5.5.6. Anonymous Inner Class That Implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener

The preferenceChangeListener (Fig. 5.23) is an anonymous-inner-class object that implements the OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener interface. This object was registered in method onCreate to listen for changes to the app’s SharedPreferences. When a change occurs, method onSharedPreferenceChanged sets preferencesChanged to true (line 120), then gets a reference to the QuizFragment (lines 122–123) so that the quiz can be reset with the new preferences. If the CHOICES preference changed, lines 127–128 call the QuizFragment’s updateGuessRows and resetQuiz methods.

111      // listener for changes to the app's SharedPreferences
112      private OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener preferenceChangeListener =
113         new OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener()
114      {
115         // called when the user changes the app's preferences
116         @Override                                          
117         public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(             
118            SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key)
119         {
120            preferencesChanged = true; // user changed app settings
122            QuizFragment quizFragment = (QuizFragment)                  
123               getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.quizFragment);
125            if (key.equals(CHOICES)) // # of choices to display changed
126            {
127               quizFragment.updateGuessRows(sharedPreferences);
128               quizFragment.resetQuiz();
129            }
130            else if (key.equals(REGIONS)) // regions to include changed
131            {
132               Set<String> regions =                            
133                  sharedPreferences.getStringSet(REGIONS, null);
135               if (regions != null && regions.size() > 0)
136               {
137                  quizFragment.updateRegions(sharedPreferences);
138                  quizFragment.resetQuiz();
139               }
140               else // must select one region--set North America as default
141               {
142                  SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
143                  regions.add(
144                     getResources().getString(R.string.default_region));
145                  editor.putStringSet(REGIONS, regions);
146                  editor.commit();
147                  Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,  
148                     R.string.default_region_message,
149                     Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();     
150               }
151            }
153            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,                       
154               R.string.restarting_quiz, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
155         } // end method onSharedPreferenceChanged
156      }; // end anonymous inner class
157   } // end class MainActivity

Fig. 5.23 | Anonymous Inner class that implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener.

If the REGIONS preference changed, lines 132–133 get the Set<String> containing the enabled regions. SharedPreferences method getStringSet returns a Set<String> for the specified key. The quiz must have at least one region enabled, so if the Set<String> is not empty, lines 137–138 call the QuizFragment’s updateRegions and resetQuiz methods. Otherwise, lines 142–146 update the REGIONS preference with North America set as the default region, and lines 147–149 use a Toast to indicate that the default region was set. Toast method makeText receives as arguments the Context on which the Toast is displayed, the message to display and the duration for which the Toast will be displayed. Toast method show displays the Toast. Regardless of which preference changed, lines 153–154 display a Toast indicating that the quiz will be reset with the new preferences. Figure 5.24 shows the Toast that appears after the user changes the app’s preferences.


Fig. 5.24 | Toast displayed after a preference is changed.

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