G. Using the GNU Debugger


In this appendix you’ll:

Image Use the run command to run a program in the debugger.

Image Use the break command to set a breakpoint.

Image Use the continue command to continue execution.

Image Use the print command to evaluate expressions.

Image Use the set command to change variable values during program execution.

Image Use the step, finish and next commands to control execution.

Image Use the watch command to see how a data member is modified during program execution.

Image Use the delete command to remove a breakpoint or a watchpoint.

G.1. Introduction

In Chapter 2, you learned that there are two types of errors—compilation errors and logic errors—and you learned how to eliminate compilation errors from your code. Logic errors do not prevent a program from compiling successfully, but they can cause the program to produce erroneous results when it runs. GNU includes software called a debugger that allows you to monitor the execution of your programs so you can locate and remove logic errors.

The debugger is one of the most important program development tools. Many IDEs provide their own debuggers similar to the one included in GNU or provide a graphical user interface to GNU’s debugger. This appendix demonstrates key features of GNU’s debugger. Appendix F discusses the features and capabilities of the Visual Studio debugger. Our C Resource Center (www.deitel.com/c/) provides links to tutorials to help you familiarize yourself with the debuggers provided with various other development tools.

G.2. Breakpoints and the run, stop, continue and print Commands

We begin by investigating breakpoints, which are markers that can be set at any executable line of code. When program execution reaches a breakpoint, execution pauses, allowing you to examine the values of variables to help determine whether a logic error exists. For example, you can examine the value of a variable that stores the result of a calculation to determine whether the calculation was performed correctly. Note that attempting to set a breakpoint at a line of code that is not executable (such as a comment) will actually set the breakpoint at the next executable line of code in that function.

To illustrate the features of the debugger, we use the program listed in Fig. G.1, which finds the maximum of three integers. Execution begins in main (lines 8–20 of Fig. G.1). The three integers are input with scanf (line 15). Next, the integers are passed to maximum (line 19), which determines the largest integer. The value returned is returned to main by the return statement in maximum (line 36). The value returned is then printed in the printf statement (line 19).

 1   // Fig. G.1: figG_01.c
 2   // Finding the maximum of three integers
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   int maximum( int x, int y, int z ); // function prototype
 7   // function main begins program execution
 8   int main( void )
 9   {
10      int number1; // first integer
11      int number2; // second integer
12      int number3; // third integer
14      printf( "%s", "Enter three integers: " );
15      scanf( "%d%d%d", &number1, &number2, &number3 );
17      // number1, number2 and number3 are arguments
18      // to the maximum function call
19      printf( "Maximum is: %d ", maximum( number1, number2, number3 ) );
20   } // end main
22   // Function maximum definition
23   // x, y and z are parameters
24   int maximum( int x, int y, int z )
25   {
26      int max = x; // assume x is largest
28      if ( y > max ) { // if y is larger than max, assign y to max
29         max = y;
30      } // end if
32      if ( z > max ) { // if z is larger than max, assign z to max
33         max = z;
34      } // end if
36      return max; // max is largest value
37   } // end function maximum

Fig. G.1 Finding the maximum of three integers.

In the following steps, you’ll use breakpoints and various debugger commands to examine the value of the variable number1 declared in line 10 of Fig. G.1

1. Compiling the program for debugging. To use the debugger, you must compile your program with the -g option, which generates additional information that the debugger needs to help you debug your programs. To do so, type

    gcc -g figG_01.c

2. Starting the debugger. Type gdb ./a.out (Fig. G.2). The gdb command starts the debugger and displays the (gdb) prompt at which you can enter commands.

3. Running a program in the debugger. Run the program through the debugger by typing run (Fig. G.3). If you do not set any breakpoints before running your program in the debugger, the program will run to completion.

$ gdb ./a.out
GNU gdb 6.8-debian
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i486-linux-gnu"...


Fig. G.2 Starting the debugger to run the program.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/AppJ/a.out
Enter three integers: 22 85 17
Max is 85

Program exited normally.

Fig. G.3 Running the program with no breakpoints set.

4. Inserting breakpoints using the GNU debugger. Set a breakpoint at line 14 of figG_01.c by typing break 14. The break command inserts a breakpoint at the line number specified as its argument (i.e., 22, 85, and 17). You can set as many breakpoints as necessary. Each breakpoint is identified by the order in which it was created. The first breakpoint is known as Breakpoint 1. Set another breakpoint at line 19 by typing break 19 (Fig. G.4). This new breakpoint is known as Breakpoint 2. When the program runs, it suspends execution at any line that contains a breakpoint and the debugger enters break mode. Breakpoints can be set even after the debugging process has begun. [Note: If you do not have a numbered listing for your code, you can use the list command to output your code with line numbers. For more information about the list command type help list from the gdb prompt.]

(gdb) break 14
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483e5: file figG_01.c, line 14.
(gdb) break 19
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048440: file figG_01.c, line 19.

Fig. G.4 Setting two breakpoints in the program.

5. Running the program and beginning the debugging process. Type run to execute your program and begin the debugging process (Fig. G.5). The debugger enters break mode when execution reaches the breakpoint at line 14. At this point, the debugger notifies you that a breakpoint has been reached and displays the source code at that line (14), which will be the next statement to execute.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/AppJ/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main() at figG_01.c:14
14                     scanf("%d%d%d", &number1, &number2, &number3);

Fig. G.5 Running the program until it reaches the first breakpoint.

6. Using the continue command to resume execution. Type continue. The continue command causes the program to continue running until the next breakpoint is reached (line 19). Enter 22, 85, and 17 at the prompt. The debugger notifies you when execution reaches the second breakpoint (Fig. G.6). Note that figG_01’s normal output appears between messages from the debugger.

(gdb) continue
Enter three integers: 22 85 17

Breakpoint 2, main() at figG_01.c:19
19                    printf("Max is %d ", maximum(number1, number2,
( gdb)

Fig. G.6 Continuing execution until the second breakpoint is reached.

7. Examining a variable’s value. Type print number1 to display the current value stored in the number1 variable (Fig. G.7). The print command allows you to peek inside the computer at the value of one of your variables. This can be used to help you find and eliminate logic errors in your code. In this case, the variable’s value is 22—the value you entered that was assigned to variable number1 in line 15 of Fig. G.1.

(gdb) print number1
$1 = 22

Fig. G.7 Printing the values of variables.

8. Using convenience variables. When you use print, the result is stored in a convenience variable such as $1. Convenience variables are temporary variables created by the debugger that are named using a dollar sign followed by an integer. Convenience variables can be used to perform arithmetic and evaluate boolean expressions. Type print $1. The debugger displays the value of $1 (Fig. G.8), which contains the value of number1. Note that printing the value of $1 creates a new convenience variable—$2.

(gdb) print $1
$2 = 22

Fig. G.8 Printing a convenience variable.

9. Continuing program execution. Type continue to continue the program’s execution. The debugger encounters no additional breakpoints, so it continues executing and eventually terminates (Fig. G.9).

(gdb) continue
Max is 85

Program exited normally

Fig. G.9 Finishing execution of the program.

10. Removing a breakpoint. You can display a list of all of the breakpoints in the program by typing info break. To remove a breakpoint, type delete, followed by a space and the number of the breakpoint to remove. Remove the first breakpoint by typing delete 1. Remove the second breakpoint as well. Now type info break to list the remaining breakpoints in the program. The debugger should indicate that no breakpoints are set (Fig. G.10).

(gdb) info break
Num  Type        Disp   Enb  Address       What
1    breakpoint  keep   y    0x080483e5    in main at figG_01.c:14
         breakpoint already hit 1 time
2    breakpoint  keep   y    0x08048799    in main at figG_01.c:19
         breakpoint already hit 1 time
(gdb) delete 1
(gdb) delete 2
(gdb) info break
No breakpoints or watchpoints

Fig. G.10 Viewing and removing breakpoints.

11. Executing the program without breakpoints. Type run to execute the program. Enter the values 22, 85, and 17 at the prompt. Because you successfully removed the two breakpoints, the program’s output is displayed without the debugger entering break mode (Fig. G.11).

12. Using the quit command. Use the quit command to end the debugging session (Fig. G.12). This command causes the debugger to terminate.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/AppJ/a.out
Enter three integers: 22 85 17
Max is 85

Program exited normally.

Fig. G.11 Program executing with no breakpoints set.

(gdb) quit

Fig. G.12 Exiting the debugger using the quit command.

In this section, you used the gdb command to start the debugger and the run command to start debugging a program. You set a breakpoint at a particular line number in the main function. The break command can also be used to set a breakpoint at a line number in another file or at a particular function. Typing break, then the filename, a colon and the line number will set a breakpoint at a line in another file. Typing break, then a function name will cause the debugger to enter the break mode whenever that function is called.

Also in this section, you saw how the help list command will provide more information on the list command. If you have any questions about the debugger or any of its commands, type help or help followed by the command name for more information.

Finally, you examined variables with the print command and removed breakpoints with the delete command. You learned how to use the continue command to continue execution after a breakpoint is reached and the quit command to end the debugger.

G.3. print and set Commands

In the preceding section, you learned how to use the debugger’s print command to examine the value of a variable during program execution. In this section, you’ll learn how to use the print command to examine the value of more complex expressions. You’ll also learn the set command, which allows you to assign new values to variables. We assume you are working in the directory containing this appendix’s examples and have compiled for debugging with the -g compiler option.

1. Starting debugging. Type gdb /a.out to start the GNU debugger.

2. Inserting a breakpoint. Set a breakpoint at line 19 in the source code by typing break 19 (Fig. G.13).

(gdb) break 19
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048412: file figG_01.c, line 19.

Fig. G.13 Setting a breakpoint in the program.

3. Running the program and reaching a breakpoint. Type run to begin the debugging process (Fig. G.14). This will cause main to execute until the breakpoint at line 19 is reached. This suspends program execution and switches the program into break mode. The statement in line 19 is the next statement that will execute.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/AppJ/a.out
Enter three integers: 22 85 17

Breakpoint 1, main() at figG_01.c:19
19         printf("Max is %d ", maximum(number1, number2, number3));

Fig. G.14 Running the program until the breakpoint at line 19 is reached.

4. Evaluating arithmetic and boolean expressions. Recall from Section G.2 that once the debugger enters break mode, you can explore the values of the program’s variables using the print command. You can also use print to evaluate arithmetic and boolean expressions. Type print number1 - 2. This expression returns the value 20 (Fig. G.15), but does not actually change the value of number1. Type print number1 == 20. Expressions containing the == symbol return 0 if the statement is false and 1 if the statement is true. The value returned is 0 (Fig. G.15) because number1 still contains 22.

(gdb) print number1 - 2
$1 = 20
(gdb) print number1 == 20
$2 = 0

Fig. G.15 Printing expressions with the debugger.

5. Modifying values. You can change the values of variables during the program’s execution in the debugger. This can be valuable for experimenting with different values and for locating logic errors. You can use the debugger’s set command to change a variable’s value. Type set number1 = 90 to change the value of number1, then type print number1 to display its new value (Fig. G.16).

(gdb) set number1 = 90
(gdb) print number1
$3 = 90

Fig. G.16 Setting the value of a variable while in break mode.

6. Viewing the program result. Type continue to continue program execution. Line 19 of Fig. G.1 executes, passing number1, number2 and number3 to function maximum. Function main then displays the largest number. Note that the result is 90 (Fig. G.17). This shows that the preceding step changed the value of number1 from the value 22 that you input to 90.

(gdb) continue
Max is 90

Program exited normally.

Fig. G.17 Using a modified variable in the execution of a program.

7. Using the quit command. Use the quit command to end the debugging session (Fig. G.18). This command causes the debugger to terminate.

(gdb) quit

Fig. G.18 Exiting the debugger using the quit command.

In this section, you used the debugger’s print command to evaluate arithmetic and boolean expressions. You also learned how to use the set command to modify the value of a variable during your program’s execution.

G.4. Controlling Execution Using the step, finish and next Commands

Sometimes you’ll need to execute a program line by line to find and fix errors. Walking through a portion of your program this way can help you verify that a function’s code executes correctly. The commands in this section allow you to execute a function line by line, execute all the statements of a function at once or execute only the remaining statements of a function (if you’ve already executed some statements within the function).

1. Starting the debugger. Start the debugger by typing gdb ./a.out.

2. Setting a breakpoint. Type break 19 to set a breakpoint at line 19.

3. Running the program. Run the program by typing run, then enter 22, 85 and 17 at the prompt. The debugger then indicates that the breakpoint has been reached and displays the code at line 19. The debugger then pauses and waits for the next command to be entered.

4. Using the step command. The step command executes the next statement in the program. If the next statement to execute is a function call, control transfers to the called function. The step command enables you to enter a function and study its individual statements. For instance, you can use the print and set commands to view and modify the variables within the function. Type step to enter the maximum function (Fig. G.1). The debugger indicates that the step has been completed and displays the next executable statement (Fig. G.19)—in this case, line 28 of figG_01.c.

(gdb) step
maximum (x=22, y=85, z=17) at figG_03.c:28
28      int max = x;

Fig. G.19 Using the step command to enter a function.

5. Using the finish command. After you’ve stepped into the debit member function, type finish. This command executes the remaining statements in the function and returns control to the place where the function was called. The finish command executes the remaining statements in member function debit, then pauses at line 19 in main (Fig. G.20). The value returned by function maximum is also displayed. In lengthy functions, you may want to look at a few key lines of code, then continue debugging the caller’s code. The finish command is useful for situations in which you do not want to step through the remainder of a function line by line.

(gdb) finish
Run till exit from #0   maximum ( x = 22, y = 85, z = 17) at figG_03.c:28
0x0804842b in main() at figG_03.c:19
19         printf("Max is %d ", maximum(number1, number2, number3));
Value returned is $1 = 85

Fig. G.20 Using the finish command to complete execution of a function and return to the calling function.

6. Using the continue command to continue execution. Enter the continue command to continue execution until the program terminates.

7. Running the program again. Breakpoints persist until the end of the debugging session in which they’re set. So, the breakpoint you set in Step 2 is still set. Type run to run the program and enter 22, 85 and 17 at the prompt. As in Step 3, the program runs until the breakpoint at line 19 is reached, then the debugger pauses and waits for the next command (Fig. G.21).

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/AppJ/a.out
Enter three integers: 22 85 17

Breakpoint 1, main() at figG_03.c:19
19         printf("Max is %d ", maximum(number1, number2, number3));

Fig. G.21 Restarting the program.

8. Using the next command. Type next. This command behaves like the step command, except when the next statement to execute contains a function call. In that case, the called function executes in its entirety and the program advances to the next executable line after the function call (Fig. G.22). In Step 4, the step command enters the called function. In this example, the next command executes function maximum and outputs the largest of the three integers. The debugger then pauses at line 21.

(gdb) next
Max is 85
21        return 0; // indicates successful termination

Fig. G.22 Using the next command to execute a function in its entirety.

9. Using the quit command. Use the quit command to end the debugging session (Fig. G.23). While the program is running, this command causes the program to immediately terminate rather than execute the remaining statements in main.

(gdb) quit
The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y

Fig. G.23 Exiting the debugger using the quit command.

In this section, you used the debugger’s step and finish commands to debug functions called during your program’s execution. You saw how the next command can step over a function call. You also learned that the quit command ends a debugging session.

G.5. watch Command

The watch command tells the debugger to watch a data member. When that data member is about to change, the debugger will notify you. In this section, you’ll use the watch command to see how the variable number1 is modified during execution.

1. Starting the debugger. Start the debugger by typing gdb ./a.out.

2. Setting a breakpoint and running the program. Type break 14 to set a breakpoint at line 14. Then, run the program with the command run. The debugger and program will pause at the breakpoint at line 14 (Fig. G.24).

(gdb) break 14
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483e5: file figG_03.c, line 14.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/AppJ/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main () at figG_03.c:14
14         printf("Enter three integers: ");

Fig. G.24 Running the program until the first breakpoint.

3. Watching a class’s data member. Set a watch on number1 by typing watch number1 (Fig. G.25). This watch is labeled as watchpoint 2 because watchpoints are labeled with the same sequence of numbers as breakpoints. You can set a watch on any variable or data member of an object currently in scope. Whenever the value of a watched variable changes, the debugger enters break mode and notifies you that the value has changed.

(gdb) watch number1
Hardware watchpoint2: number1

Fig. G.25 Setting a watchpoint on a data member.

4. Continuing execution. Type continue to continue execution and enter three integers at the prompt. The debugger notifies you that the value of number1 has changed and enters break mode (Fig. G.26). The old value of number1 is its value before initialization. This value may be different each time the program executes. This unpredictable (and often undesirable) value demonstrates why it’s important to initalize all C variables before they are used.

(gdb) continue
Enter three integers: 22 85 17
Hardware watchpoint 2: number1

Old value = -1208401328
New value = 22
0xb7e6c692 in _IO_vfscanf() from /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6

Fig. G.26 Entering break mode when a variable is changed.

5. Continuing execution. Type continue—the program will finish executing main. The debugger removes the watch on number1 because number1 goes out of scope when function main ends. Removing the watchpoint causes the debugger to enter break mode. Type continue again to finish execution of the program (Fig. G.27).

(gdb) continue
Max is 85

Watchpoint 2 is deleted because the program has left the block in
which its expression is valid.
0xb7e4aab7 in exit() from /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
(gdb) continue

Program exited normally

Fig. G.27 Continuing to the end of the program.

6. Restarting the debugger and resetting the watch on the variable. Type run to restart the debugger. Once again, set a watch on number1 by typing watch number1. This watchpoint is labeled as watchpoint 3. Type continue to continue execution (Fig. G.28).

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/users/AppJ/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main () at figG_03.c:14
14         printf("Enter three integers: ");
(gdb) watch number1
Hardware watchpoint 3: number1
(gdb) continue
Hardware watchpoint 3: number1

Old value = -1208798640
New value = 22
0xb7e0b692 in _IO_vfscanf() from /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6

Fig. G.28 Resetting the watch on a data member.

7. Removing the watch on the data member. Suppose you want to watch a data member for only part of a program’s execution. You can remove the debugger’s watch on variable number1 by typing delete 3 (Fig. G.29). Type continue—the program will finish executing without reentering break mode.

(gdb) delete 3
(gdb) continue
Max is 85

Program exited normally.

Fig. G.29 Removing a watch.

In this section, you used the watch command to enable the debugger to notify you when the value of a variable changes. You used the delete command to remove a watch on a data member before the end of the program.

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