

2.5D, 84

2D, billboarding, 140


Blender, 29, 129

Camera object (Three.js), 128-129

lighting, 120

materials, 120


loading with Three.js, 129-131

sourcing, 143

normal, 121

picking, 142


flat shading, 121

Gouraud shading, 121

Lambertian shading, 121

Phong shading, 122

simulating in 2D space, 84

parallaxing, 85-87

perspective projection, 84

snowman scene

setting up in Three.js, 123-127

viewing in Three.js, 128-129

textures, 134-135

vertex, 118-119

3D Studio MAX, 129

37signals, 153


accessing drawing APIs with GWT, 151-152

actions performed in game loop, 53

adding functions to Raphael, 113

AI (artificial intelligence)

Pong, 68

Minimax algorithm, 69-70

tic-tac-toe, 68

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 2, 43

aliases, CoffeeScript, 156

ambient lighting, 120

Android, 180

application layers, 182

applications, packaging

with Appcelerator Titanium, 193-194

with PhoneGap, 195-198

audio element support, 192

Angry Birds, 64


cards, 107-110

models, 142-143

objects along paths, 113


time-based, 140

Trident.js, 79

easing, 81-82

keyframes, 81

spritesheets, 83

timelines, creating, 80

z-ordering, 86


Canvas, 15-16

Components API, 58

Core API, 57-58

drawing APIs for GWT, accessing, 151-152

for Appcelerator Titanium, 191

for PhoneGap, 189

Geolocation API, 8-10

IndexedDB API, 7

JFugue, 89

networking, 58

node-cache, 168

storage APIs, Lawnchair, 183-185

SVG, 16

WebGL, 16

WebSQL API, 6-7

Appcelerator Titanium

Android applications, packaging, 193-194

APIs, 191

Application Cache, 5-6

applications, running offline, 201

manifest file, 201-203

application frameworks

Appcelerator Titanium, 191

Android applications, packaging, 193-194

APIs, 191

PhoneGap, 188

Android applications, packaging, 195-198

APIs, 189

documentation, 190

Event API, 189

FileReader object, 190

FileUpload object, 190

FileWriter object, 190


attributes, configuring, 210-211

deploying games as, 183

extensions, 206

hosted versus packaged, 212

packaging for TapJS, 215


on Chrome Web Store, 206-208

with Kongregate, 217

with TapJS, 212, 215-217

simplifying with ExpressJS, 163

application structrue, 165

CoffeeKup, installing, 166

CoffeeKup, layout files, 167-168

CoffeeKup, registering, 167

session management, 165

URL routing, 163-165

TapJS, creating, 213

uploading to Chrome Web Store, 208-210

applying textures to spheres, 135

arithmetic operators, JavaScript, 32


sets, 54

sorting, 55

Ars Technica, 153

aspect ratio, 128

Asteroids, 66-67

asynchronous connections, WebSQL API, 7

attributes of applications, configuring, 210-211


Copy Me game tones, creating, 88-89

multiple sounds

playing at once, 90

playing sequentially, 91

audio element support (Android)192

audio tag (HTML5), controlling media, 13-14


beginPath() function, 72


frame rate, checking with Stats.js, 144

with WebGL Inspector, 145

Berners-Lee, Tim, 1

Bezier curves, 112

Bezier, Pierre, 111

billboarding, 140

bitmap images, creating with SVG files, 105

Blender, 29, 84, 129

Blender Conference, 130

browser tools

Chromer Developer tools, 24-25

Firebug, 26

Safari Developer tools, 26


Geolocation API support, verifying, 8

Google Gears, 3

building Pong with SGF

AI, 68

game physics, 64-66

game pieces, drawing, 61-63

host page, 59-60

main.js file, 60-61


CACHE section (Application Cache manifest file), 201

caching data, 168

Camera object (Three.js), 128-129

Canvas, 15-16, 71

comparing with SVG, 95-96

displaying in Jo, 188

drawing state, saving and restoring, 77

images, drawing, 79

paths, drawing, 72

sprites, drawing, 73-74

transformations, 75-77

capacitive screens, gestures, 181

Cappuccino, 158


animating, 107-110

drawing, 105

flipping, 108

shuffling, 107

Chrome (Google), extensions, 25

Chrome Developer tools, 24-25

Chrome Frame, 3

Chrome Web Store

applications, publishing

hosted application, deploying, 207-208

metadata, describing, 206

packaged application, deploying, 208

testing applications, 208

applications, uploading, 208-210


CoffeeScript, 157-158

JavaScript, inheritance, 38-40

client-side scripting

JQTouch, 187

JQuery, 185

JQueryMobile, 185-186

Zepto.js, 187

client/server communication

NowJS, 171

Web Sockets, Socket.IO, 169-170

clipping planes, 128

code, minification, 199-201


installing, 166

layout files, 167-168

registering with ExpressJS, 167

CoffeeScript, 45

aliases, 156

classes, 157-158

conditional statements, 156

files, compiling, 153

for loops, 156-157

functions, 154

installing, 153

semicolons, use of, 154

splats, 155

var keyword, 154

collision detection (Pong), 65-66

color, specifying in Raphael, 103-104

color picking, 142

comments, minification, 199-201

Comparator (JavaScript), 55-56


CoffeeScript and JavaScript, 154

microdata and microformats, 17

SVG and Canvas, 95-96

XML and JSON, 44

comparison operators (JavaScript), 34-35

compilers, Google Closure Compiler, 199-201

compiling CoffeeScript files, 153

Components API, 58

conditional loops (JavaScript)

for loops, 37

if-else statement, 35

switch-case statement, 36

while loops, 36

conditional statements, CoffeeScript, 156

configuring application attributes, 210-211

console debugging, 172-173


media in HTML, 13-14

program flow with loops (JavaScript)

for loops, 37

while loops, 36

Conway’s Game of Life, 136

Copy Me, 87

game text, drawing, 91

game text, styling, 92

game tones, creating, 88-91

objects, drawing, 87-88

Core API, 57-58


Copy Me game tones, 88-91

game rooms with NowJS groups, 174-175

notifications, 11-12

particle systems in Three.js, 140-141

physics system with JigLibJS, 139-140

TapJS applications, 213

timelines in Trident.js, 80

vertex in Three.js, 118-119

Web Sockets, 4

cross-platform frameworks, Jo, 187-188

cross-site scripting, 44

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 92, 315

cube mapping, 135

Cufon, 100-102

curveto instruction (Raphael), 111

customizing fonts, 100-102


data URIs, 78

Database API

IndexedDB API, 7

WebSQL API, 6-7

debugging Node applications, 172-173

deciding genre for game, 52-53



as applications, 183

as website, 181

hosted applications, 207-208

packaged applications, 208

describing metadata, 206

design document, writing, 51-52

desktop applications, JavaScript, 46-47

development tools

Blender, 29

Chrome Developer tools, 24-25

Eclipse IDE, installing, 20-21

Firebug, 26

GWT, installing, 22

Inkscape, 27

Java, installing, 19-20

ProcessingJS, 27

Raphael, 29

Safari Developer tools, 26

SVG-edit, 27

directional lighting, 120

displaying canvas in Jo, 188

documentation, PhoneGap, 190

drawImage function, 78, 86


cards, 105-110

Copy Me game objects, 87-88, 91

images on Canvas, 79

Pong game pieces, 61-63

drawing APIs

Canvas, 15-16

for GWT, 151-152

SVG, 16

WebGL, 16

drawing state (Canvas), saving and restoring, 77

Dynamic DNS services, 204


easing, 81-82

Eclipse IDE, installing, 20-21

equals method, 54

Event API (PhoneGap), 189

events (JQuery), 43

exporting paths from SVG file, 112

ExpressJS, 163

application structure, 165

sessions, managing, 165

URL routing, 163-165

extending Raphael with plug-ins, 113-114

extensions, 25, 206


Facebook integration, TapJS, 214-217

FALLBACK section (Application Cache manifest file), 202

FileReader object (PhoneGap), 190

files (CoffeeScript), compiling, 153

FileUpload object (PhoneGap), 190

FileWriter object (PhoneGap), 190

filters, SVG, 113

Firebug, 26

first-class objects, 33-34

flat shading, 121

flipping cards, 108

fonts, Cufon, 100-102

for loops

CoffeeScript, 156-157

JavaScript, 37

format, data URIs, 78

forward kinematics, 142

FOV (field of view), 128

fragment shaders, 121

frame rate, checking with Stats.js, 144

frames per second versus time-based animation, 140


adding to Raphael, 113

beginPath(), 72

CoffeeScript, 154

drawImage, 78, 86

JavaScript, 32-34, 38

node-cache API, 168

requestAnimationFrame, 123

updateDynamicsWorld, 139


game assets, loading in Raphael, 104-105

game loop, actions performed, 53

game physics

rigid body dynamics, 137-138

soft-body dynamics, 138

game pieces, drawing (Pong), 61-63

game play, managing for multiplayer games, 175-176

game rooms

creating with NowJS groups, 174-175

moving between, 175

game server lobby, creating, 173-174

genre of game, deciding on, 52-53

Geolocation API, 3, 8-10

geometry shaders, 121

gestures, 181

JQTouch support, 187

JQueryMobile support, 186

Zepto.js support, 187

GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language), 131-133

GLUEscript, 46

Google App Engine, 23

Google Chrome

extensions, 25

V8, 161

Google Chrome Frame, 3

Google Closure Compiler, minification, 199-201

Google Gears, 3

Google plugin for Eclipse, installing, 20-21

Google SketchUp, 143

Gouraud shading, 121

gradients, 103

Grouchnikov, Kirill, 79

GWT (Google Web Toolkit), 45, 147

drawing APIs, 151-152

gwt-html, 5-media module, 151

JSNI, 149

Pyjamas, 158

RaphaëIGWT, 150

widgets, RootPanel, 148-149

installing, 22

gwt-html, 5-media module (GWT), 151


host page, Pong, 59-60

hosted applications

deploying, 207-208

versus packaged applications, 212

hosted Node.js services, Nodester, 204-205

hosting your own server, 203-204

HTML host page, Pong, 59-60

HTML, 51

Application Cache, 5-6

applications, running offline, 201

manifest file, 201-203

applications, publishing to desktop, 217-218

canvas tag, 71

drawing state, saving and restoring, 77

paths, drawing, 72

sprites, drawing, 73-74

transformations, 75-77

data URIs, 78

drawing APIs

Canvas, 15-16

SVG, 16

WebGL, 16

Geolocation API, 8-10

gwt-html, 5-media module (GWT), 151

IndexedDB API, 7

media elements, 13-14

microdata, 17

spritesheets, 78

unsupported media elements, handling

listing multiple sources, 14-15

with Modernizr, 15

Web Storage, 7-8

Web Workers, 4-5

WebSockets, 4

WebSQL API, 6-7

HTML5 tools

Inkscape, 27

ProcessingJS, 27

Raphael, 29

SVG-edit, 27


if-else statement (JavaScript), 35


bitmap, creating with SVG files, 105

drawing on Canvas, 79

serving, 78

IndexedDB API, 7

inertia, Newton’s first law, 63

inheritance, 38

CoffeeScript, 158

Prototype library, 39-40

injection attacks, cross-site scripting, 44

Inkscape, 27, 97


CoffeeKup, 166

CoffeeScript, 153

Eclipse IDE, 20-21

Google plugin for Eclipse, 20-21

GWT, 22

Java, 19-20

n script file, 162

node-inspector, 172

interacting with notifications, 12

inverse kinematics, 142

iOS, 179

is-a relationships (JavaScript), inheritance, 38


Java, installing, 19-20

JavaScript, 1


and CoffeeScript, comparing, 154

arithmetic operators, 32

as intermediary language, 45

basic types, 31

Comparator, 55-56

comparison operators, 34-35

conditional loops

for loops, 37

if-else statement, 35

switch-case statement, 36

while loops, 36

functions, 32-33

first-class objects, 33-34

setInterval, 38

setTimeout, 38

inheritance, 38-40


AJAX, 43-44

events, 43

ready function, 41

selectors, 42

JSON, 44-45

linked lists, 56-57

mobile platforms, 45

modules, 48

on the desktop, 46-47

server-side, 48

set class, 54

Jetty, 98

JFugue, 89


physics system, creating, 139-140

setting up, 138

Jo, 187-188

JQTouch, 187

JQuery, 41, 185

AJAX, 43

cross-site scripting, 44

events, 43

ready function, 41

selectors, 42

JQueryMobile, 185-186

JSNI (JavaScript Native Interface), 149

JSON, 44-45

JSONP (JSON with padding), 45

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 48


key/value store databases, 183

keyframes, 81, 142

KHTML, 217

Knuth, Donald, 107

Kongregate, publishing games, 217


Lambertian shading, 121

launching games

as applications, 183

as website, 181

Lawnchair, 183


removing, 185

retrieving, 184

store, creating, 184

layout files, CoffeeKup, 167-168

libraries (JavaScript), Prototype, 39-40

lighting, 120-122

linear gradients, 103

lineto instruction (Raphael), 110-111

linked lists, 56-57

listing multiple media sources in HTML, 14-15

LiveScript, 31


3D models with Three.js, 129-131

game assets in Raphael, 104-105

lobby for multiplayer games, creating, 173-174

Local Server module (Google Gears), 3

localStorage object (Web Storage), 7-8

LOD (level of detail), 121


CoffeeScript, for loops, 156-157


for loops, 37

while loops, 36


main.js file, Pong, 60-61

MakeHuman, 143


ExpressJS sessions, 165

multiplayer games, game play, 175-176

multiple Node versions, 162

manifest files, Application Cache, 201-203


hosted applications, deploying, 207-208

metadata, describing, 206

packaged applications, deploying, 208

materials, 120

matrices, 75-76

media elements (HTML5), 13

controlling, 13-14

unsupported, handling, 5

listing multiple sources, 14-15

with Modernizr, 15

metadata, describing, 206

methods, equals, 54

microdata, 17

microformats, comparing with microdata, 17

MIDI, creating Copy Me game tones, 88-91

minification, 199-201

Minimax algorithm, 69-70

mobile games

Android, packaging applications

with Appcelerator Titanium, 193-194

with PhoneGap, 195-198

platform, selecting, 179

Android, 180

iOS, 179

WebOS, 180

Windows Phone 7, 180

mobile JavaScript platforms, 45

models, animating, 142-143

Modernizr, handling unsupported media elements in HTML, 15


Google Gears, 3

JavaScript, 48

momentum, Newton’s second law, 63

morph targets, 142

moveto instruction (Raphael), 110-111

moving between game rooms, 175

multiplayer games

game play, managing, 175-176

game rooms, creating with NowJS groups, 174-175

lobby, creating, 173-174

participants, managing, 175

multiple media sources, listing (HTML5), 14-15

multiple Node versions, managing, 162

multiple sounds

playing at once, 90

playing sequentially, 91

multitouch screens, gestures, 181


n script file, installing, 162

Network module (Appcelerator Titanium), 191

NETWORK section (Application Cache manifest file), 201

networking APIs, 58

Newton’s laws, 63

Node applications, debugging, 172-173

Node Package Manager, 162

node-cache project, 168

node-inspector, installing, 172

Node.js, 23, 204

applications, debugging, 172-173

ExpressJS, 163

application structure, 165

CoffeeKup, 166-168

installing, 166

layout files, 167-168

registering, 167

sessions, managing, 165

URL routing, 163-165

multiple versions, managing, 162

Node Package Manager, 162

require statement, 161-162

Socket.IO, 169-170

nodes, 56-57

Nodester, 204-205

nonlinear timelines, creating, 81-82

normal, 121

NoSQL key/value stores, 183


creating, 11-12

interacting with, 12

requesting permission to display, 11

NowJS, 171

NowJS groups, creating game rooms, 174-175

NPM modules, managing with Nodester, 205


Objective-J, 158

objects, JavaScript, 31

offline access, running applications with Application Cache, 201-203

OpenGL ES, 117

Opera Unite, 23

operating systems, selecting mobile platforms

Android, 179-180

WebOS, 180

Windows Phone 7, 181

operator overloading, 55

ordering transformations, 76-77

orthographic projection, 84


packaged applications

deploying, 208

versus hosted applications, 212

packaging applications for TapJS, 215

paper (Raphael)

creating, 98-99

functions, adding, 113

parabolic arc, 64

parallaxing, 85-87

participants, managing in multiplayer games, 175

particle systems, 66

Asteroids, 66-67

creating in Three.js, 140-141


animating objects on, 113

creating with RaphaelGWT, 150

drawing in Canvas, 72

exporting from SVG file, 112

RaphaelJS, 110

permission to display notifications, requesting, 11


data caching, 168

Nodester, 205

perspective projection, 84

PhoneGap, 188

Android applications, packaging, 195-198

APIs, 189

documentation, 190

FileReader Object, 190

FileUpload Object, 190

FileWriter Object, 190

Phong reflection, 122

Phong shading, 122


Angry Birds, 64

applying to Pong game pieces, 64-66

forward kinematics, 142

Newton’s laws, 63-64

particle systems, 66

Asteroids, 66-67

creating in Three.js, 140-141

rigid-body dynamics, 137-138

soft-body dynamics, 138

physics engines, JigLibJS

physics system, creating, 139-140

setting up, 138

picking, 142

plane, 127


Android, application layers, 182

cross-platform JavaScript frameworks, Jo, 187-188

deploying games for, 182

for mobile games, selecting, 179

Android, 180

iOS, 179

WebOS, 180

Windows Phone 7, 180

plug-ins (Raphael), extending, 113-114

point lighting, 120

Pong, building with SGF

AI, 68

game physics, 64-66

game pieces, drawing, 61-63

host page, 59-60

main.js file, 60-61

ProcessingJS, 27

program flow, controlling with loops

for loops, 37

while loops, 36

programming shaders, GLSL, 131-133

Prototype library (JavaScript), inheritance, 39-40

publishing applications

on Chrome Web Store

applications, testing, 208

hosted application, deploying, 207-208

metadata, describing, 206

packaged application, deploying, 208

Kongregate, 217

to desktop, 217-218

with TapJS, 212, 215-217

Pyjamas, 158


radial gradients, 103-104

randomizing algorithm, shuffling cards, 107

Raphael, 29

color, specifying, 103-104

functions, adding, 113

game assets, loading, 104-105

paths, animating objects on, 113

plug-ins, 113-114

RaphaelGWT, 150



animating, 107-110

drawing, 105

flipping, 108

shuffling, 107

curveto instruction, 111

development environment, setting up, 97

fonts, customizing, 101-102

game text, creating, 99

moveto instruction, 110-111

paper, creating, 98-99

paths, 110

ray casting, 142

ready function (JQuery), 41


removing with Lawnchair, 185

retrieving with Lawnchair, 184

registering CoffeeKup with ExpressJS, 167

removing records with Lawnchair, 185

requestAnimationFrame function, 123

requesting permission to display notifications, 11

requests (AJAX), performing in JQuery, 43

require statement (Node.js), 161-162

restoring Canvas drawing state, 77



with data URIs, 78

with spritesheets, 78

records with Lawnchair, 184

reversing timelines, 81

rigging, 142-143

rigid-body dynamics, 137-138

RingoJS, 23, 48

Roosendaal, Ton, 129

RootPanel widget, 148-149


Safari Developer tools, 26

saving Canvas drawing state, 77

scene graphs, 123

scripting languages, JavaScript, 1


application frameworks

Appcelerator Titanium, 191

PhoneGap, 188-190

game genre, 52-53

mobile platform, 179

Android, 180

iOS, 179

WebOS, 180

Windows Phone 7, 180

selectors (JQuery), 42

semicolons in CoffeeScript, 154

server-side JavaScript, 48

servers, hosting your own, 203-204

serving images, 78

session management, ExpressJS, 165

sessionStorage object (Web Storage), 7-8

set class (JavaScript), 54

setInterval function (JavaScript), 38

sets, 54-55

setTimeout function (JavaScript), 38

setting up JigLibJS, 138

SGF, 57-59, 66-68

shaders, 121

GLSL, 131-133

variables, 132


flat shading, 121

Gouraud shading, 121

Lambertian shading, 121

Phong shading, 122

ShapeBuilder API, 152

shuffling cards, 107

simplifying applications with ExpressJS, 163

application structure, 165


installing, 166

layout files, 167-168

registering, 167

session management, 165

URL routing, 163-165

simulating 3D in 2D space, 84

parallaxing, 85-87

perspective projection, 84

snowman scene, setting up in Three.js, 123-127

Socket.IO, 169-170

soft-body dynamics, 138

sorting arrays and sets, 55

sound, adding with gwt-html5-media module (GWT), 151

sourcing 3D models, 143

specifying color in Raphael, 103-104

speed considerations for SVG, 114

spheres applying textures, 135

SpiderMonkey, 46

splats, 155

sprites, drawing in Canvas, 73-74

spritesheets, 78, 83


applications with Nodester, 205

timelines in Trident.js, 80

Stats.js, checking frame rate, 144

storage APIs, Lawnchair, 183


removing, 185

retrieving, 184

store, creating, 184

Storage objects (Web Storage), 7-8

storing structured data

IndexedDB API, 7

WebSQL API, 6-7

structured data, storing

IndexedDB API, 7

WebSQL API, 6-7

styling text for Copy Me game, 92

Suzanne Awards, 130

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 16, 95

Bezier curves, 112

comparing with Canvas, 95-96

files, converting to bitmap images, 105

filters, 113

paths, exporting, 112

speed considerations, 114

SVG-edit, 27

switch-case statement (JavaScript), 36

synchronous connection, WebSQL API, 7


tags, canvas, 71

drawing state, saving and restoring, 77

images, drawing, 79

paths, drawing, 72

sprites, drawing, 73-74

transformations, 75-77



creating, 213

packaging, 215

publishing, 212, 215-217

testing applications with Chrome, 208

texels, 134


Copy Me, game

drawing, 91

styling, 92

creating with RaphaelJS, 99

fonts, Cufon, 100-102

textures, 134

appying to spheres, 135

cube mapping, 135

UV mapping, 134

themes, 206

Three.js, 117, 136

3D models, loading, 129-131

Camera object, 128-129

lighting, 120

materials, 120

particle systems, creating, 140-141

ray casting, 142

snowman scene

setting up, 123-127

viewing, 128-129

vertex, creating, 118-119

Tic-Tac-Toe game

AI, 68

sprites, drawing on canvas, 73-74

time-based animation versus frames per second, 140

timelines, 83

creating in Trident.js, 80

keyframes, 81

nonlinear, creating, 81-82

reversing, 81

Titanium Appcelerator, 45

transformations, 75-76

drawing state, saving and restoring, 77

ordering, 76-77


JQTouch, 187

JQueryMobile support, 186

Trident.js, 79

easing, 81-82

keyframes, 81

spritesheets, 83

timelines, reversing, 81

timelines, creating, 80

TurboSquid, 143


unsupported media elements in HTML5, handling

listing multiple sources, 14-15

with Modernizr, 15

updateDynamicsWorld function, 139

uploading applications to Chrome Web Store, 208-210

URL routing with ExpressJS, 163-165

user input, 53

UV mapping, 134


V8, 161

var keyword (CoffeeScript), 154

variables for shaders, 132

vectors, normal, 121

verifying Geolocation API support on browsers, 8

vertex, 118-119

vertex shaders, 121, 132-133

video tag (HTML5), 13-14

viewing snowman scene in Three.js, 128-129


web browsers

Geolocation API support, verifying, 8

Google Chrome V8, 161

Google Gears, 3

MIDI files, playing, 89

web notifications

creating, 11-12

interacting with, 12

permission to display, requesting, 11

web server tools, 23

Web Sockets

simplifying with NowJS, 171

Socket.IO, 169-170

Web Storage, 7-8

Web Workers, 4-5

WebGL, 16, 117

WebGL Inspector, 145


hosted applications, deploying, 207-208

hosted Node.js services, Nodester, 204-205

hosting your own server, 203-204

packaged applications, deploying, 208

WebOS, 45, 180


CSS, 315

launching games as, 181

Nodester, 204

PhoneGap, 190

WebSockets, 4

WebSQL API, 6-7

while loops (JavaScript), 36

widgets (GWT), RootPanel, 148-149

Windows Phone 7, 180

WorkerPool module (Google Gears), 3


design document, 51-52

shaders in GLSL, 132-133


XML, comparing with JSON, 44

XMLHttpRequest object, 2

XULJet, 46-47

XULRunner, 46, 217

z-ordering, 85

Zepto.js, 187

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