Chapter 9. Using Other Powerful TOAD Tools

TOAD is truly the be-all, Swiss army knife of Oracle tools. It has features for DBAs, developers, business analysts, and just about anyone else who needs to do Oracle-related work. So far, the chapters have been organized for basic operation and by job function. But there are so many features in TOAD that a chapter is needed to cover some functionalities that don’t fit so neatly in the other chapters. That’s not to say that these TOAD features are less useful, but more likely that they may span job functions. For example, both developers and DBAs need to manage their scripts, perform FTP of files, and possibly telnet to remote servers. So these tasks are not special or relegated to just one type of TOAD user per se, but are generally utilized by many different categories of users. Moreover, some of these features have less to do with the Oracle database than they have to do with TOAD and its operation. So again, these features would apply to just about any type of TOAD user.

So now let’s examine in more detail all those features above and beyond SQL or PL/SQL coding and DBA tasks. This chapter outlines all those features that people attending TOAD user groups often don’t know about. Their reaction to these features is to say “Wow, since when could TOAD do that? “

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