages
1 544
retr 1
+OK 544 octets
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from [] by
        (InterMail version x) with SMTP
        id: <[]>
        for <[email protected]>; Sun, 2 Nov 2003 09:54:18 -0500
Message-Id: <[]>
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 09:57:34 -0500
From: <[email protected]>

This is a test message.
Not very interesting, really.
+OK you InterMail POP3 server signing off.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Notice that you use port 110 to connect to a POP3 server. Also, the commands used by POP3 are very different than those understood by SMTP. In this session, I used the USER command to indicate my username and the PASS command for my password. Unlike SMTP, you do have to authenticate to use POP3.

Once I successfully authenticated, I used the LIST command to see how many email messages were waiting for me. I had one message, which was 544 bytes long. I then used the RETR command to display that message, including the headers as well as its contents, and typed the QUIT command to end the POP3 session.

There are several things you should be aware of regarding the POP3 protocol. The first is that every single packet—including those containing your username, password, and the contents of each email message—are sent in clear text. That means that a packet sniffer running on your network would have full access to that information.

Second, anyone who knows your email password could conceivably connect to your POP3 server and read your email. Worse, they could use the DELE command to delete your email before you had a chance to receive it.

Security Considerations

That doesn’t sound very good, does it? There are several things you can do as an end-user to protect your email. One is to use a third-party email encryption product, which will protect the contents of your email (but not your username and password) from packet sniffers. The other is to use different passwords for different functions. For example, don’t use the same password to pick up email, do online banking, log into your office network, etc. And always pick a password that your friends and family won’t be able to guess.

As an email administrator, you can also create a safer environment for your users. Create a different username for each user, something other than the names contained within their email addresses. For example: [email protected] usually indicates a username of moi. That means I could connect to the POP3 server at and try to guess the password for the user moi. However, if the administrator had given that user a username such as l2tn4g and instructed that user never to give out his username, it would be much more difficult for someone else to access his email.

See Also

Why Do I Need sendmail?

As an end user, you’ve probably asked yourself: “If all I’m doing is running a FreeBSD machine for personal use, why should I need to run a heavyweight MTA daemon like sendmail?”

sendmail is the standard Mail Transport Agent (MTA) on FreeBSD, as it is on most Unix systems. In fact, the majority of email passing over the Internet will probably travel through a sendmail server at some point. However, sendmail isn’t the easiest software package to manage, and the configuration file syntax gives most people a headache. There are several alternative MTA packages available, but these are also industrial-strength programs suitable for demanding use.

Many modern graphical email clients, such as Netscape Mail or Evolution, can send email directly to a mail server machine across the network. So, no, you won’t need an MTA on your local machine to send email. (However, you will need an MTA if you use one of the more traditional Unix mail clients, such as mail, mutt, or pine.)

Regardless of your email client, if you want to see any automatic emails the system sends—usually from the periodic scripts—then you do require an MTA. More precisely, Unix programs expect to be able to send email by piping its text into the standard input of /usr/sbin/sendmail, and have the system take care of the rest of the work for them.


The venerable sendmail is only one of many MTAs available. Choosing another MTA does not always mean that you need to change the habits you picked up while working with sendmail. All three major BSD systems have a translator file, /etc/mailer.conf, that identifies which commands to execute when the user or another process executes sendmail, mailq, or newaliases.

For example, if you install postfix, you still use the sendmail command, even though the real job is done by the commands from the postfix package. The existence of /etc/mailer.conf makes it easy to replace one MTA with another without turning the whole mail subsystem upside down.

Closing Port 25

Since most systems aren’t mail servers, you can disable the receiving of email. In other words, there’s no reason to have sendmail listening on port 25 on any exposed interface.


Port 25 must be open on SMTP mail servers, but it does not have to be open in order to send an email as a client. Remember, any unnecessary open port is a potential security risk.

It is possible to close port 25 (except on the loopback interface) and still allow sendmail to run occasionally in order to process outgoing messages. Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:


With the release of sendmail-8.12.2 in 2002, sendmail has been split into two parts, each with a separate configuration file. These are the MTA process, which uses SMTP to copy the mail from machine to machine, and the Mail Submission Process (MSP), whose job is to read in the complete text of any new email and reliably inject it into the MTA. When programs run /usr/sbin/sendmail, they interact with the MSP.

You can either run an MTA process locally or not run it at all, configuring the MSP to deliver straight to the MTA on your provider’s smart host. In order to deliver any email, it has to pass from the MSP to an MTA. The MSP talks SMTP to the MTA to do that, which requires the MTA to be listening on port 25.

Simple sendmail Configuration with a Local MTA

Setting sendmail_enable="NO" in /etc/rc.conf does not turn off sendmail—use sendmail_enable="NONE" for that—but it does stop sendmail from receiving incoming email. In fact, sendmail_enable="NO" will result in starting up two sendmail processes: an MSP queue manager and an MTA process that listens on the loopback address only. Having the MTA listen only on the loopback interface means that it can be accessed only from the local machine. This is an acceptably secure compromise between having port 25 open generally and not having access to the local MTA at all.

If you want to send emails to external recipients, edit the sendmail configuration file slightly to tell it the name of your provider’s email smart host:

# cd /etc/mail
# cp `hostname`.mc

where `hostname` turns into the system’s hostname.

Open < hostname>.mc in your favorite editor. Change the line that says:

dnl define(`SMART_HOST', `your.isp.mail.server')

to read:

define(`SMART_HOST', `')

Replace with the correct name of your provider’s SMTP server. dnl stands for “Delete until New Line”—it’s used to comment out text in .mc files, so this change simply uncomments an example line in the default .mc file. Note that in .mc files, the left tick (`) is different from the right tick (').


By default, the submission port (587) is also open. This port is part of the SMTP standard, but there is very little application support at the moment, so you won’t miss it if you close it. Add this line to your


Now process the .mc file into a .cf file, and install and activate it:

# make
# make install
# make restart-mta

You don’t need to make any changes to the default sendmail MSP configuration. This setup will send all messages for nonlocal users to the provider’s smart host for processing. It doesn’t provide any means of receiving incoming emails over the network.

Simple sendmail Configuration Without a Local MTA

Instead of running both a sendmail MSP queue runner and a sendmail MTA process, an alternative is to use just an MSP queue runner. Don’t worry about the sendmail MTA, as you’re not using it. In addition to sendmail_enable="NO“, add these lines to /etc/rc.conf:


You’ll also need to customize the sendmail configuration slightly, this time for the MSP rather than the MTA.

# cd /etc/mail
# cp

Change the last line in from:

FEATURE(`msp', `[]')dnl


FEATURE(`msp', `')dnl

where, as before, is your ISP’s mail smart host.

Then, install and activate the new configuration:

# make
# make install
# make restart-mspq

Again, this will permit you to send email anywhere in the world, but not to receive incoming messages. This differs from the preceding “with MTA” configuration, in that this has to send all outgoing messages—without exception—through the provider’s smart host. In return, there is no longer a sendmail process listening on port 25.


A third alternative to send-only SMTP is ssmtp, which is available in the FreeBSD ports collection or from source at the main web site. You can find detailed instructions in Bill Moran’s “Setting up to send only” article at

See Also

Hold Email for Later Delivery

Control when sendmail uses an intermittent Internet connection.

The default sendmail configuration assumes that you have a constant network connection. What if you’re on a dial-up system and want to be able to work on emails without causing your modem to dial up immediately? In this scenario, you want to queue your sent messages to send later, the next time you go online.

Configuring sendmail Queueing

Fortunately, sendmail has a “hold expensive” function designed for this purpose. To activate it, add the following lines to the /etc/mail/<hostname>.mc file:

define(`confCON_EXPENSIVE', `True')dnl
define(`confTO_QUEUEWARN', `12h')dnl

The first line enables the feature. The next four lines add the letter e to the flags for each named mailer, to indicate that it is “expensive” and that email should first be queued rather than immediately delivered. The last line just extends the length of time the system will wait before it warns you that your message hasn’t been delivered yet (the default is four hours).

Now just build the configuration file, install it, and restart sendmail as usual:

# cd /etc/mail
# make
# make install
# make restart-mta

The four mailers listed (RELAY, SMTP, ESMTP, and SMTP8) will handle the bulk of all transmissions over the network. The configuration of both local and remote mail systems will determine which one to use. However, if you send out all of your mail via your provider’s smart host, the RELAY mailer is the best choice.

So far so good. However, you still need to make some more changes to the way sendmail runs. Queued messages will sit in the mail queue (/var/spool/mqueue) until the next sendmail queue run. These occur every 30 minutes when using the default sendmail command-line flags. The following settings in /etc/rc.conf will suppress that default:

sendmail_submit_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -ODaemonPortOptions=Addr=localhost"

Note the deletion of -q30m from the default value of sendmail_submit_flags. Those lines assume that you don’t want a sendmail process listening on port 25 on your network interface for incoming emails, which can be problematic on a transient link, such as dial-up. (See [Hack #49] for an alternate approach.)

Configuring PPP

Having effectively prevented the system from ever flushing the mail queue, you’ll now need to add a mechanism for sending all queued email when the PPP link activates. If you’re running the user land ppp daemon, create /etc/ppp/ppp.linkup with these contents:

    !bg /usr/sbin/sendmail -q

/etc/ppp/ppp.linkup should be owned by the root user and the wheel group, and be writable only by root, although it can be readable by all.

Alternatively, add the line /usr/sbin/sendmail -q to an existing auth-up file. (pppd uses the shell script /etc/ppp/auth-up to run commands after the link has come up and the systems have authenticated successfully.)


If you don’t have an existing /etc/ppp/auth-up, copy it from /usr/share/examples/pppd/auth-up.sample.

Dealing with DNS

There is a huge gotcha in this whole discussion. sendmail makes extensive use of the DNS while it processes email. That DNS traffic will usually trigger on-demand dialing, and bringing up the PPP link—triggering an immediate queue flush—defeats the whole purpose of what you’ve done so far.

There are several things you can do to ameliorate this problem:

  • Add DNS traffic to the dial filter in /etc/ppp/ppp.conf if you use user-mode ppp. This is effective, but leads to annoying delays waiting for DNS lookups to time out.


0 and 1 are just the rule numbers for the dial filter set: modify these as necessary if you already have some dial filter rules.

  • Run your own DNS server either just as a local cache or as the authoritative host for your local networks.

  • Record the hostnames and IP numbers of your systems and your provider’s mail systems in /etc/hosts, and configure the system to use the flat files instead of DNS. (See man host.conf for FreeBSD 4.x and man nsswitch.conf for 5.x.)

  • Alternatively, use other local databases to do host lookups, such as NIS or LDAP.

  • Specify hostnames in the sendmail configuration using square brackets around the [ hostname ].

This last option tells sendmail not to look up MX records, which are available only from DNS; instead, it will only look up IP numbers. For example, specify your ISP’s SMTP server’s hostname in this line of /etc/mail/<hostname>.mc:

define(`SMART_HOST', `[]')dnl

Then, rebuild the configuration file as before.

Note that these hacks will only mitigate the DNS problem. Unfortunately, it is all but impossible to eliminate inconvenient DNS lookups.

See Also

  • man ppp

  • man pppd

  • man host.conf

  • man nsswitch.conf

Get the Most Out of FTP

Get the most out of stock ftp with macros and scripts.

In this age of GUIs and feature-rich browsers, it’s easy to forget how quick and efficient command-line ftp can be. That is, until you’re logged into a system that doesn’t have X installed, nor a browser, nor any fancy FTP programs. If it’s really your lucky day, it won’t even have any manpages. And, of course, you’ll need to download something.

Perhaps you find yourself using ftp all the time, always going to the same FTP servers and downloading from or uploading to the same directories. Clearly, it’s time for some FTP automation.

Automating Logins

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to use FTP from a modern browser? Simply click on a hyperlink to start a download. At the command line, though, you can’t even browse the FTP directory structure until you successfully log into the FTP server. Well, guess what: you always have to log into an FTP server. It’s just that your web browser hides this little detail by doing it for you in the background.

You can achieve the same transparency for command-line ftp by creating a file called .netrc in your home directory and placing the following line in that file:

% more ~/.netrc
default login anonymous password [email protected]

This line will work for any FTP server on the Internet that accepts anonymous logins. (Most do, unless it’s a private server.) When creating your own file, use your own email address as the password.

Test your change with this command:

% ftp

Compare your results to the FTP output in [Hack #71] . You should receive the same banner shown there without having to first type in a username and password.

If you’re a webmaster who uses FTP to upload your new files, you do have to log in first. After all, you don’t want just anyone uploading files, so you require a username and password. To automate that process, add a section to your ~.netrc that reflects the name of your server and your username and password:

login myusername
password mypassword

Since you’ve just inserted your password into a plain text file, it’s important to change the permissions on this file so that only you can read it:

% chmod 600 ~/.netrc

If you forget to change the permissions and try to access an FTP server that requires a username and password, your login attempt should fail and result in this error message:

ftp: Error: .netrc file is readable by others.
ftp: Remove password or make file unreadable by others.

To be extra safe, exclude the password line completely. When you connect to the FTP server, your username will be provided for you, but you will still be prompted for the password.

Automating Transfers

Now, let’s say that you visit on a regular basis and always access its pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386 directory. Rather than cding every time, you can automate that process by creating an FTP macro. Add these lines to ~/.netrc:

macdef fbsd
cd /pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386

Macros are defined by macdef, and the name of the macro follows. Keep the name short but useful, as a macro is supposed to be a timesaver. Once you’ve declared the macro, add the FTP commands you want to execute, one line at a time. This particular macro contains the bin (or binary) command. That command is useful when downloading because it ensures all files, including non-ASCII files such as applications, will download correctly. I also included a cd command to automatically take me to my usual working directory.


It’s important that a macro always ends with a blank line.

There are two ways to use your macro. If you’re already connected to the FTP server, type $ macroname at the ftp prompt:

ftp> $ fbsd
200 Type set to I.
cd /pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386
250 "/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386" is new cwd.

Note that each command in the macro will be executed, followed by its results.

The second way to run the macro is when you first invoke the ftp command:

% echo "$ fbsd" | ftp

Now, if you try that one, you’ll notice that all of your commands will succeed. Then, your FTP session will abruptly end, and you’ll receive your regular prompt back! Rather disappointing if you were planning on typing some more commands at the ftp prompt, but absolutely perfect if your intention is to script an entire FTP session.

Scripting an Entire Session

If you already know what you want to do, and especially if you need to do it more than once, why type in everything at the ftp prompt? Suppose you want to download the latest XFree86 distribution directly from Consider placing this macro in ~/.netrc:

macdef X
cd /pub/XFree86/4.3.0/source
mget *

This macro assumes that this ~/.netrc file already contains the line that allows anonymous logins.

The bell command, which is optional, should produce a sound after each successful file transfer. The prompt command is very important, though. By default, the FTP server expects interaction from the user. That is, when you ask to download multiple files with mget, the FTP server will wait for you to confirm every transfer by typing y. Obviously, we want to disable that behavior when we’re scripting a download.

To run this macro:

% echo "$ X" | ftp

By default, ftp will save the downloaded files in your current working directory. If you prefer, you can specify an alternate location in your macro with the lcd (local change directory) command. For example:

lcd /usr/local/Xsource

will save the downloaded files to the /usr/local/Xsource directory. Make sure your directory exists and put the lcd line before your mget line.

A Better FTP?

No matter how hard you try to make the default FTP client user-friendly, it is still a very basic command, and you may find a little too primitive, especially if you use ftp often. If you would like to try a more convenient and user-friendly command-line tool, try ncftp, which is available as a port or package for FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD.

See Also

Distributed Command Execution

Use tentakel for parallel, distributed command execution.

Often you want to execute a command not only on one computer, but on several at once. For example, you might want to report the current statistics on a group of managed servers or update all of your web servers at once.

The Obvious Approach

You could simply do this on the command line with a shell script like the following:

# for host in hostA hostB hostC
> do ssh $host do_something
> done

However, this has several disadvantages:

  • It is slow because the connections to the remote hosts do not run in parallel. Every connection must wait for the previous one to finish.

  • Managing many sets of hosts can become a complicated task because there is no easy way to define groups of hosts (e.g., mailservers or workstations).

  • The output is provided by the program that is run remotely.

  • The output is hard to read because there are no marks indicating when the output for a specific host begins or ends.

How tentakel Can Help

While you could write a shell script to address some of these disadvantages, you might want to consider tentakel, which is available in the ports collection. Its execution starts multiple threads that run independently of each other. The maximum waiting time depends on the longest running remote connection, not on the sum of all of them. After the last remote command has returned, tentakel displays the results of all remote command executions. You can also configure how the output should look, combining or differentiating the results from individual hosts.

tentakel operates on groups of hosts. A group can have two types of members: hosts or references to other groups. A group can also have parameters to control various aspects of the connection, including username and access method (rsh or ssh, for example).

Installing and Configuring tentakel

Install tentakel from the ports collection:

# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/tentakel
# make install clean

You can instead install tentakel by hand; consult the INSTALL file in the distribution. A make install should work in most cases, provided that you have a working Python environment installed.

After the installation, create the configuration file tentakel.conf in the directory $HOME/.tentakel/. See the example file in /usr/local/share/doc/tentakel/tentakel.conf.example for a quick overview of the format.

Alternatively, copy the file into /usr/local/etc/ or /etc/, depending on your system’s policy, in order to have a site-wide tentakel.conf that will be used when there is no user-specific configuration. As an administrator, you may predefine groups for your users this way.

Assuming that you have a farm of three servers, mosel, aare, and spree, of which the first two are web servers, your configuration might resemble this:

set format="%d

group webservers(user="webmaster")
  +mosel +aare

group servers(user="root")
  @webservers +spree

With this definition, you can use the group name servers to execute a command on all your servers as root and the group name webservers to execute it only on your web servers as user webmaster.

The first line defines the output format, as explained in Figure 5-1.

Table 5-5. tentakel output format characters




The hostname


The output of the remotely executed commands

A newline character

This commands tentakel to print the hostname, followed by the lines of the remote output for each server sequentially. You can enrich the format string with additional directives, such as %s for the exit status from commands. See the manpage for more information.

As you can see from the servers definition, there is no need to list all servers in each group; include servers from other groups using the @groupname notation.

On the remote machines, the only required configuration is to ensure that you can log into them from the tentakel machine without entering a password. Usually that will mean using ssh and public keys, which is also tentakel’s default. tentakel provides the parameter method for using different mechanisms, so refer to the manpage for details.

Using tentakel

To update the web pages on all web servers from a CVS repository:

% tentakel -g webservers "cd /var/www/htdocs && cvs update"
### mosel(0):
cvs update: Updating .
U index.html
U main.css
### aare(1):
C main.css
cvs update: Updating .

Note the use of quotes around the command to be executed. This prevents the local shell from interpreting special characters such as & or ;.

If no command is specified, tentakel invokes interactive mode:

% tentakel 
interactive mode
tentakel(default)> use webservers
tentakel(webservers)> exec du -sh /var/www/htdocs
### mosel(0):
364k    /var/www/htdocs
### aare(0):
364k    /var/www/htdocs
tentakel(webservers)> quit

While in interactive mode, the command help prints further information.

See Also

Interactive Remote Administration

Managing a large network can be a daunting task. Even with the Unix utilities available for remote administration, making changes on many systems can be taxing. Scripting tools make life easier to some extent, but some tasks require hands- and eyes-on interaction.

Several system utilities allow you to execute the same command on multiple hosts. This form of loosely coupled clustering is useful for information gathering and some monitoring purposes. However, on some occasions, you not only need to run a process on multiple hosts, but you must also observe it and interact with the process to resolve host-specific issues. An administration shell script will save typing and minimize mistakes, but it’s hard to write a script that will work correctly on every machine on a diverse network.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a program that allowed you to interact with your remote hosts while running parallel commands? Enter ClusterIt.

Why ClusterIt?

ClusterIt is a set of tools written by Tim Rightnour, designed to place all of your network hosts at your fingertips. ClusterIt includes utilities for running a single command on all of the hosts in your cluster. It also allows automatic distribution of the tasks to any available hosts in a defined group. It uses a remote login method, such as sshd on the target hosts, so you only need to install it on the control host.

Scripts can also synchronize between task completions on different hosts. For example, you can set two hosts to compile an application and install it on the other machine. Neither host should begin the installation until the other host has finished compiling, but it is impossible to predict which host will finish first. ClusterIt defines barrier operations that can be included in a script to prevent passing a synchronization point until all hosts have caught up.

In most clustering systems for Unix, once you issue a command, you cannot interact with the hosts in the cluster individually; you only see the final output of each command run on each of the hosts. ClusterIt does not have this limitation, making it ideal for dealing with processes that need continual monitoring.

Installation and Configuration

Install ClusterIt from the NetBSD pkgsrc collection:

# cd /usr/pkgsrc/parallel/clusterit
# make install clean

It is also available in FreeBSD’s /usr/ports/parallel/clusterit.

Before using any ClusterIt utility, you must create a list of machines in your cluster. Create the file ~/.cluster, containing a list of host names. Be sure not to put any whitespace after GROUP:, as in this example:


Set an environment variable to tell ClusterIt where to find the list of hosts, and set two more to specify ssh as the tool to start remote shells and terminals. Run this from the tcsh command line or add the commands to your ~/.cshrc:

% setenv CLUSTER ~/.cluster
% setenv RCMD_CMD ssh
% setenv RLOGIN_CMD ssh


Use ssh-agent or an equivalent method to prevent ClusterIt from prompting for a password every time you connect to a host. If you’re unfamiliar with ssh-agent, see “What is SSH agent, and how do I use it?” at

Testing Noninteractive Commands

Now you’re ready to issue commands to the cluster. You can run simple commands that require no interactivity from the command line with the dsh (distributed shell) command. Let’s start by checking the version of the operating system on each of the hosts in a group:

% dsh -g setB uname -a
Bester: SunOS bester 5.7 Generic_106541-11 sun4u sparc 
Brust: NetBSD brust 1.6ZC NetBSD 1.6ZC (GENERIC.MP) #1: Fri Sep 26 
23:33:56 EDT 2003  
david@pohl:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC.MP i386

The -g groupname option specifies which hosts in the cluster should run this command. Every ClusterIt command allows you to specify a list of hosts, a named group of hosts, the entire cluster, or any of those options minus a list of excluded hosts.

As you can see, not much can go wrong with the uname command. Interestingly, the two hosts that I’ve chosen to use for examples are running different operating systems.

Using dvt

Many maintenance operations require different steps on machines running different operating systems. ClusterIt also includes a command called dvt (distributed virtual terminal), which allows you to interact with several hosts simultaneously or individually. This is where dvt shines!

Suppose that I want to install a Perl module on both of these example machines. First, I’ll open the distributed terminals:

% dvt -g setB

Three terminal windows have opened up to my screen: one window for each of the two hosts and one control window. Anything I type in the control window goes to all of the host windows, as if I typed the same thing in each one. (I can also type within an individual host window, which will send my input only to that particular host.)

I have windows open to the hosts in the group now, but I’ll need to be root to install the module.

In the control window, I’ll type su. If the root password is the same on all the hosts, I can type it everywhere at once by typing in the command window. If the passwords are different on different hosts, I’ll have to activate each host window in turn, typing the appropriate password in each one.

For simplicity, imagine I’ve already copied the module to my home directory on each host. I now need to un-tar it, run Perl on the Makefile.PL, run make, and run make install:

# tar xzvf Perl-Package-1.0.tgz && cd Perl-Package-1.0 && perl  
  Makefile.PL && make && make install

If I knew that this command would work without any errors, I could have used dsh instead. However, any number of differences between these two machines could cause one or both to fail to complete this process. This Perl package may not have been tested on Solaris yet, or either machine could be missing some prerequisite package.

Since each host has its own window that I can view and type into, I can monitor the progress of the installation. If either host encounters a problem, I can focus my mouse on that window and manually correct and continue the process, without interfering with the other host.

Hacking the Hack

This technique is useful in several other situations. You can monitor a set of hosts by running ps, who, or top in several windows. You can diagnose network issues by running tcpdump on the source host, destination host, and any machines routing the packets in between the two.

An interesting way to troubleshoot networking is to have every host in your cluster ping or traceroute to the problem host. The missing route or mistyped filter rule quickly becomes obvious.

A sysadmin must troubleshoot all sorts of issues, including diagnosing name service troubles, NFS mount permissions, sysctl values, disk space, routing tables, backups, and logfiles. You can solve these problems more easily when you have a consolidated view of your systems.

See Also

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