

ABACUS 2007-AC1, 12

Aberman, Rick, xxxi, 175

ACA (ACA Management LLC), 12

ActiFi, 59, 73, 229-230

actions, 79

active listening, 149-151

ACTIVEAID, Inc., 236, 239-241

Adelphia Communications, 6

admitting mistakes/failures, 117-121, 209

adrenal gland, 51

adrenaline, 51

AdvisorNet Financial, 14

AEFA (American Express Financial Advisors). See Ameriprise Financial Services

Alcatel, 6

Alignment Worksheet, 281-283

alignment. See living in alignment

Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, 27, 216, 108, 232

American Atheists, Inc., 36

American Express, xxvi-xxvii, 145, 182-185, 197-198, 221, 231, 235

American Express Financial Advisors (AEFA). See Ameriprise Financial Services

American Honda Motor Co., Inc., 18, 108

American Humanist Association, 37

American Partners Bank, 106

American Portfolio, 107

Ameriprise Financial Services, xxv, 25, 124-126, 144, 208

amygdala, 49-51, 161

Anderson, Brad, 219

approachability, 154-155

Arnold, Roger, xxix, 157-158


bad habits, 258-259

Baker, Douglas, xxviii, 18, 145

balance, 144-146

Bank of America, 11

Bar-On, Reuven, xxxi

basal ganglia, 49

Bastian, Rich, 60

Bear Stearns, 10

behavior, 75

actions, 79

emotions, 77-79

thoughts, 76-77


acting consistently with, 98-99

explained, 68

identifying your top ten beliefs, 68-69

sharing, 192-193

Bell, David, 85

Benson, Herbert, 146, 171

Best Buy, 219

Best Corporate Citizen companies, 26

big picture, reflecting on, 172-173

Blackwell, Lawana, 125

Blake, Brenda, xxx, 197-198

Blanchard, Ken, 120

Bower, Marvin, 201

Boyatsis, Richard, xxxi, 23, 218, 251-252, 262

Bradley, Walt, xxx, 98

brain, moral anatomy of, 41-46

danger system, 51

emotional center, 49

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 45

habit center, 49

lessons from brain-injured individuals, 42-45

neuroscience of moral decision-making, 48-52

plasticity of brain, 52-53

rational center, 49

reward system, 52

simplified model of brain, 48

breaking bad habits, 258-259

Brettler, Dan, xxviii

Bronfman, Sam, xxx, 184

Brown, Donald E., 36

Brushaber, George, xxx

Burger King North America, 103, 220

business success, impact of moral intelligence on, 25-27


Campbell, David, 72

Camus, Albert, 142

Cannon, Kate, xxxi

Caplan, Robert, xxxi

Cardinal Health, 188

Carlson, Cindy, xxx

Carlson Companies, 119

Cayne, James, 10

cerebral cortex, 49


recognizing need for, 260-261

rewarding yourself for, 259

Chapman, Peter, 10

Chenault, Kenneth, xxvi-xxviii, 182-183, 221

Cherniss, Cary, xxxii

childhood, moral development in

empathy, 39-40

importance of early childhood experiences, 41

neonate responsive crying, 38

responsibility, 40

choices, taking responsibility for, 115-117

Churchill, Winston, 142

Clayton, Paul, xxviii, 103, 220

Clevette, Rick, 119

coaching, 190, 262

Coca-Cola, 189

cognitive behavior, 76-77

cognitive intelligence (IQ), 19

Collins, Jim, 218

collision of values, 195


giving back to, 246-247

responsibility to, 244-245

compassion, 126-128

defined, 22

misplaced compassion, 149-151

in morally intelligent organizations, 213-215

in small organizations, 231-232

competing drives, 47-48

competitiveness, 47

confidences, honoring, 110-111

confirmation bias, 169

conflicts (values), 67-68

Connolly, Michael, xxx

consistency, 98-99

consumers, influence of moral intelligence on, 29-30

core values for small businesses, 239

corporate accounting scandals, 5-7

Corps Business: The 30 Management Principles of the U. S. Marines (Freedman), 215

cortisol, 51

Coughlan, Jay, 16

counseling, 261

Countrywide, 8-10

Covey, Stephen, xxxii, 37

Cracchiolo, Jim, 209

Cuomo, Andrew, 11


Dalai Lama, 125

danger system (brain), 51

Dardis, Stan, xxviii

Darwin, Charles, 46

Dautheribes, Therese M., 36

DDB Worldwide, 136


4 Rs

explained, 159-162

practicing, 162-163

recognition, 163-170

reflection, 170-173

reframing, 174-175

responding, 175-178

neuroscience of, 48-52

and values, 65-66

destructive emotions, 89-91

diagnosing moral viruses, 86, 88

The Diary of Anne Frank, 104

differences, appreciating, 152-156

differentiating competencies, 19

disconnectors, 258

Distribution for Wealth Enhancement Group, 157

documenting goals, 257

Dodd, Christopher, 10

Dolber, Lon, xxviii, 107

Donaldson, Thomas, 211

dopamine, 52, 78

Druskat, Vanessa, xxxii

Ducks Unlimited, 126

Dylan, Bob, 113


Ecolab, Inc., 18, 145

Edison, Thomas, 216

Edwards, Dave, xxx, 197

80/20 rule, 255-256

Eisenberg, Daniel, 211

Emmerling, Robert, xxxii

emotional center of brain, 49

emotional competencies, 77-79

compared to moral intelligence, 23-24

destructive emotions, 89-91

empathy, 148-149

emotional health, nurturing, 143-147

explained, 19-21, 83-85, 135-137

getting along with others, 154-156

influence on life success, 22

interpersonal effectiveness, 147

misplaced compassion, 149-151

nurturing emotional health, 143-147

personal effectiveness, 141

positive self-talk, 141-142

recognizing emotions, 139, 169-170

respecting others, 151-153

self-awareness, 137-139

self-control, 142-143

understanding your thoughts, 140

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ (Goleman), 20

empathy, 38-40, 148-149


coaching, 190

communicating belief in employees, 191-194

development, 189-191

mutual accountability, 194-195

providing feedback to, 193-194

recruiting, 217-219, 239

retention, 27-29

reward systems, 219-221

value differences with, 195-196

Enron, 5, 114

entrepreneurs, 223

compassion, 231-232

five maxims of moral entrepreneurship, 235-241

forgiveness, 232-233

integrity, 229-230

KRW International, 225-228

moral impact of, 233-235

moral leadership, 242

responsibility, 230-231

Twin Cities Telemarketing, 224-225

values, 228

environmental protection, 245-246

epinephrine, 51

Ettinger, Jeff, xxviii, 204

executive coaching, 262

exercise, 146

experiential triangle, 91-93, 137-139, 163-167


failures, admitting, 117-121, 209

familiarity bias, 169

Fantom, Lynn, xxviii, 17, 85, 128, 132

Farrar, Jay, 245

Fastow, Andrew, 6, 114

feedback, 193-194

feelings. See emotions

Feurstein, Aaron, 213

financial costs of ignoring moral principles, xxiii-xxv

financial services industry. See also specific companies

absence of moral competence in, 7-15

lack of publish trust in, 29

Firestone Tire, 211

flexibility, 155

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 45

followers, inspiring, 187-188

Ford, Henry, 249

forgiveness, 128-129

defined, 22

forgiving others’ mistakes, 131-134

forgiving your own mistakes, 129-131

in morally intelligent organizations, 215-217

in small organizations, 232-233

4 Rs

explained, 159-162

practicing, 162-163


of emotional patterns, 169-170

experiential triangle, 163-167

Freeze Game, 166-167

practicing, 163

of thinking patterns, 168-169


on big picture, 172-173

making reflection a habit, 171

practicing, 170

preparing for, 171

on values, 171-172

reframing, 174-175

responding, 175-178

Frank, Anne, 104

Fredrickson, Barbara, 20

Freedman, David, 215

Freeze Game, 166-167

Fribourg, Paul, xxviii

Froude, Don, 62

Fuld, Dick, 11

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 45

fundamental beliefs, 36-37

future-based goals, 74

future value, creating, 247


Gage, Phineas, 42

Garramone, Kelly, 226-227

Garrison, Jim, xxxii, 247

Geer, Roy, xxxii, 71, 255-256

Georgescu, Peter, xxviii, 217

Gilda’s Club, 214

global business opportunities, 222, 248-250

global moral leadership, 243-244

adding future value, 247

giving back to community, 246-247

global business opportunities, 248-250

responsibility for potential negative consequences, 245-246

responsibility to communities, 244-245

GMAC, 106

Gnazzo, Patrick, 28


documenting, 257

explained, 70

goal alignment test, 75

identifying life’s purpose, 70-71

identifying most important life goals, 74

importance of, 73

purpose-driven goals, 71-73

sharing, 192-193

Goldman Sachs, 11-14

Goleman, Daniel, xxxii, 19-20, 22-23, 161, 218

Golub, Harvey, xxviii, 185, 206-208

Good to Great (Collins), 218

goodness of people, belief in, 188-189

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 247

Gowing, Marilyn, xxxii

Grace, Patrick, xxx

Grigg, Darryl, xxxii


habit center (brain), 49

Hall, Brian, xxviii

Hall, Don Jr., xxix, 109

Hallmark Cards, 109

Harrington, Dick, xxix, 181-184

HealthSouth, 6

Heath, Brian, xxix, 126, 130

highest competency scores (MCI), 279

hippocampus, 51

Hoefer, M’Lynn, xxx


exceptions to rule of honesty, 104-105

good intentions, 105

influence on performance, 106

leading with honesty, 100-103

in performance reviews, 103

tact, 105

honoring confidences, 110-111

Hormel Foods, 204-205

How to Get What You Want and Remain True to Yourself (Geer and Lennick), 72

Hubers, David, xxix

Hughes, Mike, xxix-xxx

Hugstad-Vaa, Jennifer, xxxii

Hunt, Harriot K., 97

Hutcheson, Dorothy, xxxii

hypothalamus, 51


IBM, 131

ID Media, 17, 85, 128, 132, 214

ideal self, 188, 256

IDS, 206-208

If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’ll Probably End Up Somewhere Else (Campbell), 72

ImClone, 120

IMG, 127

inconsistency, 98

individual item scores (MCI), 279-280

inspiring followers, 187-188

Institutional Risk Analytics, 14

insula, 51


consistency, 98-99

defined, 21

honesty, 100-105

honoring confidences, 110-111

in small organizations, 229-230

keeping promises, 109-111

organizational integrity, 203-204

standing up for what is right, 106-109

International Management Group, 16

interpersonal effectiveness, 147

interpersonal relationships, 154-156

interpreting MCI scores. See MCI (Moral Competency Inventory)

Interpublic, 17, 85

IQ (cognitive intelligence), 19

irresponsibility, 114-115


Jacobs, Ruth, xxxii

Jamba Juice, 103

Jefferson Bus Line, 105, 127

Jewell, Sally, 101-102

Johnson & Johnson, 210

Jones, Nancy, 27, 216

Jordan, Kathy, 176

JPMorganChase, 10


Kaess, Ken, xxix

Kaiser, Lori, xxx, 84, 142

Kant, Immanuel, 104

Kantor, Stuart, xxxiii

Keers, Carol, xxxiii

Kelner, Stephen Jr., xxxiii

Kennedy, Robert F., 68

Kenny, David, xxix

Kernes, Jerry L., 36

Kessler, Gary, xxx, 18, 108

Khuzami, Robert, 12

Kidd, David, xxxiii

Kinnier, Richard T., 36

Kleiner, Art, xxxiii

Kopper, Michael, 6

Kozlak, Diane, xxx

Kraft Foods, 206

Kram, Kathy, xxxiii

Krei, Ken, xxix, 8, 122

KRW International, 225-228, 234, 240


Lane, Karen, xxx

Langer, Ray, 215

LaRocco, Mike, xxix

Larson, Dale, xxix, 8, 102

Larson Family Foundation, 214

Larson Manufacturing Company, 8, 102, 214

Lawrence, Paul, 47

Lawson Software, 16

Lay, Ken, 6, 114

leadership. See moral leadership

Lehman Brothers, 10

Leider, Richard, xxxiii, 70

Lench, Kenneth, 12

Lennick, Doug, xxvi, 71

Lennick Aberman Group, 64, 175

Leohr, Jim, xxxiii

Leuning, Harvey, xxx

Levinson, Ann, xxx

Lewis, Ken, 11

life’s purpose

identifying, 70-71

setting purpose-driven goals, 71-73

limbic system, 49, 51

listening, 149, 151

living in alignment

behavior, 75

actions, 79

emotions, 77-79

thoughts, 76-77


acting consistently with, 98-99

explained, 68

identifying your top ten beliefs, 68-69

sharing, 192-193

destructive emotions, managing, 89-91

emotional competence, 83-85

experiential triangle, 91-93

explained, 57-61, 81-85


explained, 70

goal alignment test, 75

identifying your life’s purpose, 70-71

identifying your most important life goals, 74

importance of, 73

setting purpose-driven goals, 71-73

moral compass, 61-62

moral competence, 82-83

moral misalignment, 85

moral viruses

common moral viruses, 88

dealing with, 88

diagnosing, 86-88

disabling, 88-89

preventative maintenance, 93

staying aligned, 85


compared to principles, 63

and decision-making, 65-66

explained, 63

identifying top five values, 64

morality of values, 65

uncovering values conflicts, 67-68

loss avoidance system (brain), 51

lowest competency scores (MCI), 279

Lucent Technologies, 6

Luskin, Fred, xxxiii


M&I Bank, 8, 122

MacPherson, Don, xxix, 28, 119, 129, 138, 236

Madoff, Bernie, xxv

Malden Mills, 213

management techniques, 196

Manchester Companies, xxiv, 209

Mangino, Matthew, xxxiii

May, Dan, xxix, 14

Mayer, John, 19

McAfee, 7

MCI (Moral Competency Inventory), 263-270

interpreting scores, 277

Alignment Worksheet, 281-283

highest and lowest competency scores, 279

individual item scores, 279-280

reality testing, 280-281

total MCI score (alignment score), 278

moral strengths and weaknesses, 252

scoring, 253-254, 274-275

Moral Competencies 274

scoring sheet, 271-272

total MCI score (alignment score), 274

as self-development tool, 252-253

self-rating errors, 253

McKee, Annie, 23, 218, 262

McMahon, Ed, 10

Medtronic, 118, 131, 248

Menttium Corporation, 62, 78

Merck & Company, 210

Merrill Lynch, 11

Microsoft, 108

The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force (Schwartz), 53

Minneapolis Circulation, 224

Minneapolis magazine, 224

Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine, 224

Minow, Newton, 113

misalignment, 85

misplaced compassion, 149-151


admitting, 117-121, 209


others’ mistakes, 131-134

your own mistakes, 129-131

Mitchell, Jim, xxxiii

Modern Survey, 28, 119, 129, 138, 236

moral anatomy, 41-46

danger system, 51

emotional center, 49

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 45

habit center, 49

lessons from brain-injured individuals, 42-45

neuroscience of moral decision-making, 48-52

plasticity of brain, 52-53

rational center, 49

reward system, 52

simplified model of brain, 48

moral compass, 61-62

disclosing to employees, 192-193

staying true to. See living in alignment

Moral Competencies Worksheet, 274

moral competency. See also emotional competencies

compared to moral intelligence, 43

compassion, 126-128

explained, 83

4 Rs

explained, 159-162

practicing, 162-163

recognition, 163-170

reflection, 170-173

reframing, 174-175

responding, 175-178

forgiveness, 128-129

forgiving others’ mistakes, 131-134

forgiving your own mistakes, 129-131

identifying competencies you need most, 257


consistency, 98-99

honesty, 100-106

honoring confidences, 110-111

keeping promises, 109-111

in performance reviews, 103

standing up for what is right, 106-109

moral development. See moral development


admitting mistakes and failures, 117-121

explained, 114-115

serving others, 121-124

taking responsibility for personal choices, 115-117

Moral Competency Inventory. See MCI

moral development

in childhood, 39-41

choosing between competing drives, 47-48

moral anatomy, 41-46

danger system, 51

emotional center, 49

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 45

habit center, 49

lessons from brain-injured individuals, 42-45

neuroscience of moral decision-making, 48-52

plasticity of brain, 52-53

rational center, 49

reward system, 52

simplified model of brain, 48

moral gaps, reducing, 257

natural selection, 46-47

nature versus nurture, 38-39

neonatal empathy, 38

plan, 256-258

prioritizing efforts, 254-255

requirements for, 53-54


books and media, 261

counseling, 261

executive coaching, 262

workshops, 261

responsibility, learning, 40

strengthening moral skills, 251-252

book and media resources, 261

breaking bad habits, 258-259

counseling, 261

80/20 rule, 255-256

executive coaching, 262

MCI. See MCI (Moral Competency Inventory)

moral development plan, 256-258

positive feedback, 255

prioritizing development efforts, 254-255

recognizing need for change, 260-261

rewards for positive change, 259

surrounding yourself with positive people, 259-260

workshops, 261

universal principles, 36-37

moral impact of small organizations, 233-235

moral leadership, 181-184

belief in the goodness of people, 188-189

communicating belief in employees, 191-194

disclosure of moral compass, 192-193

employee development, 189-191

examples of moral leadership, 15-18, 257

inspiring followers, 187-188

leading with honesty, 100-103

management techniques, 196

mutual accountability, 194-195

power, 185-187

providing feedback, 193-194

for small businesses, 242

value differences with employees, 195-196

visibility, 184-185

moral misalignment, 85

“moral positioning system,” 25

moral viruses

common moral viruses, 88

dealing with, 88

diagnosing, 86-88

disabling, 88-89

morally intelligent organizations

compassion, 213-215

defined, 199

employee recruitment, 217-219

explained, 199-201

forgiveness, 215-217

global organizations, 222

integrity, 203-204

policies, 201-202

principles, 202

responsibility, 204-212

reward systems, 219-221

small organizations

compassion, 231-232

five maxims of moral entrepreneurship, 235-241

forgiveness, 232-233

integrity, 229-230

moral impact of, 233-235

responsibility, 230-231

values, 228

values, 197-199

Moret, Pam, xxx, 149

Moriarty, Rowland, xxix, 237

Mozilo, Angelo, 8-10

Mungavan, Tom, xxxiii

mutual accountability, 194-195

mutual feedback, 193-194


NASA, 109

natural selection and moral development, 46-47

nature versus nurture, 38-39

need for change, recognizing, 260-261

negative consequences, responsibility for, 245-246

neonatal empathy, 38

neonate responsive crying, 38

brain, moral anatomy of, 41-46

danger system, 51

emotional center, 49

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 45

habit center, 49

lessons from brain-injured individuals, 42-45

neuroscience of moral decision-making, 48-52

plasticity of brain, 52-53

rational center, 49

reward system, 52

simplified model of brain, 48

Nicholson, Nigel, 191

Nicolay, John, xxxiii

Nohria, Nitin, 47

Northwestern Mutual, 18, 140, 147

nurturing emotional health, 143-147


O’Hagan, Gary, xxx, 16, 122, 127, 130

Oja, Mark, xxix, 236, 239-241

organizational integrity, 203-204

organizations. See morally intelligent organizations

Ovations, 59

overconfidence, 169


Parker, James, 222

partners, choosing, 236-239

Paulson, Carla, xxx

Paulson & Co., 12

Pavilla, Steve, 64

performance, influence of honesty on, 106

performance reviews, 103

Perrine, Tom, xxx, 188

The Personal Advisor Group (TPAG), 62

personal choices, taking responsibility for, 115-117

personal counseling, 261

personal effectiveness, 141

Peterson, Erik, 245

Peterson, Richard, 52

Phillip Morris, 205

Phillips, Mark, xxx, 59

Phillips, Michael, xxix

physical fitness, 146

Pinnt, Larry, xxix

plasticity of brain, 52-53

policies, 201-202

Pomerance, Hy, xxxiii

positive change, rewarding yourself for, 259

positive feedback, 255

positive people, surrounding yourself with, 259-260

positive self-talk, 141-142

Positivity (Fredrickson), 21

postponing responses, 177-178

power, leveraging, 185-187

Prahalad, C. K., 249

prefrontal cortex, 52

preventative maintenance, 93

Price, Richard, xxxiii

Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee), 23, 218, 262

primary beliefs, 36-37


acting consistently with, 98-99

compared to values, 63

for morally intelligent organizations, 202

principled stands, 106-109

universal principles, 36-37

prioritizing moral development efforts, 254-255

professional rewards resulting from moral intelligence, 24

promises, keeping, 109-111

purpose-driven goals, 71-73


rational center of brain, 49

real self, 188

reality testing (MCI), 280-281

recharging emotional batteries, 146


of emotional patterns, 139, 169-170

experiential triangle, 163-167

of need for change, 260-261

of thinking patterns, 168-169

practicing, 163

recruiting employees, 217-219

reducing moral gaps, 257


on big picture, 172-173

making reflection a habit, 171

practicing, 170

preparing for, 171

on values, 171-172

reframing, 174-175

REI, 101-102

Reiess, Helen, xxxiii

Reinhard, Keith, xxix, 136

relaxation activities, 146

The Relaxation Response (Benson), 146

Repacking Your Bags: Lighten Your Load for the Rest of Your Life (Leider), 70

reprogramming, 258

resources for moral development

books and media, 261

counseling, 261

executive coaching, 262

workshops, 261

respecting others, 151-153

responding, 175-178


admitting mistakes and failures, 117-121

to communities, 244-245

explained, 21, 114-115

for future, 247

learning in childhood, 40

in morally intelligent organizations, 204-212

for potential negative consequences, 245-246

serving others, 121-124

in small organizations, 230-231

taking responsibility for personal choices, 115-117

Responsibility Checklist, 212

retaining employees, 27-29

reward systems, 219-221, 259

Rigas, John, 6

Rigas, Timothy, 6

Risher, David, xxx, 108, 233

Roraback, Pat, xxx

Ruddy, Jim, xxx


Sala, Fabio, xxxiii

Salovey, Peter, 19

Samenuk, George, 7

Schinke, Tom, xxx

Schlidt, Joe, xxx

Schlifske, John, xxix

Schwab Bank, 59

Schwartz, Jeffrey, xxxiv, 39, 53, 161

Schwartz, Tony, xxxiv

scoring MCI (Moral Competency Inventory), 253-254, 274-275

Alignment Worksheet, 281-283

highest and lowest competency scores, 279

individual item scores, 279-280

Moral Competencies Worksheet, 274

reality testing, 280-281

scoring sheet, 295-296

total MCI score (alignment score), 274-278

Scrushy, Richard, 6

Seagram Company, 184

SEC Structured and New Products Unit, 12

Segal, Spenser, xxix, 59, 73, 229-232, 238

self-awareness, 137-139

self-control, 142-143

self-forgiveness, 129-131

self-talk, 140-142

selfishness, 47

Seligman, Martin, 37

serving others, 121-124

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 37

Sharan, Kim, xxv, xxxi

sharing beliefs and goals, 192-193

Shattuck, Mayo, xxix

Sheffert, Mark, xxiv, xxix, 209

Shefrin, Hersh, xxxiv

Skilling, Jeffrey, 6

Skoglund, Judy, xxxiv, 144

Sleiter, Jay, xxix

small organizations

compassion, 231-232

five maxims of moral entrepreneurship, 235-241

forgiveness, 232-233

integrity, 229-230

moral impact of, 233, 235

moral leadership, 242

responsibility, 230-231

values, 228

Smith, Ben, xxxi, 106

Smith, Janet, 238

Solomon Brothers, 130

Sontag, Lynn, xxix, 62, 78

Southwest Airlines, 222


Spencer, Lyle, xxxiv

Sperling, Dale, xxix

spotlight, leveraging, 184-185

standing up for what is right, 106-109

startup businesses, 223

compassion, 231-232

five maxims of moral entrepreneurship, 235-241

forgiveness, 232-233

integrity, 229-230

KRW International, 225-228

moral impact of, 233-235

moral leadership, 242

responsibility, 230-231

Twin Cities Telemarketing, 224-225

values, 228

state of being goals, 74

staying aligned, 85

Steifler, Jeff, xxxiv

Stewart, Martha, 120

Stewart, Therèse Jacobs, xxxiv

Stockdale, Caroline, xxxi, 118, 131, 248


80/20 rule, 255-256

leveraging, 257

Structured and New Products Unit (SEC), 12


impact of emotional intelligence on, 22

impact of moral intelligence on, 22-27

surrounding yourself with positive people, 259-260

survival of the fittest, 46


tact, 105

Tatum LLC, 84, 142

technical intelligence, 19

thinking patterns, 168-169

Thomsen, Jim, xxxi, 3-5, 15, 117, 195

Thomson Corporation, 181-184

Thomson Reuters, 183

thoughts, 76-77, 140

3M, 215

threshold competencies, 19

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, 3-5, 117, 149, 195

total MCI score (alignment score), 274-278

Tourre, Fabrice, 13

TPAG (The Personal Advisor Group), 62

Truman, Harry, 114

Twain, Mark, 250

Twin Cities magazine, 224

Twin Cities Telemarketing, 224-225

Twin Cities Woman, 224

Tylenol recall of 1982, 210


United Nations Declaration of Rights, 37

United States Army, 240

United States Marine Corps, 215

United Technologies Corp., 29

universal principles, 36-37



acting consistently with, 98-99

compared to principles, 63

core values for small businesses, 239

decision-making and, 65-66

explained, 63

in global organizations, 222

identifying top five values, 64

morality of values, 65

for morally intelligent organizations, 197-199

recruiting employees for, 217-219, 239

reflecting on, 171-172

uncovering values conflicts, 67-68

value differences with employees, 195-196

Vappie, Kim, xxix

Vioxx recall, 210

viruses. See moral viruses

visibility of leaders, 184-185


Waletzko, Don, 234

Watson, Thomas, 131

WDYWFY process, 72

weaknesses, 80/20 rule, 255-256

Weiss, Kevin, 7

Wells Fargo, 106

Westar Energy, Inc., 7

Whalen, Christopher, 14

Williams, Redford, xxxiv

Wilson, Larry, xxxiv

Wilson, Michael, xxxi

Winfrey, Oprah, 70

Wittig, David C., 7

Woodward, Mike, xxxi, 126

Woolford, Lauris, xxxiv

workaholism, 186

Working with Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 22

workshops, 261


XATA, 16

Young & Rubicam, 217

Zelle, Charlie, xxix, 82-83, 105, 122, 127

Zore, Ed, 18, 140, 147

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