4. Control Statements: Part II


In this chapter you’ll:

Image Review the essentials of counter-controlled repetition.

Image Use the for and do...while repetition statements to execute statements repeatedly.

Image Use the switch selection statement to perform multiple selection.

Image Use the break and continue statements to alter the flow of control.

Image Use the logical operators to form complex conditional expressions in control statements.

Image Use techniques to avoid confusing the equality and assignment operators.

4.1. Introduction

In this chapter, repetition is considered in greater detail, and additional repetition control statements, namely the for and the do...while, are presented. The switch multiple-selection statement is introduced. We discuss the break statement for exiting immediately from certain control statements, and the continue statement for skipping the remainder of the body of a repetition statement and proceeding with the next iteration of the loop. The chapter discusses logical operators used for combining conditions, and summarizes the principles of structured programming as presented in Chapters 3 and 4.

4.2. Repetition Essentials

Most programs involve repetition, or looping. A loop is a group of instructions the computer executes repeatedly while some loop-continuation condition remains true. We’ve discussed two means of repetition:

1. Counter-controlled repetition

2. Sentinel-controlled repetition

Counter-controlled repetition is sometimes called definite repetition because we know in advance exactly how many times the loop will be executed. Sentinel-controlled repetition is sometimes called indefinite repetition because it’s not known in advance how many times the loop will be executed.

In counter-controlled repetition, a control variable is used to count the number of repetitions. The control variable is incremented (usually by 1) each time the group of instructions is performed. When the value of the control variable indicates that the correct number of repetitions has been performed, the loop terminates and execution continues with the statement after the repetition statement.

Sentinel values are used to control repetition when:

1. The precise number of repetitions isn’t known in advance, and

2. The loop includes statements that obtain data each time the loop is performed.

The sentinel value indicates “end of data.” The sentinel is entered after all regular data items have been supplied to the program. Sentinels must be distinct from regular data items.

4.3. Counter-Controlled Repetition

Counter-controlled repetition requires:

1. The name of a control variable (or loop counter).

2. The initial value of the control variable.

3. The increment (or decrement) by which the control variable is modified each time through the loop.

4. The condition that tests for the final value of the control variable (i.e., whether looping should continue).

Consider the simple program shown in Fig. 4.1, which prints the numbers from 1 to 10. The definition

unsigned int counter = 1; // initialization

 1   // Fig. 4.1: fig04_01.c
 2   // Counter-controlled repetition.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   // function main begins program execution
 6   int main( void )
 7   {
 8      unsigned int counter = 1; // initialization
10      while ( counter <= 10 ) { // repetition condition
11         printf ( "%u ", counter ); // display counter
12         ++counter; // increment
13      } // end while
14   } // end function main


Fig. 4.1 Counter-controlled repetition.

names the control variable (counter), defines it to be an integer, reserves memory space for it, and sets it to an initial value of 1.

The definition and initialization of counter could also have been written as

unsigned int counter;
counter = 1;

The definition is not executable, but the assignment is. We use both methods of setting the values of variables.

The statement

++counter; // increment

increments the loop counter by 1 each time the loop is performed. The loop-continuation condition in the while statement tests whether the value of the control variable is less than or equal to 10 (the last value for which the condition is true). The body of this while is performed even when the control variable is 10. The loop terminates when the control variable exceeds 10 (i.e., counter becomes 11).

You could make the program in Fig. 4.1 more concise by initializing counter to 0 and by replacing the while statement with

while ( ++counter <= 10 )
   printf( "%u ", counter );

This code saves a statement because the incrementing is done directly in the while condition before the condition is tested. Also, this code eliminates the need for the braces around the body of the while because the while now contains only one statement. Coding in such a condensed fashion takes some practice. Some programmers feel that this makes the code too cryptic and error prone.

Image Common Programming Error 4.1

Floating-point values may be approximate, so controlling counting loops with floating-point variables may result in imprecise counter values and inaccurate termination tests.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.1

Control counting loops with integer values.

Image Good Programming Practice 4.1

The combination of vertical spacing before and after control statements and indentation of the bodies of control statements within the control-statement headers gives programs a two-dimensional appearance that greatly improves program readability.

4.4. for Repetition Statement

The for repetition statement handles all the details of counter-controlled repetition. To illustrate its power, let’s rewrite the program of Fig. 4.1. The result is shown in Fig. 4.2.

 1   // Fig. 4.2: fig04_02.c
 2   // Counter-controlled repetition with the for statement.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   // function main begins program execution
 6   int main( void )
 7   {
 8      unsigned int counter; // define counter
10      // initialization, repetition condition, and increment
11      //  are all included in the for statement header.
12      for ( counter = 1; counter <= 10; ++counter ) {
13         printf( "%u ", counter );
14      } // end for
15   } // end function main

Fig. 4.2 Counter-controlled repetition with the for statement.

The program operates as follows. When the for statement begins executing, the control variable counter is initialized to 1. Then, the loop-continuation condition counter <= 10 is checked. Because the initial value of counter is 1, the condition is satisfied, so the printf statement (line 13) prints the value of counter, namely 1. The control variable counter is then incremented by the expression ++counter, and the loop begins again with the loop-continuation test. Because the control variable is now equal to 2, the final value is not exceeded, so the program performs the printf statement again. This process continues until the control variable counter is incremented to its final value of 11—this causes the loop-continuation test to fail, and repetition terminates. The program continues by performing the first statement after the for statement (in this case, the end of the program).

for Statement Header Components

Figure 4.3 takes a closer look at the for statement of Fig. 4.2. Notice that the for statement “does it all”—it specifies each of the items needed for counter-controlled repetition with a control variable. If there’s more than one statement in the body of the for, braces are required to define the body of the loop.


Fig. 4.3 for statement header components.

The C standard allows you to declare the control variable in the initialization section of the for header (as in int counter = 1). We show a complete code example of this in Appendix E.

Off-By-One Errors

Notice that Fig. 4.2 uses the loop-continuation condition counter <= 10. If you incorrectly wrote counter < 10, then the loop would be executed only 9 times. This is a common logic error called an off-by-one error.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.2

Using the final value in the condition of a while or for statement and using the <= relational operator can help avoid off-by-one errors. For a loop used to print the values 1 to 10, for example, the loop-continuation condition should be counter <= 10 rather than counter < 11 or counter < 10.

General Format of a for Statement

The general format of the for statement is

for ( expression1; expression2; expression3 ) {

where expression1 initializes the loop-control variable, expression2 is the loop-continuation condition, and expression3 increments the control variable. In most cases, the for statement can be represented with an equivalent while statement as follows:

while ( expression2 ) {

There’s an exception to this rule, which we discuss in Section 4.9.

Comma-Separated Lists of Expressions

Often, expression1 and expression3 are comma-separated lists of expressions. The commas as used here are actually comma operators that guarantee that lists of expressions evaluate from left to right. The value and type of a comma-separated list of expressions are the value and type of the rightmost expression in the list. The comma operator is most often used in the for statement. Its primary use is to enable you to use multiple initialization and/or multiple increment expressions. For example, there may be two control variables in a single for statement that must be initialized and incremented.

Image Software Engineering Observation 4.1

Place only expressions involving the control variables in the initialization and increment sections of a for statement. Manipulations of other variables should appear either before the loop (if they execute only once, like initialization statements) or in the loop body (if they execute once per repetition, like incrementing or decrementing statements).

Expressions in the for Statement’s Header Are Optional

The three expressions in the for statement are optional. If expression2 is omitted, C assumes that the condition is true, thus creating an infinite loop. You may omit expression1 if the control variable is initialized elsewhere in the program. expression3 may be omitted if the increment is calculated by statements in the body of the for statement or if no increment is needed.

Increment Expression Acts Like a Standalone Statement

The increment expression in the for statement acts like a standalone C statement at the end of the body of the for. Therefore, the expressions

counter = counter + 1
counter += 1

are all equivalent in the increment part of the for statement. Some C programmers prefer the form counter++ because the incrementing occurs after the loop body is executed, and the postincrementing form seems more natural. Because the variable being preincremented or postincremented here does not appear in a larger expression, both forms of incrementing have the same effect. The two semicolons in the for statement are required.

Image Common Programming Error 4.2

Using commas instead of semicolons in a for header is a syntax error.

Image Common Programming Error 4.3

Placing a semicolon immediately to the right of a for header makes the body of that for statement an empty statement. This is normally a logic error.

4.5. for Statement: Notes and Observations

1. The initialization, loop-continuation condition and increment can contain arithmetic expressions. For example, if x = 2 and y = 10, the statement

   for ( j = x; j <= 4 * x * y; j += y / x )

is equivalent to the statement

   for ( j = 2; j <= 80; j += 5 )

2. The “increment” may be negative (in which case it’s really a decrement and the loop actually counts downward).

3. If the loop-continuation condition is initially false, the loop body does not execute. Instead, execution proceeds with the statement following the for statement.

4. The control variable is frequently printed or used in calculations in the body of a loop, but it need not be. It’s common to use the control variable for controlling repetition while never mentioning it in the body of the loop.

5. The for statement is flowcharted much like the while statement. For example, Fig. 4.4 shows the flowchart of the for statement

   for ( counter = 1; counter <= 10; ++counter )
      printf( "%u", counter );


Fig. 4.4 Flowcharting a typical for repetition statement.

This flowchart makes it clear that the initialization occurs only once and that incrementing occurs after the body statement is performed.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.3

Although the value of the control variable can be changed in the body of a for loop, this can lead to subtle errors. It’s best not to change it.

4.6. Examples Using the for Statement

The following examples show methods of varying the control variable in a for statement.

1. Vary the control variable from 1 to 100 in increments of 1.

   for ( i = 1; i <= 100; ++i )

2. Vary the control variable from 100 to 1 in increments of -1 (decrements of 1).

   for ( i = 100; i >= 1; --i )

3. Vary the control variable from 7 to 77 in steps of 7.

   for ( i = 7; i <= 77; i += 7 )

4. Vary the control variable from 20 to 2 in steps of -2.

   for ( i = 20; i >= 2; i -= 2 )

5. Vary the control variable over the following sequence of values: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17.

   for ( j = 2; j <= 17; j += 3 )

6. Vary the control variable over the following sequence of values: 44, 33, 22, 11, 0.

   for ( j = 44; j >= 0; j -= 11 )

Application: Summing the Even Integers from 2 to 100

Figure 4.5 uses the for statement to sum all the even integers from 2 to 100. Each iteration of the loop (lines 11–13) adds control variable number’s value to variable sum.

 1   // Fig. 4.5: fig04_05.c  
 2   // Summation with for.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   // function main begins program execution
 6   int main( void )
 7   {
 8      unsigned int sum = 0; // initialize sum
 9      unsigned int number; // number to be added to sum
11      for ( number = 2; number <= 100; number += 2 ) {
12         sum += number; // add number to sum          
13      } // end for
15      printf( "Sum is %u ", sum ); // output sum
16   } // end function main

Sum is 2550

Fig. 4.5 Summation with for.

The body of the for statement in Fig. 4.5 could actually be merged into the rightmost portion of the for header by using the comma operator as follows:

for ( number = 2; number <= 100; sum += number, number += 2 )
   ; // empty statement

The initialization sum = 0 could also be merged into the initialization section of the for.

Image Good Programming Practice 4.2

Although statements preceding a for and statements in the body of a for can often be merged into the for header, avoid doing so, because it makes the program more difficult to read.

Image Good Programming Practice 4.3

Limit the size of control-statement headers to a single line if possible.

Application: Compound-Interest Calculations

The next example computes compound interest using the for statement. Consider the following problem statement:

A person invests $1000.00 in a savings account yielding 5% interest. Assuming that all interest is left on deposit in the account, calculate and print the amount of money in the account at the end of each year for 10 years. Use the following formula for determining these amounts:

a = p(1 + r)n


p is the original amount invested (i.e., the principal)

r is the annual interest rate

n is the number of years

a is the amount on deposit at the end of the nth year.

This problem involves a loop that performs the indicated calculation for each of the 10 years the money remains on deposit. The solution is shown in Fig. 4.6.

 1   // Fig. 4.6: fig04_06.c
 2   // Calculating compound interest.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 4   #include <math.h>
 6   // function main begins program execution
 7   int main( void )
 8   {
 9      double amount; // amount on deposit
10      double principal = 1000.0; // starting principal
11      double rate = .05; // annual interest rate
12      unsigned int year; // year counter
14      // output table column heads
15      printf( "%4s%21s ", "Year", "Amount on deposit" );
17      // calculate amount on deposit for each of ten years
18      for ( year = 1; year <= 10; ++year ) {
20         // calculate new amount for specified year
21         amount = principal * pow( 1.0 + rate, year );
23         // output one table row
24         printf( "%4u%21.2f ", year, amount );
25      } // end for
26   } // end function main

Year    Amount on deposit
   1              1050.00
   2              1102.50
   3              1157.63
   4              1215.51
   5              1276.28
   6              1340.10
   7              1407.10
   8              1477.46
   9              1551.33
  10              1628.89

Fig. 4.6 Calculating compound interest.

The for statement executes the body of the loop 10 times, varying a control variable from 1 to 10 in increments of 1. Although C does not include an exponentiation operator, we can use the Standard Library function pow for this purpose. The function pow(x, y) calculates the value of x raised to the yth power. It takes two arguments of type double and returns a double value. Type double is a floating-point type like float, but typically a variable of type double can store a value of much greater magnitude with greater precision than float. The header <math.h> (line 4) should be included whenever a math function such as pow is used. Actually, this program would malfunction without the inclusion of math.h, as the linker would be unable to find the pow function.1 Function pow requires two double arguments, but variable year is an integer. The math.h file includes information that tells the compiler to convert the value of year to a temporary double representation before calling the function. This information is contained in something called pow’s function prototype. Function prototypes are explained in Chapter 5. We also provide a summary of the pow function and other math library functions in Chapter 5.

1. On many Linux/UNIX C compilers, you must include the -lm option (e.g., gcc -lm fig04_06.c) when compiling Fig. 4.6. This links the math library to the program.

A Caution about Using Type float or double for Monetary Amounts

Notice that we defined the variables amount, principal and rate to be of type double. We did this for simplicity because we’re dealing with fractional parts of dollars.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.4

Do not use variables of type float or double to perform monetary calculations. The impreciseness of floating-point numbers can cause errors that will result in incorrect monetary values. Instead you can perform the calculations in whole number values as pennies.

Here is a simple explanation of what can go wrong when using float or double to represent dollar amounts. Two float dollar amounts stored in the machine could be 14.234 (which with %.2f prints as 14.23) and 18.673 (which with %.2f prints as 18.67). When these amounts are added, they produce the sum 32.907, which with %.2f prints as 32.91. Thus your printout could appear as

+ 18.67

Clearly the sum of the individual numbers as printed should be 32.90! You’ve been warned!

Formatting Numeric Output

The conversion specifier %21.2f is used to print the value of the variable amount in the program. The 21 in the conversion specifier denotes the field width in which the value will be printed. A field width of 21 specifies that the value printed will appear in 21 print positions. The 2 specifies the precision (i.e., the number of decimal positions). If the number of characters displayed is less than the field width, then the value will automatically be right justified in the field. This is particularly useful for aligning floating-point values with the same precision (so that their decimal points align vertically). To left justify a value in a field, place a - (minus sign) between the % and the field width. The minus sign may also be used to left justify integers (such as in %-6d) and character strings (such as in %-8s). We’ll discuss the powerful formatting capabilities of printf and scanf in detail in Chapter 9.

4.7. switch Multiple-Selection Statement

In Chapter 3, we discussed the if single-selection statement and the if...else double-selection statement. Occasionally, an algorithm will contain a series of decisions in which a variable or expression is tested separately for each of the constant integral values it may assume, and different actions are taken. This is called multiple selection. C provides the switch multiple-selection statement to handle such decision making.

The switch statement consists of a series of case labels, an optional default case and statements to execute for each case. Figure 4.7 uses switch to count the number of each different letter grade students earned on an exam.

 1   // Fig. 4.7: fig04_07.c
 2   // Counting letter grades with switch.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   // function main begins program execution
 6   int main( void )
 7   {
 8      int grade; // one grade
 9      unsigned int aCount = 0; // number of As
10      unsigned int bCount = 0; // number of Bs
11      unsigned int cCount = 0; // number of Cs
12      unsigned int dCount = 0; // number of Ds
13      unsigned int fCount = 0; // number of Fs
15      puts( "Enter the letter grades."  );
16      puts( "Enter the EOF character to end input."  );
18      // loop until user types end-of-file key sequence
19      while ( ( grade = getchar() ) != EOF ) {
21         // determine which grade was input
22         switch ( grade ) { // switch nested in while
24            case 'A': // grade was uppercase A
25            case 'a': // or lowercase a
26               ++aCount; // increment aCount
27               break; // necessary to exit switch
29            case 'B': // grade was uppercase B
30            case 'b': // or lowercase b
31               ++bCount; // increment bCount
32               break; // exit switch
34            case 'C': // grade was uppercase C
35            case 'c': // or lowercase c
36               ++cCount; // increment cCount
37               break; // exit switch
39            case 'D': // grade was uppercase D
40            case 'd': // or lowercase d
41               ++dCount; // increment dCount
42               break; // exit switch
44            case 'F': // grade was uppercase F
45            case 'f': // or lowercase f
46               ++fCount; // increment fCount
47               break; // exit switch
49            case ' ': // ignore newlines,
50            case ' ': // tabs,
51            case ' ': // and spaces in input
52               break; // exit switch
54            default: // catch all other characters
55               printf( "%s", "Incorrect letter grade entered." );
56               puts( " Enter a new grade." );
57               break; // optional; will exit switch anyway
58         } // end switch
59      } // end while
61      // output summary of results
62      puts( " Totals for each letter grade are:" );
63      printf( "A: %u ", aCount ); // display number of A grades
64      printf( "B: %u ", bCount ); // display number of B grades
65      printf( "C: %u ", cCount ); // display number of C grades
66      printf( "D: %u ", dCount ); // display number of D grades
67      printf( "F: %u ", fCount ); // display number of F grades
68   } // end function main

Enter the letter grades.
Enter the EOF character to end input.
Incorrect letter grade entered. Enter a new grade.
^Z Image Not all systems display a representation of the EOF character

Totals for each letter grade are:
A: 3
B: 2
C: 3
D: 2
F: 1

Fig. 4.7 Counting letter grades with switch.

Reading Character Input

In the program, the user enters letter grades for a class. In the while header (line 19),

while ( ( grade = getchar() ) != EOF )

the parenthesized assignment (grade = getchar()) executes first. The getchar function (from <stdio.h>) reads one character from the keyboard and stores that character in the integer variable grade. Characters are normally stored in variables of type char. However, an important feature of C is that characters can be stored in any integer data type because they’re usually represented as one-byte integers in the computer. Thus, we can treat a character as either an integer or a character, depending on its use. For example, the statement

printf( "The character (%c) has the value %d. ", 'a', 'a' );

uses the conversion specifiers %c and %d to print the character a and its integer value, respectively. The result is

The character (a) has the value 97.

The integer 97 is the character’s numerical representation in the computer. Many computers today use the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set in which 97 represents the lowercase letter 'a'. A list of the ASCII characters and their decimal values is presented in Appendix B. Characters can be read with scanf by using the conversion specifier %c.

Assignments as a whole actually have a value. This value is assigned to the variable on the left side of the =. The value of the assignment expression grade = getchar() is the character that’s returned by getchar and assigned to the variable grade.

The fact that assignments have values can be useful for setting several variables to the same value. For example,

a = b = c = 0;

first evaluates the assignment c = 0 (because the = operator associates from right to left). The variable b is then assigned the value of the assignment c = 0 (which is 0). Then, the variable a is assigned the value of the assignment b = (c = 0) (which is also 0). In the program, the value of the assignment grade = getchar() is compared with the value of EOF (a symbol whose acronym stands for “end of file”). We use EOF (which normally has the value -1) as the sentinel value. The user types a system-dependent keystroke combination to mean “end of file”—i.e., “I have no more data to enter.” EOF is a symbolic integer constant defined in the <stdio.h> header (we’ll see in Chapter 6 how symbolic constants are defined). If the value assigned to grade is equal to EOF, the program terminates. We’ve chosen to represent characters in this program as ints because EOF has an integer value (again, normally -1).

Image Portability Tip 4.1

The keystroke combinations for entering EOF (end of file) are system dependent.

Image Portability Tip 4.2

Testing for the symbolic constant EOF [rather than –1 makes programs more portable. The C standard states that EOF is a negative integral value (but not necessarily –1). Thus, EOF could have different values on different systems.

Entering the EOF Indicator

On Linux/UNIX/Mac OS X systems, the EOF indicator is entered by typing

<Ctrl>  d

on a line by itself. This notation <Ctrl> d means to press the Enter key and then simultaneously press both the Ctrl key and the d key. On other systems, such as Microsoft Windows, the EOF indicator can be entered by typing

<Ctrl>  z

You may also need to press Enter on Windows.

The user enters grades at the keyboard. When the Enter key is pressed, the characters are read by function getchar one character at a time. If the character entered is not equal to EOF, the switch statement (line 22–58) is entered.

switch Statement Details

Keyword switch is followed by the variable name grade in parentheses. This is called the controlling expression. The value of this expression is compared with each of the case labels. Assume the user has entered the letter C as a grade. C is automatically compared to each case in the switch. If a match occurs (case 'C':), the statements for that case are executed. In the case of the letter C, cCount is incremented by 1 (line 36), and the switch statement is exited immediately with the break statement.

The break statement causes program control to continue with the first statement after the switch statement. The break statement is used because the cases in a switch statement would otherwise run together. If break is not used anywhere in a switch statement, then each time a match occurs in the statement, the statements for all the remaining cases will be executed. [This feature is rarely useful, although it’s perfect for programming certain iterative songs like The Twelve Days of Christmas!] If no match occurs, the default case is executed, and an error message is printed.

switch Statement Flowchart

Each case can have one or more actions. The switch statement is different from all other control statements in that braces are not required around multiple actions in a case of a switch. The general switch multiple-selection statement (using a break in each case) is flowcharted in Fig. 4.8. The flowchart makes it clear that each break statement at the end of a case causes control to immediately exit the switch statement.


Fig. 4.8 switch multiple-selection statement with breaks.

Image Common Programming Error 4.4

Forgetting a break statement when one is needed in a switch statement is a logic error.

Image Software Engineering Observation 4.2

Provide a default case in switch statements. Cases not explicitly tested in a switch are ignored. The default case helps prevent this by focusing you on the need to process exceptional conditions. Sometimes no default processing is needed.

Image Good Programming Practice 4.4

Although the case clauses and the default case clause in a switch statement can occur in any order, it’s common to place the default clause last.

Image Good Programming Practice 4.5

In a switch statement when the default clause is last, the break statement isn’t required. You may prefer to include this break for clarity and symmetry with other cases.

Ignoring Newline, Tab and Blank Characters in Input

In the switch statement of Fig. 4.7, the lines

case ' ': // ignore newlines,
case ' ': // tabs,
case ' ': // and spaces in input
   break; // exit switch

cause the program to skip newline, tab and blank characters. Reading characters one at a time can cause some problems. To have the program read the characters, you must send them to the computer by pressing the Enter key. This causes the newline character to be placed in the input after the character we wish to process. Often, this newline character must be specially processed to make the program work correctly. By including the preceding cases in our switch statement, we prevent the error message in the default case from being printed each time a newline, tab or space is encountered in the input.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.5

Remember to provide processing capabilities for newline (and possibly other white-space) characters in the input when processing characters one at a time.

Listing several case labels together (such as case 'D': case 'd': in Fig. 4.7) simply means that the same set of actions is to occur for either of these cases.

Constant Integral Expressions

When using the switch statement, remember that each individual case can test only a constant integral expression—i.e., any combination of character constants and integer constants that evaluates to a constant integer value. A character constant can be represented as the specific character in single quotes, such as 'A'. Characters must be enclosed within single quotes to be recognized as character constants—characters in double quotes are recognized as strings. Integer constants are simply integer values. In our example, we’ve used character constants. Remember that characters are represented as small integer values.

Notes on Integral Types

Portable languages like C must have flexible data type sizes. Different applications may need integers of different sizes. C provides several data types to represent integers. In addition to int and char, C provides types short int (which can be abbreviated as short) and long int (which can be abbreviated as long). The C standard specifies the minimum range of values for each integer type, but the actual range may be greater and depends on the implementation. For short ints the minimum range is –32767 to +32767. For most integer calculations, long ints are sufficient. The minimum range of values for long ints is –2147483647 to +2147483647. The range of values for an int greater than or equal to that of a short int and less than or equal to that of a long int. On many of today’s platforms, ints and long ints represent the same range of values. The data type signed char can be used to represent integers in the range –127 to +127 or any of the characters in the computer’s character set. See Section of the C standard document for the complete list of signed and unsigned integer-type ranges.

4.8. do...while Repetition Statement

The do...while repetition statement is similar to the while statement. In the while statement, the loop-continuation condition is tested at the beginning of the loop before the body of the loop is performed. The do...while statement tests the loop-continuation condition after the loop body is performed. Therefore, the loop body will be executed at least once. When a do...while terminates, execution continues with the statement after the while clause. It’s not necessary to use braces in the do...while statement if there’s only one statement in the body. However, the braces are usually included to avoid confusion between the while and do...while statements. For example,

while ( condition )

is normally regarded as the header to a while statement. A do...while with no braces around the single-statement body appears as

while ( condition );

which can be confusing. The last line—while( condition );—may be misinterpreted as a while statement containing an empty statement. Thus, to avoid confusion, the do...while with one statement is often written as follows:

do {
} while ( condition );

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.6

To eliminate the potential for ambiguity, you may want to include braces in do...while statements, even if they’re not necessary.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.7

Infinite loops are caused when the loop-continuation condition in a repetition statement never becomes false. To prevent this, make sure there’s not a semicolon immediately after a while or for statement’s header. In a counter-controlled loop, make sure the control variable is incremented (or decremented) in the loop. In a sentinel-controlled loop, make sure the sentinel value is eventually input.

Figure 4.9 uses a do...while statement to print the numbers from 1 to 10. The control variable counter is preincremented in the loop-continuation test.

 1   // Fig. 4.9: fig04_09.c
 2   // Using the do...while repetition statement.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   // function main begins program execution
 6   int main( void )
 7   {
 8      unsigned int counter = 1; // initialize counter
10      do {                                             
11         printf( "%u ", counter ); // display counter  
12      } while ( ++counter <= 10 ); // end do...while   
13   } // end function main

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Fig. 4.9 Using the do...while repetition statement.

do...while Statement Flowchart

Figure 4.10 shows the do...while statement flowchart, which makes it clear that the loop-continuation condition does not execute until after the action is performed at least once.


Fig. 4.10 Flowcharting the do...while repetition statement.

4.9. break and continue Statements

The break and continue statements are used to alter the flow of control. Section 4.7 showed how break can be used to terminate a switch statement’s execution. This section discusses how to use break in a repetition statement.

break Statement

The break statement, when executed in a while, for, do...while or switch statement, causes an immediate exit from that statement. Program execution continues with the next statement. Common uses of the break statement are to escape early from a loop or to skip the remainder of a switch statement (as in Fig. 4.7). Figure 4.11 demonstrates the break statement in a for repetition statement. When the if statement detects that x has become 5, break is executed. This terminates the for statement, and the program continues with the printf after the for. The loop fully executes only four times.

 1   // Fig. 4.11: fig04_11.c
 2   // Using the break statement in a for statement.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   // function main begins program execution
 6   int main( void )
 7   {
 8      unsigned int x; // counter
10      // loop 10 times
11      for ( x = 1; x <= 10; ++x ) {
13         // if x is 5, terminate loop
14         if ( x == 5 ) {
15            break; // break loop only if x is 5
16         } // end if
18         printf( "%u ", x ); // display value of x
19      } // end for
21      printf( " Broke out of loop at x == %u ", x );
22   } // end function main

1 2 3 4
Broke out of loop at x == 5

Fig. 4.11 Using the break statement in a for statement.

continue Statement

The continue statement, when executed in a while, for or do...while statement, skips the remaining statements in the body of that control statement and performs the next iteration of the loop. In while and do...while statements, the loop-continuation test is evaluated immediately after the continue statement is executed. In the for statement, the increment expression is executed, then the loop-continuation test is evaluated. Earlier, we said that the while statement could be used in most cases to represent the for statement. The one exception occurs when the increment expression in the while statement follows the continue statement. In this case, the increment is not executed before the repetition-continuation condition is tested, and the while does not execute in the same manner as the for. Figure 4.12 uses the continue statement in a for statement to skip the printf statement and begin the next iteration of the loop.

 1   // Fig. 4.12: fig04_12.c
 2   // Using the continue statement in a for statement.
 3   #include <stdio.h>
 5   // function main begins program execution
 6   int main( void )
 7   {
 8      unsigned int x; // counter
10      // loop 10 times
11      for ( x = 1; x <= 10; ++x ) {
13         // if x is 5, continue with next iteration of loop
14         if ( x == 5 ) {
15            continue; // skip remaining code in loop body
16         } // end if
18         printf( "%u ", x ); // display value of x
19      } // end for
21      puts( " Used continue to skip printing the value 5" );
22   } // end function main

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
Used continue to skip printing the value 5

Fig. 4.12 Using the continue statement in a for statement.

Image Software Engineering Observation 4.3

Some programmers feel that break and continue violate the norms of structured programming. The effects of these statements can be achieved by structured programming techniques we’ll soon learn, so these programmers do not use break and continue.

Image Performance Tip 4.1

The break and continue statements, when used properly, perform faster than the corresponding structured techniques that we’ll soon learn.

Image Software Engineering Observation 4.4

There’s a tension between achieving quality software engineering and achieving the best-performing software. Often one of these goals is achieved at the expense of the other. For all but the most performance-intensive situations, apply the following guidelines: First, make your code simple and correct; then make it fast and small, but only if necessary.

4.10. Logical Operators

So far we’ve studied only simple conditions, such as counter <= 10, total > 1000, and number != sentinelValue. We’ve expressed these conditions in terms of the relational operators, >, <, >= and <=, and the equality operators, == and !=. Each decision tested precisely one condition. To test multiple conditions in the process of making a decision, we had to perform these tests in separate statements or in nested if or if...else statements. C provides logical operators that may be used to form more complex conditions by combining simple conditions. The logical operators are && (logical AND), || (logical OR) and ! (logical NOT, also called logical negation). We’ll consider examples of each of these operators.

Logical AND (&&) Operator

Suppose we wish to ensure that two conditions are both true before we choose a certain path of execution. In this case, we can use the logical operator && as follows:

if ( gender == 1 && age >= 65 )

This if statement contains two simple conditions. The condition gender == 1 might be evaluated, for example, to determine whether a person is a female. The condition age >= 65 is evaluated to determine whether a person is a senior citizen. The two simple conditions are evaluated first because == and >= are have higher precedence than &&. The if statement then considers the combined condition gender == 1 && age >= 65, which is true if and only if both of the simple conditions are true. Finally, if this combined condition is true, then the count of seniorFemales is incremented by 1. If either or both of the simple conditions are false, then the program skips the incrementing and proceeds to the statement following the if.

Figure 4.13 summarizes the && operator. The table shows all four possible combinations of zero (false) and nonzero (true) values for expression1 and expression2. Such tables are often called truth tables. C evaluates all expressions that include relational operators, equality operators, and/or logical operators to 0 or 1. Although C sets a true value to 1, it accepts any nonzero value as true.


Fig. 4.13 Truth table for the logical AND (&&) operator.

Logical OR (||) Operator

Now let’s consider the || (logical OR) operator. Suppose we wish to ensure at some point in a program that either or both of two conditions are true before we choose a certain path of execution. In this case, we use the || operator, as in the following program segment:

if ( semesterAverage >= 90 || finalExam >= 90 )
   puts( "Student grade is A" );

This statement also contains two simple conditions. The condition semesterAverage >= 90 is evaluated to determine whether the student deserves an “A” in the course because of a solid performance throughout the semester. The condition finalExam >= 90 is evaluated to determine whether the student deserves an “A” in the course because of an outstanding performance on the final exam. The if statement then considers the combined condition

semesterAverage >= 90 || finalExam >= 90

and awards the student an “A” if either or both of the simple conditions are true. The message “Student grade is A” is not printed only when both of the simple conditions are false (zero). Figure 4.14 is a truth table for the logical OR operator (||).


Fig. 4.14 Truth table for the logical OR (||) operator.

The && operator has a higher precedence than ||. Both operators associate from left to right. An expression containing && or || operators is evaluated only until truth or falsehood is known. Thus, evaluation of the condition

gender == 1 && age >= 65

will stop if gender is not equal to 1 (i.e., the entire expression is false), and continue if gender is equal to 1 (i.e., the entire expression could still be true if age >= 65). This performance feature for the evaluation of logical AND and logical OR expressions is called short-circuit evaluation.

Image Performance Tip 4.2

In expressions using operator &&, make the condition that’s most likely to be false the leftmost condition. In expressions using operator ||, make the condition that’s most likely to be true the leftmost condition. This can reduce a program’s execution time.

Logical Negation (!) Operator

C provides ! (logical negation) to enable you to “reverse” the meaning of a condition. Unlike operators && and ||, which combine two conditions (and are therefore binary operators), the logical negation operator has only a single condition as an operand (and is therefore a unary operator). The logical negation operator is placed before a condition when we’re interested in choosing a path of execution if the original condition (without the logical negation operator) is false, such as in the following program segment:

if ( !( grade == sentinelValue ) )
   printf( "The next grade is %f ", grade );

The parentheses around the condition grade == sentinelValue are needed because the logical negation operator has a higher precedence than the equality operator. Figure 4.15 is a truth table for the logical negation operator.


Fig. 4.15 Truth table for operator ! (logical negation).

In most cases, you can avoid using logical negation by expressing the condition differently with an appropriate relational operator. For example, the preceding statement may also be written as follows:

if ( grade != sentinelValue )
   printf( "The next grade is %f ", grade );

Summary of Operator Precedence and Associativity

Figure 4.16 shows the precedence and associativity of the operators introduced to this point. The operators are shown from top to bottom in decreasing order of precedence.


Fig. 4.16 Operator precedence and associativity.

The _Bool Data Type

The C standard includes a boolean type—represented by the keyword _Bool—which can hold only the values 0 or 1. Recall C’s convention of using zero and nonzero values to represent false and true—the value 0 in a condition evaluates to false, while any nonzero value evaluates to true. Assigning any non-zero value to a _Bool sets it to 1. The standard also includes the <stdbool.h> header, which defines bool as a shorthand for the type _Bool, and true and false as named representations of 1 and 0, respectively. At preprocessor time, bool, true and false are replaced with _Bool, 1 and 0. Section E.7 presents an example that uses bool, true and false. The example uses a programmer-defined function, a concept we introduce in Chapter 5. You can study the example now, but might wish to revisit it after reading Chapter 5. Microsoft Visual C++ does not implement the _Bool data type.

4.11. Confusing Equality (==) and Assignment (=) Operators

There’s one type of error that C programmers, no matter how experienced, tend to make so frequently that we felt it was worth a separate section. That error is accidentally swapping the operators == (equality) and = (assignment). What makes these swaps so damaging is the fact that they do not ordinarily cause compilation errors. Rather, statements with these errors ordinarily compile correctly, allowing programs to run to completion while likely generating incorrect results through runtime logic errors.

Two aspects of C cause these problems. One is that any expression in C that produces a value can be used in the decision portion of any control statement. If the value is 0, it’s treated as false, and if the value is nonzero, it’s treated as true. The second is that assignments in C produce a value, namely the value that’s assigned to the variable on the left side of the assignment operator. For example, suppose we intend to write

if ( payCode == 4 )
   printf( "%s", "You get a bonus!" );

but we accidentally write

if ( payCode = 4 )
   printf( "%s", "You get a bonus!" );

The first if statement properly awards a bonus to the person whose paycode is equal to 4. The second if statement—the one with the error—evaluates the assignment expression in the if condition. This expression is a simple assignment whose value is the constant 4. Because any nonzero value is interpreted as “true,” the condition in this if statement is always true, and not only is the value of payCode inadvertantly set to 4, but the person always receives a bonus regardless of what the actual paycode is!

Image Common Programming Error 4.5

Using operator == for assignment or using operator = for equality is a logic error.

lvalues and rvalues

You’ll probably be inclined to write conditions such as x == 7 with the variable name on the left and the constant on the right. By reversing these terms so that the constant is on the left and the variable name is on the right, as in 7 == x, then if you accidentally replace the == operator with =, you’ll be protected by the compiler. The compiler will treat this as a syntax error, because only a variable name can be placed on the left-hand side of an assignment expression. This will prevent the potential devastation of a runtime logic error.

Variable names are said to be lvalues (for “left values”) because they can be used on the left side of an assignment operator. Constants are said to be rvalues (for “right values”) because they can be used on only the right side of an assignment operator. lvalues can also be used as rvalues, but not vice versa.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.8

When an equality expression has a variable and a constant, as in x == 1, you may prefer to write it with the constant on the left and the variable name on the right (e.g., 1 == x as protection against the logic error that occurs when you accidentally replace operator == with =).

Confusing == and = in Standalone Statements

The other side of the coin can be equally unpleasant. Suppose you want to assign a value to a variable with a simple statement such as

x = 1;

but instead write

x == 1;

Here, too, this is not a syntax error. Rather the compiler simply evaluates the conditional expression. If x is equal to 1, the condition is true and the expression returns the value 1. If x is not equal to 1, the condition is false and the expression returns the value 0. Regardless of what value is returned, there’s no assignment operator, so the value is simply lost, and the value of x remains unaltered, probably causing an execution-time logic error. Unfortunately, we do not have a handy trick available to help you with this problem! Many compilers, however, will issue a warning on such a statement.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 4.9

After you write a program, text search it for every = and check that it’s used properly.

4.12. Secure C Programming

Checking Function scanf’s Return Value

Figure 4.6 used the math library function pow, which calculates the value of its first argument raised to the power of its second argument and returns the result as a double value. The calculation’s result was then used in the statement that called pow.

Many functions return values indicating whether they executed successfully. For example, function scanf returns an int indicating whether the input operation was successful. If an input failure occurs, scanf returns the value EOF (defined in <stdio.h>); otherwise, it returns the number of items that were read. If this value does not match the number you intended to read, then scanf was unable to complete the input operation.

Consider the following statement from Fig. 3.5

scanf( "%d", &grade ); // read grade from user

which expects to read one int value. If the user enters an integer, scanf returns 1 indicating that one value was indeed read. If the user enters a string, such as "hello", scanf returns 0 indicating that it was unable to read the input as an integer. In this case, the variable grade does not receive a value.

Function scanf can read multiple inputs, as in

scanf( "%d%d", &number1, &number2 ); // read two integers

If the input is successful, scanf will return 2 indicating that two values were read. If the user enters a string for the first value, scanf will return 0 and neither number1 nor number2 will receive values. If the user enters an integer followed by a string, scanf will return 1 and only number1 will receive a value.

To make your input processing more robust, check scanf’s return value to ensure that the number of inputs read matches the number of inputs expected. Otherwise, your program will use the values of the variables as if scanf completed successfully. This could lead to logic errors, program crashes or even attacks.

Range Checking

Even if a scanf operates successfully, the values read might still be invalid. For example, grades are typically integers in the range 0–100. In a program that inputs such grades, you should validate the grades by using range checking to ensure that they are values from 0 to 100. You can then ask the user to reenter any value that’s out of range. If a program requires inputs from a specific set of values (e.g., non-sequential product codes), you can ensure that each input matches a value in the set. For more information, see Chapter 5, “Integer Security” of Robert Seacord’s book Secure Coding in C and C++.

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