Crystal Reports in the Real World—Referencing External Resources

A very powerful use of hyperlinks is to be able to take advantage of the many resources on the Internet. Many Internet sites make use of what is called a QueryString. By knowing the URL and QueryString that drive a particular site, a report hyperlink can be customized to open a Web site and perform some functionality. In the next example, the address of the sample customers can be opened in by using a hyperlink:

Start with opening the report Chap6PostFormat.rpt. From the Insert menu, choose Text Object. Add the text MapQuest to the report.

Right-click the newly added text object and choose Format Tex. Then click the Hyperlink tab and click the x+2 button. See Figure 6.18 for an example of what the formula should look like. Enter the following code into the text:

StringVar URL;

// The prefix of the URL that will not change; it is hard-coded to the USA
URL := "";
URL := URL & "country=US&countryid=250&adtohistory=";

// Add the street address
URL := URL & "&address=" & {Customer.Address1};

// Add the city
URL := URL & "&city=" &  {Customer.City};

// Add the state
URL := URL & "&state=" & {Customer.Region};

// Add the ZIP code
URL := URL & "&zipcode=" & {Customer.Postal Code};

// Add the suffix of the URL
URL := URL & "&submit=Get Map";


Figure 6.18. Code that builds a dynamic data driven URL that will enable hyperlinks to the Mapquest Web site from a Crystal Report

Click Save and Close to close the code window. Click OK to close the Format Editor window. Format the hyperlink using the same method used to format the e-mail address to show the user it is an actionable item.


The sample data does not necessarily use valid addresses. might open with only partial information, but the concept remains valid.

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