


in cultural transformation process, 254-255

in goal setting, 130-131

Aetna Production Services, 254

alignment of change management team, 224-225

alignment phase (cultural transformation), 252-255

Allied Signal, 72-73

Apollo Moon Project, 22

apologies, 145-147

appreciation of teams, 171

ASDA, 252

assumed constraints, challenging, 94-95

AT&T, 201

attainable goals, 135

attentiveness (in Legendary Service), 36

autocratic leadership style, 75

autonomy, boundaries for, 68-70


Ballard, Jim, 115, 140

Bandag Manufacturing, 92

Banta Catalog Group, 246, 253

Barrett, Colleen, 50

Belasco, Jim, 109

beliefs about leading/motivating people, determining, 297

benchmarking teams, 169-172

Bird, Larry, 171

Blanchard, Debbie, 281

Blanchard, Ken, 5, 24, 28, 40, 50-52, 64-65, 72, 76, 107, 115, 129, 140, 145, 165, 171, 201, 228, 243, 263, 265, 275, 277-278, 289, 292, 296, 327

Blanchard, Madeleine, 161, 330

Blanchard, Marjorie, 126, 272, 286, 290, 328

Blanchard, Scott, 267, 329

blogs, 349

Boston Celtics, 171

boundaries for autonomy, 68-70

Bowater Pulp and Paper, 246

Bowles, Sheldon, 5, 40-41, 52, 165, 243

Brinker, Erv, 284

Brown, Michael, 67

Buford, Bob, 285

Burr, Donald, 42

Bush, George H. W., 19

business case for change, explaining, 226-227


called leaders, driven leaders versus, 271-273

capable but cautious performer (development level), 77, 80

career coaching, 151, 156-159

Carew, Don, 9, 73, 165, 172, 331

Carlos, John, 64

Carlzon, Jan, 42

Caterpillar, 172

celebrating points of power, 96-99

challenging assumed constraints, 94-95

Champy, James, 235

change management, 191, 215

child support collection case study, 219-222

concerns, addressing, 197-207

collaboration concerns, 205

impact concerns, 205

implementation concerns, 204

information concerns, 199

matching leadership styles for, 210-212

personal concerns, 199-203

refinement concerns, 205-206

importance of, 192

leadership styles needed in, 207-209

necessity of change, 193-194

performance decreases during, 193

reasons for failure, 194-196

strategies for, 215-240

Embed and Extend, 238-239

Enable and Encourage, 233-235

Envision the Future, 228-229

Execute and Endorse, 235-237

Expand Involvement and Influence, 217-219

Experiment to Ensure Alignment, 229-233

Explain the Business Case for Change, 226-227

Explore Possibilities, 239-240

Select and Align the Leadership Team, 222-225

Chaparral Steel, 283

charters, creating team charters, 172-174

Chick-fil-A, 277

child support collection case study (change management), 219-222

clarifying decision-making rules, 69-70

clarity in goal setting, 132

Clarke, Gary, xv

classroom example (variation of leadership styles), 83-87

clear values. See values

Clinton, Bill, 146

CNN, 20-23

coaching, 149-150. See also coaching leadership style

applications of, 150-151

career coaching, 151, 156-159

development coaching, 150, 154-156

internal coaching culture, 151, 161-163

for learning support, 151, 159-160

performance coaching. See performance coaching

Coaching in Organizations (Blanchard and Miller), 161

coaching leadership style, 77-79, 184. See also coaching

collaboration concerns (change management)

addressing, 205, 235-239

child support collection case study, 221

matching leadership style to, 212

collaboration for success, 100-103

Collins, Jim, 275

commitment, 87

to change, 236

loss of, 119-125

“Communicating Your Leadership Point of View” course, 290


in change management, 232-233

shared information, 10

in teams, 170

of vision, 29

compelling vision, xvii-xviii, 10

elements of, 19-25

higher purpose, 20-21

mental imagery, 21-23

values, 23-25

organizational culture and, 25

competence, 87

concerns about change, addressing, 197-207

collaboration concerns, 205

impact concerns, 205

implementation concerns, 204

information concerns, 199

matching leadership styles for, 210-212

personal concerns, 199-203

refinement concerns, 205-206

core values, determining, 295-297

Covey, Steve, 44

Crawford, Janet, 246

Cuff, Kathy, 36, 333

cultural transformation, 247-249

alignment phase, 252-255

critical success factors for, 256-257

discovery phase, 249-250

immersion phase, 250-252

refinement phase, 255

culture. See organizational culture

culture of empowerment. See empowerment

culture of service (in Legendary Service), 36

customer devotion, 268

customer results, 11

customer service, 33-35

employee motivation, 52-53

implementation, 46-52

Legendary Service, creating, 35-40

listening to customer wants, 44-46

provider of choice, becoming, 4-5

servant leadership and, 282

vision of customer experience, 40-43


Davis, Bob, 138

decision-making, 11

encouragement in, 265-267

in high performing organizations, 283-285

decision-making rules, clarifying, 69-70

declining performance situations, performance coaching in, 119-125

decommitment, 119-125

defensive listening, 45

delegating leadership style, 77, 80, 186

Demarest, Garry, 126

democratic leadership style, 75

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) example (servant leadership), 263-265

departmental vision, 27-28

DePree, Max, 29, 262

Deterding, Mark, 246, 253

development coaching, 150, 154-156

development levels


in performance planning stage, 112-113

by self leaders, 100-103

matching leadership styles to, 77-81, 113-115

in Situational Leadership II, 77

of teams

determining, 174-181

matching leadership style to, 181-187

variation by task, 81-83

diagnosis in performance planning, 112-113

diagnosis skills (Situational Leadership II), 87

directing behavior (in Situational Leadership II), 181

directing leadership style, 77-79

in change management, 196, 208-210

for teams, 184

discovery phase (cultural transformation), 249-250

disillusioned learners (development level), 77-79

Disney, Walt, 20, 22, 24

dissatisfaction (team development stage), 177-178, 184

distribution curves, performance management systems and, 107, 134

DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) example (servant leadership), 263-265

Domo Gas, 41

driven leaders, called leaders versus, 271-273

Drucker, Peter, 18

ducks (customer service example), 46-51

Dyer, Wayne, 46


eagles (customer service example), 46, 49-52

Edmonds, S. Chris, 333

ego, 273-276

80/20 rule, 129, 136

elephant training example (assumed constraints), 94

Embed and Extend strategy (change management), 238-239

Embody the Values (servant leadership), 279

employee empowerment. See empowerment

employee passion, 268

employee survey in cultural transformation process, 254-255


cheering each other, 53

motivation for customer service, 52-53

sharing financial information with, 7-9

employer of choice, becoming, 6-7

empowerment, 36, 57-59

boundaries for autonomy, 68-70

hierarchical culture versus, 62-63

obstacles to, 60-61

performance and, 59-60

self leadership and, 91-93

self-direction, 71-74

sharing information, 64-67

of teams, 170

traffic flow case study, 61-62

Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute (Blanchard, Carlos, Randolph), 64

Enable and Encourage strategy (change management), 233-235

encouragement in decision-making, 265-267

energizing systems/structures, 11

Engage and Develop People (servant leadership), 277

Enron, 247

enthusiastic beginner (development level), 77-79

Envision the Future strategy (change management), 228-229

Erhard, Werner, 200

Essary, Vicky, 267

ethical dilemmas, 281

Everyone’s a Coach (Blanchard and Shula), 3, 50, 278

example setting, 299

Execute and Endorse strategy (change management), 235-237

Expand Involvement and Influence strategy (change management), 217-219

expectations of others, determining, 298

Experiment to Ensure Alignment strategy (change management), 229-233

Explain the Business Case for Change Team strategy (change management), 226-227

Explore Possibilities strategy (change management), 239-240

external customers, 43


Facebook, 349

failure of change, reasons for, 194-196

failure of teams, reasons for, 167

false pride, 273-276

fear, 273-276


in goal setting, 132-133

during performance coaching, 153

servant leaders versus self-serving leaders, 272

feelings in praising, 137

financial information, sharing with employees, 7-9

Finch, Fred, 334


in organizational structure, 278

of teams, 170

flexibility skills (Situational Leadership II), 88

Flight of the Buffalo (Stayer and Belasco), 109

focusing leadership style in change management, 208

Ford Motor Company, 67

The Fourth Secret of the One Minute Manager: A Powerful Way to Make Things Better (Blanchard and McBride), 145

Fowler, Susan, 335

Frankfurter, Felix, 83

Freightliner, 41-42

Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Company and Your Life (Blanchard and Stoner), 28, 40, 228


Garfield, Charles, 21

Garrett, Milt and Jane, 37-38

Gellerman, Barbara, 280

General Electric, 94, 248

Gerstner, Louis, 26, 228

Give Kids the World, 20-22

Glaser, Robert, 336

goal setting, 129-136

areas of accountability, 130-131

clarity of goals, 132

feedback and, 132-133

limiting number of goals, 134

in performance planning, 112

performance standards, 131-132

SMART goals, 135-136

goals. See also performance planning

responsibility for, 53

SMART goals, 135-136

Goethe, 30

Golden Door Spa, 34

Goldsmith, Marshall, 157

Good to Great (Collins), 275

Good, Lael W., 337

Graham, Billy, 37

Greenleaf, Robert, 261, 273

ground rules, setting for meetings, 123-124

groups, teams versus, 169

Gung Ho!: Turn on the People in Any Organization (Blanchard and Bowles), 52, 243

Gung Ho!® culture training program, 247-249

alignment phase, 252-255

discovery phase, 249-250

immersion phase, 250-252

refinement phase, 255


Halftime (Buford), 285

Hall, Gene, 198

Halsey, Vicki, 36, 338

Hawkins, Laurence, 339

Hayes, Matt, xvii, 267

health, effect of teams on, 166

The Heart of Business (Hayes and Stevens), xvii, 267

Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called “Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A” (Blanchard and Ridge), 107

Hersey, Paul, 76

Hewlett-Packard, 67

Hibe, Jim, 41

hierarchical culture, empowerment versus, 62-63

High Five: The Magic of Working Together (Blanchard et al), 165

high-performing organizations

characteristics of, 10-11

customer service. See customer service

defined, 9

empowerment. See empowerment

HPO SCORES model, 10-11

quiz, 13-16

leadership in, 13

servant leadership in, 282-285

triple bottom line, 4-9

higher purpose

defined, xvii

as vision element, 20-21

Hiner, Eddie, 303

Hoekstra, Judd, 340

Horn, Philip, 252, 349

HPO SCORES model, 10-11

quiz, 13-16

HPOs. See high-performing organizations

humility, 275-276, 281


“I need” statements, 98-99

IBM, 26

ideal service (in Legendary Service), 36

immediate praising, 137

immersion phase (cultural transformation), 250-252

impact concerns (change management)

addressing, 205, 233-237

child support collection case study, 221

matching leadership style to, 211


as aspect of leadership, 262

of customer service, 46-52

implementation concerns (change management)

addressing, 204, 229-235

child support collection case study, 221

matching leadership style to, 210

improving performance situations, performance coaching in, 116-118

individual learning, 10

self leadership and, 93-94

individuals, self-direction, 71-72

ineffective leadership, servant leadership versus, 280-281

influence in change management, 217-219

informal performance management systems, 126-127

information concerns (change management)

addressing, 199, 226-227

child support collection case study, 220

information sharing, 64-67

inspiring leadership style (change management), 208

for collaboration concerns, 212

for impact concerns, 211

for implementation concerns, 210

for refinement concerns, 212

integration (team development stage), 178-179, 185

internal coaching culture, 151, 161-163

internal customers, 43

investment of choice, becoming, 7-9

involvement in change management, 217-219


Jesus, 261

Johnson & Johnson, 23

Johnson, Robert, 23

Johnson, Spencer, 129

Johnsonville Foods, 94

Jones, John, 201

Jones, KC, 171

Kandarian, Fay, 9, 34, 341

Kelleher, Herb, 50, 282

Kelly, Gary, 50

The Ken Blanchard Companies, 227

contact information, 347

empowerment example, 64-65

leadership as transformational journey, 89

social networking information, 349

speaker information, 348

Tools for Change information, 349

Kennedy, John F., 22, 60, 147

Keynes, John Maynard, 226

Keynote Speakers (from The Ken Blanchard Companies), booking information, 348

KFC, 72

King, Martin Luther Jr., 24

knowledge. See organizational learning

knowledge power, 97


Lacinak, Thad, 115, 140

Lacoursiere, Roy, 174

language of empowerment, 62-63

Lao Tzu, 117

Lawler, Edward, 59

The Leader Within (Zigarmi), 281

leadership. See also coaching; organizational leadership; servant leadership

aspects of, 262

defined, xvi-xviii

departmental vision, 27-28

determining beliefs about, 297

in high-performing organizations, 13

at higher level, xvi-xviii

impact on performance, 267-270

self-serving, xviii

shared vision, impact of, 25-27

teams. See teams

as transformational journey, 89-90

vision and, 17-18, 30

The Leadership Engine (Tichy), 289

Leadership Is an Art (Depree), 29

leadership point of view

creating, examples of, 299, 303-307

elements of, 290-292

beliefs about leading/motivating people, 297

core values, 295-297

example setting, 299

leadership role models, 292

life purpose, 293-295

what others can expect from you, 298

what you expect from others, 298

importance of developing, 289-290

leadership role models, 292

leadership styles. See also Situational Leadership II

in change management, 207-212

matching to development levels, 77-81

in performance planning stage, 113-115

team development levels, 181-187

in Situational Leadership II, 77

types of, 75

variation as necessary, 83-87

leadership team in change management, selecting, 222-225

leadership vacuum, 73-74

Leading People Through Change Model. See change management, strategies for

learning, 10. See also organizational learning

in servant leadership, 277

supporting via coaching, 151, 159-160

Lee, Robert, 219

Legendary Service, creating, 35-40. See also customer service

Lewin, Kurt, 192

life purpose, determining, 293-295

listening to customer wants, 44-46

living your vision, 29-30

Lorber, Robert, 145

loss, sense of, 201-202

love, 276


MacDonald, Gordon, 271

Make-A-Wish Foundation, 20

Management by Wandering Around, 139

Managing by Values (Blanchard and O’Connor), 296

managing change. See change management

Mandela, Nelson, xv, 261

Marriott hotels, 5

Master of Science in Executive Leadership (MSEL) program, 290

matching leadership styles in performance planning, 113-115

McBride, Margret, 145

McClelland, David, 135

McGee, Robert S., 274

McHale, Kevin, 171

measurable goals, 135

measurement in change management, 232, 236-237

meetings, setting ground rules for, 123-124

mental imagery, as vision element, 21-23

Merck, 245

Meyers, Scott, 131

Miller, Linda, 161, 342

Miller, Mark, 277

Minera El Tesoro, 246

Moments of Truth, 42

moral dilemmas, 281

morale of teams, 171, 175-176

Mother Teresa, 95, 285

motivating goals, 135

motivation, 52-53

determining beliefs about, 297

feedback as, 133

MSEL (Master of Science in Executive Leadership) program, 290


Nadler, David, 222

necessity of change, 193-194

1980 United States Olympic hockey team, 189

Nixon, Richard M., 146

Nordstrom, 6, 35, 49, 52

Nordstrom, Bruce, 52

Novak, David, 72, 267

O’Connor, Michael, 24, 296

observing teams, 187-188

Ogle, Dev, 284

Olympic hockey team (U.S. 1980), 189

one minute management. See partnering for performance skills (Situational Leadership® II)

The One Minute Manager (Blanchard and Johnson), 129

one-on-one leadership, 89

one-on-ones, 126-127

open communication, 10

operating values, list of, xix

operational leadership, 268

optimal productivity of teams, 170

Ordering Your Private World (MacDonald), 271

organizational culture, 241-242

in change management, 238

compelling vision and, 25

formation of, 244

Gung Ho!® culture training program, 247-249

alignment phase, 252-255

discovery phase, 249-250

immersion phase, 250-252

refinement phase, 255

“right” culture, 243-244

skepticism towards, 244-246

transforming, 247-249

alignment phase, 252-255

critical success factors for, 256-257

discovery phase, 249-250

immersion phase, 250-252

refinement phase, 255

values and, 246-247

organizational failure, self-serving leadership and, 280

organizational leadership, 90, 191

change management, 213

child support collection case study, 219-222

concerns, addressing, 197-212

importance of, 192

leadership styles needed in, 207-209

necessity of change, 193-194

performance decreases during, 193

reasons for failure, 194-196

strategies for, 215-240

organizational learning, 10

via shared information, 66-67

organizational structure, flexibility of, 278

organizational vitality, 268-270

orientation (team development stage), 176-177, 184


Parish, Robert, 171

Parisi-Carew, Eunice, 9, 165, 284, 332

partnering for performance skills (Situational Leadership® II), 88-89, 105

apologies, 145-147

goal setting, 129-136

performance management systems

one-on-ones, 126-127

performance coaching, 115-125

performance planning, 109, 112-115

performance review, 125

reasons for establishing, 106-109

praising, 136-139, 144

redirection, 139, 141-144

reprimands, 139-145

PCA (Purposeful Culture Assessment), 250

Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World’s Greatest Athletes (Garfield), 21

Peale, Norman Vincent, 275

People Express Airlines, 42

PERFORM (benchmarking teams), 169-172

performance. See also partnering for performance skills (Situational Leadership® II)

decreasing during change management, 193

empowerment and, 59-60

impact of leadership on, 267-270

performance appraisal process, restructuring, 70

performance coaching, 106, 115-125, 150-154

in declining performance situations, 119-125

in improving performance situations, 116-118

performance curve, 116-118

performance management systems

one-on-ones, 126-127

performance coaching, 115-125

performance planning, 109, 112-115

performance review, 125

reasons for establishing, 106-109

performance planning, 106, 109, 112-115

performance process for teams, 168-169

benchmarking with PERFORM, 169-172

creating team charter, 172-174

determining team development level, 174-181

developing performance strategies, 187-188

matching leadership style to team development level, 181-187

performance reviews, 106, 125, 133-134

performance standards in goal setting, 131-132

personal concerns (change management)

addressing, 199-203, 229

child support collection case study, 221

matching leadership style to, 210

personal power, 97


customer experience, 40-43

performance planning, 106, 109, 112-115

point of view. See leadership point of view

points of power, celebrating, 96-99

position power, 97

power, sources of, 96. See also empowerment

The Power of Ethical Management (Blanchard and Peale), 275

praising, 136-139, 144

in change management, 236

feelings in, 137

immediate and specific, 137

power of, 137-138

of progress, 138-139

after reprimands, 142

scheduling time for, 139

preparation for addressing decommitment, 122-123

prioritization in change management, 231

production (team development stage), 179, 186

productivity of teams, 170, 175-176

progress, praising, 138-139

provider of choice, becoming, 4-5

The Purpose Driven Life (Warren), 266

purpose of teams, 170

Purposeful Culture Assessment (PCA), 250

Putting the One Minute Manager to Work (Blanchard and Lorber), 145


Randolph, Alan, 64, 343

rank-ordering values, 24, 296

Raving Fans®: Satisfied Customers Are Not Enough (Bowles and Blanchard), 5

reaffirmation. See praising

recognition of teams, 171

redirection, 139-144

refinement concerns (change management)

addressing, 205-206, 238-240

child support collection case study, 222

matching leadership style to, 212

refinement phase (cultural transformation), 255

Reinvent Continuously (servant leadership), 277-278

relationship power, 97


in servant leadership, 278

in teams, 170

relevant goals, 136

reprimands, 139-145

responsibility for goals, 53

responsiveness (in Legendary Service), 36


customer results, 11

in servant leadership, 278

reviews. See performance reviews

Ridge, Garry, 107

Ritz-Carlton Hotels, 51-52, 72, 282

role models for leadership, 292


SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System), 42

Saturn, 37-38

Schmidt, Tim, 245

Schultze, Horst, 51-52


“seagull management,” 131

The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do (Blanchard and Miller), 277

See the Future (servant leadership), 277

Select and Align the Leadership Team strategy (change management), 222-225

self leadership, 89

empowerment and, 91-93

individual learning and, 93-94

skills needed for, 94-103

celebrate points of power, 96-99

challenge assumed constraints, 94-95

collaborate for success, 100-103

self-direction, 71-74

of individuals, 71-72

of teams, 72-73

self-doubt, 273-275

self-esteem, lack of, 273-275

self-reliant achievers (development level), 77, 80

self-serving leadership, xviii

organizational failure and, 280

servant leadership versus, 270-273

servant leadership

customer service and, 282

decision-making encouragement in, 265-267

DMV example, 263-265

ego versus, 273-275

explained, 261-262

in high performing organizations, 282-285

humility and, 275-276

ineffective/unethical leadership versus, 280-281

love and, 276

organizational vitality and, 268-270

self-serving leadership versus, 270-273

SERVE acronym, 277-279

success and significance in, 285-286

as way of life, 279-287

SERVE acronym (servant leadership), 277-279

shared decision-making, 11

shared information, 10

shared vision, impact of, 25-27

sharing information, 64-67

short-term wins, benefits of, 230

Shula, Don, 3, 50, 278

Shultze, Horst, 282

significance in servant leadership, 285-286

significant purpose. See higher purpose

Situational Leadership, 76

Situational Leadership® II, 75-76, 350

development levels, 77

diagnosis by self leaders, 100-103

matching leadership styles to, 77-81

variation by task, 81-83

leadership as transformational journey, 89-90

leadership styles, 77

matching to team development levels, 181-187

variation as necessary, 83-87

self leadership, 91-93

individual learning and, 93-94

skills needed for, 94-103

skills needed for, 87-89. See also partnering for performance skills

skills training. See training

SLII. See Situational Leadership® II

SMART goals, 135-136

Smith, Fred, 276

social networking, 349

Southwest Airlines, 50, 282

speakers (from The Ken Blanchard Companies), booking information, 348

Special Olympics example (servant leadership), 286

specific goals, 135

specific praising, 137

sponsors of change management, 223

standards of performance in goal setting, 131-132

Stayer, Ralph, 109

Stevens, Jeff, xvii, 267

Stoner, Jesse, 9, 18-19, 28, 40, 228, 343

strategic leadership, 267

success in servant leadership, 285-286

Summit Pointe, 284

support during change, 202

supporting behavior (in Situational Leadership® II), 181

supporting leadership style, 77, 80

for addressing decommitment, 122

in change management, 208

for teams, 185-186

supporting learning via coaching, 151, 159-160



aiming for, 3

triple bottom line, 4-9

task power, 97

task-specific, development levels as, 81-83

Tate, Rick, 133

team charters, creating, 172-174

team leadership, 90

teams, 165

development, 174-180

groups versus, 169

importance of, 165-166

miracle of teamwork, 188-189

performance process. See performance process for teams

reasons for failure, 167

self-direction, 72-73

termination (team development stage), 180, 186

Tichy, Noel, 289

time-bound goals, 136

Tompkins, Chuck, 115, 140

Tools for Change (The Ken Blanchard Companies), information on, 349

Track Type Tractors (TTT) division (Caterpillar), 172

trackable goals, 136

Trader Joe’s, 34, 59

traffic flow case study (empowerment), 61-62

training in change management, 233-235. See also learning

transformational journey, leadership as, 89-90

triple bottom line, 4-9

employer of choice, becoming, 6-7

investment of choice, becoming, 7-9

provider of choice, becoming, 4-5

trust, building via shared information, 66

TTT (Track Type Tractors) division (Caterpillar), 172

Twain, Mark, 192


understanding, listening for, 44

unethical leadership, servant leadership versus, 280-281

United States Olympic hockey team (1980), 189

University of Massachusetts, 117

Value Results and Relationships (servant leadership), 278


determining core values, 295-297

following in servant leadership, 279

operating values, list of, xix

organizational culture and, 246-247

rank-ordering, 24, 296

for teams, 170

as vision element, 23-25

virtual teams, 166

vision. See also compelling vision

as aspect of leadership, 262

communicating, 29

creating, process for, 28-29

of customer experience, 40-43

defined, 28

departmental vision, 27-28

elements of, 19-25

higher purpose, 20-21

mental imagery, 21-23

values, 23-25

importance of, 17-18, 277

leadership and, 30

living, 29-30

shared vision, impact of, 25-27

vision for future in change management, 228-229

vision statements, 19, 30


W.L. Gore company, 283

Warren, Rick, 266

Welch, Jack, 248

Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships (Blanchard et al), 115, 140

will, defined, 275

worthwhile work, 53

You and Your Network (Smith), 276

YouTube, 349

Yum! Brands, 71-72, 94, 270

Zigarmi, Drea, 19, 267, 281, 344

Zigarmi, Patricia, 345

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