Using the Report Creation Wizards

Now that you have been quickly introduced to the Crystal Reports development environment and reviewed data access, a good place to begin creating reports is with the default report wizards. The report wizards are provided to expedite the report design process for report designers of all skill levels, but they are especially useful for new users of Crystal Reports.

The report wizards, also commonly referred to as report experts, provide a simplified interface and guided path to constructing the fundamental elements found within most reports.

As a result, designing interactive, professional looking reports can be achieved in a matter of minutes.

This section reviews the Report Gallery and the various wizards available based on the report style you choose. You will then explore these report wizards—the different options available depending on the report requirements you are trying to achieve—and discuss the Report Explorer components. This chapter also provides a tutorial that walks you through the report design process using the Standard Report Creation Wizard to create a useful, professionally styled report.


Using the default report wizards as a starting point for beginners on most reports is a good idea. The report wizards offer a shortcut to establishing the core elements required for most reports.

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