The Common Criteria was developed to stick to evaluation classes, but also to retain some degree of flexibility. Protection profiles were developed to describe the functionality, assurance, description, and rationale of the product requirements.

Like other evaluation criteria before it, the Common Criteria works to answer two basic questions about products being evaluated: What does its security mechanisms do (functionality), and how sure are you of that (assurance)? This system sets up a framework that enables consumers to clearly specify their security issues and problems, developers to specify their security solution to those problems, and evaluators to unequivocally determine what the product actually accomplishes.

A protection profile typically contains the following sections:

•  Security problem description    Lays out the specific problems (i.e., threats) that any compliant product must address.

•  Security objectives    Lists the functionality (i.e., controls) that compliant products must provide in order to address the security problems.

•  Security requirements    These are very specific requirements for compliant products. They are detailed enough for implementation by system developers, and for evaluation by independent laboratories.

The evaluation process is just one leg of determining the functionality and assurance of a product. Once a product achieves a specific rating, it only applies to that particular version and only to certain configurations of that product. So if a company buys a firewall product because it has a high assurance rating, the company has no guarantee the next version of that software will have that rating. The next version will need to go through its own evaluation review. If this same company buys the firewall product and installs it with configurations that are not recommended, the level of security the company was hoping to achieve can easily go down the drain. So, all of this rating stuff is a formalized method of reviewing a system being evaluated in a lab. When the product is implemented in a real environment, factors other than its rating need to be addressed and assessed to ensure it is properly protecting resources and the environment.


CAUTION    When a product is assigned an assurance rating, this means it has the potential of providing this level of protection. The customer has to properly configure the product to actually obtain this level of security. The vendor should provide the necessary configuration documentation, and it is up to the customer to keep the product properly configured at all times.

ISO/IEC 15408 is the international standard that is used as the basis for the evaluation of security properties of products under the CC framework. It actually has three main parts:

•  ISO/IEC 15408-1    Introduction and general model

•  ISO/IEC 15408-2    Security functional components

•  ISO/IEC 15408-3    Security assurance components

ISO/IEC 15408-1 lays out the general concepts and principles of the CC evaluation model. This part defines terms, establishes the core concept of the TOE, describes the evaluation context, and identifies the necessary audience. It provides the key concepts for PP, security requirements, and guidelines for the security target.

ISO/IEC 15408-2 defines the security functional requirements that will be assessed during the evaluation. It contains a catalog of predefined security functional components that maps to most security needs. These requirements are organized in a hierarchical structure of classes, families, and components. It also provides guidance on the specification of customized security requirements if no predefined security functional component exists.

ISO/IEC 15408-3 defines the assurance requirements, which are also organized in a hierarchy of classes, families, and components. This part outlines the evaluation assurance levels, which is a scale for measuring assurance of TOEs, and it provides the criteria for evaluation of protection profiles and security targets.

So product vendors follow these standards when building products that they will put through the CC evaluation process, and the product evaluators follow these standards when carrying out the evaluation processes.

Why Put a Product Through Evaluation?

Submitting a product to be evaluated against the Common Criteria is no walk in the park for a vendor. In fact, it is a really painful and long process, and no one wakes up in the morning thinking, “Yippee! I have to complete all of the paperwork so my product can be certified!” So, before we go through these different criteria, let’s look at why anyone would even put themselves through this process.

If you were going shopping to buy a firewall, how would you know what level of protection each provides and which is the best product for your environment? You could listen to the vendor’s marketing hype and believe the salesperson who informs you that a particular product will solve all of your life problems in one week. Or you could listen to the advice of an independent third party who has fully tested the product and does not have any bias toward it. If you choose the second option, then you join a world of people who work within the realm of assurance ratings in one form or another.

Vendors realize that going through a CC evaluation can give them a competitive advantage. This alone would make the evaluation, as painful as it is, attractive to vendors. However, many governments are increasingly requiring CC evaluations before purchasing security-critical products. Since governments tend to be big buyers, it makes financial sense to follow the CC for certain types of systems.

This evaluation process is very time consuming and expensive for the vendor. Not every vendor puts its product through this process because of the expense and delayed date to get it to market. Typically, a vendor would put its product through this process if its main customer base will be making purchasing decisions based on assurance ratings. In the United States, the Department of Defense is the largest customer, so major vendors put their main products through this process with the hope that the Department of Defense (and others) will purchase their products.

Certification vs. Accreditation

We have gone through the evaluation criteria that a system can be appraised against to receive a specific rating. This is a very formalized process, following which the evaluated system or product will be assigned an EAL indicating what rating it achieved. Consumers can check this and compare the different products and systems to see how they rank against each other in the property of protection. However, once a consumer buys this product and sets it up in their environment, security is not guaranteed. Security is made up of system administration, physical security, installation, configuration mechanisms within the environment, and continuous monitoring. To fairly say a system is secure, all of these items must be taken into account. The rating is just one piece in the puzzle of security.


Certification is the comprehensive technical evaluation of the security components and their compliance for the purpose of accreditation. A certification process may use safeguard evaluation, risk analysis, verification, testing, and auditing techniques to assess the appropriateness of a specific system. For example, suppose Dan is the security officer for a company that just purchased new systems to be used to process its confidential data. He wants to know if these systems are appropriate for these tasks and if they are going to provide the necessary level of protection. He also wants to make sure they are compatible with his current environment, do not reduce productivity, and do not open doors to new threats—basically, he wants to know if these are the right products for his company. He could pay a company that specializes in these matters to perform the necessary procedures to certify the systems, but he wants to carry out the process internally. The evaluation team will perform tests on the software configurations, hardware, firmware, design, implementation, system procedures, and physical and communication controls.

The goal of a certification process is to ensure that a system, product, or network is right for the customer’s purposes. Customers will rely upon a product for slightly different reasons, and environments will have various threat levels. So a particular product is not necessarily the best fit for every single customer out there. (Of course, vendors will try to convince you otherwise.) The product has to provide the right functionality and security for the individual customer, which is the whole purpose of a certification process.

The certification process and corresponding documentation will indicate the good, the bad, and the ugly about the product and how it works within the given environment. Dan will take these results and present them to his management for the accreditation process.


Accreditation is the formal acceptance of the adequacy of a system’s overall security and functionality by management. The certification information is presented to management, or the responsible body, and it is up to management to ask questions, review the reports and findings, and decide whether to accept the product and whether any corrective action needs to take place. Once satisfied with the system’s overall security as presented, management makes a formal accreditation statement. By doing this, management is stating it understands the level of protection the system will provide in its current environment and understands the security risks associated with installing and maintaining this system.


NOTE    Certification is a technical review that assesses the security mechanisms and evaluates their effectiveness. Accreditation is management’s official acceptance of the information in the certification process findings.

Because software, systems, and environments continually change and evolve, the certification and accreditation should also continue to take place. Any major addition of software, changes to the system, or modification of the environment should initiate a new certification and accreditation cycle.

Open vs. Closed Systems

Computer systems can be developed to integrate easily with other systems and products (open systems), or they can be developed to be more proprietary in nature and work with only a subset of other systems and products (closed systems). The following sections describe the difference between these approaches.

Open Systems

Systems described as open are built upon standards, protocols, and interfaces that have published specifications. This type of architecture provides interoperability between products created by different vendors. This interoperability is provided by all the vendors involved who follow specific standards and provide interfaces that enable each system to easily communicate with other systems and allow add-ons to hook into the system easily.

A majority of the systems in use today are open systems. The reason an administrator can have Windows, OS X, and Unix computers communicating easily on the same network is because these platforms are open. If a software vendor creates a closed system, it is restricting its potential sales to proprietary environments.

Closed Systems

Systems referred to as closed use an architecture that does not follow industry standards. Interoperability and standard interfaces are not employed to enable easy communication between different types of systems and add-on features. Closed systems are proprietary, meaning the system can only communicate with like systems.

A closed architecture can potentially provide more security to the system because it may operate in a more secluded environment than open environments. Because a closed system is proprietary, there are not as many predefined tools to thwart the security mechanisms and not as many people who understand its design, language, and security weaknesses and thus attempt to exploit them. But just relying upon something being proprietary as its security control is practicing security through obscurity (introduced in Chapter 1). Attackers can find flaws in proprietary systems or open systems, so each type should be built securely and maintained securely.

A majority of the systems today are built with open architecture to enable them to work with other types of systems, easily share information, and take advantage of the functionality that third-party add-ons bring.

Distributed System Security

A distributed system is one in which multiple computers work together to do something. When you visit a website, the web server provides the content, your device renders it and allows you to interact with it, and the network devices in between take care of moving the data back and forth. It is this collaboration that defines a distributed system. We could then say that a distributed system is a system in which multiple computing nodes, interconnected by a network, exchange information for the accomplishment of collective tasks.

Distributed systems pose special challenges in terms of security simply because of the number of devices that are involved. In our (seemingly) simple example of visiting a website, we would have to secure at least three nodes: the client, the server, and the network device in between. In reality, rendering just one page could involve dozens of devices owned by different entities in multiple countries. As we will discuss in Chapter 4, an adversary can insert an unauthorized node in the network and get between you and your destination in what’s called a man-in-the-middle attack. Even without this attacker, we would have to concern ourselves with the security of domain name servers, load balancers, database servers, proxy servers, and potentially many other devices that are normally transparent to the user. This complexity that is inherent to distributed systems increases the security risks they pose.

To tackle these challenges, we can start by grouping distributed systems according to their architectures. As you will see, each type of distributed system has specific issues that we need to address, which gives us a bit of focus and allows us to zero in on the things we care about. What follows is a brief overview of some of the most common distributed systems in use today.

Cloud Computing

If you were asked to install a brand-new server room for your organization, you would probably have to clear your calendar for weeks (or longer) to address the many tasks that would be involved. From power and environmental controls to hardware acquisition, installation, and configuration to software builds, the list is long and full of headaches. Now, imagine that you can provision all the needed servers in minutes using a simple graphical interface or a short script, and that you can get rid of them just as quickly when you no longer need them. This is one of the benefits of cloud computing.

Cloud computing is the use of shared, remote computing devices for the purpose of providing improved efficiencies, performance, reliability, scalability, and security. These devices are usually based on virtual machines and can be outsourced to a third-party provider or provided in house. Generally speaking, there are three models for cloud computing services:

•  Software as a Service (SaaS)    The user of SaaS is allowed to use a specific application that executes on the service provider’s environment. An example of this would be subscribing to a word processing application that you would then access via a web interface.

•  Platform as a Service (PaaS)    In this model, the user gets access to a computing platform that is typically built on a server operating system. An example of this would be spawning an instance of Windows Server 2012R2 to provide a web server. The service provider is normally responsible for configuring and securing the platform, however, so the user normally doesn’t get administrative privileges over the entire platform.

•  Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)    If you want full, unfettered access to (and responsibility for securing) the cloud devices, you would need to subscribe under an IaaS model. Following up on the previous example, this would allow you to manage the patching of the Windows Server 2012R2 instance. The catch is that the service provider has no responsibility for security; it’s all on you.

If you are a user of IaaS, then you will probably not do things too differently than you already do in securing your systems. The only exception would be that you wouldn’t have physical access to the computers if a provider hosts them. If, on the other hand, you use SaaS or PaaS, the security of your systems will almost always rely on the policies and contracts that you put into place. The policies will dictate how your users interact with the cloud services. This would include the information classification levels that would be allowed on those services, terms of use, and other policies. The contract will specify the quality of service and what the service provider will do with or for you in responding to security events.


CAUTION    It is imperative that you carefully review the terms of service when evaluating a potential contract for cloud services and consider them in the context of your organization’s security. Though the industry is getting better all the time, security provisions are oftentimes lacking in these contracts at this time.

Parallel Computing

As we discussed earlier in this chapter, most CPUs can only execute a single instruction at a time. This feature can create bottlenecks, particularly when processing very large amounts of data. A way to get around this limitation is to pool multiple CPUs or computers and divide large tasks among them. Obviously, you’d need a conductor to synchronize their efforts, but the concept is otherwise pretty simple. Parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple computers to solve a specific task by dividing it among the available computers.

This division of labor can happen at one of three levels: bit, instruction, or task. Bit-level parallelism takes place in every computing device we use these days. When the CPU performs an instruction on a value stored in a register, each bit is processed separately through a set of parallel gates. This is one of the reasons why 64-bit processors can be faster than 32-bit ones: they operate on twice the amount of data on each cycle.

Instruction-level parallelism allows two or more program instructions to be executed simultaneously. Obviously, this requires that two or more processors are available and synchronized. Most commercially available multicore processors manufactured since 2010 support this type of parallelism. In fact, it is difficult to find new computers that do not have a multicore architecture, and even the latest mobile devices are shipping with dual-core chips as of this writing. Now, to be clear, just because you have a multicore processor in your computer does not necessarily mean that you’ll benefit from parallelism. Although the operating system will automatically look for opportunities to execute instructions in parallel, you only get maximum benefit from this capability by executing programs that have been specifically designed to take advantage of multiple cores. This is becoming increasingly common, particularly among developers of bandwidth- or processor-intensive applications such as games and scientific analysis tools.

Task-level parallelism takes place at a higher level of abstraction. In it we divide a program into tasks or threads and run each in parallel. For instance, you may have a program that computes weather forecasts, which is a very computationally intensive process. You could divide the country into sectors and have the tasks of developing each sector’s forecast performed in parallel. After you complete these tasks, you could have another set of parallel tasks that determines the effects of adjacent sectors on a given sector’s weather. Though we are simplifying things a bit, this is the process by which most weather forecasts are developed. This would take too long to accomplish if we were not able to use parallel computing.

Finally, data parallelism describes the distribution of data among different nodes that then process it in parallel. It is related to task parallelism, but is focused on the data. This kind of parallelism is receiving a lot of attention these days, because it enables a lot of the advances in big data processing. For instance, if you had to find every instance of a malware signature among petabytes of captured network data, you could divide the data among computing nodes that were part of a cluster and have each look at a different part of the data.


NOTE    Data parallelism can leverage the advantages of cloud computing in that you can easily spin up hundreds of instances of computing nodes only for the specific time you need them in order to process your data. This provides tremendous capability at a fraction of the cost of doing it in house.


The two main database security issues this section addresses are aggregation and inference. Aggregation happens when a user does not have the clearance or permission to access specific information, but she does have the permission to access components of this information. She can then figure out the rest and obtain restricted information. She can learn of information from different sources and combine it to learn something she does not have the clearance to know.


NOTE    Aggregation is the act of combining information from separate sources. The combination of the data forms new information, which the subject does not have the necessary rights to access. The combined information has a sensitivity that is greater than that of the individual parts.

The following is a silly conceptual example. Let’s say a database administrator does not want anyone in the Users group to be able to figure out a specific sentence, so he segregates the sentence into components and restricts the Users group from accessing it, as represented in Figure 3-22. However, Emily can access components A, C, and F. Because she is particularly bright, she figures out the sentence and now knows the restricted secret.


Figure 3-22    Because Emily has access to components A, C, and F, she can figure out the secret sentence through aggregation.

To prevent aggregation, the subject, and any application or process acting on the subject’s behalf, needs to be prevented from gaining access to the whole collection, including the independent components. The objects can be placed into containers, which are classified at a higher level to prevent access from subjects with lower-level permissions or clearances. A subject’s queries can also be tracked, and context-dependent access control can be enforced. This would keep a history of the objects that a subject has accessed and restrict an access attempt if there is an indication that an aggregation attack is under way.

The other security issue is inference, which is the intended result of aggregation. The inference problem happens when a subject deduces the full story from the pieces he learned of through aggregation. This is seen when data at a lower security level indirectly portrays data at a higher level.


TIP    Inference is the ability to derive information not explicitly available.

For example, if a clerk were restricted from knowing the planned movements of troops based in a specific country but did have access to food shipment requirement forms and tent allocation documents, he could figure out that the troops were moving to a specific place because that is where the food and tents are being shipped. The food shipment and tent allocation documents were classified as confidential, and the troop movement was classified as top secret. Because of the varying classifications, the clerk could access and ascertain top-secret information he was not supposed to know.

The trick is to prevent the subject, or any application or process acting on behalf of that subject, from indirectly gaining access to the inferable information. This problem is usually dealt with in the development of the database by implementing content- and context-dependent access control rules. Content-dependent access control is based on the sensitivity of the data. The more sensitive the data, the smaller the subset of individuals who can gain access to the data.

Context-dependent access control means that the software “understands” what actions should be allowed based upon the state and sequence of the request. So what does that mean? It means the software must keep track of previous access attempts by the user and understand what sequences of access steps are allowed. Content-dependent access control can go like this: “Does Julio have access to File A?” The system reviews the ACL on File A and returns with a response of “Yes, Julio can access the file, but can only read it.” In a context-dependent access control situation, it would be more like this: “Does Julio have access to File A?” The system then reviews several pieces of data: What other access attempts has Julio made? Is this request out of sequence of how a safe series of requests takes place? Does this request fall within the allowed time period of system access (8 A.M. to 5 P.M.)? If the answers to all of these questions are within a set of preconfigured parameters, Julio can access the file. If not, he can’t.

If context-dependent access control is being used to protect against inference attacks, the database software would need to keep track of what the user is requesting. So Julio makes a request to see field 1, then field 5, then field 20, which the system allows, but once he asks to see field 15, the database does not allow this access attempt. The software must be preprogrammed (usually through a rule-based engine) as to what sequence and how much data Julio is allowed to view. If he is allowed to view more information, he may have enough data to infer something we don’t want him to know.

Obviously, content-dependent access control is not as complex as context-dependent control because of the number of items that need to be processed by the system.

Some other common attempts to prevent inference attacks are cell suppression, partitioning the database, and noise and perturbation. Cell suppression is a technique used to hide specific cells that contain information that could be used in inference attacks. Partitioning a database involves dividing the database into different parts, which makes it much harder for an unauthorized individual to find connecting pieces of data that can be brought together and other information that can be deduced or uncovered. Noise and perturbation is a technique of inserting bogus information in the hopes of misdirecting an attacker or confusing the matter enough that the actual attack will not be fruitful.

Often, security is not integrated into the planning and development of a database. Security is an afterthought, and a trusted front end is developed to be used with the database instead. This approach is limited in the granularity of security and in the types of security functions that can take place.

A common theme in security is a balance between effective security and functionality. In many cases, the more you secure something, the less functionality you have. Although this could be the desired result, it is important not to excessively impede user productivity when security is being introduced.

Web Applications

Considering their exposed nature, websites are primary targets during an attack. It is, therefore, essential for web developers to abide by the time-honored and time-tested principles to provide the maximum level of deterrence to attackers. Web application security principles are meant to govern programming practices to regulate programming styles and strategically reduce the chances of repeating known software bugs and logical flaws.

A good number of websites are exploited on the basis of vulnerabilities arising from reckless programming. With the rapidly growing number of websites out there, the possibility of exploiting such coding errors is vast.

The first pillar of implementing security principles is analyzing the website architecture. The clearer and simpler a website is, the easier it is to analyze its various security aspects. Once a website has been strategically analyzed, the user-generated input fed into the website also needs to be critically scrutinized. As a rule, all input must be considered unsafe, or rogue, and ought to be sanitized before being processed. Likewise, all output generated by the system should also be filtered to ensure private or sensitive data is not being disclosed.

In addition, using encryption helps secure the input/output operations of a web application. Though encrypted data may be intercepted by malicious users, that data should only be readable, or modifiable, by those with the secret key used to encrypt it.

In the event of an error, websites ought to be designed to behave in a predictable and noncompromising manner. This is also generally referred to as failing securely. Systems that fail securely display friendly error messages without revealing internal system details.

An important element in designing security functionality is keeping in perspective the human element. Though programmers may be tempted to prompt users for passwords on every mouse click to keep security effective, web developers must maintain a state of equilibrium between functionality and security. Tedious authentication techniques usually do not stay in practice for too long. Experience has shown that the best security measures are those that are simple, intuitive, and psychologically acceptable.

As discussed in Chapter 1, a commonly ineffective approach to security implementation is the use of security through obscurity, which assumes that creating overly complex or perplexing programs can reduce the chances of interventions in the software. Though obscure programs may take a tad longer to dissect, this does not guarantee protection from resolute and determined attackers. Protective measures, hence, cannot consist solely of obfuscation.

An effective approach to securing web applications is the use of web application firewalls (WAFs). These are systems that inspect the traffic going to (or coming from) a web application in order to filter out potentially malicious content. Since the WAF is separate from the web application, it provides an added layer of defense that can be independently tuned without having to rewrite or reconfigure the web application.

At the end, it is important to realize that the implementation of even the most beefy security techniques, without tactical considerations, will cause a website to remain as weak as its weakest link.

Mobile Devices

Many corporations do not incorporate the use of portable devices and mobile cell phone technologies into their security policies or overarching security program. This was all right when phones were just phones, but today they are small computers that can connect to websites and various devices, and thus are new entry points for malicious activities.

Since mobile devices are basically small computers, most of the same security vulnerabilities, threats, and risks carry over for this emerging technology. They are penetrated through various attack vectors, they are compromised by malware, sensitive data is stolen from them, denial-of-service attacks can take place, and now that individuals and companies are carrying out credit card transactions on them, they are new and more vulnerable points of presence.

The largest hurdle of securing any mobile or portable device is that people do not always equate them to providing as much risk as a workstation or laptop. People do not usually install antimalware software on these devices and ensure that the software is up to date, and they are constantly installing apps with an amazing amount of functionality from any Internet-based website handing them out. The failure to secure mobile devices not only puts the data on the devices at risk, but also puts at risk the workstations and laptops to which many people connect their mobile devices to allow for synchronization. This provides a jumping point from the mobile device to a computer system that may be directly connected to the corporate network.

Since mobile devices have large hard drives and extensive applications available, users commonly store spreadsheets, word documents, small databases, and more on them. This means the devices are another means of data leakage.

It is important to be aware that cell phones move their data over the airwaves and then the data is put on a wired network by the telephone company or service provider. So, a portion of the distance that the traffic must travel over is wireless, but then the remaining distance may take place over a wired environment. Thus, while mobile carriers typically encrypt their users’ data, typically it is encrypted only while it is traveling over the wireless portion of the network. Once it hits the wired portion of the network, it may no longer be encrypted. So encrypting data for transmission on a cell phone or portable device does not necessarily promise end-to-end encryption.

Unfortunately, these types of attacks on cell phones will never really stop. We will come up with more countermeasures, and the bad guys will come up with new ways to exploit vulnerabilities that we did not think of. It is the same cat and mouse game that is carried out in the traditional network world. But the main issue pertaining to cell phone attacks is that they are not usually included in a corporation’s security program or even recognized as a threat. This will change as more attacks take place through this new entry point and more viruses are written and spread through the interactions of cell phones and portable devices and the corporate network. The following are some of the issues with using mobile devices in an enterprise:

•  False base stations can be created.

•  Confidential data can be stolen.

•  Camera and microphone functionality can be used improperly.

•  Internet sites can be accessed in violation of company policies.

•  Malicious code can be downloaded.

•  Encryption can be weak and not end to end.

Some mobile phone providers have enterprise-wide solutions, which allow the network administrator to create profiles that are deployed to each approved phone. The following is a short list of items that should be put into place for enterprise mobile device security:

•  Only devices that can be centrally managed should be allowed access to corporate resources.

•  Remote policies should be pushed to each device, and user profiles should be encrypted with no local options for modification.

•  Data encryption, idle timeout locks, screen-saver lockouts, authentication, and remote wipe should be enabled.

•  Bluetooth capabilities should be locked down, only allowed applications should be installed, camera policies should be enforced, and restrictions for social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) should be enabled.

•  Endpoint security should expand to mobile endpoints.

•  802.1X should be implemented on wireless VoIP clients on mobile devices.

Implementing security and maintaining it on each and every mobile device is very difficult, so a hybrid approach of “device lockdown” and perimeter control and filtering should be put into place and monitored.

Cyber-Physical Systems

It is almost impossible to distance ourselves from computers because they are part and parcel of virtually every activity in which we engage. This is because we discovered a long time ago that it was oftentimes easier, better, faster, and cheaper for computers to control physical devices and systems than for people to do so. From thermostats and traffic lights to cars, airplanes, and spacecraft, computers control many of the things that make our lives safe and comfortable. Any system in which computers and physical devices collaborate via the exchange of inputs and outputs to accomplish a task or objective is a cyber-physical system. Broadly speaking, these systems fall into two classes, which we describe as follows.

Embedded Systems

The simplest form of cyber-physical system is the embedded system. These systems are cheap, rugged, small, and use very little power. The computing device is part of (or embedded into) a mechanical or electrical device or system. A digital thermometer is an example of a very simple embedded system, and other examples of embedded systems include traffic lights and factory assembly line controllers. Embedded systems are usually built around microcontrollers, which are specialized devices that consist of a CPU, memory, and peripheral control interfaces. Microcontrollers have a very basic operating system, if they have one at all.

Some of the very features that make embedded systems useful are also the source of many vulnerabilities. If you think about it, they are meant to be invisible. You are not supposed to think that when you put a load of laundry in your washing machine and start it you are actually executing a program on a tiny computer that will regulate the flow of water and the movements of the motor. When was the last time you thought about how secure the embedded system in your washing machine is? Now, if you transpose that to your workplace, you will find that there are probably dozens, if not hundreds, of embedded systems with which you interact each day.

The main challenge in securing embedded systems is that of ensuring the security of the software that drives them. Many vendors build their embedded systems around commercially available microprocessors, but use their own proprietary code that is difficult, if not impossible, for a customer to audit. Depending on the risk tolerance of your organization, this may be acceptable as long as the embedded systems are stand-alone. The problem is that these systems are increasingly shipping with some sort of network connectivity. For example, one organization recently discovered that one of its embedded devices had a “phone home” feature that was not documented, but that resulted in potentially sensitive information being transmitted unencrypted to the manufacturer. If a full audit of the embedded device security is not possible, at a very minimum you should ensure you see what data flows in and out of it across any network.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the global network of connected embedded systems. What distinguishes the IoT is that each node is connected to the Internet and is uniquely addressable. By different accounts, this network is expected to reach anywhere between 5 billion and over 1 trillion devices, which makes this a booming sector of the global economy. Perhaps the most visible aspect of this explosion is in the area of smart homes in which lights, furnaces, and even refrigerators collaborate to create the best environment for the residents.

With this level of connectivity and access to physical devices, the IoT poses many security challenges. Among the issues to address by anyone considering adoption of IoT devices are the following:

•  Authentication    Embedded devices are not known for incorporating strong authentication support, which is the reason why most IoT devices have very poor (if any) authentication.

•  Encryption    Cryptography is typically expensive in terms of processing power and memory requirements, both of which are very limited in IoT devices. The fallout of this is that data at rest and data in motion can be vulnerable in many parts of the IoT.

•  Updates    Though IoT devices are networked, many vendors in this fast-moving sector do not provide functionality to automatically update their software and firmware when patches are available.

Industrial Control Systems

Industrial control systems (ICS) consist of information technology that is specifically designed to control physical devices in industrial processes. ICS exist on factory floors to control conveyor belts and industrial robots. They exist in the power and water infrastructures to control the flows of these utilities. Due to the roles they typically fulfill in manufacturing and infrastructure, maintaining efficiency is key to effective ICS. Another important consideration is that these systems, unlike the majority of other IT systems, control things that can directly cause physical harm to humans. For these two reasons (efficiency and safety), securing ICS requires a slightly different approach than traditional IT systems. A good resource for this is the NIST Special Publication 800-82, “Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security.”

ICS is really an umbrella term covering a number of somewhat different technologies that were developed independently to solve different problems. Today, however, it can be hard to tell some of these apart as the ICS technologies continue to converge. In the interest of correctness, we discuss each of the three major categories of ICS in the following sections, but it is important to keep in mind that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find systems that fit perfectly into only one category.

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)    When automation (the physical kind, not the computing kind to which we’re accustomed) first showed up on factory floors, it was bulky, brittle, and difficult to maintain. If, for instance, you wanted an automatic hammer to drive nails into boxes moving through a conveyor belt, you would arrange a series of electrical relays such that they would sequentially actuate the hammer, retrieve it, and then wait for the next box. Whenever you wanted to change your process or repurpose the hammer, you would have to suffer through a complex and error-prone reconfiguration process.

Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are computers designed to control electromechanical processes such assembly lines, elevators, roller coasters, and nuclear centrifuges. The idea is that a PLC can be used in one application today and then easily reprogrammed to control something else tomorrow. PLCs normally connect to the devices they control over a standard interface such as RS-232. The communications protocols themselves, however, are not always standard. While this creates additional challenges to securing PLCs, we are seeing a trend toward standardization of these serial connection protocols. While early PLCs had limited or no network connectivity, it is now rare to see one that is not network-enabled.

Distributed Control System (DCS)    Once relay boxes were replaced with PLCs, the next evolution was to integrate these devices into a system. A distributed control system (DCS) is a network of control devices within fairly close proximity that are part of one or more industrial processes. DCS usage is very common in manufacturing plants, oil refineries, and power plants, and is characterized by decisions being made in a concerted manner, but by different nodes within the system.

You can think of a DCS as a hierarchy of devices. At the bottom level, you will find the physical devices that are being controlled or that provide inputs to the system. One level up, you will find the microcontrollers and PLCs that directly interact with the physical devices, but also communicate with higher-level controllers. Above the PLCs are the supervisory computers that control, for example, a given production line. You can also have a higher level that deals with plant-wide controls, which would require some coordination among different production lines.

As you can see, the concept of a DCS was born from the need to control fairly localized physical processes. Because of this, the communications protocols in use are not optimized for wide-area communications or for security. Another byproduct of this localized approach is that DCS users felt for many years that all they needed in order to secure their systems was to provide physical security. If the bad guys can’t get into the plant, it was thought, then they can’t break our systems. This is because, typically, a DCS consists of devices within the same plant. However, technological advances and converging technologies are blurring the line between a DCS and a SCADA system.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)    While DCS technology is well suited for local processes such as those in a manufacturing plant, it was never intended to operate across great distances. The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems were developed to control large-scale physical processes involving nodes separated by significant distances. The main conceptual differences between DCS and SCADA are size and distances. So, while the control of a power plant is perfectly suited for a traditional DCS, the distribution of the generated power across a power grid would require a SCADA system.

SCADA systems typically involve three kinds of devices: endpoints, backends, and user stations. A remote terminal unit (RTU) is an endpoint that connects directly to sensors and/or actuators. Though there are still plenty of RTUs in use, many of these have now been replaced with PLCs. The data acquisition servers (DAS) are backends that receive all data from the endpoints through a telemetry system, and perform whatever correlation or analysis may be necessary. Finally, the users in charge of controlling the system interact with it through the use of a human-machine interface (HMI), the user station, that displays the data from the endpoints and allows the users to issue commands to the actuators (e.g., to close a valve or open a switch).

One of the main challenges with operating at great distances is effective communications, particularly when parts of the process occur in areas with limited, spotty, or nonexistent telecommunications infrastructures. SCADA systems commonly use dedicated cables and radio links to cover these large expanses. Many legacy SCADA implementations rely on older proprietary communications protocols and devices. For many years, this led this community to feel secure because only someone with detailed knowledge of an obscure protocol and access to specialized communications gear could compromise the system. In part, this assumption is one of the causes of the lack of effective security controls on legacy SCADA communications. While this thinking may have been arguable in the past, today’s convergence on IP-based protocols makes it clear that this is not a secure way of doing business.

ICS Security    The single greatest vulnerability in ICS is their increasing connectivity to traditional IT networks. This has two notable side effects: it accelerates convergence towards standard protocols, and it exposes once-private systems to anyone with an Internet connection. NIST SP 800-82 has a variety of recommendations for ICS security, but we highlight some of the most important ones here:

•  Apply a risk management process to ICS.

•  Segment the network to place IDS/IPS at the subnet boundaries.

•  Disable unneeded ports and services on all ICS devices.

•  Implement least privilege through the ICS.

•  Use encryption wherever feasible.

•  Ensure there is a process for patch management.

•  Monitor audit trails regularly.

A Few Threats to Review

Now that we have talked about how everything is supposed to work, let’s take a quick look at some of the things that can go wrong when designing a system.

Software almost always has bugs and vulnerabilities. The rich functionality demanded by users brings about deep complexity, which usually opens the doors to problems in the computer world. Also, vulnerabilities are always around because attackers continually find ways of using system operations and functionality in a negative and destructive way. Just like there will always be cops and robbers, there will always be attackers and security professionals. It is a game of trying to outwit each other and seeing who will put the necessary effort into winning the game.


NOTE    Software quality experts estimate an average of six defects in every 1,000 lines of code written in the U.S. Google’s total code base is 2 billion lines of code, which could mean 12 million bugs using this average defect rate.

Maintenance Hooks

In the programming world, maintenance hooks are a type of back door. They are instructions within software that only the developer knows about and can invoke, and which give the developer easy access to the code. They allow the developer to view and edit the code without having to go through regular access controls. During the development phase of the software, these can be very useful, but if they are not removed before the software goes into production, they can cause major security issues.

An application that has a maintenance hook enables the developer to execute commands by using a specific sequence of keystrokes. Once this is done successfully, the developer can be inside the application looking directly at the code or configuration files. She might do this to watch problem areas within the code, check variable population, export more code into the program, or fix problems she sees taking place. Although this sounds nice and healthy, if an attacker finds out about this maintenance hook, he can take more sinister actions. So all maintenance hooks need to be removed from software before it goes into production.


NOTE    You might be inclined to think that maintenance hooks are a thing of the past because developers are more security minded these days. This is not true. Developers are still using maintenance hooks, either because they lack understanding of or don’t care about security issues, and many maintenance hooks still reside in older software that organizations are using.


Because maintenance hooks are usually inserted by programmers, they are the ones who usually have to take them out before the programs go into production. Code reviews and unit and quality assurance testing should always be on the lookout for back doors in case the programmer overlooked extracting them. Because maintenance hooks are within the code of an application or system, there is not much a user can do to prevent their presence, but when a vendor finds out a back door exists in its product, it usually develops and releases a patch to reduce this vulnerability. Because most vendors sell their software without including the associated source code, it may be very difficult for companies who have purchased software to identify back doors. The following lists some preventive measures against back doors:

•  Use a host-based intrusion detection system to watch for any attackers using back doors into the system.

•  Use file system encryption to protect sensitive information.

•  Implement auditing to detect any type of back door use.

Time-of-Check/Time-of-Use Attacks

Specific attacks can take advantage of the way a system processes requests and performs tasks. A time-of-check/time-of-use (TOC/TOU) attack deals with the sequence of steps a system uses to complete a task. This type of attack takes advantage of the dependency on the timing of events that take place in a multitasking operating system.

As stated previously, operating systems and applications are, in reality, just lines and lines of instructions. An operating system must carry out instruction 1, then instruction 2, then instruction 3, and so on. This is how it is written. If an attacker can get in between instructions 2 and 3 and manipulate something, she can control the result of these activities.

An example of a TOC/TOU attack is if process 1 validates the authorization of a user to open a noncritical text file and process 2 carries out the open command. If the attacker can change out this noncritical text file with a password file while process 1 is carrying out its task, she has just obtained access to this critical file. (It is a flaw within the code that allows this type of compromise to take place.)


NOTE    This type of attack is also referred to as an asynchronous attack. Asynchronous describes a process in which the timing of each step may vary. The attacker gets in between these steps and modifies something. Race conditions are also considered TOC/TOU attacks by some in the industry.

A race condition is when two different processes need to carry out their tasks on one resource. The processes need to follow the correct sequence. Process 1 needs to carry out its work before process 2 accesses the same resource and carries out its tasks. If process 2 goes before process 1, the outcome could be very different. If an attacker can manipulate the processes so process 2 does its task first, she can control the outcome of the processing procedure. Let’s say process 1’s instructions are to add 3 to a value and process 2’s instructions are to divide by 15. If process 2 carries out its tasks before process 1, the outcome would be different. So if an attacker can make process 2 do its work before process 1, she can control the result.

Looking at this issue from a security perspective, there are several types of race condition attacks that are quite concerning. If a system splits up the authentication and authorization steps, an attacker could be authorized before she is even authenticated. For example, in the normal sequence, process 1 verifies the authentication before allowing a user access to a resource, and process 2 authorizes the user to access the resource. If the attacker makes process 2 carry out its tasks before process 1, she can access a resource without the system making sure she has been authenticated properly.

So although the terms “race condition” and “TOC/TOU attack” are sometimes used interchangeably, in reality, they are two different things. A race condition is an attack in which an attacker makes processes execute out of sequence to control the result. A TOC/TOU attack is when an attacker jumps in between two tasks and modifies something to control the result.


It would take a dedicated attacker with great precision to perform these types of attacks, but it is possible and has been done. To protect against race condition attacks, it is best to not split up critical tasks that can have their sequence altered. This means the system should use atomic operations (where only one system call is used) for access control functions. This would not give the processor the opportunity to switch to another process in between two tasks. Unfortunately, using these types of atomic operations is not always possible.

To avoid TOC/TOU attacks, it is best if the operating system can apply software locks to the items it will use when it is carrying out its “checking” tasks. So if a user requests access to a file, while the system is validating this user’s authorization, it should put a software lock on the file being requested. This ensures the file cannot be deleted and replaced with another file. Applying locks can be carried out easily on files, but it is more challenging to apply locks to database components and table entries to provide this type of protection.

Cryptography in Context

Now that you have a pretty good understanding of system architectures, we turn to a topic that has become central to protecting these architectures. Cryptography is a method of storing and transmitting data in a form that only those it is intended for can read and process. It is considered a science of protecting information by encoding it into an unreadable format. Cryptography is an effective way of protecting sensitive information as it is stored on media or transmitted through untrusted network communication paths.

One of the goals of cryptography, and the mechanisms that make it up, is to hide information from unauthorized individuals. However, with enough time, resources, and motivation, hackers can successfully attack most cryptosystems and reveal the encoded information. So a more realistic goal of cryptography is to make obtaining the information too work intensive or time consuming to be worthwhile to the attacker.

The History of Cryptography

Cryptography has roots that begin around 2000 B.C. in Egypt, when hieroglyphics were used to decorate tombs to tell the life story of the deceased. The intention of the practice was not so much about hiding the messages themselves; rather, the hieroglyphics were intended to make the life story seem more noble, ceremonial, and majestic.

Encryption methods evolved from being mainly for show into practical applications used to hide information from others.

A Hebrew cryptographic method required the alphabet to be flipped so each letter in the original alphabet was mapped to a different letter in the flipped, or shifted, alphabet. The encryption method was called atbash, which was used to hide the true meaning of messages. An example of an encryption key used in the atbash encryption scheme is shown here:


For example, the word “security” is encrypted into “hvxfirgb.” What does “xrhhk” come out to be?

This is an example of a substitution cipher because each character is replaced with another character. This type of substitution cipher is referred to as a monoalphabetic substitution cipher because it uses only one alphabet, whereas a polyalphabetic substitution cipher uses multiple alphabets.


TIP    Cipher is another term for algorithm.

This simplistic encryption method worked for its time and for particular cultures, but eventually more complex mechanisms were required.

Around 400 B.C., the Spartans used a system of encrypting information in which they would write a message on a sheet of papyrus (a type of paper) that was wrapped around a staff (a stick or wooden rod), which was then delivered and wrapped around a different staff by the recipient. The message was only readable if it was wrapped around the correct size staff, which made the letters properly match up, as shown in Figure 3-23. This is referred to as the scytale cipher. When the papyrus was not wrapped around the staff, the writing appeared as just a bunch of random characters.


Figure 3-23    The scytale was used by the Spartans to decipher encrypted messages.

Later, in Rome, Julius Caesar (100–44 B.C.) developed a simple method of shifting letters of the alphabet, similar to the atbash scheme. He simply shifted the alphabet by three positions. The following example shows a standard alphabet and a shifted alphabet. The alphabet serves as the algorithm, and the key is the number of locations it has been shifted during the encryption and decryption process.

•  Standard Alphabet:


•  Cryptographic Alphabet:


As an example, suppose we need to encrypt the message “Logical Security.” We take the first letter of this message, L, and shift up three locations within the alphabet. The encrypted version of this first letter is O, so we write that down. The next letter to be encrypted is O, which matches R when we shift three spaces. We continue this process for the whole message. Once the message is encrypted, a carrier takes the encrypted version to the destination, where the process is reversed.

•  Plaintext:


•  Ciphertext:


Today, this technique seems too simplistic to be effective, but in the time of Julius Caesar, not very many people could read in the first place, so it provided a high level of protection. The Caesar cipher is an example of a monoalphabetic cipher. Once more people could read and reverse-engineer this type of encryption process, the cryptographers of that day increased the complexity by creating polyalphabetic ciphers.

In the 16th century in France, Blaise de Vigenère developed a polyalphabetic substitution cipher for Henry III. This was based on the Caesar cipher, but it increased the difficulty of the encryption and decryption process.

As shown in Figure 3-24, we have a message that needs to be encrypted, which is SYSTEM SECURITY AND CONTROL. We have a key with the value of SECURITY. We also have a Vigenère table, or algorithm, which is really the Caesar cipher on steroids. Whereas the Caesar cipher used a 1-shift alphabet (letters were shifted up three places), the Vigenère cipher has 27 shift alphabets and the letters are shifted up only one place.


Figure 3-24    Polyalphabetic algorithms were developed to increase encryption complexity.


NOTE    Plaintext is the readable version of a message. After an encryption process, the resulting text is referred to as ciphertext.

So, looking at the example in Figure 3-24, we take the first value of the key, S, and starting with the first alphabet in our algorithm, trace over to the S column. Then we look at the first value of plaintext that needs to be encrypted, which is S, and go down to the S row. We follow the column and row and see that they intersect on the value K. That is the first encrypted value of our message, so we write down K. Then we go to the next value in our key, which is E, and the next value of plaintext, which is Y. We see that the E column and the Y row intersect at the cell with the value of C. This is our second encrypted value, so we write that down. We continue this process for the whole message (notice that the key repeats itself, since the message is longer than the key). The resulting ciphertext is the encrypted form that is sent to the destination. The destination must have the same algorithm (Vigenère table) and the same key (SECURITY) to properly reverse the process to obtain a meaningful message.

The evolution of cryptography continued as countries refined it using new methods, tools, and practices throughout the Middle Ages. By the late 1800s, cryptography was commonly used in the methods of communication between military factions.

During World War II, encryption devices were used for tactical communication, which drastically improved with the mechanical and electromechanical technology that provided the world with telegraphic and radio communication. The rotor cipher machine, which is a device that substitutes letters using different rotors within the machine, was a huge breakthrough in military cryptography that provided complexity that proved difficult to break. This work gave way to the most famous cipher machine in history to date: Germany’s Enigma machine. The Enigma machine had separate rotors, a plug board, and a reflecting rotor.

The originator of the message would configure the Enigma machine to its initial settings before starting the encryption process. The operator would type in the first letter of the message, and the machine would substitute the letter with a different letter and present it to the operator. This encryption was done by moving the rotors a predefined number of times. So, if the operator typed in a T as the first character, the Enigma machine might present an M as the substitution value. The operator would write down the letter M on his sheet. The operator would then advance the rotors and enter the next letter. Each time a new letter was to be encrypted, the operator would advance the rotors to a new setting. This process was followed until the whole message was encrypted. Then the encrypted text was transmitted over the airwaves, most likely to a German U-boat. The chosen substitution for each letter was dependent upon the rotor setting, so the crucial and secret part of this process (the key) was the initial setting and how the operators advanced the rotors when encrypting and decrypting a message. The operators at each end needed to know this sequence of increments to advance each rotor in order to enable the German military units to properly communicate.

Although the mechanisms of the Enigma were complicated for the time, a team of Polish cryptographers broke its code and gave Britain insight into Germany’s attack plans and military movement. It is said that breaking this encryption mechanism shortened World War II by two years. After the war, details about the Enigma machine were published—one of the machines is exhibited at the Smithsonian Institute.

Cryptography has a deep, rich history. Mary, Queen of Scots, lost her life in the 16th century when an encrypted message she sent was intercepted. During the Revolutionary War, Benedict Arnold used a codebook cipher to exchange information on troop movement and strategic military advancements. Militaries have always played a leading role in using cryptography to encode information and to attempt to decrypt the enemy’s encrypted information. William Frederick Friedman, who published The Index of Coincidence and Its Applications in Cryptography in 1920, is called the “Father of Modern Cryptography” and broke many messages intercepted during World War II. Encryption has been used by many governments and militaries and has contributed to great victory for some because it enabled them to execute covert maneuvers in secrecy. It has also contributed to great defeat for others, when their cryptosystems were discovered and deciphered.

When computers were invented, the possibilities for encryption methods and devices expanded exponentially and cryptography efforts increased dramatically. This era brought unprecedented opportunity for cryptographic designers to develop new encryption techniques. A well-known and successful project was Lucifer, which was developed at IBM. Lucifer introduced complex mathematical equations and functions that were later adopted and modified by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to establish the U.S. Data Encryption Standard (DES) in 1976, a federal government standard. DES was used worldwide for financial and other transactions, and was embedded into numerous commercial applications. Though it is no longer considered secure, it lives on as Triple DES, which uses three rounds of DES encryption and is still in use today.

A majority of the protocols developed at the dawn of the computing age have been upgraded to include cryptography and to add necessary layers of protection. Encryption is used in hardware devices and in software to protect data, banking transactions, corporate extranet transmissions, e-mail messages, web transactions, wireless communications, the storage of confidential information, faxes, and phone calls.

The code breakers and cryptanalysis efforts and the amazing number-crunching capabilities of the microprocessors hitting the market each year have quickened the evolution of cryptography. As the bad guys get smarter and more resourceful, the good guys must increase their efforts and strategy. Cryptanalysis is the science of studying and breaking the secrecy of encryption processes, compromising authentication schemes, and reverse-engineering algorithms and keys. Cryptanalysis is an important piece of cryptography and cryptology. When carried out by the “good guys,” cryptanalysis is intended to identify flaws and weaknesses so developers can go back to the drawing board and improve the components. It is also performed by curious and motivated hackers to identify the same types of flaws, but with the goal of obtaining the encryption key for unauthorized access to confidential information.


NOTE    Cryptanalysis is a very sophisticated science that encompasses a wide variety of tests and attacks. We will cover these types of attacks later in this chapter. Cryptology, on the other hand, is the study of cryptanalysis and cryptography.

Different types of cryptography have been used throughout civilization, but today cryptography is deeply rooted in every part of our communications and computing world. Automated information systems and cryptography play a huge role in the effectiveness of militaries, the functionality of governments, and the economics of private businesses. As our dependency upon technology increases, so does our dependency upon cryptography, because secrets will always need to be kept.

Cryptography Definitions and Concepts

Encryption is a method of transforming readable data, called plaintext, into a form that appears to be random and unreadable, which is called ciphertext. Plaintext is in a form that can be understood either by a person (a document) or by a computer (executable code). Once it is transformed into ciphertext, neither human nor machine can properly process it until it is decrypted. This enables the transmission of confidential information over insecure channels without unauthorized disclosure. When data is stored on a computer, it is usually protected by logical and physical access controls. When this same sensitive information is sent over a network, it can no longer take advantage of these controls and is in a much more vulnerable state.


A system or product that provides encryption and decryption is referred to as a cryptosystem and can be created through hardware components or program code in an application. The cryptosystem uses an encryption algorithm (which determines how simple or complex the encryption process will be), keys, and the necessary software components and protocols. Most algorithms are complex mathematical formulas that are applied in a specific sequence to the plaintext. Most encryption methods use a secret value called a key (usually a long string of bits), which works with the algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the text.

The algorithm, the set of rules also known as the cipher, dictates how enciphering and deciphering take place. Many of the mathematical algorithms used in computer systems today are publicly known and are not the secret part of the encryption process. If the internal mechanisms of the algorithm are not a secret, then something must be. The secret piece of using a well-known encryption algorithm is the key. A common analogy used to illustrate this point is the use of locks you would purchase from your local hardware store. Let’s say 20 people bought the same brand of lock. Just because these people share the same type and brand of lock does not mean they can now unlock each other’s doors and gain access to their private possessions. Instead, each lock comes with its own key, and that one key can only open that one specific lock.

In encryption, the key (cryptovariable) is a value that comprises a large sequence of random bits. Is it just any random number of bits crammed together? Not really. An algorithm contains a keyspace, which is a range of values that can be used to construct a key. When the algorithm needs to generate a new key, it uses random values from this keyspace. The larger the keyspace, the more available values that can be used to represent different keys—and the more random the keys are, the harder it is for intruders to figure them out. For example, if an algorithm allows a key length of 2 bits, the keyspace for that algorithm would be 4, which indicates the total number of different keys that would be possible. (Remember that we are working in binary and that 22 equals 4.) That would not be a very large keyspace, and certainly it would not take an attacker very long to find the correct key that was used.

A large keyspace allows for more possible keys. (Today, we are commonly using key sizes of 128, 256, 512, or even 1,024 bits and larger.) So a key size of 512 bits would provide 2512 possible combinations (the keyspace). The encryption algorithm should use the entire keyspace and choose the values to make up the keys as randomly as possible. If a smaller keyspace were used, there would be fewer values to choose from when generating a key, as shown in Figure 3-25. This would increase an attacker’s chances of figuring out the key value and deciphering the protected information.


Figure 3-25    Larger keyspaces permit a greater number of possible key values.

If an eavesdropper captures a message as it passes between two people, she can view the message, but it appears in its encrypted form and is therefore unusable. Even if this attacker knows the algorithm that the two people are using to encrypt and decrypt their information, without the key, this information remains useless to the eavesdropper, as shown in Figure 3-26.


Figure 3-26    Without the right key, the captured message is useless to an attacker.

Kerckhoffs’ Principle

Auguste Kerckhoffs published a paper in 1883 stating that the only secrecy involved with a cryptography system should be the key. He claimed that the algorithm should be publicly known. He asserted that if security were based on too many secrets, there would be more vulnerabilities to possibly exploit.

So, why do we care what some guy said over 120 years ago? Because this debate is still going on. Cryptographers in certain sectors agree with Kerckhoffs’ principle, because making an algorithm publicly available means that many more people can view the source code, test it, and uncover any type of flaws or weaknesses. It is the attitude of “many heads are better than one.” Once someone uncovers some type of flaw, the developer can fix the issue and provide society with a much stronger algorithm.

But not everyone agrees with this philosophy. Governments around the world create their own algorithms that are not released to the public. Their stance is that if a smaller number of people know how the algorithm actually works, then a smaller number of people will know how to possibly break it. Cryptographers in the private sector do not agree with this practice and do not commonly trust algorithms they cannot examine.

It is basically the same as the open-source versus compiled software debate that is in full force today.

The Strength of the Cryptosystem

The strength of an encryption method comes from the algorithm, the secrecy of the key, the length of the key, the initialization vectors, and how they all work together within the cryptosystem. When strength is discussed in encryption, it refers to how hard it is to figure out the algorithm or key, whichever is not made public. Attempts to break a cryptosystem usually involve processing an amazing number of possible values in the hopes of finding the one value (key) that can be used to decrypt a specific message. The strength of an encryption method correlates to the amount of necessary processing power, resources, and time required to break the cryptosystem or to figure out the value of the key. Breaking a cryptosystem can be accomplished by a brute-force attack, which means trying every possible key value until the resulting plaintext is meaningful. Depending on the algorithm and length of the key, this can be an easy task or one that is close to impossible. If a key can be broken with a Pentium Core i5 processor in three hours, the cipher is not strong at all. If the key can only be broken with the use of a thousand multiprocessing systems over 1.2 million years, then it is pretty darn strong. The introduction of multicore processors has really increased the threat of brute-force attacks.


NOTE    Attacks are measured in the number of instructions a million-instruction-per-second (MIPS) system can execute within a year’s time.

The goal when designing an encryption method is to make compromising it too expensive or too time consuming. Another name for cryptography strength is work factor, which is an estimate of the effort and resources it would take an attacker to penetrate a cryptosystem.

How strong a protection mechanism is required depends on the sensitivity of the data being protected. It is not necessary to encrypt information about a friend’s Saturday barbeque with a top-secret encryption algorithm. Conversely, it is not a good idea to send intercepted spy information using PGP. Each type of encryption mechanism has its place and purpose.

Even if the algorithm is very complex and thorough, other issues within encryption can weaken encryption methods. Because the key is usually the secret value needed to actually encrypt and decrypt messages, improper protection of the key can weaken the encryption. Even if a user employs an algorithm that has all the requirements for strong encryption, including a large keyspace and a large and random key value, if she shares her key with others, the strength of the algorithm becomes almost irrelevant.

Important elements of encryption are to use an algorithm without flaws, use a large key size, use all possible values within the keyspace selected as randomly as possible, and protect the actual key. If one element is weak, it could be the link that dooms the whole process.

Services of Cryptosystems

Cryptosystems can provide the following services:

•  Confidentiality    Renders the information unintelligible except by authorized entities.

•  Integrity    Data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner since it was created, transmitted, or stored.

•  Authentication    Verifies the identity of the user or system that created the information.

•  Authorization    Upon proving identity, the individual is then provided with the key or password that will allow access to some resource.

•  Nonrepudiation    Ensures that the sender cannot deny sending the message.

As an example of how these services work, suppose your boss sends you a message telling you that you will be receiving a raise that doubles your salary. The message is encrypted, so you can be sure it really came from your boss (authenticity), that someone did not alter it before it arrived at your computer (integrity), that no one else was able to read it as it traveled over the network (confidentiality), and that your boss cannot deny sending it later when he comes to his senses (nonrepudiation).

Different types of messages and transactions require higher or lower degrees of one or all of the services that cryptography methods can supply. Military and intelligence agencies are very concerned about keeping information confidential, so they would choose encryption mechanisms that provide a high degree of secrecy. Financial institutions care about confidentiality, but they also care about the integrity of the data being transmitted, so the encryption mechanism they would choose may differ from the military’s encryption methods. If messages were accepted that had a misplaced decimal point or zero, the ramifications could be far reaching in the financial world. Legal agencies may care most about the authenticity of the messages they receive. If information received ever needed to be presented in a court of law, its authenticity would certainly be questioned; therefore, the encryption method used must ensure authenticity, which confirms who sent the information.


NOTE    If David sends a message and then later claims he did not send it, this is an act of repudiation. When a cryptography mechanism provides nonrepudiation, the sender cannot later deny he sent the message (well, he can try to deny it, but the cryptosystem proves otherwise). It’s a way of keeping the sender honest.

The types and uses of cryptography have increased over the years. At one time, cryptography was mainly used to keep secrets secret (confidentiality), but today we use cryptography to ensure the integrity of data, to authenticate messages, to confirm that a message was received, to provide access control, and much more. In this chapter we cover the different types of cryptography that provide these different types of functionality, along with any related security issues.

One-Time Pad

A one-time pad is a perfect encryption scheme because it is considered unbreakable if implemented properly. It was invented by Gilbert Vernam in 1917, so sometimes it is referred to as the Vernam cipher.

This cipher does not use shift alphabets, as do the Caesar and Vigenère ciphers discussed earlier, but instead uses a pad made up of random values, as shown in Figure 3-27. Our plaintext message that needs to be encrypted has been converted into bits, and our one-time pad is made up of random bits. This encryption process uses a binary mathematic function called exclusive-OR, usually abbreviated as XOR.


Figure 3-27    A one-time pad

XOR is an operation that is applied to 2 bits and is a function commonly used in binary mathematics and encryption methods. When combining the bits, if both values are the same, the result is 0 (1 XOR 1 = 0). If the bits are different from each other, the result is 1 (1 XOR 0 = 1). For example:


So in our example, the first bit of the message is XORed to the first bit of the one-time pad, which results in the ciphertext value 1. The second bit of the message is XORed with the second bit of the pad, which results in the value 0. This process continues until the whole message is encrypted. The result is the encrypted message that is sent to the receiver.

In Figure 3-27, we also see that the receiver must have the same one-time pad to decrypt the message by reversing the process. The receiver takes the first bit of the encrypted message and XORs it with the first bit of the pad. This results in the plaintext value. The receiver continues this process for the whole encrypted message until the entire message is decrypted.

The one-time pad encryption scheme is deemed unbreakable only if the following things are true about the implementation process:

•  The pad must be used only one time. If the pad is used more than one time, this might introduce patterns in the encryption process that will aid the eavesdropper in his goal of breaking the encryption.

•  The pad must be as long as the message. If it is not as long as the message, the pad will need to be reused to cover the whole message. This would be the same thing as using a pad more than one time, which could introduce patterns.

•  The pad must be securely distributed and protected at its destination. This is a very cumbersome process to accomplish, because the pads are usually just individual pieces of paper that need to be delivered by a secure courier and properly guarded at each destination.

•  The pad must be made up of truly random values. This may not seem like a difficult task, but even our computer systems today do not have truly random number generators; rather, they have pseudorandom number generators.


NOTE    A number generator is used to create a stream of random values and must be seeded by an initial value. This piece of software obtains its seeding value from some component within the computer system (time, CPU cycles, and so on). Although a computer system is complex, it is a predictable environment, so if the seeding value is predictable in any way, the resulting values created are not truly random—but pseudorandom.

Although the one-time pad approach to encryption can provide a very high degree of security, it is impractical in most situations because of all of its different requirements. Each possible pair of entities that might want to communicate in this fashion must receive, in a secure fashion, a pad that is as long as, or longer than, the actual message. This type of key management can be overwhelming and may require more overhead than it is worth. The distribution of the pad can be challenging, and the sender and receiver must be perfectly synchronized so each is using the same pad.

One-time pads have been used throughout history to protect different types of sensitive data. Today, they are still in place for many types of militaries as a backup encryption option if current encryption processes (which require computers and a power source) are unavailable for reasons of war or attacks.

Running and Concealment Ciphers

Two spy-novel-type ciphers are the running key cipher and the concealment cipher. The running key cipher could use a key that does not require an electronic algorithm and bit alterations, but cleverly uses components in the physical world around you. For instance, the algorithm could be a set of books agreed upon by the sender and receiver. The key in this type of cipher could be a book page, line number, and column count. If you get a message from your supersecret spy buddy and the message reads “149l6c7.299l3c7.911l5c8,” this could mean for you to look at the 1st book in your predetermined series of books, the 49th page, 6th line down the page, and the 7th column. So you write down the letter in that column, which is h. The second set of numbers starts with 2, so you go to the 2nd book, 99th page, 3rd line down, and then to the 7th column, which is o. The last letter you get from the 9th book, 11th page, 5th line, 8th column, which is t. So now you have come up with your important secret message, which is hot. Running key ciphers can be used in different and more complex ways, but this simple example illustrates the point.

A concealment cipher is a message within a message. If your supersecret spy buddy and you decide your key value is every third word, then when you get a message from him, you will pick out every third word and write it down. Suppose he sends you a message that reads, “The saying, ‘The time is right’ is not cow language, so is now a dead subject.” Because your key is every third word, you come up with “The right cow is dead.”


NOTE    A concealment cipher, also called a null cipher, is a type of steganography method. Steganography is described later in this chapter.

No matter which of these two types of cipher is used, the roles of the algorithm and key are the same, even if they are not mathematical equations. In the running key cipher, the algorithm may be a predefined set of books. The key indicates the book, page, line, and word within that line. In substitution ciphers, the algorithm dictates that substitution will take place using a predefined alphabet or sequence of characters, and the key indicates that each character will be replaced with another character, as in the third character that follows it in that sequence of characters. In actual mathematical structures, the algorithm is a set of mathematical functions that will be performed on the message, and the key can indicate in which order these functions take place. So even if an attacker knows the algorithm, and we have to assume he does, if he does not know the key, the message is still useless to him.


Steganography is a method of hiding data in another media type so the very existence of the data is concealed. Common steps are illustrated in Figure 3-28. Only the sender and receiver are supposed to be able to see the message because it is secretly hidden in a graphic, Wave file, document, or other type of media. The message is often, but not necessarily, encrypted, just hidden. Encrypted messages can draw attention because it tells the bad guy, “This is something sensitive.” A message hidden in a picture of your grandmother would not attract this type of attention, even though the same secret message can be embedded into this image. Steganography is a type of security through obscurity.


Figure 3-28    Main components of steganography

Steganography includes the concealment of information within computer files. In digital steganography, electronic communications may include steganographic coding inside of a document file, image file, program, or protocol. Media files are ideal for steganographic transmission because of their large size. As a simple example, a sender might start with an innocuous image file and adjust the color of every 100th pixel to correspond to a letter in the alphabet, a change so subtle that someone not specifically looking for it is unlikely to notice it.

Let’s look at the components that are involved with steganography:

•  Carrier    A signal, data stream, or file that has hidden information (payload) inside of it

•  Stegomedium    The medium in which the information is hidden

•  Payload    The information that is to be concealed and transmitted

A method of embedding the message into some types of media is to use the least significant bit (LSB). Many types of files have some bits that can be modified and not affect the file they are in, which is where secret data can be hidden without altering the file in a visible manner. In the LSB approach, graphics with a high resolution or an audio file that has many different types of sounds (high bit rate) are the most successful for hiding information within. There is commonly no noticeable distortion, and the file is usually not increased to a size that can be detected. A 24-bit bitmap file will have 8 bits representing each of the three color values, which are red, green, and blue. These 8 bits are within each pixel. If we consider just the blue, there will be 28 different values of blue. The difference between 11111111 and 11111110 in the value for blue intensity is likely to be undetectable by the human eye. Therefore, the least significant bit can be used for something other than color information.

A digital graphic is just a file that shows different colors and intensities of light. The larger the file, the more bits that can be modified without much notice or distortion.

Several different types of tools can be used to hide messages within the carrier. Figure 3-29 illustrates one such tool that allows the user to encrypt the message along with hiding it within a file.


Figure 3-29    Embedding secret material

A concealment cipher (null cipher), explained earlier, is an example of a type of steganography method. The null values are not part of the secret message, but are used to hide the secret message. Let’s look at an example. If your spy buddy sends you the message used in the example earlier, “The saying, ‘The time is right’ is not cow language, so is now a dead subject,” you would think he was nuts. If you knew the secret message was made up of every third word, you would be able to extract the secret message from the null values. So the secret message is “The right cow is dead.” And you still think he’s nuts.

What if you wanted to get a secret message to your buddy in a nondigital format? You would use a physical method of sending secret messages instead of your computers. You could write the message in invisible ink, and he would need to have the necessary chemical to make it readable. You could create a very small photograph of the message, called a microdot, and put it within the ink of a stamp. Another physical steganography method is to send your buddy a very complex piece of art, which has the secret message in it that can be seen if it is held at the right angle and has a certain type of light shown on it. These are just some examples of the many ways that steganography can be carried out in the nondigital world.

Types of Ciphers

Symmetric encryption algorithms use a combination of two basic types of ciphers: substitution and transposition (permutation). The substitution cipher replaces bits, characters, or blocks of characters with different bits, characters, or blocks. The transposition cipher does not replace the original text with different text, but rather moves the original values around. It rearranges the bits, characters, or blocks of characters to hide the original meaning.

Substitution Ciphers

A substitution cipher uses a key to dictate how the substitution should be carried out. In the Caesar cipher, each letter is replaced with the letter three places beyond it in the alphabet. The algorithm is the alphabet, and the key is the instruction “shift up three.”

As a simple example, if George uses the Caesar cipher with the English alphabet to encrypt the important message “meow,” the encrypted message would be “phrz.” Substitution is used in today’s symmetric algorithms, but it is extremely complex compared to this example, which is only meant to show you the concept of how a substitution cipher works in its most simplistic form.

Transposition Ciphers

In a transposition cipher, the values are scrambled, or put into a different order. The key determines the positions the values are moved to, as illustrated in Figure 3-30.


Figure 3-30    A transposition cipher

This is a simplistic example of a transposition cipher and only shows one way of performing transposition. When implemented with complex mathematical functions, transpositions can become quite sophisticated and difficult to break. Symmetric algorithms employed today use both long sequences of complicated substitutions and transpositions on messages. The algorithm contains the possible ways that substitution and transposition processes can take place (represented in mathematical formulas). The key is used as the instructions for the algorithm, dictating exactly how these processes will happen and in what order. To understand the relationship between an algorithm and a key, let’s look at Figure 3-31. Conceptually, an algorithm is made up of different boxes, each of which has a different set of mathematical formulas that dictate the substitution and transposition steps that will take place on the bits that enter the box. To encrypt our message, the bit values must go through these different boxes. If each of our messages goes through each of these different boxes in the same order with the same values, the eavesdropper will be able to easily reverse-engineer this process and uncover our plaintext message.


Figure 3-31    The algorithm and key relationship

To foil an eavesdropper, we use a key, which is a set of values that indicates which box should be used, in what order, and with what values. So if message A is encrypted with key 1, the key will make the message go through boxes 1, 6, 4, and then 5. When we need to encrypt message B, we will use key 2, which will make the message go through boxes 8, 3, 2, and then 9. It is the key that adds the randomness and the secrecy to the encryption process.

Simple substitution and transposition ciphers are vulnerable to attacks that perform frequency analysis. In every language, some words and patterns are used more often than others. For instance, in the English language, the most commonly used letter is E. If Mike is carrying out frequency analysis on a message, he will look for the most frequently repeated pattern of 8 bits (which makes up a character). So, if Mike sees that there are 12 patterns of 8 bits and he knows that E is the most commonly used letter in the language, he will replace these bits with this vowel. This allows him to gain a foothold on the process, which will allow him to reverse-engineer the rest of the message.

Today’s symmetric algorithms use substitution and transposition methods in their encryption processes, but the mathematics used are (or should be) too complex to allow for simplistic frequency-analysis attacks to be successful.

Methods of Encryption

Although there can be several pieces to an encryption process, the two main pieces are the algorithms and the keys. As stated earlier, algorithms used in computer systems are complex mathematical formulas that dictate the rules of how the plaintext will be turned into ciphertext. A key is a string of random bits that will be used by the algorithm to add to the randomness of the encryption process. For two entities to be able to communicate via encryption, they must use the same algorithm and, many times, the same key. In some encryption technologies, the receiver and the sender use the same key, and in other encryption technologies, they must use different but related keys for encryption and decryption purposes. The following sections explain the differences between these two types of encryption methods.

Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Algorithms

Cryptography algorithms are either symmetric algorithms, which use symmetric keys (also called secret keys), or asymmetric algorithms, which use asymmetric keys (also called public and private keys). As if encryption were not complicated enough, the terms used to describe the key types only make it worse. Just pay close attention and you will get through this fine.

Symmetric Cryptography

In a cryptosystem that uses symmetric cryptography, the sender and receiver use two instances of the same key for encryption and decryption, as shown in Figure 3-32. So the key has dual functionality, in that it can carry out both encryption and decryption processes. Symmetric keys are also called secret keys, because this type of encryption relies on each user to keep the key a secret and properly protected. If an intruder were to get this key, they could decrypt any intercepted message encrypted with it.


Figure 3-32    When using symmetric algorithms, the sender and receiver use the same key for encryption and decryption functions.

Each pair of users who want to exchange data using symmetric key encryption must have two instances of the same key. This means that if Dan and Iqqi want to communicate, both need to obtain a copy of the same key. If Dan also wants to communicate using symmetric encryption with Norm and Dave, he needs to have three separate keys, one for each friend. This might not sound like a big deal until Dan realizes that he may communicate with hundreds of people over a period of several months, and keeping track and using the correct key that corresponds to each specific receiver can become a daunting task. If 10 people needed to communicate securely with each other using symmetric keys, then 45 keys would need to be kept track of. If 100 people were going to communicate, then 4,950 keys would be involved. The equation used to calculate the number of symmetric keys needed is

N(N – 1)/2 = number of keys

When using symmetric algorithms, the sender and receiver use the same key for encryption and decryption functions. The security of the symmetric encryption method is completely dependent on how well users protect the key. This should raise red flags for you if you have ever had to depend on a whole staff of people to keep a secret. If a key is compromised, then all messages encrypted with that key can be decrypted and read by an intruder. This is complicated further by how symmetric keys are actually shared and updated when necessary. If Dan wants to communicate with Norm for the first time, Dan has to figure out how to get the right key to Norm securely. It is not safe to just send it in an e-mail message, because the key is not protected and can be easily intercepted and used by attackers. Thus, Dan must get the key to Norm through an out-of-band method. Dan can save the key on a thumb drive and walk over to Norm’s desk, or have a secure courier deliver it to Norm. This is a huge hassle, and each method is very clumsy and insecure.

Because both users employ the same key to encrypt and decrypt messages, symmetric cryptosystems can provide confidentiality, but they cannot provide authentication or nonrepudiation. There is no way to prove through cryptography who actually sent a message if two people are using the same key.

If symmetric cryptosystems have so many problems and flaws, why use them at all? Because they are very fast and can be hard to break. Compared with asymmetric systems, symmetric algorithms scream in speed. They can encrypt and decrypt relatively quickly large amounts of data that would take an unacceptable amount of time to encrypt and decrypt with an asymmetric algorithm. It is also difficult to uncover data encrypted with a symmetric algorithm if a large key size is used. For many of our applications that require encryption, symmetric key cryptography is the only option.

The following list outlines the strengths and weakness of symmetric key systems:


•  Much faster (less computationally intensive) than asymmetric systems.

•  Hard to break if using a large key size.


•  Requires a secure mechanism to deliver keys properly.

•  Each pair of users needs a unique key, so as the number of individuals increases, so does the number of keys, possibly making key management overwhelming.

•  Provides confidentiality but not authenticity or nonrepudiation.

The following are examples of symmetric algorithms, which will be explained later in the “Block and Stream Ciphers” section:

•  Data Encryption Standard (DES)

•  Triple-DES (3DES)

•  Blowfish

•  International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)

•  RC4, RC5, and RC6

•  Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Asymmetric Cryptography

In symmetric key cryptography, a single secret key is used between entities, whereas in public key systems, each entity has different keys, or asymmetric keys. The two different asymmetric keys are mathematically related. If a message is encrypted by one key, the other key is required in order to decrypt the message.

In a public key system, the pair of keys is made up of one public key and one private key. The public key can be known to everyone, and the private key must be known and used only by the owner. Many times, public keys are listed in directories and databases of e-mail addresses so they are available to anyone who wants to use these keys to encrypt or decrypt data when communicating with a particular person. Figure 3-33 illustrates the use of the different keys.


Figure 3-33    An asymmetric cryptosystem

The public and private keys of an asymmetric cryptosystem are mathematically related, but if someone gets another person’s public key, she should not be able to figure out the corresponding private key. This means that if an eavesdropper gets a copy of Bob’s public key, she can’t employ some mathematical magic and find out Bob’s private key. But if someone gets Bob’s private key, then there is big trouble—no one other than the owner should have access to a private key.

If Bob encrypts data with his private key, the receiver must have a copy of Bob’s public key to decrypt it. The receiver can decrypt Bob’s message and decide to reply to Bob in an encrypted form. All the receiver needs to do is encrypt her reply with Bob’s public key, and then Bob can decrypt the message with his private key. It is not possible to encrypt and decrypt using the same key when using an asymmetric key encryption technology because, although mathematically related, the two keys are not the same key, as they are in symmetric cryptography. Bob can encrypt data with his private key, and the receiver can then decrypt it with Bob’s public key. By decrypting the message with Bob’s public key, the receiver can be sure the message really came from Bob. A message can be decrypted with a public key only if the message was encrypted with the corresponding private key. This provides authentication, because Bob is the only one who is supposed to have his private key. If the receiver wants to make sure Bob is the only one who can read her reply, she will encrypt the response with his public key. Only Bob will be able to decrypt the message because he is the only one who has the necessary private key.

The receiver can also choose to encrypt data with her private key instead of using Bob’s public key. Why would she do that? Authentication—she wants Bob to know that the message came from her and no one else. If she encrypted the data with Bob’s public key, it does not provide authenticity because anyone can get Bob’s public key. If she uses her private key to encrypt the data, then Bob can be sure the message came from her and no one else. Symmetric keys do not provide authenticity, because the same key is used on both ends. Using one of the secret keys does not ensure the message originated from a specific individual.

If confidentiality is the most important security service to a sender, she would encrypt the file with the receiver’s public key. This is called a secure message format because it can only be decrypted by the person who has the corresponding private key.

If authentication is the most important security service to the sender, then she would encrypt the data with her private key. This provides assurance to the receiver that the only person who could have encrypted the data is the individual who has possession of that private key. If the sender encrypted the data with the receiver’s public key, authentication is not provided because this public key is available to anyone.

Encrypting data with the sender’s private key is called an open message format because anyone with a copy of the corresponding public key can decrypt the message. Confidentiality is not ensured.

Each key type can be used to encrypt and decrypt, so do not get confused and think the public key is only for encryption and the private key is only for decryption. They both have the capability to encrypt and decrypt data. However, if data is encrypted with a private key, it cannot be decrypted with a private key. If data is encrypted with a private key, it must be decrypted with the corresponding public key.

An asymmetric algorithm works much more slowly than a symmetric algorithm, because symmetric algorithms carry out relatively simplistic mathematical functions on the bits during the encryption and decryption processes. They substitute and scramble (transposition) bits, which is not overly difficult or processor intensive. The reason it is hard to break this type of encryption is that the symmetric algorithms carry out this type of functionality over and over again. So a set of bits will go through a long series of being substituted and scrambled.

Asymmetric algorithms are slower than symmetric algorithms because they use much more complex mathematics to carry out their functions, which requires more processing time. Although they are slower, asymmetric algorithms can provide authentication and nonrepudiation, depending on the type of algorithm being used. Asymmetric systems also provide for easier and more manageable key distribution than symmetric systems and do not have the scalability issues of symmetric systems. The reason for these differences is that, with asymmetric systems, you can send out your public key to all of the people you need to communicate with, instead of keeping track of a unique key for each one of them. The “Hybrid Encryption Methods” section later in this chapter shows how these two systems can be used together to get the best of both worlds.


TIP    Public key cryptography is asymmetric cryptography. The terms can be used interchangeably. The following list outlines the strengths and weaknesses of asymmetric key algorithms:


•  Better key distribution than symmetric systems.

•  Better scalability than symmetric systems.

•  Can provide authentication and nonrepudiation.


•  Works much more slowly than symmetric systems.

•  Mathematically intensive tasks.

The following are examples of asymmetric key algorithms:

•  Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

•  Elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC)

•  Diffie-Hellman

•  El Gamal

•  Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

These algorithms will be explained further in the “Types of Asymmetric Systems” section later in the chapter.

Table 3-1 summarizes the differences between symmetric and asymmetric algorithms.


Table 3-1    Differences Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Systems


NOTE    Digital signatures will be discussed later in the section “Digital Signatures.”

Block and Stream Ciphers

The two main types of symmetric algorithms are block ciphers, which work on blocks of bits, and stream ciphers, which work on one bit at a time.

Block Ciphers

When a block cipher is used for encryption and decryption purposes, the message is divided into blocks of bits. These blocks are then put through mathematical functions, one block at a time. Suppose you need to encrypt a message you are sending to your mother and you are using a block cipher that uses 64 bits. Your message of 640 bits is chopped up into 10 individual blocks of 64 bits. Each block is put through a succession of mathematical formulas, and what you end up with is 10 blocks of encrypted text.


You send this encrypted message to your mother. She has to have the same block cipher and key, and those 10 ciphertext blocks go back through the algorithm in the reverse sequence and end up in your plaintext message.

A strong cipher contains the right level of two main attributes: confusion and diffusion. Confusion is commonly carried out through substitution, while diffusion is carried out by using transposition. For a cipher to be considered strong, it must contain both of these attributes to ensure that reverse-engineering is basically impossible. The randomness of the key values and the complexity of the mathematical functions dictate the level of confusion and diffusion involved.

In algorithms, diffusion takes place as individual bits of a block are scrambled, or diffused, throughout that block. Confusion is provided by carrying out complex substitution functions so the eavesdropper cannot figure out how to substitute the right values and come up with the original plaintext. Suppose you have 500 wooden blocks with individual letters written on them. You line them all up to spell out a paragraph (plaintext). Then you substitute 300 of them with another set of 300 blocks (confusion through substitution). Then you scramble all of these blocks up (diffusion through transposition) and leave them in a pile. For someone else to figure out your original message, they would have to substitute the correct blocks and then put them back in the right order. Good luck.

Confusion pertains to making the relationship between the key and resulting ciphertext as complex as possible so the key cannot be uncovered from the ciphertext. Each ciphertext value should depend upon several parts of the key, but this mapping between the key values and the ciphertext values should seem completely random to the observer.

Diffusion, on the other hand, means that a single plaintext bit has influence over several of the ciphertext bits. Changing a plaintext value should change many ciphertext values, not just one. In fact, in a strong block cipher, if one plaintext bit is changed, it will change every ciphertext bit with the probability of 50 percent. This means that if one plaintext bit changes, then about half of the ciphertext bits will change.

A very similar concept of diffusion is the avalanche effect. If an algorithm follows a strict avalanche effect criteria, this means that if the input to an algorithm is slightly modified, then the output of the algorithm is changed significantly. So a small change to the key or the plaintext should cause drastic changes to the resulting ciphertext. The ideas of diffusion and avalanche effect are basically the same—they were just derived from different people. Horst Feistel came up with the avalanche term, while Claude Shannon came up with the diffusion term. If an algorithm does not exhibit the necessary degree of the avalanche effect, then the algorithm is using poor randomization. This can make it easier for an attacker to break the algorithm.

Block ciphers use diffusion and confusion in their methods. Figure 3-34 shows a conceptual example of a simplistic block cipher. It has four block inputs, and each block is made up of 4 bits. The block algorithm has two layers of 4-bit substitution boxes called S-boxes. Each S-box contains a lookup table used by the algorithm as instructions on how the bits should be encrypted.


Figure 3-34    A message is divided into blocks of bits, and substitution and transposition functions are performed on those blocks.

Figure 3-34 shows that the key dictates what S-boxes are to be used when scrambling the original message from readable plaintext to encrypted nonreadable ciphertext. Each S-box contains the different substitution methods that can be performed on each block. This example is simplistic—most block ciphers work with blocks of 32, 64, or 128 bits in size, and many more S-boxes are usually involved.

Stream Ciphers

As stated earlier, a block cipher performs mathematical functions on blocks of bits. A stream cipher, on the other hand, does not divide a message into blocks. Instead, a stream cipher treats the message as a stream of bits and performs mathematical functions on each bit individually.

When using a stream cipher, a plaintext bit will be transformed into a different ciphertext bit each time it is encrypted. Stream ciphers use keystream generators, which produce a stream of bits that is XORed with the plaintext bits to produce ciphertext, as shown in Figure 3-35.


Figure 3-35    With stream ciphers, the bits generated by the keystream generator are XORed with the bits of the plaintext message.


NOTE    This process is very similar to the one-time pad explained earlier. The individual bits in the one-time pad are used to encrypt the individual bits of the message through the XOR function, and in a stream algorithm the individual bits created by the keystream generator are used to encrypt the bits of the message through XOR also.

In block ciphers, it is the key that determines what functions are applied to the plaintext and in what order. The key provides the randomness of the encryption process. As stated earlier, most encryption algorithms are public, so people know how they work. The secret to the secret sauce is the key. In stream ciphers, the key also provides randomness, so that the stream of bits that is XORed to the plaintext is as random as possible. This concept is shown in Figure 3-36. As you can see in this graphic, both the sending and receiving ends must have the same key to generate the same keystream for proper encryption and decryption purposes.


Figure 3-36    The sender and receiver must have the same key to generate the same keystream.

Initialization Vectors

Initialization vectors (IVs) are random values that are used with algorithms to ensure patterns are not created during the encryption process. They are used with keys and do not need to be encrypted when being sent to the destination. If IVs are not used, then two identical plaintext values that are encrypted with the same key will create the same ciphertext. Providing attackers with these types of patterns can make their job easier in breaking the encryption method and uncovering the key. For example, if we have the plaintext value of “See Spot run” two times within our message, we need to make sure that even though there is a pattern in the plaintext message, a pattern in the resulting ciphertext will not be created. So the IV and key are both used by the algorithm to provide more randomness to the encryption process.

A strong and effective stream cipher contains the following characteristics:

•  Easy to implement in hardware    Complexity in the hardware design makes it more difficult to verify the correctness of the implementation and can slow it down.

•  Long periods of no repeating patterns within keystream values    Bits generated by the keystream are not truly random in most cases, which will eventually lead to the emergence of patterns; we want these patterns to be rare.

•  A keystream not linearly related to the key    If someone figures out the keystream values, that does not mean she now knows the key value.

•  Statistically unbiased keystream (as many zeroes as ones)    There should be no dominance in the number of zeroes or ones in the keystream.

Stream ciphers require a lot of randomness and encrypt individual bits at a time. This requires more processing power than block ciphers require, which is why stream ciphers are better suited to be implemented at the hardware level. Because block ciphers do not require as much processing power, they can be easily implemented at the software level.

Overall, stream ciphers are considered less secure than block ciphers and are used less frequently. One difficulty in proper stream cipher implementation is generating a truly random and unbiased keystream. Many stream ciphers have been broken because it was uncovered that their keystreams had redundancies. One way in which stream ciphers are advantageous compared to block ciphers is when streaming communication data needs to be encrypted. Stream ciphers can encrypt and decrypt more quickly and are able to scale better within increased bandwidth requirements. When real-time applications, as in VoIP or multimedia, have encryption requirements, it is common that stream ciphers are implemented to accomplish this task. It is also worth pointing out that a computational error in a block encryption may render one block undecipherable, whereas a single computation error in stream encryption will propagate through the remainder of the stream.

Cryptographic Transformation Techniques

We have covered diffusion, confusion, avalanche, IVs, and random number generation. Some other techniques used in algorithms to increase their cryptographic strength are listed here:

•  Compression    Reduce redundancy before plaintext is encrypted. Compression functions are run on the text before it goes into the encryption algorithm.

•  Expansion    Expanding the plaintext by duplicating values. Commonly used to increase the plaintext size to map to key sizes.

•  Padding    Adding material to plaintext data before it is encrypted.

•  Key mixing    Using a portion (subkey) of a key to limit the exposure of the key. Key schedules are used to generate subkeys from master keys.

Hybrid Encryption Methods

Up to this point, we have figured out that symmetric algorithms are fast but have some drawbacks (lack of scalability, difficult key management, and they provide only confidentiality). Asymmetric algorithms do not have these drawbacks but are very slow. We just can’t seem to win. So we turn to a hybrid system that uses symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods together.

Asymmetric and Symmetric Algorithms Used Together

Public key cryptography uses two keys (public and private) generated by an asymmetric algorithm for protecting encryption keys and key distribution, and a secret key is generated by a symmetric algorithm and used for bulk encryption. This is a hybrid use of the two different algorithms: asymmetric and symmetric. Each algorithm has its pros and cons, so using them together can be the best of both worlds.

In the hybrid approach, the two technologies are used in a complementary manner, with each performing a different function. A symmetric algorithm creates keys used for encrypting bulk data, and an asymmetric algorithm creates keys used for automated key distribution.

When a symmetric key is used for bulk data encryption, this key is used to encrypt the message you want to send. When your friend gets the message you encrypted, you want him to be able to decrypt it, so you need to send him the necessary symmetric key to use to decrypt the message. You do not want this key to travel unprotected, because if the message were intercepted and the key were not protected, an eavesdropper could intercept the message that contains the necessary key to decrypt your message and read your information. If the symmetric key needed to decrypt your message is not protected, there is no use in encrypting the message in the first place. So you should use an asymmetric algorithm to encrypt the symmetric key, as depicted in Figure 3-37. Why use the symmetric key on the message and the asymmetric key on the symmetric key? As stated earlier, the asymmetric algorithm takes longer because the math is more complex. Because your message is most likely going to be longer than the length of the key, you use the faster algorithm (symmetric) on the message and the slower algorithm (asymmetric) on the key.


Figure 3-37    In a hybrid system, the asymmetric key is used to encrypt the symmetric key, and the symmetric key is used to encrypt the message

How does this actually work? Let’s say Bill is sending Paul a message that Bill wants only Paul to be able to read. Bill encrypts his message with a secret key, so now Bill has ciphertext and a symmetric key. The key needs to be protected, so Bill encrypts the symmetric key with an asymmetric key. Remember that asymmetric algorithms use private and public keys, so Bill will encrypt the symmetric key with Paul’s public key. Now Bill has ciphertext from the message and ciphertext from the symmetric key. Why did Bill encrypt the symmetric key with Paul’s public key instead of his own private key? Because if Bill encrypted it with his own private key, then anyone with Bill’s public key could decrypt it and retrieve the symmetric key. However, Bill does not want anyone who has his public key to read his message to Paul. Bill only wants Paul to be able to read it. So Bill encrypts the symmetric key with Paul’s public key. If Paul has done a good job protecting his private key, he will be the only one who can read Bill’s message.

Paul receives Bill’s message, and Paul uses his private key to decrypt the symmetric key. Paul then uses the symmetric key to decrypt the message. Paul then reads Bill’s very important and confidential message that asks Paul how his day is.


Now when we say that Bill is using this key to encrypt and that Paul is using that key to decrypt, those two individuals do not necessarily need to find the key on their hard drive and know how to properly apply it. We have software to do this for us—thank goodness.

If this is your first time with these issues and you are struggling, don’t worry. Just remember the following points:

•  An asymmetric algorithm performs encryption and decryption by using public and private keys that are related to each other mathematically.

•  A symmetric algorithm performs encryption and decryption by using a shared secret key.

•  A symmetric key is used to encrypt and/or decrypt the actual message.

•  Public keys are used to encrypt the symmetric key for secure key exchange.

•  A secret key is synonymous with a symmetric key.

•  An asymmetric key refers to a public or private key.

So, that is how a hybrid system works. The symmetric algorithm uses a secret key that will be used to encrypt the bulk, or the message, and the asymmetric key encrypts the secret key for transmission.

Now to ensure that some of these concepts are driven home, ask these questions of yourself without reading the answers provided:

1. If a symmetric key is encrypted with a receiver’s public key, what security service(s) is (are) provided?

2. If data is encrypted with the sender’s private key, what security service(s) is (are) provided?

3. If the sender encrypts data with the receiver’s private key, what security services(s) is (are) provided?

4. Why do we encrypt the message with the symmetric key?

5. Why don’t we encrypt the symmetric key with another symmetric key?


1. Confidentiality, because only the receiver’s private key can be used to decrypt the symmetric key, and only the receiver should have access to this private key.

2. Authenticity of the sender and nonrepudiation. If the receiver can decrypt the encrypted data with the sender’s public key, then she knows the data was encrypted with the sender’s private key.

3. None, because no one but the owner of the private key should have access to it. Trick question.

4. Because the asymmetric key algorithm is too slow.

5. We need to get the necessary symmetric key to the destination securely, which can only be carried out through asymmetric cryptography via the use of public and private keys to provide a mechanism for secure transport of the symmetric key.

Session Keys

A session key is a single-use symmetric key that is used to encrypt messages between two users during a communication session. A session key is no different from the symmetric key described in the previous section, but it is only good for one communication session between users.

If Tanya has a symmetric key she uses to always encrypt messages between Lance and herself, then this symmetric key would not be regenerated or changed. They would use the same key every time they communicated using encryption. However, using the same key repeatedly increases the chances of the key being captured and the secure communication being compromised. If, on the other hand, a new symmetric key were generated each time Lance and Tanya wanted to communicate, as shown in Figure 3-38, it would be used only during their one dialogue and then destroyed. If they wanted to communicate an hour later, a new session key would be created and shared.


Figure 3-38    A session key is generated so all messages can be encrypted during one particular session between users.

A session key provides more protection than static symmetric keys because it is valid for only one session between two computers. If an attacker were able to capture the session key, she would have a very small window of time to use it to try to decrypt messages being passed back and forth.

In cryptography, almost all data encryption takes place through the use of session keys. When you write an e-mail and encrypt it before sending it over the wire, it is actually being encrypted with a session key. If you write another message to the same person one minute later, a brand-new session key is created to encrypt that new message. So if an eavesdropper happens to figure out one session key, that does not mean she has access to all other messages you write and send off.

When two computers want to communicate using encryption, they must first go through a handshaking process. The two computers agree on the encryption algorithms that will be used and exchange the session key that will be used for data encryption. In a sense, the two computers set up a virtual connection between each other and are said to be in session. When this session is done, each computer tears down any data structures it built to enable this communication to take place, releases the resources, and destroys the session key. These things are taken care of by operating systems and applications in the background, so a user would not necessarily need to be worried about using the wrong type of key for the wrong reason. The software will handle this, but it is important for security professionals to understand the difference between the key types and the issues that surround them.


CAUTION    Private and symmetric keys should not be available in cleartext. This may seem obvious to you, but there have been several implementations over time that have allowed for this type of compromise to take place.

Unfortunately, we don’t always seem to be able to call an apple an apple. In many types of technology, the exact same thing can have more than one name. You could see symmetric cryptography referred to as any of the following:

•  Secret key cryptography

•  Session key cryptography

•  Private key cryptography

•  Shared-key cryptography

We know the difference between secret keys (static) and session keys (dynamic), but what is this “single key” and “private key” mess? Well, using the term “single key” makes sense, because the sender and receiver are using one single key. It’s unfortunate that the term “private key” can be used to describe symmetric cryptography, because it only adds more confusion to the difference between symmetric cryptography (where one symmetric key is used) and asymmetric cryptography (where both a private and public key are used). You just need to remember this little quirk and still understand the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.

Types of Symmetric Systems

Several types of symmetric algorithms are used today. They have different methods of providing encryption and decryption functionality. The one thing they all have in common is that they are symmetric algorithms, meaning the sender and receiver are using two instances of the same key.

In this section, we will be walking through many of the following algorithms and their characteristics:

•  Data Encryption Standard (DES)

•  Triple-DES (3DES)

•  Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

•  International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)

•  Blowfish

•  RC4, RC5, and RC6

Data Encryption Standard

Data Encryption Standard (DES) has had a long and rich history within the computer community. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) researched the need for the protection of sensitive but unclassified data during the 1960s and initiated a cryptography program in the early 1970s. NIST invited vendors to submit data encryption algorithms to be used as a cryptographic standard. IBM had already been developing encryption algorithms to protect financial transactions. In 1974, IBM’s 128-bit algorithm, named Lucifer, was submitted and accepted. The NSA modified this algorithm to use a key size of 64 bits (with 8 bits used for parity, resulting in an effective key length of 56 bits) instead of the original 128 bits, and named it the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA). Controversy arose about whether the NSA weakened Lucifer on purpose to enable it to decrypt messages not intended for it, but in the end the modified Lucifer became a national cryptographic standard in 1977 and an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard in 1978.


EXAM TIP    DEA is the algorithm that fulfills DES, which is really just a standard. So DES is the standard and DEA is the algorithm, but in the industry we usually just refer to it as DES. The CISSP exam may refer to the algorithm by either name, so remember both.

DES has been implemented in a majority of commercial products using cryptography functionality and in the applications of almost all government agencies. It was tested and approved as one of the strongest and most efficient cryptographic algorithms available. The continued overwhelming support of the algorithm is what caused the most confusion when the NSA announced in 1986 that, as of January 1988, the agency would no longer endorse DES and that DES-based products would no longer fall under compliance with Federal Standard 1027. The NSA felt that because DES had been so popular for so long, it would surely be targeted for penetration and become useless as an official standard. Many researchers disagreed, but the NSA wanted to move on to a newer, more secure, and less popular algorithm as the new standard.

The NSA’s decision to drop its support for DES caused major concern and negative feedback. At that time, it was shown that DES still provided the necessary level of protection; that projections estimated a computer would require thousands of years to crack DES; that DES was already embedded in thousands of products; and that there was no equivalent substitute. The NSA reconsidered its decision, and NIST ended up recertifying DES for another five years.

In 1998, the Electronic Frontier Foundation built a computer system for $250,000 that broke DES in three days by using a brute-force attack against the keyspace. It contained 1,536 microprocessors running at 40 MHz, which performed 60 million test decryptions per second per chip. Although most people do not have these types of systems to conduct such attacks, the rise of technologies such as botnets and cloud computing make this feasible for the average attacker. This brought about 3DES, which provides stronger protection, as discussed later in the chapter.

DES was later replaced by the Rijndael algorithm as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) by NIST. This means that Rijndael is the new approved method of encrypting sensitive but unclassified information for the U.S. government; it has been accepted by, and is widely used in, the public arena today.

How Does DES Work?

DES is a symmetric block encryption algorithm. When 64-bit blocks of plaintext go in, 64-bit blocks of ciphertext come out. It is also a symmetric algorithm, meaning the same key is used for encryption and decryption. It uses a 64-bit key: 56 bits make up the true key, and 8 bits are used for parity.

When the DES algorithm is applied to data, it divides the message into blocks and operates on them one at a time. The blocks are put through 16 rounds of transposition and substitution functions. The order and type of transposition and substitution functions depend on the value of the key used with the algorithm. The result is 64-bit blocks of ciphertext.

What Does It Mean When an Algorithm Is Broken?

As described in an earlier section, DES was finally broken with a dedicated computer (lovingly named the DES Cracker, aka Deep Crack). But what does “broken” really mean?

In most instances, an algorithm is broken if someone is able to uncover a key that was used during an encryption process. So let’s say Kevin encrypted a message and sent it to Valerie. Marc captures this encrypted message and carries out a brute-force attack on it, which means he tries to decrypt the message with different keys until he uncovers the right one. Once he identifies this key, the algorithm is considered broken. So does that mean the algorithm is worthless? It depends on who your enemies are.

If an algorithm is broken through a brute-force attack, this just means the attacker identified the one key that was used for one instance of encryption. But in proper implementations, we should be encrypting data with session keys, which are good only for that one session. So even if the attacker uncovers one session key, it may be useless to the attacker, in which case he now has to work to identify a new session key.

If your information is of sufficient value that enemies or thieves would exert a lot of resources to break the encryption (as may be the case for financial transactions or military secrets), you would not use an algorithm that has been broken. If you are encrypting messages to your mother about a meatloaf recipe, you likely are not going to worry about whether the algorithm has been broken.

So defeating an algorithm can take place through brute-force attacks or by identifying weaknesses in the algorithm itself. Brute-force attacks have increased in potency because of the increased processing capacity of computers today. An algorithm that uses a 40-bit key has around 1 trillion possible key values. If a 56-bit key is used, then there are approximately 72 quadrillion different key values. This may seem like a lot, but relative to today’s computing power, these key sizes do not provide much protection at all.

On a final note, algorithms are built on the current understanding of mathematics. As the human race advances in mathematics, the level of protection that today’s algorithms provide may crumble.

DES Modes

Block ciphers have several modes of operation. Each mode specifies how a block cipher will operate. One mode may work better in one type of environment for specific functionality, whereas another mode may work better in another environment with totally different requirements. It is important that vendors who employ DES (or any block cipher) understand the different modes and which one to use for which purpose.

DES and other symmetric block ciphers have several distinct modes of operation that are used in different situations for different results. You just need to understand five of them:

•  Electronic Code Book (ECB)

•  Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

•  Cipher Feedback (CFB)

•  Output Feedback (OFB)

•  Counter (CTR)

Electronic Code Book (ECB) Mode    ECB mode operates like a code book. A 64-bit data block is entered into the algorithm with a key, and a block of ciphertext is produced. For a given block of plaintext and a given key, the same block of ciphertext is always produced. Not all messages end up in neat and tidy 64-bit blocks, so ECB incorporates padding to address this problem. ECB is the easiest and fastest mode to use, but as we will see, it has its dangers.

A key is basically instructions for the use of a code book that dictates how a block of text will be encrypted and decrypted. The code book provides the recipe of substitutions and permutations that will be performed on the block of plaintext. The security issue with using ECB mode is that each block is encrypted with the exact same key, and thus the exact same code book. So, two bad things can happen here: an attacker could uncover the key and thus have the key to decrypt all the blocks of data, or an attacker could gather the ciphertext and plaintext of each block and build the code book that was used, without needing the key.

The crux of the problem is that there is not enough randomness to the process of encrypting the independent blocks, so if this mode is used to encrypt a large amount of data, it could be cracked more easily than the other modes that block ciphers can work in. So the next question to ask is, why even use this mode? This mode is the fastest and easiest, so we use it to encrypt small amounts of data, such as PINs, challenge-response values in authentication processes, and encrypting keys.

Because this mode works with blocks of data independently, data within a file does not have to be encrypted in a certain order. This is very helpful when using encryption in databases. A database has different pieces of data accessed in a random fashion. If it is encrypted in ECB mode, then any record or table can be added, encrypted, deleted, or decrypted independently of any other table or record. Other DES modes are dependent upon the text encrypted before them. This dependency makes it harder to encrypt and decrypt smaller amounts of text, because the previous encrypted text would need to be decrypted first. (After we cover chaining in the next section, this dependency will make more sense.)

ECB mode does not use chaining, so you should not use it to encrypt large amounts of data because patterns would eventually show themselves.

Some important characteristics of ECB mode encryption are as follows:

•  Operations can be run in parallel, which decreases processing time.

•  Errors are contained. If an error takes place during the encryption process, it only affects one block of data.

•  It is only usable for the encryption of short messages.

•  It cannot carry out preprocessing functions before receiving plaintext.

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode    In ECB mode, a block of plaintext and a key will always give the same ciphertext. This means that if the word “balloon” were encrypted and the resulting ciphertext was “hwicssn,” each time it was encrypted using the same key, the same ciphertext would always be given. This can show evidence of a pattern, enabling an eavesdropper, with some effort, to discover the pattern and get a step closer to compromising the encryption process.

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode does not reveal a pattern because each block of text, the key, and the value based on the previous block are processed in the algorithm and applied to the next block of text, as shown in Figure 3-39. This results in more random ciphertext. Ciphertext is extracted and used from the previous block of text. This provides dependence between the blocks, in a sense chaining them together. This is where the name Cipher Block Chaining comes from, and it is this chaining effect that hides any patterns.


Figure 3-39    In CBC mode, the ciphertext from the previous block of data is used in encrypting the next block of data.

The results of one block are XORed with the next block before it is encrypted, meaning each block is used to modify the following block. This chaining effect means that a particular ciphertext block is dependent upon all blocks before it, not just the previous block.

As an analogy, let’s say you have five buckets of marbles. Each bucket contains a specific color of marbles: red, blue, yellow, black, and green. You shake and tumble (encrypt) the first bucket of red marbles (block of bits) to get them all mixed up. Then you take the second bucket of marbles, which are blue, and pour in the red marbles and go through the same exercise of shaking and tumbling them. You pour this bucket of red and blue marbles into your next bucket of yellow marbles and shake them all up. This illustrates the incorporated randomness that is added when using chaining in a block encryption process.

When we encrypt our very first block using CBC, we do not have a previous block of ciphertext to “dump in” and use to add the necessary randomness to the encryption process. If we do not add a piece of randomness when encrypting this first block, then the bad guys could identify patterns, work backward, and uncover the key. So, we use an initialization vector (IVs were introduced previously in the “Initialization Vectors” section). The 64-bit IV is XORed with the first block of plaintext, and then it goes through its encryption process. The result of that (ciphertext) is XORed with the second block of plaintext, and then the second block is encrypted. This continues for the whole message. It is the chaining that adds the necessary randomness that allows us to use CBC mode to encrypt large files. Neither the individual blocks nor the whole message will show patterns that will allow an attacker to reverse-engineer and uncover the key.

If we choose a different IV each time we encrypt a message, even if it is the same message, the ciphertext will always be unique. This means that if you send the same message out to 50 people and encrypt each message using a different IV, the ciphertext for each message will be different. Pretty nifty.

Cipher Feedback (CFB) Mode    Sometimes block ciphers can emulate a stream cipher. Before we dig into how this would happen, let’s first look at why. If you are going to send an encrypted e-mail to your boss, your e-mail client will use a symmetric block cipher working in CBC mode. The e-mail client would not use ECB mode because most messages are long enough to show patterns that can be used to reverse-engineer the process and uncover the encryption key. The CBC mode is great to use when you need to send large chunks of data at a time. But what if you are not sending large chunks of data at one time, but instead are sending a steady stream of data to a destination? If you are working on a terminal that communicates with a back-end terminal server, what is really going on is that each keystroke and mouse movement you make is sent to the back-end server in chunks of 8 bits to be processed. So even though it seems as though the computer you are working on is carrying out your commands and doing the processing you are requesting, it is not—this is happening on the server. Thus, if you need to encrypt the data that goes from your terminal to the terminal server, you could not use CBC mode because it only encrypts blocks of data 64 bits in size. You have blocks of 8 bits that you need to encrypt. So what do you do now? We have just the mode for this type of situation!

Figure 3-40 illustrates how Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode works, which is really a combination of a block cipher and a stream cipher. For the first block of 8 bits that needs to be encrypted, we do the same thing we did in CBC mode, which is to use an IV. Recall how stream ciphers work: The key and the IV are used by the algorithm to create a keystream, which is just a random set of bits. This set of bits is XORed to the block of plaintext, which results in the same size block of ciphertext. So the first block (8 bits) is XORed to the set of bits created through the keystream generator. Two things take place with this resulting 8-bit block of ciphertext. One copy goes over the wire to the destination (in our scenario, to the terminal server), and another copy is used to encrypt the next block of 8-bit plaintext. Adding this copy of ciphertext to the encryption process of the next block adds more randomness to the encryption process.


Figure 3-40    A block cipher working in CFB mode

We walked through a scenario where 8-bit blocks needed to be encrypted, but in reality, CFB mode can be used to encrypt any size blocks, even blocks of just 1 bit. But since most of our encoding maps 8 bits to one character, using CFB to encrypt 8-bit blocks is very common.


NOTE    When using CBC mode, it is a good idea to use a unique IV value per message, but this is not necessary since the message being encrypted is usually very large. When using CFB mode, you are encrypting a smaller amount of data, so it is imperative a new IV value be used to encrypt each new stream of data.

Output Feedback (OFB) Mode    As you have read, you can use ECB mode for the process of encrypting small amounts of data, such as a key or PIN value. These components will be around 64 bits or more, so ECB mode works as a true block cipher. You can use CBC mode to encrypt larger amounts of data in block sizes of 64 bits. In situations where you need to encrypt a smaller amount of data, you need the cipher to work like a stream cipher and to encrypt individual bits of the blocks, as in CFB. In some cases, you still need to encrypt a small amount of data at a time (1 to 8 bits), but you need to ensure possible errors do not affect your encryption and decryption processes.

If you look back at Figure 3-40, you see that the ciphertext from the previous block is used to encrypt the next block of plaintext. What if a bit in the first ciphertext gets corrupted? Then we have corrupted values going into the process of encrypting the next block of plaintext, and this problem just continues because of the use of chaining in this mode. Now look at Figure 3-41. It looks terribly similar to Figure 3-40, but notice that the values used to encrypt the next block of plaintext are coming directly from the keystream, not from the resulting ciphertext. This is the difference between the two modes.


Figure 3-41    A block cipher working in OFB mode

If you need to encrypt something that would be very sensitive to these types of errors, such as digitized video or digitized voice signals, you should not use CFB mode. You should use OFB mode instead, which reduces the chance that these types of bit corruptions can take place.

So Output Feedback (OFB) is a mode that a block cipher can work in when it needs to emulate a stream because it encrypts small amounts of data at a time, but it has a smaller chance of creating and extending errors throughout the full encryption process.

To ensure OFB and CFB are providing the most protection possible, the size of the ciphertext (in CFB) or keystream values (in OFB) needs to be the same size as the block of plaintext being encrypted. This means that if you are using CFB and are encrypting 8 bits at a time, the ciphertext you bring forward from the previous encryption block needs to be 8 bits. Otherwise, you are repeating values over and over, which introduces patterns. (This is the same reason why a one-time pad should be used only one time and should be as long as the message itself.)

Counter (CTR) Mode    Counter (CTR) mode is very similar to OFB mode, but instead of using a randomly unique IV value to generate the keystream values, this mode uses an IV counter that increments for each plaintext block that needs to be encrypted. The unique counter ensures that each block is XORed with a unique keystream value.

The other difference is that there is no chaining involved, which means no ciphertext is brought forward to encrypt the next block. Since there is no chaining, the encryption of the individual blocks can happen in parallel, which increases the performance. The main reason CTR mode would be used instead of the other modes is performance.


CTR mode has been around for quite some time and is used in encrypting ATM cells for virtual circuits, in IPSec, and in the wireless security standard IEEE 802.11i. A developer would choose to use this mode in these situations because individual ATM cells or packets going through an IPSec tunnel or over radio frequencies may not arrive at the destination in order. Since chaining is not involved, the destination can decrypt and begin processing the packets without having to wait for the full message to arrive and then decrypt all the data.


We went from DES to Triple-DES (3DES), so it might seem we skipped Double-DES. We did. Double-DES has a key length of 112 bits, but there is a specific attack against Double-DES that reduces its work factor to about the same as DES. Thus, it is no more secure than DES. So let’s move on to 3DES.

Many successful attacks against DES and the realization that the useful lifetime of DES was about up brought much support for 3DES. NIST knew that a new standard had to be created, which ended up being AES (discussed in the next section), but a quick fix was needed in the meantime to provide more protection for sensitive data. The result: 3DES (aka TDEA—Triple Data Encryption Algorithm).

3DES uses 48 rounds in its computation, which makes it highly resistant to differential cryptanalysis. However, because of the extra work 3DES performs, there is a heavy performance hit. It can take up to three times longer than DES to perform encryption and decryption.

Although NIST has selected the Rijndael algorithm to replace DES as the AES, NIST and others expect 3DES to be around and used for quite some time.

3DES can work in different modes, and the mode chosen dictates the number of keys used and what functions are carried out:

•  DES-EEE3    Uses three different keys for encryption, and the data is encrypted, encrypted, encrypted.

•  DES-EDE3    Uses three different keys for encryption, and the data is encrypted, decrypted, encrypted.

•  DES-EEE2    The same as DES-EEE3, but uses only two keys, and the first and third encryption processes use the same key.

•  DES-EDE2    The same as DES-EDE3, but uses only two keys, and the first and third encryption processes use the same key.

EDE may seem a little odd at first. How much protection could be provided by encrypting something, decrypting it, and encrypting it again? The decrypting portion here is decrypted with a different key. When data is encrypted with one symmetric key and decrypted with a different symmetric key, it is jumbled even more. So the data is not actually decrypted in the middle function; it is just run through a decryption process with a different key. Pretty tricky.

Advanced Encryption Standard

After DES was used as an encryption standard for over 20 years and it was cracked in a relatively short time once the necessary technology was available, NIST decided a new standard, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), needed to be put into place. In January 1997, NIST announced its request for AES candidates and outlined the requirements in FIPS PUB 197. AES was to be a symmetric block cipher supporting key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits. The following five algorithms were the finalists:

•  MARS    Developed by the IBM team that created Lucifer

•  RC6    Developed by RSA Laboratories

•  Serpent    Developed by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, and Lars Knudsen

•  Twofish    Developed by Counterpane Systems

•  Rijndael    Developed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen

Out of these contestants, Rijndael was chosen. The block sizes that Rijndael supports are 128, 192, and 256 bits. The number of rounds depends upon the size of the block and the key length:

•  If both the key and block size are 128 bits, there are 10 rounds.

•  If both the key and block size are 192 bits, there are 12 rounds.

•  If both the key and block size are 256 bits, there are 14 rounds.

Rijndael works well when implemented in software and hardware in a wide range of products and environments. It has low memory requirements and has been constructed to easily defend against timing attacks.

Rijndael was NIST’s choice to replace DES. It is now the algorithm required to protect sensitive but unclassified U.S. government information.


TIP    DEA is the algorithm used within DES, and Rijndael is the algorithm used in AES. In the industry, we refer to these as DES and AES instead of by the actual algorithms.

International Data Encryption Algorithm

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) is a block cipher and operates on 64-bit blocks of data. The 64-bit data block is divided into 16 smaller blocks, and each has eight rounds of mathematical functions performed on it. The key is 128 bits long, and IDEA is faster than DES when implemented in software.

The IDEA algorithm offers different modes similar to the modes described in the DES section, but it is considered harder to break than DES because it has a longer key size. IDEA is used in PGP and other encryption software implementations. It was thought to replace DES, but it is patented, meaning that licensing fees would have to be paid to use it.

As of this writing, there have been no successful practical attacks against this algorithm, although there have been numerous attempts.


Blowfish is a block cipher that works on 64-bit blocks of data. The key length can be anywhere from 32 bits up to 448 bits, and the data blocks go through 16 rounds of cryptographic functions. It was intended as a replacement to the aging DES. While many of the other algorithms have been proprietary and thus encumbered by patents or kept as government secrets, this isn’t the case with Blowfish. Bruce Schneier, the creator of Blowfish, has stated, “Blowfish is unpatented, and will remain so in all countries. The algorithm is hereby placed in the public domain, and can be freely used by anyone.” Nice guy.


RC4 is one of the most commonly implemented stream ciphers. It has a variable key size, is used in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, and was (improperly) implemented in the 802.11 WEP protocol standard. RC4 was developed in 1987 by Ron Rivest and was considered a trade secret of RSA Data Security, Inc., until someone posted the source code on a mailing list. Since the source code was released nefariously, the stolen algorithm is sometimes implemented and referred to as ArcFour or ARC4 because the title RC4 is trademarked.

The algorithm is very simple, fast, and efficient, which is why it became so popular. But it is vulnerable to modification attacks. This is one reason that IEEE 802.11i moved from the RC4 algorithm to the AES algorithm.


RC5 is a block cipher that has a variety of parameters it can use for block size, key size, and the number of rounds used. It was created by Ron Rivest. The block sizes used in this algorithm are 32, 64, or 128 bits, and the key size goes up to 2,048 bits. The number of rounds used for encryption and decryption is also variable. The number of rounds can go up to 255.


RC6 is a block cipher that was built upon RC5, so it has all the same attributes as RC5. The algorithm was developed mainly to be submitted as AES, but Rijndael was chosen instead. There were some modifications of the RC5 algorithm to increase the overall speed, the result of which is RC6.

Types of Asymmetric Systems

As described earlier in the chapter, using purely symmetric key cryptography has three drawbacks, which affect the following:

•  Security services    Purely symmetric key cryptography provides confidentiality only, not authentication or nonrepudiation.

•  Scalability    As the number of people who need to communicate increases, so does the number of symmetric keys required, meaning more keys must be managed.

•  Secure key distribution    The symmetric key must be delivered to its destination through a secure courier.

Despite these drawbacks, symmetric key cryptography was all that the computing society had available for encryption for quite some time. Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography did not arrive on the same day or even in the same decade. We dealt with the issues surrounding symmetric cryptography for quite some time, waiting for someone smarter to come along and save us from some of this grief.

Diffie-Hellman Algorithm

The first group to address the shortfalls of symmetric key cryptography decided to attack the issue of secure distribution of the symmetric key. Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman worked on this problem and ended up developing the first asymmetric key agreement algorithm, called, naturally, Diffie-Hellman.

To understand how Diffie-Hellman works, consider an example. Let’s say that Tanya and Erika would like to communicate over an encrypted channel by using Diffie-Hellman. They would both generate a private and public key pair and exchange public keys. Tanya’s software would take her private key (which is just a numeric value) and Erika’s public key (another numeric value) and put them through the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Erika’s software would take her private key and Tanya’s public key and insert them into the Diffie-Hellman algorithm on her computer. Through this process, Tanya and Erika derive the same shared value, which is used to create instances of symmetric keys.

So, Tanya and Erika exchanged information that did not need to be protected (their public keys) over an untrusted network, and in turn generated the exact same symmetric key on each system. They both can now use these symmetric keys to encrypt, transmit, and decrypt information as they communicate with each other.


NOTE    The preceding example describes key agreement, which is different from key exchange, the functionality used by the other asymmetric algorithms that will be discussed in this chapter. With key exchange functionality, the sender encrypts the symmetric key with the receiver’s public key before transmission.

The Diffie-Hellman algorithm enables two systems to generate a symmetric key securely without requiring a previous relationship or prior arrangements. The algorithm allows for key distribution, but does not provide encryption or digital signature functionality. The algorithm is based on the difficulty of calculating discrete logarithms in a finite field.

The original Diffie-Hellman algorithm is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack, because no authentication occurs before public keys are exchanged. In our example, when Tanya sends her public key to Erika, how does Erika really know it is Tanya’s public key? What if Lance spoofed his identity, told Erika he was Tanya, and sent over his key? Erika would accept this key, thinking it came from Tanya. Let’s walk through the steps of how this type of attack would take place, as illustrated in Figure 3-42:


Figure 3-42    A man-in-the-middle attack

1. Tanya sends her public key to Erika, but Lance grabs the key during transmission so it never makes it to Erika.

2. Lance spoofs Tanya’s identity and sends over his public key to Erika. Erika now thinks she has Tanya’s public key.

3. Erika sends her public key to Tanya, but Lance grabs the key during transmission so it never makes it to Tanya.

4. Lance spoofs Erika’s identity and sends over his public key to Tanya. Tanya now thinks she has Erika’s public key.

5. Tanya combines her private key and Lance’s public key and creates symmetric key S1.

6. Lance combines his private key and Tanya’s public key and creates symmetric key S1.

7. Erika combines her private key and Lance’s public key and creates symmetric key S2.

8. Lance combines his private key and Erika’s public key and creates symmetric key S2.

9. Now Tanya and Lance share a symmetric key (S1) and Erika and Lance share a different symmetric key (S2). Tanya and Erika think they are sharing a key between themselves and do not realize Lance is involved.

10. Tanya writes a message to Erika, uses her symmetric key (S1) to encrypt the message, and sends it.

11. Lance grabs the message and decrypts it with symmetric key S1, reads or modifies the message and re-encrypts it with symmetric key S2, and then sends it to Erika.

12. Erika takes symmetric key S2 and uses it to decrypt and read the message.

The countermeasure to this type of attack is to have authentication take place before accepting someone’s public key. The basic idea is that we use some sort of certificate to attest the identity of the party on the other side before trusting the data we receive from it. One of the most common ways to do this authentication is through the use of the RSA cryptosystem, which we describe next.


NOTE    MQV (Menezes-Qu-Vanstone) is an authentication key agreement cryptography function very similar to Diffie-Hellman. The users’ public keys are exchanged to create session keys. It provides protection from an attacker figuring out the session key because the attacker would need to have both users’ private keys.


RSA, named after its inventors Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, is a public key algorithm that is the most popular when it comes to asymmetric algorithms. RSA is a worldwide de facto standard and can be used for digital signatures, key exchange, and encryption. It was developed in 1978 at MIT and provides authentication as well as key encryption.

The security of this algorithm comes from the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their original prime numbers. The public and private keys are functions of a pair of large prime numbers, and the necessary activity required to decrypt a message from ciphertext to plaintext using a private key is comparable to factoring a product into two prime numbers.


NOTE    A prime number is a positive whole number whose only factors (i.e., integer divisors) are 1 and the number itself.

One advantage of using RSA is that it can be used for encryption and digital signatures. Using its one-way function, RSA provides encryption and signature verification, and the inverse direction performs decryption and signature generation.

RSA has been implemented in applications; in operating systems by Microsoft, Apple, Sun, and Novell; and at the hardware level in network interface cards, secure telephones, and smart cards. It can be used as a key exchange protocol, meaning it is used to encrypt the symmetric key to get it securely to its destination. RSA has been most commonly used with the symmetric algorithm DES, which is quickly being replaced with AES. So, when RSA is used as a key exchange protocol, a cryptosystem generates a symmetric key using either the DES or AES algorithm. Then the system encrypts the symmetric key with the receiver’s public key and sends it to the receiver. The symmetric key is protected because only the individual with the corresponding private key can decrypt and extract the symmetric key.

Diving into Numbers

Cryptography is really all about using mathematics to scramble bits into an undecipherable form and then using the same mathematics in reverse to put the bits back into a form that can be understood by computers and people. RSA’s mathematics are based on the difficulty of factoring a large integer into its two prime factors. Put on your nerdy hat with the propeller and let’s look at how this algorithm works.

The algorithm creates a public key and a private key from a function of large prime numbers. When data is encrypted with a public key, only the corresponding private key can decrypt the data. This act of decryption is basically the same as factoring the product of two prime numbers. So, let’s say Ken has a secret (encrypted message), and for you to be able to uncover the secret, you have to take a specific large number and factor it and come up with the two numbers Ken has written down on a piece of paper. This may sound simplistic, but the number you must properly factor can be 22048 in size. Not as easy as you may think.

The following sequence describes how the RSA algorithm comes up with the keys in the first place:

1. Choose two random large prime numbers, p and q.

2. Generate the product of these numbers: n = pq. n is used as the modulus.

3. Choose a random integer e (the public key) that is greater than 1 but less than (p – 1)(q – 1). Make sure that e and (p – 1)(q – 1) are relatively prime.

4. Compute the corresponding private key, d, such that de – 1 is a multiple of (p – 1)(q – 1).

5. The public key = (n, e).

6. The private key = (n, d).

7. The original prime numbers p and q are discarded securely.

We now have our public and private keys, but how do they work together?

If you need to encrypt message m with your public key (e, n), the following formula is carried out:

C = me mod n

Then you need to decrypt the message with your private key (d), so the following formula is carried out:

M = cd mod n

You may be thinking, “Well, I don’t understand these formulas, but they look simple enough. Why couldn’t someone break these small formulas and uncover the encryption key?” Maybe someone will one day. As the human race advances in its understanding of mathematics and as processing power increases and cryptanalysis evolves, the RSA algorithm may be broken one day. If we were to figure out how to quickly and more easily factor large numbers into their original prime values, all of these cards would fall down, and this algorithm would no longer provide the security it does today. But we have not hit that bump in the road yet, so we are all happily using RSA in our computing activities.

One-Way Functions

A one-way function is a mathematical function that is easier to compute in one direction than in the opposite direction. An analogy of this is when you drop a glass on the floor. Although dropping a glass on the floor is easy, putting all the pieces back together again to reconstruct the original glass is next to impossible. This concept is similar to how a one-way function is used in cryptography, which is what the RSA algorithm, and all other asymmetric algorithms, are based upon.

The easy direction of computation in the one-way function that is used in the RSA algorithm is the process of multiplying two large prime numbers. Multiplying the two numbers to get the resulting product is much easier than factoring the product and recovering the two initial large prime numbers used to calculate the obtained product, which is the difficult direction. RSA is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers that are the product of two large prime numbers. Attacks on these types of cryptosystems do not necessarily try every possible key value, but rather try to factor the large number, which will give the attacker the private key.

When a user encrypts a message with a public key, this message is encoded with a one-way function (breaking a glass). This function supplies a trapdoor (knowledge of how to put the glass back together), but the only way the trapdoor can be taken advantage of is if it is known about and the correct code is applied. The private key provides this service. The private key knows about the trapdoor, knows how to derive the original prime numbers, and has the necessary programming code to take advantage of this secret trapdoor to unlock the encoded message (reassembling the broken glass). Knowing about the trapdoor and having the correct functionality to take advantage of it are what make the private key private.

When a one-way function is carried out in the easy direction, encryption and digital signature verification functionality are available. When the one-way function is carried out in the hard direction, decryption and signature generation functionality are available. This means only the public key can carry out encryption and signature verification and only the private key can carry out decryption and signature generation.

As explained earlier in this chapter, work factor is the amount of time and resources it would take for someone to break an encryption method. In asymmetric algorithms, the work factor relates to the difference in time and effort that carrying out a one-way function in the easy direction takes compared to carrying out a one-way function in the hard direction. In most cases, the larger the key size, the longer it would take for the bad guy to carry out the one-way function in the hard direction (decrypt a message).

The crux of this section is that all asymmetric algorithms provide security by using mathematical equations that are easy to perform in one direction and next to impossible to perform in the other direction. The “hard” direction is based on a “hard” mathematical problem. RSA’s hard mathematical problem requires factoring large numbers into their original prime numbers. Diffie-Hellman and El Gamal are based on the difficulty of calculating logarithms in a finite field.

El Gamal

El Gamal is a public key algorithm that can be used for digital signatures, encryption, and key exchange. It is based not on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, but on calculating discrete logarithms in a finite field. A discrete logarithm is the power to which we must raise a given integer in order to get another given integer. In other words, if b and g are integers, then k is the logarithm in the equation bk = g. When the numbers are large, calculating the logarithm becomes very difficult. In fact, we know of no efficient way of doing this using modern computers. This is what makes discrete logarithms useful in cryptography. El Gamal is actually an extension of the Diffie-Hellman algorithm.

Although El Gamal provides the same type of functionality as some of the other asymmetric algorithms, its main drawback is performance. When compared to other algorithms, this algorithm is usually the slowest.

Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

Elliptic curves are rich mathematical structures that have shown usefulness in many different types of applications. An elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) provides much of the same functionality RSA provides: digital signatures, secure key distribution, and encryption. One differing factor is ECC’s efficiency. ECC is more efficient than RSA and any other asymmetric algorithm.

Figure 3-43 is an example of an elliptic curve. In this field of mathematics, points on the curve compose a structure called a group. These points are the values used in mathematical formulas for ECC’s encryption and decryption processes. The algorithm computes discrete logarithms of elliptic curves, which is different from calculating discrete logarithms in a finite field (which is what Diffie-Hellman and El Gamal use).


Figure 3-43    Elliptic curve

Some devices have limited processing capacity, storage, power supply, and bandwidth, such as wireless devices and cellular telephones. With these types of devices, efficiency of resource use is very important. ECC provides encryption functionality, requiring a smaller percentage of the resources compared to RSA and other algorithms, so it is used in these types of devices.

In most cases, the longer the key, the more protection that is provided, but ECC can provide the same level of protection with a key size that is shorter than what RSA requires. Because longer keys require more resources to perform mathematical tasks, the smaller keys used in ECC require fewer resources of the device.


Over the years, different versions of knapsack algorithms have arisen. The first to be developed, Merkle-Hellman, could be used only for encryption, but it was later improved upon to provide digital signature capabilities. These types of algorithms are based on the “knapsack problem,” a mathematical dilemma that poses the following question: If you have several different items, each having its own weight, is it possible to add these items to a knapsack so the knapsack has a specific weight?

This algorithm was discovered to be insecure and is not currently used in cryptosystems.

Zero Knowledge Proof

When military representatives are briefing the news media about some big world event, they have one goal in mind: Tell the story that the public is supposed to hear and nothing more. Do not provide extra information that someone could use to infer more information than they are supposed to know. The military has this goal because it knows that not just the good guys are watching CNN. This is an example of zero knowledge proof. You tell someone just the information they need to know without “giving up the farm.”

Zero knowledge proof is used in cryptography also. For example, if Irene encrypts something with her private key, you can verify her private key was used by decrypting the data with her public key. By encrypting something with her private key, Irene is proving to you that she has her private key—but she does not give or show you her private key. Irene does not “give up the farm” by disclosing her private key. In a zero knowledge proof, the verifier cannot prove to another entity that this proof is real because the verifier does not have the private key to prove it. So, only the owner of the private key can prove she has possession of the key.

Message Integrity

Parity bits and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) functions have been used in protocols to detect modifications in streams of bits as they are passed from one computer to another, but they can usually detect only unintentional modifications. Unintentional modifications can happen if a spike occurs in the power supply, if there is interference or attenuation on a wire, or if some other type of physical condition happens that causes the corruption of bits as they travel from one destination to another. Parity bits cannot identify whether a message was captured by an intruder, altered, and then sent on to the intended destination. The intruder can just recalculate a new parity value that includes his changes, and the receiver would never know the difference. For this type of protection, hash algorithms are required to successfully detect intentional and unintentional unauthorized modifications to data. We will now dive into hash algorithms and their characteristics.

The One-Way Hash

A one-way hash is a function that takes a variable-length string (a message) and produces a fixed-length value called a hash value. For example, if Kevin wants to send a message to Maureen and he wants to ensure the message does not get altered in an unauthorized fashion while it is being transmitted, he would calculate a hash value for the message and append it to the message itself. When Maureen receives the message, she performs the same hashing function Kevin used and then compares her result with the hash value sent with the message. If the two values are the same, Maureen can be sure the message was not altered during transmission. If the two values are different, Maureen knows the message was altered, either intentionally or unintentionally, and she discards the message.

The hashing algorithm is not a secret—it is publicly known. The secrecy of the one-way hashing function is its “one-wayness.” The function is run in only one direction, not the other direction. This is different from the one-way function used in public key cryptography, in which security is provided based on the fact that, without knowing a trapdoor, it is very hard to perform the one-way function backward on a message and come up with readable plaintext. However, one-way hash functions are never used in reverse; they create a hash value and call it a day. The receiver does not attempt to reverse the process at the other end, but instead runs the same hashing function one way and compares the two results.

The hashing one-way function takes place without the use of any keys. This means, for example, that if Cheryl writes a message, calculates a message digest, appends the digest to the message, and sends it on to Scott, Bruce can intercept this message, alter Cheryl’s message, recalculate another message digest, append it to the message, and send it on to Scott. When Scott receives it, he verifies the message digest, but never knows the message was actually altered by Bruce. Scott thinks the message came straight from Cheryl and was never modified because the two message digest values are the same. If Cheryl wanted more protection than this, she would need to use message authentication code (MAC).

A MAC function is an authentication scheme derived by applying a secret key to a message in some form. This does not mean the symmetric key is used to encrypt the message, though. You should be aware of three basic types of MAC functions: a hash MAC (HMAC), CBC-MAC, and CMAC.


In the previous example, if Cheryl were to use an HMAC function instead of just a plain hashing algorithm, a symmetric key would be concatenated with her message. The result of this process would be put through a hashing algorithm, and the result would be a MAC value. This MAC value would then be appended to her message and sent to Scott. If Bruce were to intercept this message and modify it, he would not have the necessary symmetric key to create the MAC value that Scott will attempt to generate. Figure 3-44 walks through these steps.


Figure 3-44    The steps involved in using a hashing algorithm and HMAC function

The top portion of Figure 3-44 shows the steps of a hashing process:

1. The sender puts the message through a hashing function.

2. A message digest value is generated.

3. The message digest is appended to the message.

4. The sender sends the message to the receiver.

5. The receiver puts the message through a hashing function.

6. The receiver generates her own message digest value.

7. The receiver compares the two message digest values. If they are the same, the message has not been altered.

The bottom half of Figure 3-44 shows the steps of an HMAC function:

1. The sender concatenates a symmetric key with the message.

2. The result is put through a hashing algorithm.

3. A MAC value is generated.

4. The MAC value is appended to the message.

5. The sender sends the message to the receiver. (Just the message with the attached MAC value. The sender does not send the symmetric key with the message.)

6. The receiver concatenates a symmetric key with the message.

7. The receiver puts the results through a hashing algorithm and generates her own MAC value.

8. The receiver compares the two MAC values. If they are the same, the message has not been modified.

Now, when we say that the message is concatenated with a symmetric key, we don’t mean a symmetric key is used to encrypt the message. The message is not encrypted in an HMAC function, so there is no confidentiality being provided. Think about throwing a message in a bowl and then throwing a symmetric key in the same bowl. If you dump the contents of the bowl into a hashing algorithm, the result will be a MAC value.

This type of technology requires the sender and receiver to have the same symmetric key. The HMAC function does not involve getting the symmetric key to the destination securely. That would have to happen through one of the other technologies we have discussed already (Diffie-Hellman and key agreement, or RSA and key exchange).


If a Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC) is being used, the message is encrypted with a symmetric block cipher in CBC mode, and the output of the final block of ciphertext is used as the MAC. The sender does not send the encrypted version of the message, but instead sends the plaintext version and the MAC attached to the message. The receiver receives the plaintext message and encrypts it with the same symmetric block cipher in CBC mode and calculates an independent MAC value. The receiver compares the new MAC value with the MAC value sent with the message. This method does not use a hashing algorithm as does HMAC.

The use of the symmetric key ensures that the only person who can verify the integrity of the message is the person who has a copy of this key. No one else can verify the data’s integrity, and if someone were to make a change to the data, he could not generate the MAC value (HMAC or CBC-MAC) the receiver would be looking for. Any modifications would be detected by the receiver.

Now the receiver knows that the message came from the system that has the other copy of the same symmetric key, so MAC provides a form of authentication. It provides data origin authentication, sometimes referred to as system authentication. This is different from user authentication, which would require the use of a private key. A private key is bound to an individual; a symmetric key is not. MAC authentication provides the weakest form of authentication because it is not bound to a user, just to a computer or device.


CAUTION    The same key should not be used for authentication and encryption.

As with most things in security, the industry found some security issues with CBC-MAC and created Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code (CMAC). CMAC provides the same type of data origin authentication and integrity as CBC-MAC, but is more secure mathematically. CMAC is a variation of CBC-MAC. It is approved to work with AES and Triple-DES. CRCs are used to identify data modifications, but these are commonly used lower in the network stack. Since these functions work lower in the network stack, they are used to identify modifications (as in corruption) when the packet is transmitted from one computer to another. HMAC, CBC-MAC, and CMAC work higher in the network stack and can identify not only transmission errors (accidental), but also more nefarious modifications, as in an attacker messing with a message for her own benefit. This means all of these technologies (except CRC) can identify intentional, unauthorized modifications and accidental changes—three in one!

So here is how CMAC works: The symmetric algorithm (AES or 3DES) creates the symmetric key. This key is used to create subkeys. The subkeys are used individually to encrypt the individual blocks of a message as shown in Figure 3-45. This is exactly how CBC-MAC works, but with some better math that works underneath the hood. The math that is underneath is too deep for the CISSP exam. To understand more about this math, please visit


Figure 3-45    Cipher block chaining mode process

Although digging into the CMAC mathematics is too deep for the CISSP exam, what you do need to know is that it is a block cipher–based message authentication code algorithm and how the foundations of the algorithm type works.


NOTE    A newer block mode combines CTR mode and CBC-MAC and is called CCM. The goal of using this mode is to provide both data origin authentication and encryption through the use of the same key. One key value is used for the counter values for CTR mode encryption and the IV value for CBC-MAC operations. The IEEE 802.11i wireless security standard outlines the use of CCM mode for the block cipher AES.

Various Hashing Algorithms

As stated earlier, the goal of using a one-way hash function is to provide a fingerprint of the message. If two different messages produce the same hash value, it would be easier for an attacker to break that security mechanism because patterns would be revealed.

A strong one-hash function should not provide the same hash value for two or more different messages. If a hashing algorithm takes steps to ensure it does not create the same hash value for two or more messages, it is said to be collision free.

Strong cryptographic hash functions have the following characteristics:

•  The hash should be computed over the entire message.

•  The hash should be a one-way function so messages are not disclosed by their values.

•  Given a message and its hash value, computing another message with the same hash value should be impossible.

•  The function should be resistant to birthday attacks (explained in the upcoming section “Attacks Against One-Way Hash Functions”).

Table 3-2 and the following sections quickly describe some of the available hashing algorithms used in cryptography today.


Table 3-2    Various Hashing Algorithms Available


MD4 is a one-way hash function designed by Ron Rivest. It also produces a 128-bit message digest value. It was used for high-speed computation in software implementations and was optimized for microprocessors. It is no longer considered secure.


MD5 was also created by Ron Rivest and is the newer version of MD4. It still produces a 128-bit hash, but the algorithm is more complex, which makes it harder to break.

MD5 added a fourth round of operations to be performed during the hashing functions and makes several of its mathematical operations carry out more steps or more complexity to provide a higher level of security. Recent research has shown MD5 to be subject to collision attacks, and it is therefore no longer suitable for applications like SSL certificates and digital signatures that require collision attack resistance. It is still commonly used for file integrity checksums, such as those required by some intrusion detection systems, as well as for forensic evidence integrity.


SHA was designed by NSA and published by NIST to be used with the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), which is discussed a bit later in more depth. SHA was designed to be used in digital signatures and was developed when a more secure hashing algorithm was required for U.S. government applications.

SHA produces a 160-bit hash value, or message digest. This is then inputted into an asymmetric algorithm, which computes the signature for a message.

SHA is similar to MD4. It has some extra mathematical functions and produces a 160-bit hash instead of a 128-bit hash, which makes it more resistant to brute-force attacks, including birthday attacks.

SHA was improved upon and renamed SHA-1. Recently, SHA-1 was found to be vulnerable to collisions and is no longer considered secure for applications requiring collision resistance. Newer versions of this algorithm (collectively known as the SHA-2 and SHA-3 families) have been developed and released: SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. The SHA-2 and SHA-3 families are considered secure for all uses.

Attacks Against One-Way Hash Functions

A strong hashing algorithm does not produce the same hash value for two different messages. If the algorithm does produce the same value for two distinctly different messages, this is called a collision. An attacker can attempt to force a collision, which is referred to as a birthday attack. This attack is based on the mathematical birthday paradox that exists in standard statistics. Now hold on to your hat while we go through this—it is a bit tricky:

How many people must be in the same room for the chance to be greater than even that another person has the same birthday as you?

Answer: 253

How many people must be in the same room for the chance to be greater than even that at least two people share the same birthday?

Answer: 23

This seems a bit backward, but the difference is that in the first instance, you are looking for someone with a specific birthday date that matches yours. In the second instance, you are looking for any two people who share the same birthday. There is a higher probability of finding two people who share a birthday than of finding another person who shares your birthday. Or, stated another way, it is easier to find two matching values in a sea of values than to find a match for just one specific value.

Why do we care? The birthday paradox can apply to cryptography as well. Since any random set of 23 people most likely (at least a 50 percent chance) includes two people who share a birthday, by extension, if a hashing algorithm generates a message digest of 60 bits, there is a high likelihood that an adversary can find a collision using only 230 inputs.

The main way an attacker can find the corresponding hashing value that matches a specific message is through a brute-force attack. If he finds a message with a specific hash value, it is equivalent to finding someone with a specific birthday. If he finds two messages with the same hash values, it is equivalent to finding two people with the same birthday.

The output of a hashing algorithm is n, and to find a message through a brute-force attack that results in a specific hash value would require hashing 2n random messages. To take this one step further, finding two messages that hash to the same value would require review of only 2n/2 messages.

How Would a Birthday Attack Take Place?

Sue and Joe are going to get married, but before they do, they have a prenuptial contract drawn up that states if they get divorced, then Sue takes her original belongings and Joe takes his original belongings. To ensure this contract is not modified, it is hashed and a message digest value is created.

One month after Sue and Joe get married, Sue carries out some devious activity behind Joe’s back. She makes a copy of the message digest value without anyone knowing. Then she makes a new contract that states that if Joe and Sue get a divorce, Sue owns both her own original belongings and Joe’s original belongings. Sue hashes this new contract and compares the new message digest value with the message digest value that correlates with the contract. They don’t match. So Sue tweaks her contract ever so slightly and creates another message digest value and compares them. She continues to tweak her contract until she forces a collision, meaning her contract creates the same message digest value as the original contract. Sue then changes out the original contract with her new contract and quickly divorces Joe. When Sue goes to collect Joe’s belongings and he objects, she shows him that no modification could have taken place on the original document because it still hashes out to the same message digest. Sue then moves to an island.

Hash algorithms usually use message digest sizes (the value of n) that are large enough to make collisions difficult to accomplish, but they are still possible. An algorithm that has 160-bit output, like SHA-1, may require approximately 280 computations to break. This means there is a less than 1 in 280 chance that someone could carry out a successful birthday attack.

The main point of discussing this paradox is to show how important longer hashing values truly are. A hashing algorithm that has a larger bit output is less vulnerable to brute-force attacks such as a birthday attack. This is the primary reason why the new versions of SHA have such large message digest values.

Digital Signatures

A digital signature is a hash value that has been encrypted with the sender’s private key. The act of signing means encrypting the message’s hash value with a private key, as shown in Figure 3-46.


Figure 3-46    Creating a digital signature for a message

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