
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


AC-to-DC converter, 13–14, 80–81

air-core inductor, 35–36

air-core transformer, 39

alligator clip, 118

AM radio receiver, 89–94

AM voice transmitter, 17–18

amateur radio station, 89

amplifier, 76–79, 85–94, 102

amplifier drive, 89

AND gate, 55

antenna, 63

antenna tuner, 89

arrows in flowcharts, 21

audio power amplifier, 85–89, 93, 102

avalanche effect, 134


battery, electrochemical, 54

bipolar transistor, 47–48

block diagram:

definition of, 1–2

examples and uses, 13–24

block- to schematic-diagram conversion, 14

breadboard, 113–117

buffer, 79

bulb, incandescent, 59, 61



fixed, 31–32

padder, 32

polarized, 32

trimmer, 32

variable, 32–34

cat’s whisker, 84

cell, electrochemical, 53–54, 59, 61

characters, 9

chassis ground, 35–36

chip, 17, 84

choke, 37

clip lead, 118

coaxial cable, 45–46

code practice oscillator, 96–103

coil, 63

component labeling, 66–71

component tolerance, 77

components, letter designations for, 68

components for experiments, 115


crossing, connected, 44

crossing, not connected, 43, 45

single, 59, 61

conservation of current, 120

conservation of voltage, 123

conventional current, 58

“crystal radio” receiver, 84–85

current, conservation of, 120

current, conventional or theoretical, 58

current law, Kirchhoff’s, 119–122

cutoff frequencies, 103–104


decision block, 22–23

demodulator, 84

detector, 84


semiconductor, 46–47, 63

vacuum-tube, 49–50

directly heated cathode, 50

DPDT switch, 41

DPST switch, 41

drive, for amplifier, 88

dual triode vacuum tube, 52


earth ground, 45

electrochemical battery, 54

electrochemical cell, 53–54, 59, 61

electron tube (see vacuum tube)

exclusive-OR gate, 55

experiments, components for, 115

external capacitance effects, 32


farad, 30–31

ferromagnetic material, 37

field-effect transistor, 48–49

field-strength meter, 62–64

filament in vacuum tube, 49–50

first law, Kirchhoff’s, 120

fixed capacitor, 31–32

fixed inductor, 35–38


single-cell, 58–60

two-cell, 60–62

flowchart, 18–24

flux density, magnetic, 37

forward bias, 133–134

forward breakover voltage, 134

full-wave bridge rectification, 69

functional diagram, 13–16


galena, 84

ganged capacitors, 34

Gunn diode, 46


hand key, 42–43

hard wiring, 7

hardware, 23

henry, 35

heptode vacuum tube, 52–53

hexode vacuum tube, 52–53

highpass filter, 103–104


incandescent bulb, 59, 61

indirectly heated cathode, 49–50

inductance-capacitance circuit, 92, 103–104


air-core, 35–36

fixed, 35–38

laminated-iron-core, 37

powdered-iron-core, 38

solid-iron-core, 37

tapped, 35–36, 38

variable, 36, 38

input and output programming symbol, 20

integrated circuit, 17, 84

interconnections, schematic, 6–8

intermediate junction program symbol, 20

International Morse code, 96

iron-core inductor, 37–37

iron-core transformer, 39


jumper wire, 118

key for sending Morse code, 42–43

Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, 120

Kirchhoff’s current law, 119–122

Kirchhoff’s first law, 120

Kirchhoff’s second law, 123

Kirchhoff’s voltage law, 123–125


L network, 94

labeling of components, 66–71

laminated-iron-core inductor, 37

laminated-iron-core transformer, 39

lamps, mismatched, 137–144


sign, 10

visual, 8–11

LC circuit, 92, 103–104

letter designations for components, 68

load resistor, 130

logic gates, 54–55

logical inverter, 54–55

lowpass filter, 103–104


magnetic flux density, 37

microammeter, 63

microfarad, 31

microhenry, 35

millihenry, 35

mismatched lamps, 137–144

Morse code key, 42–43

multicontact switch, 40–42

multimeter, 74


N-type semiconductor, 132

NAND gate, 55

nanohenry, 35

nonferromagnetic material, 37

nonpolarized device, 31

NOR gate, 55

NOT gate, 54–55


off-page connection flowchart symbol, 20

ohm, unit of resistance, 25

OR gate, 55

oscillator, 79, 96–103


P-N junction, 134

P-type semiconductor, 132

padder capacitor, 32

page breaks, 91–94

parallel resistors, 70–71

peak inverse volts, 132

pentagrid converter, 53

pentode vacuum tube, 51–52

phase coincidence, 97

phase inversion, 97

pi network, 94–95

pi-L network, 95

picofarad, 31

pictorial diagram, definition of, 1

pictorial versus schematic diagrams, 11

polarized capacitor, 32

polarized device, 31

pole, switch, 40

positive-ground system, 97

potentiometer, 26–30

powdered-iron-core inductor, 38

powdered-iron-core transformer, 39

power amplifier, audio, 85–89

power supply, 16–17, 64–65, 80–81, 97–100

preamplifier, 85–87, 91–94

prewritten program symbol, 20

process paths, 22–24

processing operation programming symbol, 20

program decision symbol, 20

program flowchart, 19–24

program modification symbol, 20

punched-card program flowchart, 21–22

push-pull circuit, 87–89


radio receiver, 89–94

rectifier diode, 46–47


carbon composition, 26

film type, 27

fixed-value, 26–27

load, 130

variable, 28–30

wirewound, 27, 29

resistors in parallel, 70–71

resonant frequency, 85

reverse bias, 133–134

rheostat, 26–29

ripple, 65

roller inductor, 95

rotary switch, 42

rotor of variable capacitor, 33


schematic-and-block combinations, 78–81

schematic diagram, definition of, 1–4

schematic interconnections, 6–8

schematic symbology, purpose of, 4–6

schematic- to block-diagram conversion, 14–15

schematic versus pictorial diagrams, 11

second law, Kirchhoff’s, 123

sign language, 10

silicon-controlled rectifier, 47

single-cell flashlight, 58–60

software, 24

solid-iron-core inductor, 37

SPDT switch, 40

speech processor, 89–90

SPST switch, 40

start programming symbol, 20

stator of variable capacitor, 33

stop programming symbol, 20

straight key, 42–43, 96

strobe light circuit, 15–16, 108–111


DPDT, 40–41

DPST, 41

multicontact, 40–42

rotary, 42

SPDT, 40

SPST, 40, 61


tapped inductor, 35–36, 38

telegraph key, 96

test points, 75–76

tetrode vacuum tube, 51

theoretical current, 58

throw, switch, 40

tolerance, component, 77

transformers, all types, 39


bipolar, 47–48

field-effect 48

trimmer capacitor, 32

triode vacuum tube, 50–51

troubleshooting, 71–75, 103

tube (see vacuum tube)

tuner, in radio receiver, 92–94

twin-T oscillator, 96–103

two-cell flashlight, 60–62


vacuum tube:

diode, 49–50

dual triode, 52

heptode, 52–53

hexode, 52–53

pentode, 51–52

tetrode, 51

triode, 50–51

varactor diode, 46

variable capacitor, 32–34

variable inductor, 36, 38

visual language, 8–11

voice transmitter, 17–18

volt-ohm-milliammeter, 74

voltage, conservation of, 123

voltage divider, 125–132

voltage doubler, 69–70

voltage law, Kirchhoff’s, 123–125

voltage reducer, 132–137

voltage regulation, 69

wire wrapping, 117–118

XOR gate, 55

Zener diode, 46, 134

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