

A/B testing, 23, 24

account-based marketing (ABM), 98

Adkins-Green, Sheryl, 8992


changing, 135140

as partners, 131134

agility, 122, 150, 178

Akana, 263266

Allen, Robert, 54

Allen Edmonds, 141144

Allstate, 153156

AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), 1720

American Express, 201206

AMN Healthcare, 2528

Anderson, Stephanie, 5558

Angelo, Loren, 200, 211214

Aon, 6366

Applbaum, Lee, 4346

Apple Pay, 172


Allstate, 156

Dunkin’ Donuts, 176, 177

Google Waze, 177

Macy’s, 173

Armstrong, Brandon, 176

Ash, Mary Kay, 90, 91

Ask, Julie, 178

Atchison, Shane, 38

Audi, 211214

authenticity, 51, 122, 124

author’s blog/contact info, 289, 290

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The, 206

automation, 9598

awareness, 34

AXA, 135, 136, 137, 140


B2B content marketing, 99104

B2C content marketing, 105108

Baer, Jay, 160

Balter, Dave, 224

Bang! (Kaplan Thaler and Koval), 214

Barger, David, 146

Basic Elements, 146

branding, 2124

consistency, 3942

measures, 2932

metrics, 3338

new products, 4346

planning, 712

rebranding, 2528

research, 1316

setting expectations, 36

strategy, 1720

Becher, Jonathan, xiv, 48, 5962

befriending data, 149152

Belkin International, 121124

Bena, Daniel W., 228

Berger, Jonah, 198

Bernoff, Josh, 178

best employer survey, 64

big data, 5758, 151, 205, 249, 277

Big Moo, The (Godin), 148

biology and marketing, 286

Black Duck Software, 8388

Bliss, Jeanne, 156, 210

blogging, 263266

borrowing ideas, 249250

Brand, Hennig, 289

Brand Called You, The (Montoya), 254

brand differentiation, 178

brand halo, 107

Brand Index, 217218

Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits (Millman), 24

brand transformation/expansion, 61, 62

branding, 2124

personal, 251254

and rebranding, 2528

Branson, Richard, 275

Bright, David, 233236

Brown, Danny, 116

Brull, Chris, 48, 4954


allocation/optimization of, 144

working with tiny, 157160

building community, 219224

Burby, Jason, 38

Butman, John, 224


Camuto, Louise, 3942

Camuto Group, 3942

Cannizzaro, Tami, 113116

Centene, 2124


agency, 135140

leading, 7174

channel conflict, 69

channel strategy, 261262

Chiat/Day, xiv, 109

Chief Customer Officer (Bliss), 156

Chief Listening Officer (CLO), 5

Chinn, Kate, 259262

Christensen, Clayton M., 46

Ciena, 222

clarity, 164

Clement, Phil, 6366

client engagement, 65

CMO Club, 36, 87, 272, 290

CMO Manifesto (Ellett), 12

CMO-type organizations, 36

cohesion, 7578

CollegeHumor Media, 195198

Collins, Jim, 66, 88

commitment, 164


internal, 57, 58

marketing as, 166

community building, 219224

compassion, 164

Competitive Strategy (Porter), 32

Comstock, Beth, 246, 283288

conditions of satisfaction, 4, 6

consistency, 3942

consultative selling, 7982

Contagious (Berger), 198

Content Code, The (Schaefer), 104

content development

B2B content marketing and, 99104

B2C content marketing and, 105108

marketing automation and, 9798, 103

service philosophy and, 203204

small budgets and, 159

user-generated content and, 109112

viral hits and, 195198

Web experience and, 193194

continuing education, 57, 58

copying the competition, 250

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 225228, 234, 236

Costello, John, 165, 175178

courage, 247250

Covey, Stephen, 270

Cox Communications, 183186


agency change and, 138

disruptive nature of, 44

pure, 211214

real-time marketing and, 186

credibility, 164

CreditSignal, 103

crisis management, 161164

CRM programs, 167170

C-Suite Network, 36

culture, 7274, 8388

customer centricity, 215218

customer experience, 142143, 180181, 239

customer feedback, 5, 194

customer satisfaction, 73

customer service

empathy and, 269270

social media and, 207210

Cvent, 1316



accessibility of, 249

befriending, 149152

big, 5758, 151, 205, 249, 277

CRM programs and, 168

personalization based on, 277

service related to, 205

decision making

ownership of, 73

voice of customer in, 240

Decoding the New Consumer Mind (Yarrow), 82

degrees of separation between people, 276277

Delivering Happiness (Hsieh), 240

Dempster, Craig, 190

Desai, Snehal, 48, 7982

diagnostic measures, 34

Dick Roth Associates, 137

Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty (Mackay), 274

digital workforce, 287

digital world, 150151

discovery, 110, 111, 287

display network advertising, 144

Do the KIND Thing (Lubetzky), 241, 244

Does It Work? (Atchison and Burby), 38

Dow Chemical, 7982

Drucker, Peter, 83

Dun & Bradstreet, 99104

Dunaway, Cammie, 237240

Dunkin’ Donuts, 175178

Duvall, Doug, xiv, 130, 161164


eCommerce, 7576, 188, 191

Eden, Eric, 1316

Edison, Thomas, 37

Eisenberg, Bryan and Jeffrey, 170

Ellett, John, 12

Eloqua, 103

email efficacy, 179182

emotional connections, 193, 194

empathy, 52, 122, 123, 267270

employee advocacy, 11

employee engagement, 65, 73

empowerment, 8992

End of Business As Usual, The (Solis), 288

Engage (Solis), 186

Engagio, 96

enlightened self-interest, 202

enterprise capabilities, 150

Epic Content Marketing (Pulizzi), 108

event marketing, 1416, 158, 160

Everybody Writes (Handley), 124

evolving, 263266

executing organizational plans, 58

expectations, setting, 36

experimentation, 37

Eyal, Nir, 174



B2B content marketing and, 106, 107

community building and, 223

mobile marketing and, 173174

networking and, 274

real-time marketing and, 184

See also social media

Fallon, Pat, 78

Fascinate (Hogshead), 42

feedback mechanisms, 194

Fiorella, Sam, 116

First Tennessee Bank, 3338

Fiske, Susan T., 92

focusing on target audience, 58

Ford, Henry, 13

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 235

foundations, 229232

4 P’s of marketing, 5, 6

Franklin, Benjamin, 206

Freddie Mac, 162

freemium acquisition strategy, 103

Fuller, Steve, 187190

fundamentals. See Inert Fundamentals

Fusion-io, 255258


Gale, Porter, 275278

Garlikov, Julie, 130, 157160

GE, 283288

Getchell, Margaret, 172

Getting Things Done (Allen), 54

Gilbreath, Bob, 266

global agendas, 6366

global brain, 287

Global Event Industry Benchmarks Study, 13, 1516

Globality, 275278


establishing, 252, 254

simplifying, 18

Godin, Seth, 148

going green, 225228

going viral, 195198

Goldberg, Fred S., 140

Golden Rule Service, 90, 92

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions (Maxwell), 258

Good to Great (Collins), 88

Goodstein, Barbara, xiii, 130, 135140

Google, 24

Graham, Terri Funk, xiv, 130, 131134

Grammys, 109112

Granof, Phil, 8388

Grapevine (Balter and Butman), 224

grassroots marketing, 117120

Great by Choice (Collins and Hansen), 66

green business, 225228

Greenberg, Paul, 165, 195198

Greene, Evan, 109112

Gronkowski, Rob, 177

Grow (Stengel), 236

Gupta, Mayur, 149152

Gupta, Sanjay, 153156


Hackett, Judy, 99104

Hall, Colin, 141144

Hamilton, Rose, 165, 191194

Handley, Ann, 124

Hanna, Mark, 6770

Halligan, Brian, 98

Hannon, Kieran, 94, 121124

Hansen, Morten T., 66

Happy Customers Everywhere (Schmitt), 144

Harte Hanks, 218

Hayes, John, 201206

Haysbert, Dennis, 153, 154

Hayzlett, Jeffrey, 2, 36, 74

Heath, Chip and Dan, 120

Hillerich & Bradsby, 117120

Hogshead, Sally, 42

Hooked (Eyal), 174

Hoovers, 102, 103

Hope is Not a Strategy (Page), 20

How Excellent Companies Avoid Dumb Things (Smith), 58

Howler Brothers, 24

HSBC BankCab, 201

Hsieh, Tony, 240

Human Brand, The (Malone and Fiske), 92

Hunter, Trip, 246, 255258


I Love You More Than My Dog (Bliss), 210


Tami Cannizzaro, 113116

Maria Winans, 251254

implementation sequencing, 188

Inbound Marketing (Halligan and Shah), 98

independent sales consultants, 8992

Inert Fundamentals, 245288

always innovating, 283288

empathizing, 267270

evolving, 263266

learning, 259262

listening, 255258

networking, 271274

personal branding, 251254

power networking, 275278

sharing passion, 279282

showing courage, 247250

influencer marketing, 113116

Influence Marketing (Brown and Fiorella), 116


consistent process of, 283288

new technologies and, 150

reorganization and, 5962

innovation marketing, 19, 60

Innovator’s Solution, The (Christensen and Raynor), 46

Insanity of Advertising (Goldberg), 140

Instagram, 213, 284

integrating mobile, 175178

Internal Elements, 4792

building trust, 4954

cohesion, 7578

consultative selling, 7982

culture, 8388

empowerment, 8992

global agendas, 6366

leading change, 7174

organizing, 5558

reorganizing, 5962

retooling, 6770

international marketing, 6366


J.Crew, 179182

Jack in the Box, 131134

Jansen, Alicia, 267270

JetBlue, 145148

Jobs, Steve, 13

John Deere, 107

Juicing the Orange (Fallon and Senn), 78


Kaggle, 286

Kaplan Thaler, Linda, 214, 232

Kawasaki, 4954

KidZania, 237240

Kimberly-Clark, 149152

KIND, 241244

Knoll, 233236

Koval, Robin, 214, 232

KPIs, 32

Kramer, Bryan, 128

Kraut, Bob, 712


L.L.Bean, 187190

LaForce, Colette, 2, 1720

Lavoisier, Antoine, 290


change agenda and, 7174

culture and, 8788

trust and, 53

Leahy, Terry, xiv, 246, 247250

learning, 259262

Lee, John, 190

LEED certification, 226, 227, 228, 235

Lincoln on Leadership (Philips), 262

LinkedIn, 19, 223

Linux Foundation, 87

listening, 255258

empowerment related to, 91, 92

to social media, 5, 126127, 128, 185, 209

living the brand, 237240

localized capabilities, 150

logistics, 8687

Louisville Slugger, 117120

loyalty programs, 181182, 239240

Lubetzky, Daniel, 200, 241244

Lucio, Antonio, 2, 2932


Mackay, Harvey, 274

Macy’s, 171174

Made to Stick (Heath & Heath), 120

Malone, Chris, 92

Management in 10 Words (Leahy), 250

Manchester United, 64, 65

market the marketing, 45

Marketing as Service, 99, 201206

marketing automation, 9598, 103

marketing equivalency, 65

Marketo, 9598

Marks, Dan, 2, 3338

Marnell, Richard, 94, 100, 105108

Mary Kay, 8992

MasterCard, 7174

Matson, Ani, 215218

Maxwell, John C., 258

McCurry, Mike, 164

McDermott, Tim, 167170

McDonald’s, 207210

MD Anderson, 267270

measures, 2932

media mixing, 153156

MediaMath, 189

Medrano, Roberto, 246, 263266

Mendeleev, Dmitri, xvii, 289, 290

metrics, 3338, 186

Miller, Jon, 9598

Millman, Debbie, 24

Minifie, Dave, 2124

Mirror Test, The (Hayzlett), 6

mobile marketing

integration of, 175178

media mixing and, 156

strategy for, 172174

Mobile Mind Shift, The (Schadler, Bernoff, and Ask), 178

mobilizing digital, 171174

Molloy, Margaret, 114

Montoya, Peter, 254

multichannel campaigns, 104

Musgrave, Kim, 207210


Naide, Adam, 183186

NASA, 279282

NEA Member Benefits, 215218

Net Promoter Score, 217218

Network Is Your Customer (Rogers), 152

networking, 271274

peer, 272, 274

power, 275278

social media, 274, 278

Neuron Strategies, 255

new products, 4346

New Rules of Marketing & PR, The (Scott), 112

Newlands, John, 290

Newlin, Kate, 282

Newman, Wendy, 2528

Next Evolution of Marketing, The (Gilbreath), 266

Nice Companies Finish First (Shankman), 182

Ninja launch (Kawasaki), 50

Nintendo, 238

Noble Pursuits, 199244

building community, 219224

customer centricity, 215218

foundations, 229232

going green, 225228

living the brand, 237240

Marketing as Service, 201206

pure creativity, 211214

social customer service, 207210

social purpose, 241244

sustainable design, 233236

Nylon magazine, 196


O’Brien, Joanne, 133

Ogilvy, David, 134

Ogilvy on Advertising, 134

Omni Hotels & Resorts, 225228

omnichannel world, 151

online influencers, 160

online optimization, 187190

online retailers, 194

OPEN forum, 203

open innovation, 11, 286, 287


budget, 144

online, 187190

Oreo RTM example, 183184

organizing, 5558

Ortiz, David “Big Papi,” 85

OSS Logistics, 8687

outcome measures, 34

outside-in approach, 56, 58

ownership, 53


Page, Rick, 20

Papa John’s, xiv, 712

paper catalogs, 143144

passion, 53, 279282

Passion Brands (Newlin), 282

Patrón Spirits, 4346

PEDIGREE Foundation, 229-232

peer networks, 272, 274

Peppers, Don, xiv, 218

Periodic Table, 289, 290

Periscope, 176

personal branding, 251254

personalization, 277, 278, 191194

Phelps, Michael, 111

Philadelphia 76ers, 167170

Philips, Donald T., 262

pilot projects, 285, 288

Pinterest, 174, 284

planning, 712

points of contact, 35

Porter, Michael, 32

power networking, 275278

Power of Nice, The (Kaplan Thaler and Koval), 232

press coverage, 46

Procter & Gamble, 22, 24, 121

programmatic buying, 3637, 151152, 189190

public relations (PR), 116, 160, 260

Pulizzi, Joe, 108

pure creativity, 211214

purpose, 243244



for crisis management, 163164

for rebranding, 26


Rao, Raj, 48, 7578

Raynor, Michael E., 46

real-time marketing (RTM), 183186

Reardon, Martine, 171174, 175

rebranding, 2528

recognition, 53

The Recording Academy, 109112

Reichheld, Fred, 16

relevance, 182, 185, 186

Renegade, LLC, xv, 16, 290

Renegade marketing, xvxviii

reorganizing, 5962, 85

reputation, 253

research, 1316

Responsys email platform, 180

retail partners, 141144

retooling, 6770

Return on Customer (Peppers and Rogers), 218

return on relationship, 70, 114

Return on Relationship (Rubin and Rose), 70

Rhimes, Shonda, 128

Richline, 6770

Ries, Al and Laura, 28

Rise of the Platform Marketer, The (Dempster and Lee), 190

risk-taking, 4, 6, 145148, 213, 250, 253254

Roca on the Rails program, 46

Rodgers, Chip, 219224

Rogers, David L., 152

Rogers, Martha, 218

Roker, Al, 210

Romm, Elisa, 7174

Rose, Kathryn, 70

Rubin, Ted, 70, 114

Running the Gauntlet (Hayzlett), 74


Safon, Scot, 125128

Salesforce, 96, 168

Santora, Tom, 225228, 234


Jonathan Becher, 5962

Chip Rodgers, 219224

Schadler, Ted, 178

Schaefer, Mark W., 104

Schlegel, Kyle, 117120

Schmitt, Bernd, 144

Schnatter, John, 10

Scott, David Meerman, 112

search consultants, 137

Secret Weapon Marketing, 131, 133

Segers, Bo, 229-232

self-promotion, 254

selling, consultative, 7982

sell-through process, 143

Senn, Fred, 78

Sephora, 181182


marketing as, 99, 201206

social media and, 207210

See also customer service

setting expectations, 36

7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 270

Shah, Dharmesh, 98

Shankman, Peter, 182, 194

shared content, 110, 112, 126, 128

Shareology (Kramer), 128

Shipley, Lou, 84

Shopkick, 172

showing vs. telling, 30, 74

Silicon Rally, 165198

CRM programs, 167170

email efficacy, 179182

going viral, 195198

integrating mobile, 175178

mobilizing digital, 171174

online optimization, 187190

real-time marketing, 183186

Web experience, 191194

Silicon Valley, 287

Sinek, Simon, 62

Sirkin, Clive, 150

Sittig, Dick, 131, 132, 133

small businesses

big data used by, 277

service mentality toward, 202, 203

Smith, Neil, 58

Smith, Shannon, 179182

social customer service, 207210

social media

B2C content marketing and, 106

community building and, 219222

customer service and, 207210

influencer marketing and, 115

internal company use of, 66, 91

listening to, 5, 126127, 128, 185, 209

marketing automation and, 97

mobile marketing and, 173174

networking and, 274, 278

passion conveyed through, 281282

sharing information via, 5152

small budgets and, 158159, 160

successful use of, 125128

user-generated content and, 111, 112

viral hits and, 196

Web experience and, 193

social purpose, 241244

social responsibility, 200, 225228

social-at-the-core campaigns, 32

Solis, Brian, 186, 288

Sprint, 161164

St. George, Marty, 145148

Start with Why (Sinek), 62

Stengel, Jim, 236

stewardship, 19

storytelling, 121124, 213214

strategy, 1720


sharing credit for, 54

social media, 125128

Sustain-Ability (Bena), 228

sustainability practices, 226228

sustainable design, 233236

Sweetwood, Matt, 271274


tactical capabilities, 150

talent, 88, 160

targeted ads, 260


communication facilitated through, 166

innovation driven by, 150

temporary project teams, 62

Tesco, xiv, 247250

test/invest methodology, 158

Thank You Economy, The (Vaynerchuk), 164

Think Big, Act Bigger (Hayzlett), 6

Think Like Linux, Act Like UPS, and Smile Like Amazon” (Granof), 86

3M Company, 7578

Tiger 21 Holdings, 135140

time management, 57, 192

Time Warner Cable Business Class, 5558

tiny budgets, 157160

tipping points, 85

Tishman Speyer, 259262

Torani, 157160

Townsend, Jason, 280

transformation, 1920

Transitional Trends, 93128

B2B content marketing, 99104

B2C content marketing, 105108

grassroots marketing, 117120

influencer marketing, 113116

marketing automation, 9598

social media success, 125128

storytelling, 121124

user-generated content, 109112

Truman, Harry S., 8


process of building, 4954

real-time opportunities and, 185186

TV advertising, 12, 154, 156

22 Immutable Laws of Branding, The (Ries and Ries), 28


mobile marketing and, 174

real-time marketing and, 184185

social customer service and, 208

See also social media


Ultimate Question 2.0, The (Reichheld), 16

underdog phenomenon, 20

Unique Photo, 271274

usability research, 14

user-generated content, 109112


values, 90, 92, 147

Vaynerchuk, Gary, 164


B2B content marketing and, 101

B2C content marketing and, 106, 107

programmatic buying and, 190

viral content and, 196198

Viking River Cruises, 105108

Vine, 286

viral hits, 195198

Virgin America, 275

Visa, 2932

Volatile Factors, 129164

agency as partner, 131134

befriending data, 149152

changing agencies, 135140

crisis management, 161164

media mixing, 153156

retail partners, 141144

risk taking, 145148

tiny budgets, 157160

Vonage, 136, 137, 138


Waiting for the Cat to Bark (Eisenberg and Eisenberg), 170

Wanelo, 174

Waze navigation app, 177

The Weather Channel, 125

Web experience, 191194

WeMo Home Automation system, 123

Winans, Maria, 251254

word of mouth, 116, 160, 262


Yahoo!, 238

Yarrow, Kit, 82

Yembrick, John, 279282

Your Network Is Your Net Worth (Gale), 276, 278

Youtility (Baer), 160

YouTube, 174, 196


Zemlin, Jim, 87

Zombie Loyalists (Shankman), 194

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