LUV Notes

From Ken:

Writing this book with Colleen Barrett has been a life-changing experience. Never before have I met someone who practiced on a day-to-day basis all I have come to believe about leading and motivating people. Getting to know Southwest Airlines Founder Herb Kelleher, Colleen’s Executive Assistant Vickie Shuler, and many others in the Southwest family has also been a joy.

I am blessed with the fabulous support staff gathered around me led by Margery Allen, my Executive Assistant. She keeps me on the straight and narrow and handles the multitude of requests for my time and energy with a loving heart and firm hand. Without Renee Broadwell, the writing of this book would have never happened. She lived and breathed every word with Colleen and me. Thank you to Martha Lawrence for her generous spirit and priceless feedback. Kudos also to Spencer Johnson, my coauthor of The One Minute Manager, for his invaluable suggestions, including the parables that start and end the book. And big hugs to my friends and colleagues at Skaneateles Country Club, near our family’s summer home, who once again provided vital feedback for this wonderful book. It all puts a big smile on my face and makes me proud.

I am convinced that, when all is said and done in life, what’s important is who you love and who loves you. Without my beloved wife Margie, my fabulous kids Scott and Debbie and their families—including our five grandchildren—life would be a ho-hum experience.

From Colleen:

I must confess that I was thunderstruck when Ken Blanchard suggested that we might coauthor a book. Truth be known, I could not imagine that anyone would think I had a story to tell. Nevertheless, as Ken started talking to me about what he saw as our shared passion for, and belief in, Servant Leadership, I realized how enjoyable it would be for us to have some frank dialogue about the values and philosophies we each hold so dear. Thus, our conversations began.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Ken and Margie Blanchard for welcoming me into their lives; for sharing with me their life lessons; and, most importantly, for warmly embracing me with encouragement, support, friendship, and love.

I am also indebted to Richard Andrews, Renee Broadwell, Martha Lawrence, and Pat Zigarmi (all Blanchard staff members), who provided me with much-needed expert advice and cheered me on with energetic enthusiasm throughout this entire project.

I will be forever thankful to the 100-plus personal friends and family members who gave me valuable feedback on the initial draft of this book. Though no names are offered here, you know who you are. I’m confident that you realize how profoundly grateful I am for your honesty (which was occasionally brutal) and for your many suggestions. It all resulted in at least five complete overhauls to our approach and several minor editing revisions in terms of clarification or hoped-for perfection, but no changes to the book’s original intent. And it ultimately contributed to a greatly improved end product.

And, finally, I thank each of SWA’s Warriors for giving me something to write about in the first place, and for continually and consistently “Living the Southwest Way,” whether on or off the clock. You continue to be my inspiration, and I love each of you.

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