Appendix 4

An Illustration of HAZOP Study for a Batch Operation


A detailed description of all the stages of a HAZOP study of a batch operation, illustrated for a reaction stage of a multistep process. The company, site, and process are described, and general process data provided including the appropriate P&ID. A full description and design intention is given for the selected node. A detailed report from the HAZOP study is provided.


Batch HAZOP; sequential HAZOP; reaction step; process description; P&ID, HAZOP report.

A4.1 Introduction

This example illustrates the following aspects of a HAZOP study:

• an overall description of the plant and process;

• the selection of the stages of the process for study;

• a list of the documentation available to the team;

• the relevant P&ID;

• the team membership;

• for one stage:

– the detailed description and the design intention;

– a list of the parameters and guidewords used;

– a part of the HAZOP study report, illustrating some of the deviations with consequences, safeguards, and actions.

The example has been fabricated, although it is intended to resemble a real operation. For simplicity, the main reactants are simply labeled A and B.

A4.2 The Company, Site, Plant, and Process

The company is a long-established general chemical manufacturing company, employing over 2000 people at several sites in the UK. It has a good safety record and routinely uses HAZOP study for new plant, new processes, and major modifications. A central safety group oversees this activity and provides trained leaders for all process hazard studies on new plant or processes. The six-stage process hazard study system is used, with HAZOP study as the usual method used at stage three.

The site concerned with this process is on the outskirts of an industrial city and employs 350 people. It lies between a river and a major road and, on one side, is close to an old housing estate. There are a number of continuous processes and several general-purpose batch units on-site. The operation to be examined is for a new process in one of the batch units which will be adapted to the needs of this process. Laboratory work has been done to determine the batch size and conditions. Reaction hazard investigations have been carried out to identify the reaction hazards and to define a basis for safety.

The essential elements of the process are as follows. The sodium salt of an organic reactant, A, is formed by adding caustic soda solution to A in a large reaction vessel. The process is mildly exothermic; a slight excess of caustic is used to maintain the pH around 11. The salt is then reacted with a second organic material, B, added at a controlled rate from a measure vessel. This reaction is very exothermic, and cooling is required. To obtain a high-quality product, the reaction needs to be carried out at between 55–60°C.

The section of the batch plant to be used for the reaction stage consists of two measure vessels at level two that will be used for the caustic soda solution and for reactant B. The required amounts are taken from drums on weigh scales, using vacuum. The feed to the reactor at level one is by gravity. Component A is pumped from drums directly into the reactor followed by a line flush with water. After the reaction is complete, as confirmed by analysis of a sample, the products are pumped to another vessel for further processing.

Component A is a solid, mp 30°C, flash point 45°C, with a long-term exposure limit (LTEL) of 10 ppm. Component B is a liquid, mp 5°C, bp 122°C, flash point 10°C, with a LTEL of 2 ppm and it causes chemical burns on skin contact. The solution of A in caustic soda and the product solution after reaction of B are all single-phase systems.

A4.3 The Process Stages Selected for HAZOP Study

From consideration of the draft operating procedure, based on the laboratory investigations, the stages marked ✓ were selected for HAZOP study:

 1Check plant set-up
2Measure 250 kg of 30% caustic solution to vessel F1
 3Melt two drums of A in a drum heater
4Pump 425 kg of A to reaction vessel F3
 5Flush line with 100 L of water
 6Heat F3 and contents to 55°C
7Run caustic from F1 to F3
8Measure 375 kg of component B to vessel F2
9Reaction stage: controlled feed of B from F2 to F3
10Workout for 20 min (combined with step 9 for HAZOP study) (see Table A4.1, pages 132–137)
 11 Sample and check product
12 Pump contents of F3 to F4
 13 Wash F3 with 200 L of water
 14 Pump wash water to F4

The basis for not selecting some stages is that they are simple, familiar steps of low hazard potential, with little chance of incorrect execution or omission by the operators.

Table A4.1

HAZOP study on steps 9 and 10 (reaction and workout) (to be used in conjunction with figure A4.1, pages 126–127)

Ref. Parameter Deviation Possible Cause Consequence Safeguard/Protection No Action On
1 Quantity/step No B is added—step omitted Operator error, for example, at shift handover. MV307 closed after maintenance Spoilt batch Detected at sampling and can easily be corrected. Batch sheet requires analysis to be signed off by supervisor 1.1 Start-up check to confirm that MV307 is open TB
1.2 Operating procedure to include a sight glass check that flow is established TB
2 Quantity Excess of B is added F2 not fully emptied from last batch Excess of B in product: batch will be out of specification Detected at sampling but a special procedure will then be required 2.1 Operating procedure to include a check on vessel F2 before B is measured out TB
3 Quantity Too little of B is added Blockage in line or at OP1 Batch out of specification and process delay Detected at sampling 3.1 Check procedure for clearing line and OP1 when transfer line holds component B FL
3.2 Batch sheet to require a check that F2 is empty at end of the addition stage TB
4 Quantity Too much of A is present Error at earlier stage resulting in small excess (double charging covered in HAZOP of addition step) Batch out of specification and process delay Detected at sampling 4.1 Check that procedure will be written to cover this case and include in training program JH
5 Quantity Too little A is present Error at earlier stage resulting in small deficiency Batch out of specification and process delay. Not easily corrected Detected at sampling 5.1 Evaluate likelihood of this deviation and, if necessary, draw up procedure MS
6 Flow (rate) Too fast Corrosion/erosion of OP1 Reaction rate and heat release increased. May eventually exceed vessel cooling capacity leading to over-temperature Independent alarms TICA 32/33 located in a manned control room 6.1 Check that OP1 material is compatible with component B BT
7 Flow (rate) Too fast Wrong OP fitted at OP1 after maintenance Could quickly exceed the vessel cooling capacity, causing a reaction runaway and demand on BD2 TICA32/33 located in a manned control and BD2 relieving to dump tank. Good control of maintenance 7.1 Specify OP1 size in operating procedure and ensure problem is covered in operator training TB
7.2 Confirm flowrate at OP1 at the water trials stage FL
7.3 Control sequence to include trip closure of AV203 and fully open CV303 in the event of over-temperature AW
8 Flow (rate) Too fast MV306 is open and so orifice plate OP1 is bypassed Will very quickly exceed the vessel cooling capacity and lead to a reaction runaway and demand on BD2 TICA32/33 to manned control room and BD2 relief to dump tank. BD2 is sized for addition at maximum possible flow rate in a 25 mm line 8.1 MV306 to be locked closed as it is not used in this process FL
8.2 Include sensing of BD action to give alarm and to close AV203 AW
8.3 Consider removal of OP2 from the cooling water inlet line so full cooling capacity will be available. Take into account the original purpose of OP2 in controlling heating rates/cooling profiles/blowdown of condensate FL
9 Flow (rate) Too slow Partial blockage in line or at orifice plate OP1 Batch time extended Operator will note problem when seeking to move to next stage 9.1 Covered by actions 3.1 and 3.2 FL
10 Flow Elsewhere Crack or leak at BD2 (action 8.2 only detects full burst) Loss of contaminated nitrogen to dump tank and eventually to atmosphere None 10.1 Put BD2 on a regular checking schedule FL
11 Temperature High Control problem or faulty temperature signal (reads low) Overheating will occur, with contributions from the heating system. Most serious condition would be common effect since both temperature probes are in the same pocket in F2 None unless the fault also leads to a low temperature alarm when operator intervention could be expected 11.1 Check whether it is possible to physically separate the two temperature probes (control and protection) to reduce common cause effects FL
12 Temperature High Loss of cooling water (a low probability event) Overheating. Runaway if cooling water is not restored or the addition halted TICA32/33 are located in the manned control room and BD2 relieves to dump tank 12.1 Covered by action 7.3 AW
13 Temperature High Jacket not switched from steam to cooling water after earlier step Overheating with possible reaction runaway TICA32/33 to manned control room and BD2 relieves to dump tank 13.1 Control program to include checks that valve CV301 on the steam line is closed AW
14 Temperature Low Control problem or faulty temperature signal (reads high) Poor quality batch. Extreme outcome is cessation of reaction and accumulation of unreacted B TAL from TICA 32 14.1 Take TAL from both the control and the protection temperature sensors AW
14.2 Determine suitable interval for calibration checks on TICs FL
15 Pressure High/low No causes identified in addition to the runaway situations discussed above      
16 Reaction rate High/low No additional causes found      
17 Mix No mixing Mechanical coupling fails or agitator blade becomes detached Risk of accumulation of unmixed B leading to uncontrolled reaction Possibly detected by low motor current alarm 17.1 Add a rotation sensor to the shaft of the stirrer; interlock to reactant feed valve AV203 AW
18 Mix No mixing Motor failure Risk of accumulation of unmixed B leading to uncontrolled reaction Alarm on motor current (low) 18.1 Existing safeguard adequate provided action 17.1 is implemented AW
18.2 Develop a safe operating procedure for restarting a batch after accumulation has occurred BT
19 Mix Less mixing Viscous mixture formed Stirring becomes inefficient and unmixed B may accumulate May be alarmed by sensor added in action 17.1 19.1 Check viscosity under extreme conditions to decide if action is needed. If so, include an alarm on high motor current BT
20 Mix Reverse Incorrect connection after maintenance Stirring becomes inefficient and unmixed B may accumulate None 20.1 Include a check on stirrer operation in the commissioning trials and in the maintenance procedures TB
21 Composition Part of Wrong ratio of reactants covered under high/low quantity      
22 Composition As well as Wrong drum used when charging component B Unpredictable but minimum will be a spoilt batch Covered in HAZOP of the charging step 22.1 Review actions from earlier HAZOP and ensure that the purchasing department specifies a distinct drum color MS
23 Control None Complete loss of control computer System moves to fail safe condition Design assumes a period of operation of the computer on its UPS. Ultimate protection is provided by BD2 23.1 Check that fail safe settings include isolation of feed of B, continued stirring and full cooling to vessel jacket AW
24 Control Part of Selective failure. Most serious would be loss of temperature sensors/control Possible undetected overheating Ultimate protection is provided by BD2 24.1 Check that the temperature sensors connect to different input boards AW
24.2 Include temperature comparison (TICA32/22) in the checks and add a difference alarm AW
25 Operator action Sooner Step started early Starting temperature is low. Reactant may accumulate and then cause runaway reaction once mixing starts Ultimate protection is provided by BD2 25.1 Specify the lowest safe starting temperature BT
25.2 Provide software interlock to prevent low temperature start AW
26 Operator action Part of Workout period is shortened if the addition is slow (for any reason) Uncertain—basis for inclusion of the workout period is not clear  26.1 Carry out further laboratory work to determine the importance of the workout and to define the minimum allowable time BT
27 Services Loss of instrument air  All valves move to assigned failure positions  27.1 Review the failure modes of all valves to ensure specification is correct JH
28 Services Power loss Unpredicted failure, cut cable, and so on Stirrer stops. Computer moves plant to a safe hold position Computer has its own UPS 28.1 Include this condition in the check under 27.1 AW
28.2 Consider need for planned restart procedure after such an interruption JH
29 Maintenance Work on AV203 Valve problem on AV203 during the transfer AV203 cannot be isolated from F2 for safe maintenance None 29.1 Put additional manual valves in the F2/F3 line FL
29.2 As a general action, review the P&ID to ensure all key items can be isolated FL
30 Vessel entry (F3) Other activity Inspection or other requirement for entry to vessel Risk to operator from inert atmosphere, especially nitrogen Spades installed on all lines 30.1 Review the isolation of F3, including possible insertion of flexible section into the nitrogen line so that it can be disconnected and blanked off. Need to cover F2 as well since it has its own nitrogen supply and is linked to F3 MS
31 Drainage Leak of B Leaking flange on transfer line from F2 to F3 Some loss of component B into process area All spillages in this area run to a common sump 31.1 Check the materials in use on adjacent units for potential incompatibility FL
31.2 Operating procedure to include a routine inspection of the transfer line at the stage of the process TB
32 pH High/low Imbalance in quantities of A or caustic added previously Batch quality affected unless initial pH is range 10–11.5 None 32.1 Operating procedure to include a check on pH before this step is initiated TB
32.2 Consider need for a procedure for correction of pH BT
33 Trip action Out of range condition Any Control system moves the plant to a predetermined state based on the trip signals  33.1 Prepare matrix to show which valves act in each trip scenario. Review the matrix at next HAZOP meeting JH
34 Operator PPE Exposure Leakage or spillage Contamination Standard procedures 34.1 Confirm that procedures exist for all materials handled in the process TB


During the HAZOP study, the team is expected to consider all potential SHE hazards as well as operability problems.

A4.4 HAZOP Study of Steps 9 and 10, the Reaction Stage and Workout

The HAZOP study team

NameDisciplineJob TitleRole/RepresentsYears
Mike StopnerChemistSafety AdvisorLeader25
Jennie HowardChem EngProject EngineerDesign team7
Tom Bailey Shift supervisorOperations17
Bob TerylChemistR&D ChemistProcess development12
Andy WiresElectrical EngControl EngineerControl/instruments3
Frank LaycrewMech EngSite EngineerServices/maintenance14
Karl JonesChem EngTrainee Project EngineerScribe1


All are full-time employees of the company and, apart from KJ, have previous experience of HAZOP study, including training on a 2-day in-house course. MS has also attended an external 4-day training course on HAZOP study leadership and has been leading studies throughout his time in the central safety department (5 years).

A4.4.1 Documentation for the Study

Documents include a set of P&IDs showing the plant as it will be set up for the operation including spaded lines and any new connections. A separate P&ID is used for each stage of the HAZOP, marked up showing the actual items of the plant involved in that stage and showing which valves are open (Figure A4.1 for steps 9 and 10). Full details of plant and equipment specifications are available if required. The other items made available to the team are:

• site plan;

• process description and outline operating procedure;

• reaction hazard review covering laboratory studies of the chemistry, reaction kinetics and thermodynamics. Results from differential scanning calorimetry analysis of components A, B, and the reaction product; adiabatic calorimetry data, including reaction simulation. The basis of safety was derived from this work;

• material safety data sheets for all reactants; the available hazard data for the product;

• alarm, interlock and trip schedule;

• reports from Hazard Studies 1 and 2.

Figure A4.1 P&ID for steps 9 and 10; drawing on AB01/Rev 2 (to be used in conjunction with Table A4.1, pages 132–137).

A4.4.2 Plant Conditions and Step Description

As a consequence of the previous steps, the state of the plant at the start of this step is that the reaction vessel, F3, contains 425 kg of component A, 100 L of water, and 250 kg of 30% caustic. Component A has been converted to the sodium salt and sufficient excess caustic is present to raise the pH to 11. The stirrer is running and the mixture is controlled at 55–60°C, using hot water to the vessel jacket. The vessel is open to the scrubber through a condenser, set to return any condensed liquids to F3. Measure vessel F2 contains 375 kg of component B that is to be run down to F3 over a period of about 3 hour at 2 kg min−1. The flow rate is controlled by the orifice plate, OP1. Both F2 and F3 are operated at atmospheric pressure under nitrogen to prevent the formation of a flammable atmosphere. The continuous feed of nitrogen into each vessel is vented through the scrubber. The scrubber is operated to reduce the levels of vapor A and B to below their LTEL values to permit safe discharge at a high level.

The basis for safety was developed from work initiated in HS 2. It requires:

• The rate of heat evolution from the amount of B present in the reactor does not exceed the cooling capacity of the reactor. For this to be achieved, all the following conditions must be maintained:

– the rate of addition of B is controlled at 2 kg min−1;

– there is continuous stirring to avoid accumulation of B;

– the temperature is kept above 40°C to minimize accumulation of B;

• If runaway reaction does occur, the reaction vessel is protected by the rupture of the bursting disc which relieves to a dump tank from which the resulting vent is acceptable at the expected frequency.

From the earlier hazard reviews, the worst case event is identified as a runaway reaction which is not fully relieved by the bursting disc. In this circumstance, it is estimated that the reactor design pressure could be exceeded by a factor of 1.5. Reactor rupture is possible but is of low probability. The consequences of vessel rupture would be the possibility of operator fatality and severe local contamination which, if an aerosol cloud forms, could be blown off-site. The worst effect of this is if the wind direction was toward the local housing estate. The operation of the bursting disc is crucial to avoidance of this event, and it has been sized on the basis of small-scale experiments providing data for use with the DIERS design rules.

As the previous steps have been subjected to HAZOP study, it is assumed that there is negligible chance that they are not as described unless new causes are found.

Step nine is started by opening valve AV203, all other conditions having been set previously. The operator initiates the step from a control panel through the computer control system. Apart from occasional checks during the 3 hour addition, the operator relies on the alarms to indicate any deviation from the set conditions. Alarms are set to indicate stirrer motor failure, and low and high temperatures of 50°C and 65°C, respectively. If the temperature reaches 70°C, the valve AV203 is automatically tripped to close. Step 10 (working out for 20 min) follows on directly from step nine with no change in the system or the settings. At 3½ hour from the start of the reaction stage the computer closes AV203, puts the system to hold and awaits an operator input.

A4.4.3 Parameter and Guidewords

The following guidewords (and abbreviations) are used.

N No (not, none)

M More (more of/higher)

L Less (less of/lower)

R Reverse

PO Part of

AWA As well as (more than)

WE Where else

EL Early/late

O Other (other than)

The team leader has prepared preselected combinations of parameters and guidewords that give meaningful deviations, as shown in Table A4.2 (page 138). Team members are given opportunities to extend this list. Only those combinations generating a significant discussion are recorded in the HAZOP tables as no realistic meanings or likely causes were found for some. It was found that some of the later combinations had been adequately examined under earlier pairings—for example, “part of composition” was mostly dealt with by “more/less quantity.” Some additional deviations came up during the analysis.

Table A4.2

Preliminary list of applicable combinations of parameters and guidewords

Parameter N M L R PO AWA WE EL O
Operator action       


The following “parameters” are also considered under the guideword “other (other than)”:

• services (including failure modes of valves);

• maintenance;

• safety;

• process interruption/hold/recovery;

• drainage;

• trips;

• corrosion;

• ignition sources (e.g., static electricity).

Action in emergencies—for example, fire, explosion, and toxic leak—is considered for the whole process at the completion of the HAZOP study of all the individual stages.

A4.5 A Section of the HAZOP Study Report for the Batch Reaction (See Table A4.1)

Step—reaction and workout, steps 9 and 10 (see Table A4.1, pages 132–137);

Team—MS (leader), JH, TB, BT, AW, FL, KJ (scribe);

Drawing—P&ID (see Figure A4.1, pages 126–127);

Meeting date: 28/02/15; Revision: 0.

A4.5.1 Step Description

A measured quantity of component B is added by gravity feed from F2 to the prepared mixture in F3 at 55–60°C. The step is initiated by the operator using the computer control system and the addition is started by opening valve AV203, all other valves being preset. The addition takes about 3 hours followed by a short workout period. The total time for these steps is 3½ hour after which AV203 is closed and the system held awaiting an operator command.

A4.5.2 Design Intention

To transfer by gravity from the measure vessel F2, and to completely react, 375 kg of component B with the stirred aqueous solution of the sodium salt of 425 kg of component A in F3. The transfer rate is to be controlled at 2 kg min−1 by orifice plate OP1. The reaction temperature in F3 is to be controlled in the range 55–60°C. On completion of the addition, the reaction mixture is stirred for 20–30 min before sampling. A nitrogen atmosphere is maintained in F2 and F3 at the flow rates established in previous steps.

Note 1

This report is from the first analysis by the team. Since the earlier steps in the process have already been studied, some deviations—for example, wrong amount of A is present—have already been considered. Entries will only occur for these deviations for new causes or new consequences suggested by the team. The team took one session developing this report.

Note 2

The numbering system adopted is to have an item number for every row of the analysis and to relate the actions to that number. Where two or more actions result they are numbered as, for example, 14.1 and 14.2. Some action numbers are not used such as 15 and 16.

Note 3

A response/comment column is available but not shown. It is used to enter the responses to the actions and to record any further comments by the HAZOP study team.

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