Chapter 21. Managing change

In today’s world, change is inevitable. Business has to change to stay competitive. Small changes have become part of the daily business culture, but larger changes can be more problematic. Adopting a unified content strategy across the enterprise is a big change. Even if you adopt a unified content strategy in only one area, you will experience some resistance to the change. A unified content strategy requires authors to go through a paradigm shift. This paradigm shift requires change management.

This chapter describes some of the issues to consider when planning your change management strategy, including suggestions for overcoming resistance and descriptions of new and modified roles.

Change management

Never underestimate the impact change will have on your organization. If you have change management personnel in-house, get them involved in your project as soon as you make the decision to adopt a unified content strategy. If you don’t have change management personnel, consider hiring consultants who specialize in change management. This section provides suggestions to help you effectively manage the change associated with a unified content strategy.

Identify the pain, issues, and consequences

People are unwilling to change unless there is a very good reason for that change and they can see the benefits. Identifying the benefits means first identifying your pain, issues, and consequences. What are the real issues facing your organization? What is the impact of not addressing these issues? (Refer to Chapter 4, “Where does it really hurt?,” Chapter 5, “Analyzing the content life cycle,” and Chapter 6, “Performing a content audit” for information about identifying the pain, issues, and consequences.) After you have identified your reasons for change, communicate your findings to everyone involved.

Reach out to people within the organization and listen to what they have to say about the issues and the solutions. Be sure to thank them for their input. When you have summarized their input, go back to them and verify that you understood them correctly. Then as you move into design, testing, and implementation, involve them and ask them to assist you in determining whether your design correctly addresses their issues and needs. If you involve people early on, really listen to what they have to say, then show them that you are addressing their requirements; they will be among your strongest supporters.


Communication is critical to the success of change. You need to communicate the reasons for change, your plan, and the project’s status. Projects that are developed “under wraps” are viewed with suspicion. Lack of communication results in anxiety and starts rumors. The longer that information is withheld, the more anxious people become and the harder it becomes to convince them of the need to adopt the change. Plan to communicate as early in the project as possible and continue to communicate throughout.

You need to communicate:

  • Why change?

    Frequently communication plans tell people only what is happening and what they have to do; they don’t tell people why they have to do it. When some people don’t understand the “why,” they have a tendency to ignore or resist the change. Other people need simply to know that the important and influential decision-makers have bought into the idea. (There are the two personality types according to Meyers-Briggs [1]: those who need the champion and those who need a reason.) Ensure that you indicate that the important and influential decision-makers in the company have embraced the idea.

    Use the results of your analysis, summarize your findings, and present your findings in a clear manner. Don’t play down the current issues or the dangers that face the organization; lay them on the table so that people see the reasoning behind the change. Take care not to scare people with the issues and dangers, but be honest in your presentation; they will appreciate the honesty and clarity. Emphasize the current issues are no one’s fault and that the change is possible with their help.

  • The plan

    Explain your plan, including an approximate timeline for implementation. This gives people an understanding of the scope and timeline for the project. Informal lunch-time sessions provide a non-threatening atmosphere and allow people to ask questions.

  • Ongoing status

    Keep everyone who has a direct involvement in the unified content strategy now or in the future up to date as the project progresses, even if only specific groups are involved in the beginning. A newsletter is a good vehicle to communicate ongoing progress and answer commonly-asked questions.

  • Successes

    Ensure that you communicate the successes you have achieved. This enables people to understand that it is possible to achieve a unified content strategy.

  • Problems

    No project is without its problems. As you start to implement the unified content strategy in additional areas, point out the problems you encountered, how they were addressed, and how they will be avoided as you move forward. Admitting problems brings them into the open and ensures that people understand that problems are inevitable and solvable.

Elicit the help of “change agents”

Communication will help people to understand what is going on and why, but it will not necessarily convince them to participate. The best way to convince people of a change’s value is to have “one of their own” communicate the excitement and possibilities. To do this you need “change agents.” A change agent is someone who is not necessarily part of the assigned implementation team, but who will be a user of the new system and methodologies.

The best way to create change agents is to bring together a group of representative users who have shown an early understanding of the problems or who are open to change. Help them to clearly understand the pain, issues, and dangers you are aware of, and have them voice their own ideas. Take them through a short content audit exercise to help them to see the possibilities. Discuss their specific opportunities and the ways in which this change will apply to them. Discuss how they can share their learning with others on their teams. Make sure you address all their questions and concerns. When they have an understanding of why this change should happen and are excited about the change, they will begin to communicate this to others on their teams, easing the transition to the unified content strategy. Make sure that you help the change agents to prepare a consistent message to take back to their teams. A consistent message reduces the possibility of misinterpretation.

Get a champion

The broader the scope of your unified content strategy, the more likely you are to have disagreement. A champion (someone high enough up in the organization to effect change) needs to endorse the cause and ensure that different content areas understand the need for change and buy into it. If a group resists the change despite having their concerns and questions addressed, the champion may have to insist on them adopting the change or make a change in personnel to facilitate adoption.

Overcoming resistance

Many of the challenges of a unified content strategy are common to any new process or system, whereas others are unique to a unified content strategy. The following are some of the more common challenges associated with a unified content strategy as well as suggestions for how to overcome them.

“These ideas come from a different kind of company.”

People find it hard to believe that content somebody else created could possibly meet their needs. After all, it was written for a different purpose and media, and the author couldn’t possibly know their customers/audience/requirements.

In some ways, this is true. If content is written for a different purpose, audience, or media without considering how the content can be reused, it won’t work. However, content can be reused if it is:

  • Written according to models

  • Written in the form of building blocks so that content can be selectively used as required

  • Written with good writing principles

  • Written without format in mind

In some cases, the content can be reused identically; in other cases, it must be modified, resulting in derivative reuse. But regardless of the type, reuse is possible.

So how do you convince people of that? The best solution is to trust that “seeing is believing.” Bring together different groups who create similar content and work through a mini-content audit exercise with them. It’s a good idea if you have an understanding of where reuse is possible and select appropriate materials in advance so that the analysis can be rapid. Having different groups identify the potential areas of reuse is an eye-opener. Many people are unaware of just how much content is reused or could be reused. After they see the volume of potential reuse they are usually convinced that reuse is possible.

The media issue may be more of a hurdle. Prepare for this one in advance. Create an example using some material that was written differently for different media, but that could be written the same for all media. Show the group the original materials. Show how the content could be written for multiple media. Show them the content in each medium (for example, in paper, then on the web) as it follows your current design templates. See Appendix B, “Writing for multiple media,” for more information.

“That’s not how we do things here.”

It’s not unusual for different departments and different business units to have their own values and ways of doing things. Many organizations even encourage different parts of the organization to compete with each other. They may not talk to each other and cooperate.

In this case, the enterprise project coordinator needs to find a balance between similarity and diversity. The overall business needs must be identified and communicated to the different areas. They are all in business together and the focus should be on their businesses’ competitors rather than on competition with other departments.

However, even when departments compete with each other, find out what their commonalities are and share them. Let each department or business unit focus on what is unique and optimize those unique qualities.

You might also consider adopting variations on the solution to meet the needs of different areas. For example, one area may use a full authoring tool, another area may use templates and forms, and yet another may use modified traditional authoring tools. This makes it easier for each area to author in a way that supports its own processes.

It’s okay that processes may be different in different areas. As long as the result of these processes is the same—effective reusable content—different areas can continue to follow different processes. It is not necessary to create one unified process for the whole organization.

“I can’t be creative under these conditions.”

Authors often feel that they will lose their creativity if they are forced to write structured content and write to models. First you need to identify what they consider creativity and what value is being added to the content through that creativity. Frequently, creativity is the work authors put into the layout rather than the content. It is true that in a unified content environment, authors no longer have creative control over format and layout. However, authors who enjoy layout and design may want to participate in the design of templates and style sheets in addition to creating content.

For authors who enjoy the content creation process, point out that they can be more creative in their writing because they no longer have to worry about format and layout. Their creative efforts can be put into designing the most effective information products possible and ensuring that content is readable and usable.

Others may greatly welcome the structured content and models, because doing so frees them up to do what they do best: creating content, which some consider to be their “real” job.

For teams such as marketing, where unique design and layout are integral to the effectiveness of information products, consider enabling authors to modify the style sheets. Take care to ensure that the structure of the content remains consistent with the models so content can be reused, but give authors the flexibility to change their style sheets and develop materials to meet their customers’ needs. Alternatively, consider enabling authors to pick from a series of format elements so they can specify to a certain extent the “look and feel” of the content, by media.

“It’s not worth all this extra work.”

Developing a unified content strategy is a lot of work. However, the work comes at the beginning, not throughout the content life cycle. After your strategy is implemented, the average author will have a reduced workload. When speaking with authors, don’t overemphasize the amount of work it takes to implement the strategy. Instead, emphasize what they will save in working this way, and how much time will be freed up when they don’t have to create everything from scratch.

For management, who should be concerned about the amount of work a unified strategy requires, emphasize that all new methods and systems require up-front work, but the investment is returned later in benefits and reduced costs.

“You’re making my job obsolete.”

Companies and departments never have enough time, money, or resources to do all the work they need to do. Less work in one area means more time and resources are available to do work in another. Rarely are jobs lost. More frequently, organizations reorganize the workload and pursue projects and initiatives that they didn’t have the time, money, or resources to do before. You can do more with the same resources.

Why some projects fail

Failure is always a possibility when organizations change the way they do business. The following list includes some of the reasons projects fail or falter and some ways you can address these issues.

  • Resistance to change

    Failing to address peoples’ concerns during implementation can result in the project’s failure. This is addressed in detail in “Overcoming resistance,” earlier in this chapter.

  • Failure to address both technical and non-technical issues

    Focusing on non-technical issues alone may obscure the issues of technology. Yet focusing on only the technological issues may result in failing to realize the impact a unified content strategy will have on the organization, its culture, its people, and its political processes. Ensure that you address all the issues, both technical and non-technical.

  • Failure to recognize that analysis and design take time

    Implementing a unified content strategy and realizing the benefits does not happen overnight. It is important to recognize that time must be spent up front to produce an efficient, flexible, and robust unified information architecture. Departments or business units that recognize the opportunities for a unified content strategy and spend the time to develop an effective one should be rewarded for their efforts.

  • Lack of a champion

    Starting a unified content strategy at the grass roots of an organization then gradually extending it to address the enterprise may succeed in meeting only the immediate needs. You need a champion to endorse your project and to make sure that different areas understand the need for unified content and buy into it.

  • Biting off more than you can chew

    Organizations that try to do it all at once may fail due to the complexities of the content, the technology, or the organizational issues. It is more effective to develop in phases. Start with a prototype, implementing in one area, then move into other areas. Implementing in phases provides small-scale successes that allow developers and managers to build the necessary skills and confidence. And it provides you with the opportunity to work out the bugs in a small, controlled environment.

  • Economic needs

    Different departments or business units may operate as different cost centers. Reusing content could be a disincentive. You may need to develop a new way of identifying the cost of creating and maintaining reusable content that is distributed fairly across the organization.

  • Cataloging too many reusable elements

    It is hard to catalog (for example, add appropriate metadata) and retrieve reusable content across multiple business units or departments. Authors often find it hard to locate suitable reusable components outside their own areas.

    Employing systematic reuse can reduce this issue. Information architects who have a thorough understanding of the entire domain of content can also help through the effective categorization of content (metadata).

  • Lack of core competencies

    The organization may lack the core competencies necessary to design, create, and integrate reusable components. Implementing a unified content strategy means you should be thinking about content in a new way, and many in your organization may lack the skills or perspective to recognize the opportunities unified content offers.

    Key personnel should receive appropriate training, and where necessary, consider using consulting resources at the beginning of the project to help you get started. Develop the strategy in stages to ensure that appropriate skills are gained and that lessons learned are implemented with the next phase of the project.

  • Lack of communication

    Lack of communication breeds rumor and resistance. It is important to communicate what is happening, why it is happening, and what is going to happen to ensure that everyone is aware of the project. Change is not as great a shock when information is communicated over time.

  • Failure to involve others

    Often when teams are assigned, they go off and do their jobs on their own. Their results depend on how clearly they’ve identified the full scope of the project and its issues. To be successful, they must involve all the parties affected by the issues and the change.

    Perform a thorough analysis to ensure you understand the scope of the issues and goals, invite people to participate in the design and testing process, communicate how you have implemented their suggestions, and employ the people who have assisted in the process and are convinced of the value of the unified content strategy to act as change agents (see “Change management,” earlier in this chapter).

  • Using only one type of reuse

    The most common form of reuse is opportunistic, which results in the lowest incidence of reuse because it puts the responsibility on the authors to decide to reuse content, then find the content they want to reuse. Alternatively, systematic reuse ensures that content is reused and reduces the onus on authors to know that reusable content exists, to find it, and reuse it appropriately. However, authors may perceive systematic reuse as overly restrictive. Using a combination of reuse types provides the greatest results and the most flexibility.

  • Project-by-project reuse

    Although it is a good idea to start small and work in phases, it is not a good idea to develop a unified content strategy on a project-by-project basis. This can lead to a lack of awareness of how content needs to be structured and modeled for optimum reuse, resulting in a lot of rework later on. You can implement project by project or area to area, but design for the entire scope of the unified content strategy.

  • Selecting the wrong first project

    Selecting the correct first project to begin your unified content implementation is very important. Picking the wrong one can lead to failure. Don’t pick a mission-critical project with a very short deadline, because developing an effective unified content strategy takes time. You need the time to do it properly. You also need the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. The pressure to perform quickly may sabotage the development team’s desire to do it properly.

    Pick a project that will show return on investment, but is not a “make or break” proposition. You should also pick a project where content already exists, but where it requires a major revision to meet current needs. The changes required for a unified content strategy will be less onerous if the content has to change anyway. Using existing content also enables the analysts and architects to have a “real” rather than abstract example to work with.

  • Reusing everything you can

    Reusing content for the sake of reusing content or to show high levels of reuse may not be effective. You could compromise the quality and effectiveness of your materials. Reuse content only where appropriate and effective and always ensure that the reuse will not compromise the quality of your materials or make the reusable content difficult to create, find, or manage.

  • No facility for change

    Some organizations may implement their unified content strategy and then either fail to support ongoing change or discourage change. They do this to ensure the greatest use of the system and most effective implementation of the strategy, but situations change and models, processes, and even technology need to be revised. Ensure that there is open communication between the authors and the business owners to enable your organization to adopt change when required and to respond to unique needs where appropriate.

Changing roles

Implementing a unified content strategy together with the designated tools requires new roles, a modification to existing roles, and new skill sets. Part of managing change is getting new roles in place and adjusting others to meet the new requirements. Each organization has different requirements, but the following sections cover a few of the commonly required roles.

Two new roles you may need to create in your organization to implement your unified content strategy include enterprise project coordinators and information technologists. In addition, many of the other roles that may already exist within your organization will require modifications; those jobs include business owners and analysts, information architects, authors, content owners, and editors. The following sections provide insight into the kinds of responsibilities expected from each of these roles.

Enterprise project coordinator (new role)

The traditional role of a project manager is to identify the project requirements, create a plan and schedule to meet these requirements, identify and manage resources, and manage the project from idea to implementation. Typically project managers work within one area of the organization, on one project. As such, they are responsible for and measured against the success of their project and their project alone, and they are therefore likely to veto anything that is not on their critical path. They have not had to take into account the requirements of other projects, nor has it been their responsibility to ensure the success of other projects. Instead, they stay focused on their own project to ensure its success.

In a unified content environment, you need an enterprise project coordinator to work with each of the project managers to ensure that the unified content strategy is being effectively addressed. In particular, the enterprise project coordinator needs to communicate the concepts and advantages of reuse on an ongoing basis to facilitate agreement among project teams.

The enterprise project coordinator must also be able to oversee many projects and determine the unified content strategy required to address both the needs of all the project owners and the needs of the organization as a whole.

The enterprise project coordinator requires a skill set that includes the following:

  • A broad-based understanding of business needs

  • The ability to determine an effective unified content strategy

  • The ability to manage diverse requirements

  • Negotiating techniques

  • Strong people management skills

Information technologist (new role)

In a traditional authoring system, many authors are responsible for creating the multiple media output for their content. In a unified content strategy, the system handles this automatically. An information technologist is required to handle the system technology.

An information technologist is skilled at implementing content models in the various tools, including programming and supporting style sheets to meet specifications provided by the information architect.

Information technologists should be well-versed in a wide variety of tools and technologies, including XML. Specifically, they should understand the tools and technologies you choose for your system. The role of the information technologist can be assumed by an existing author or a member of the IT team.

Their skill set includes designing and developing:

  • DTDs or other supporting content frameworks

  • Authoring and publishing style sheets

  • Authoring templates

  • Workflow

  • Repository design

Business owners or analysts (modified role)

Business owners or analysts are very important to an effective unified content strategy. They determine the requirements of the business and frequently the customers’ needs as well. Their role is to ensure that products, services, and content are designed to effectively meet the customers’ needs. However, they must also ensure that any strategies and solutions meet the needs of the employees, the individuals tasked with creating the products, services, and content.

Too often organizations bring in a technological solution to business problems. It is critical that business owners or analysts participate in the effective design of your unified content strategy. Their role is to ensure that content meets the customers’ needs and that the unified content strategy meets the authors’ needs.

To support a unified content strategy, business owners or analysts should expand their skill set to include:

  • A broad-based understanding of business needs

  • The ability to determine an effective unified content strategy

  • In-depth understanding of customer needs and the ways in which the unified content strategy can support those needs.

  • In-depth understanding of the unified content life cycle and the authors’ requirements for success

Information architects (modified role)

Information architects play a key role in analyzing and designing content. They are responsible for building the information product models, element models, metadata, reuse strategies, and architectural models. They may also be responsible for designing the information retrieval for both authors and users. Accordingly, they should have a keen ability to design information for ease of use by content users and ease of reuse by authors.

The role of the information architect can be assumed by an existing author or business analyst; in fact, information architects are becoming more common on web site development teams. Existing web site information architects can expand their role to include the architecture of reuse and content for multiple media. New graduates of information science and library science programs also make good candidates for this role, as do senior technical writers with an extensive background in information design.

Regardless of who assumes the role of information architect, their skill set must expand to include:

  • Analysis

    • Analytical problem-solving

    • Information analysis

  • Design

    • Information product and element models

    • Metadata

    • User interface

    • Information retrieval

  • Standards

    • Usability

    • Information

Authors (modified role)

Creating materials in a unified content strategy separates the creation of the input (content) from the output (media or information type). This means that authors, as proficient communicators, can now rely less on the tools that are used to display the final information.

Authors no longer have to worry about applying styles or becoming involved in the formatting of the information; now the authoring and delivery systems handle the formatting automatically. Instead, authors can concentrate exclusively on the content they create and combine.

Authors identify the building blocks of information and how the blocks will fit together. They also identify opportunities for content reuse and write applicable content elements for single sourcing. Accordingly, their skill set must expand to include:

  • Working in a collaborative environment (see Chapter 19, “Collaborative authoring: Breaking down the silos”)

  • Creating structured content and writing to models

  • Writing reusable content

Content owners (modified role)

In a traditional authoring environment, authors own the content they create because they are also responsible for creating a specific information product. However, in a unified content strategy, content can be used in many different information products. The concept of the content owner needs to change to accommodate this.

In a unified content strategy, the person who authors the content still owns it; however, that person may not own all the content that comes together to create an information product. There may be many authors, all of whom may not be responsible for creating an entire information product. Rather, they may be responsible for creating content about a certain subject that goes into many different information products.

In addition, the unified content needs an owner, someone who can oversee the creation of all the content related to a particular product, service, product family, or any other associated content set. The unified content owner facilitates the collaborative authoring process and ensures consistency and quality of the materials.

The role of the unified content owner can be assumed by an existing author, a business owner or analyst, or a project manager, reporting to the enterprise project coordinator. The skill set required by the unified content owner includes:

  • Information analysis

  • Information design

  • Ability to determine an effective unified content strategy

  • Ability to manage diverse requirements

  • Negotiating techniques

  • Strong people management skills

Editors (modified role)

Standards and consistency are important in creating seamless unified materials. In a unified content environment, it is particularly important that editors not just look at the words, but look at how the information is used to ensure it is written effectively for reuse.

To support a unified content strategy, editors must expand their skill set to understand:

  • The unified content strategy

  • The information product models and element models

  • Editorial techniques

  • Writing for multiple media, information products, and audiences

  • Structured writing techniques


Implementing a unified content strategy requires a number of changes in an organization, specifically in how people think about content and the way they create, manage, and deliver content. This kind of change requires a change management plan that includes:

  • Identifying the pain, issues, and consequences of continuing to do business the way you currently do and listening to and addressing others’ issues

  • Communicating on an ongoing basis such things as:

    • Why change needs to happen

    • The plan for implementing the change

    • The ongoing status of the change

    • The successes you have achieved in early implementations

    • The problems you have encountered and how you fixed them or plan to avoid them in the future

  • Involving “change agents” (people from the areas being affected by the change) to help you implement the change

  • Using a champion to endorse your project

  • Overcoming resistance to such things as

    • The “not invented here” and “we do it differently” syndromes

    • Authors’ perceived loss of creativity

    • The perception that reuse is good, but too much work

    • The fear of people losing their jobs if more can be accomplished with less

  • Understanding why projects fail and addressing issues in advance

  • Implementing the following new roles:

    • Enterprise project coordinators

    • Information technologists

  • Modifying the following roles:

    • Business owners or analysts

    • Information architects

    • Content owners

    • Authors

    • Editors

[1] The MBTI is based on Carl Jung’s notions of psychological types. The MBTI was first developed by Isabel Briggs Myers (1897-1979) and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs.

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