Getting bash Without Getting bash


You want to try out a shell or a shell script on a system you don’t have the time or the resources to build or buy.

Or, you feel like reading a Zen-like recipe just about now.


Get a free or almost free shell account from HP, Polar Home, or another vendor.


HP maintains a free “test drive” program that provides free shell accounts on many operating systems on various HP hardware. See for details.

Polar Home provides many free services and almost free shell accounts. According to their web site: is non commercial, educational effort for popularization of shell enabled operating systems and Internet services, offering shell accounts, mail and other online services on all available systems (currently on Linux, OpenVMS, Solaris, AIX, QNX, IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and OPENSTEP).


Note: this site is continuously under construction and running on slow lines and low capacity servers that have been retired, therefore as a non commercial site user/visitor, nobody should have too high expectations in any meaning of the word. Even if does all to provide services on professional level, users should not expect more than “AS-IS”. is a distributed site, but more than 90% of polarhome realm is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

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