

+1, enabling on non-Google sites, 78

+1 button, 4-5

liking posts, 114-115

+1 personalization, enabling, 86-105

+1’s tab, 36

2-step verification, 77


About tab, editing, 27-30

abuse, reporting, 126-127


Google+ features, 14

streams, 110

Account, 15

account settings, managing, 75-78

Accounts page, privacy, 75

acquaintances, 58

Add Account, 15


apps to hangouts, 189-191

circles to pages, 48

cover photos to profiles, 21

Google effects to hangout, 191

Google+ profile button to websites, 40

group text chat to hangouts, 186-188

links to profiles, 32-34

managers to pages, 52-53

pages to circles, 87

people to circles, 60-61

from email contacts, 63-66

from Find People tab, 61-62

from Notifications menu, 66-68

from profiles, 68-69

with suggestions, 66-2001

photo scrapbooks to profiles, 23-24


to existing photo albums, 153-154

to pages, 45

to profiles, 8

single cover photos to profiles, 21-22

YouTube video to hangout, 189-190

albums, creating, 101

alternate email addresses, 78

approving tags, 158-161

apps, adding to hangouts, 189-191

availability, chat list, 164-165


backing up data, 89-91

blocking people, 124

bragging rights, 28

buying virtual goods in games, 197


Change Password link, 76

Change Recovery Options link, 77


off the record, 174-176

participating in, 166-168

privacy settings, 166

sending files, 169-170

signing out of, 176

video chat, 170-172, 174

participating in, 170-174

voice chat, 170-173

participating in, 173-174

chat list, 163-164

availability, 164-165

color-coded icons, 164

check-ins, Google+ Mobile, 200

circles, 4, 57-58

adding people to

from email contacts, 63-66

from Find People tab, 61-62

people to, 60-61

from profiles, 68-69

with suggestions, 66

from Notifications menu, 66-68

adding to pages, 48, 87

creating, 59-60

deleting, 72

editing names and descriptions, 71-72

Extended Circles, 63

moving people from one circle to another, 70

removing people, 71

sharing, 72-74


people in your circles, 69

people who added you to their circles, 69-70

color-coded icons, chat list, 164

commenting on posts, 116


deleting, 117, 124

disabling, 122

editing, 116-117

reporting, 123-124

connecting pages to websites, 48

contact settings, profiles, 36-37

content, searching, 131-133

Contributor To, profiles, 30

Creative Kit, editing photos, 161-162


data, backing up, 89-91


circles, 72

comments, 117, 124

Google accounts, 79-80

pages, 51-52

people from Find People tab, 63

photo albums, 152-153

photos from profiles, 25-26

posts, 122

profiles, 78-79

disabling comments, 122


content about games, 87

posts in real-time, 133


Edit Profile link, 76


About tab, 27-30

circles, names and descriptions, 71-72

comments, 116-117

names in profiles, 26-27

photos, Creative Kit, 161-162

posts, 121

education, profiles, 29

email, receiving notifications, 140-141

email contacts, adding people to circles, 63-66

from exported files, 65-66

email subscriptions

managing, 85

pages, 50

employment, profiles, 28-29

ending hangouts, 192

Explore page, viewing, 128

Extended Circles, 63


family, 57

feedback, sending, 16-17

files, sending during chat, 169-170


search results, 133

streams, 113-114

Find People tab

adding people to circles, 61-62

deleting people, 63

following, 58

formatting posts, 98

friends, 57


games, 193-194

buying virtual goods, 197

displaying content about games, 87

invitations, 195

notifications, 196

personal data, 195

playing, 193-198

removing permissions, 197

sharing on Games stream, 197

Games page, 193-194

Games stream, sharing game activity, 197

Gender, profiles, 30

Google accounts, deleting, 79-80

Google docs, 191

Google effects, adding, 191

Google+, 3

navigating, 13-14

signing in to, 12-13

signing up for, 5-12

using as a page, 48-49

Google+ Android app, 200-201

Google+ features, accessing, 14

Google+ iPhone app, 201-202

Google+ Mobile, 199-200

basic web app, 203

Google+ Android app, 200-201

Google+ iPhone app, 201-202

Google+ Mobile web app, 203

Google+ page, 42-48

Google+ Mobile basic web app, 203

Google+ Mobile web app, 203

Google+ profile button, adding to websites, 40

Google+ Ripples, 120

Google+ suggestions, 62-63

group text chat, adding to hangouts, 186-188


hangouts, 5, 177


apps to, 189-191

group text chat to, 186-188

ending, 192

inviting people to, 184

joining, 184-186

muting, 191-192

preparing to use, 177-178

screenshare, 188

starting, 178-184

Hangouts page, viewing, 178

help, 15-16

Home, profiles, 29

Hotmail, adding contacts to circles, 64


Instant Upload, 5, 200

Google+ Mobile, 200

introductions, 28


for games, 195

signing up for Google+, 7

inviting people to hangouts, 184


joining hangouts, 184-186


languages, specifying preferred, 88-89

lightbox, 155-156

lightbox view, removing tags, 159

liking posts with +1 button, 114-115

linking to posts, 125


adding to profiles, 32-34

sharing, 105-107

locking posts, 123

Looking For, profiles, 30



adding to pages, 52-53

removing from pages, 53-54


account settings, 75-78

photo settings, 87

on pages, 51

privacy settings, 82-83

for profiles, 81

for sharing, 81-82

products, 87

security, 79-80

settings, 49-52, 83-84

+1 personalization, 86

adding pages to circles, 87

displaying content about games, 87

email subscriptions, 50, 84

photo settings, 87

setting notification delivery preferences, 50, 84

specifying notification delivery preferences, 50, 85-86

specifying who can interact with you and your posts, 50, 84

mentioning other people, posts, 99

messenger, 5

Messenger, Google+ Mobile, 199

moving people from one circle to another, 70

multiple sign-in, 78


hangouts, 191-192

posts, 127-128


names, editing in profiles, 26-27

navigating Google+, 13-14

notification delivery preferences

settings, 84-85

specifying, 50

notification preferences

pages, 50-51

specifying, 85-86

Notifications, 14-15

notifications, 135

games, 196

receiving via email and text message, 140-141

specifying who can send to you, 141

viewing, 136-139

Notifications menu, adding people to circles, 66-68

Notifications page, viewing, 139-140


occupation, 28

off the record, chat, 174-175

organizing photo albums, 151-152

Other Names, profiles, 30

Other Profiles, 30


pages, 4, 48-49

adding managers, 52-53

circles, adding, 48

connecting to websites, 48

creating, 42-48

deleting, 51-52

email subscriptions, 50

notification preferences, 50-51

photo settings, managing, 51

photos, adding, 45

versus profiles, 41-42

removing managers, 53-54

settings, 49-50

specifying notification delivery preferences, 50

specifying who can interact with you and your posts, 50

transferring ownership of pages, 54


in chat, 166-168

in video chat, 174

in voice chat, 173-174


adding to circles, 60-61

from email contacts, 63-66

from Find People tab, 61-62

from Notifications menu, 66-68

from profiles, 68-69

with suggestions, 66-2001

blocking, 124

deleting from Find People tab, 63

inviting to hangouts, 184

moving from one circle to another, 70

removing from circles, 71

specifying who to display on profiles, 37-39


those who added you to their circles, 69-70

in your circles, 69

permissions, removing game permissions, 197

personal data, games, 195

phones, uploading photos, 102

photo albums, 145

adding photos to existing albums, 153-154

creating, 146-147

deleting, 152-153

organizing, 151-152

sharing, 148-150

updating sharing settings, 150-151

viewing, 147-148

photo lightbox, 154-155

photo options, 143

photo scrapbooks, adding to profiles, 23-24

photo settings

managing, 87

pages, managing, 51

photos, 155-156


to existing photo albums, 153-154

to pages, 45

to profiles, 8, 21

albums, creating, 101

deleting from profiles, 25-26

editing with Creative Kit, 161-162

sharing, 100-102

single cover photos, adding to profiles, 21-22

tagging, 156-157

uploading, 143-144

from phones, 102

Photos page, 144-145

Photos tab, 35

Picasa Web Albums, 143

Places Lived, profiles, 29

playing games, 193-198

posts, 120-121

commenting on, 116


deleting, 124

reporting, 123-124

deleting, 122

disabling comments, 122

displaying in real-time, 133

editing, 121

formatting, 98

liking with +1 button, 114-115

linking to, 125

locking, 123

mentioning other people, 99

muting, 127-128

reporting abuse, 126-127

sharing, 93-97, 117-120


Explore page, 128

streams, 110-113

Posts tab, 35

preferred languages, specifying, 88-89

Privacy, 15

privacy, 75

managing account settings, 75-78

profiles, specifying, 30-32

privacy settings

chat, 166

managing, 82-83

for profiles, 81

for sharing, 81-82

products, managing, 87-88

Profile Discovery, profiles, 30

profiles, 3-4, 19-21

About tab, editing, 27-30


cover photos, 21

links, 32-34

people to circles, 68-69

photo scrapbooks, 23-24

photos, 8

single cover photos, 21-22

contact settings, 36-37

deleting, 78-79

names, editing, 26-27

versus pages, 41-42

people, specifying who to display, 37-39

photos, deleting, 25-26

privacy, specifying, 30-32

privacy settings, 81

tabs, specifying, 34-36

viewing as others see it, 39


receiving notifications via email and text message, 140-141

Recommended Links, profiles, 30-39

relationships, profiles, 30


game permissions, 197

managers from pages, 53-54

people from circles, 71

tags, 158-159


abuse, 126-127

comments, 123-124

Ripples, 120


saving searches, 133

screenshare, hangouts, 188

search results, filtering, 133

searches, saving, 133

searching content, 131-133

security, managing, 79-80


feedback, 16-17

files during chat, 169-170

settings, managing, 83-84

+1 personalization, 86

adding pages to circles, 87

displaying content about games, 87

email subscriptions, 85

photo settings, 87

setting notification delivery preferences, 84-85

specifying notification delivery preferences, 85-86

specifying who can interact with you and your posts, 84

Share, 15

share box, 93-98


circles, 72-74

game activity, on Games stream, 197

links, 105-107

photo albums, 148-150

updating settings, 150-151

photos, 100-102

posts, 93-97, 117-120

privacy settings, 81-82

with share box, 93-98

videos, 103-104

signing in

to Google+, 12-13

multiple sign-in, 78

signing out, 15

of chat, 176

signing up for Google+, 5-12

starting hangouts, 178-184

streams, 4, 12, 109

accessing, 110

filtering, 113-114

posts, 120-121

commenting on, 116

deleting, 122

deleting comments, 124

disabling comments, 122

editing, 121

liking with +1 button, 114-115

linking to, 125

locking, 123

muting, 127-128

reporting abuse, 126-127

reporting comments, 123-124

sharing, 117-120

viewing Explore page, 128

viewing posts, 110-113

What’s Hot stream, 128

suggestions, 62-63

adding people to circles, 66


tabs, displaying on profiles, 34-36

tagging photos, 156-157

taglines, 28


approving, 158-161

removing, 158-159

text messages, notifications, receiving, 140-141

transferring ownership of pages, 54


updating album sharing settings, 150-151


photos, 143-144

from phones, 102

videos, 103


video chat, 170-173

participating in, 174


adding, 189-190

sharing, 103-104

uploading, 103

Videos tab, 35

View Profile, 15


Explore page, 128

Hangouts page, 177-178

moving people from one circle to another, 69-70

notifications, 136-139

Notifications page, 139-140

people in your circles, 69

photo albums, 147-148

posts, streams, 110-113

profile, 39

virtual goods, buying in games, 197

voice chat, 170-173

participating in, 173-174



adding Google+ profile button, 40

connecting to pages, 48

What’s Hot stream, 128

work, profiles, 29


Yahoo! Mail, adding contacts to circles, 64-65


adding video, 189-190

uploading photos, 104

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