
In the previous century, most computers used for scientific and technical programming consisted of one or more general-purpose processors, often called CPUs, each capable of carrying out a diversity of tasks from payroll processing through engineering and scientific calculations. These processors were able to perform arithmetic operations, move data in memory, and branch from one operation to another, all with high efficiency. They served as the computational motor for desktop and personal computers, as well as laptops. Their ability to handle a wide variety of workloads made them equally suitable for word processing, computing an approximation of the value of pi, searching and accessing documents on the web, playing back an audio file, and maintaining many different kinds of data. The evolution of computer processors is a tale of the need for speed: In a drive to build systems that are able to perform more operations on data in any given time, the computer hardware manufacturers have designed increasingly complex processors. The components of a typical CPU include the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs simple arithmetic and logical operations, the control unit (CU), which manages the various components of the computer and gives instructions to the ALU, and cache, the high-speed memory that is used to store a program’s instructions and data on which it operates. Most computers today have several levels of cache, from a small amount of very fast memory to larger amounts of slower memory.

Application developers and users are continuously demanding more compute power, whether their goal is to be able to model objects more realistically, analyze more data in a shorter time, or for faster high-resolution displays. The growth in compute power has enabled, for example, significant advances in the ability of weather forecasters to predict our weather for days, even weeks, in the future and for auto manufacturers to produce fuel-efficient vehicles. In order to meet that demand, the computer vendors were able to shrink the size of the different features of a processor in order to configure more transistors, the tiny devices that are actually responsible for performing calculations. But as they got smaller and more densely packed, they also got hotter and hotter. At some point, it became clear that a new approach was needed if faster processing speeds were to be obtained.

Thus multicore processing systems were born. In such a system, the actual compute logic, or core, of a processor is replicated. Each core will typically have its own ALU and CU but may share one or more levels of cache and other memory with other cores. The cores may be connected in a variety of different ways and will typically share some hardware resources, especially memory. Virtually all of our laptops, desktops, and clusters today are built from multicore processors.

Each of the multiple cores in a processor is capable of independently executing all of the instructions (such as add, multiply, and branch) that are routinely carried out by a traditional, single-core processor. Hence the individual cores may be used to run different programs simultaneously, or they can be used collaboratively to speed up a single application. The actual gain in performance that is observed by an application running on multiple cores in parallel will depend on how well it has exploited the capabilities of the individual cores and how efficiently their interactions have been managed. Challenges abound for the application developer who creates a multicore program. Ideally, each core contributes to the overall outcome continuously. For this to (approximately) happen, the workload needs to be evenly distributed among cores and organized to minimize the time that any core is waiting, possibly because it needs data that is produced on another core. Above all, the programmer must try to avoid nontrivial amounts of sequential code, or regions where only one core is active. This insight is captured in Amdahl’s law, which makes the point that, no matter how fast the parallel parts of a program are, the speedup of the overall computation is bounded by the fraction of code that is sequential. To accomplish this, an application may in some cases need to be redesigned from scratch.

Many other computers are embedded in telephone systems, toys, printers, and other electronic appliances, and increasingly in household objects from washing machines to refrigerators. These are typically special-purpose computing chips that are designed to carry out a certain function or set of functions and have precisely the hardware needed for the job. Oftentimes, those tasks are all that they are able to perform. As the demands for more complex actions grow, some of these appliances today are also based on specialized multicore processors, something that increases the available compute power and the range of applications for which they are well suited.

Although the concept of computer gaming has been around since sometime in the 1960s, game consoles for home use were first introduced a decade later and didn’t take off until the 1980s. Special-purpose chips were designed specifically for them, too. There was, and is, a very large market for gaming devices, and considerable effort has therefore been expended on the creation of processors that are very efficient at rapidly constructing images for display on a screen or other output device. In the meantime, the graphics processing units (GPUs) created for this marketplace have become very powerful computing devices. Designed to meet a specific purpose, namely to enable computer gaming, they are both specialized and yet capable of running a great variety of games with potentially widely differing content. In other words, they are not general-purpose computers, but neither are they highly tuned for one very specific sequence of instructions. GPUs were designed to support, in particular, the rendering of sequences of images as smoothly and realistically as possible. When a game scene is created in response to player input—a series of images are produced and displayed at high speed—there is a good deal of physics involved. For instance, the motion of grass can be simulated in order to determine how the individual stalks will sway in the (virtual) wind, and shadow effects can be calculated and used to provide a realistic experience. Thus it is not too surprising that hardware designed for games might be suitable for some kinds of technical computing. As we shall shortly see, that is indeed the case.

Very large-scale applications such as those in weather forecasting, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, economics and financing, aeronautics, and digital movies, require significant amounts of compute power. New uses of computing that require exceptional hardware speed are constantly being discovered. The systems that are constructed to enable them are known as high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. They are built from a collection of computers, known as nodes, connected by a high-speed network. The nodes of many, although not all, such systems are built using essentially the same technology as our desktop systems. When multicore processors entered the desktop and PC markets, they were also configured as nodes of HPC platforms. Virtually all HPC platforms today have multicore nodes.

The developers and operators of HPC systems have been at the forefront of hardware innovation for many decades, and advances made in this area form the backdrop and motivation for the topic of this book. IBM’s Roadrunner (installed at the Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL] in 2008) was the first computing system to achieve 1 petaflop/s (1,000 trillion floating-point calculations per second) sustained performance on a benchmark (the Linpack TOP500) that is widely used to assess a system’s speed on scientific application code. Its nodes were an example of what is often called a hybrid architecture: They not only introduced dual-core processors into the node but also attached Cell processors to the multicores. The idea was that the Cell processor could execute certain portions of the code much faster than the multicore. However, the code for execution on the Cell had to be specifically crafted for it; data had to be transferred from the multicore’s memory to Cell memory and the results then returned. This proved to be difficult to accomplish as a result of the tiny amount of memory available on the Cell.

People at large data centers in industry as well as at public institutions had become concerned about the rising cost of providing computing services, especially the cost of the computers’ electricity consumption. Specialized cores such as the Cell were expected to offer higher computational efficiency on suitable application code at a very reasonable operating cost. Cores with these characteristics were increasingly referred to as accelerators. At LANL they encountered a major challenges with respect to the deployment of accelerators in hybrid nodes. The application code had to be nontrivially modified in order to exploit the Cell technology. Additionally, the cost of transferring data and code had to be amortized by the code speedup.

Titan (installed at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2013) was a landmark computing system. At 20 pflop/s (20,000 trillion calculations per second, peak) and with more than 18,000 nodes, it was significantly more powerful than Roadrunner. Its hybrid nodes, each a powerful computing system in its own right, were configured with 16-core AMD processors and an NVIDIA Tesla K20 GPU. Thus graphics processing units had entered the realm of high-performance computing in particular, and of scientific and technical computing in general. The device market had always been concerned with the power consumption of its products, and GPUs promised to deliver particularly high levels of performance with comparatively low power consumption. As with the Cell processor, however, the application programs required modification in order to be able to benefit from the GPUs. Thus the provision of a suitable programming model to facilitate the necessary adaptation was of paramount importance. The programming model that was developed to support Titan’s users is the subject of this book.

Today, we are in an era of innovation with respect to the design of nodes for HPC systems. Many of the fastest machines on the planet have adopted the ideas pioneered by Titan, and hence GPUs are the most common hardware accelerators. Systems are emerging that will employ multiple GPUs in each node, sometimes with very fast data transfer capabilities between them. In other developments, technology has been under construction to enable multicore CPUs to share memory—and hence data—directly with GPUs without data transfers. Although there will still be many challenges related to the efficient use of memory, this advancement will alleviate some of the greatest programming difficulties. Perhaps more importantly, many smaller HPC systems, as well as desktop and laptop systems, now come equipped with GPUs, and their users are successfully exploiting them for scientific and technical computing. GPUs were, of course, designed to serve the gaming industry, and this successful adaptation would have been unthinkable without the success stories that resulted from the Titan installation. They, in turn, would not have been possible without an approachable programming model that meets the needs of the scientific application development community.

Other kinds of node architecture have recently been designed that similarly promise performance, programmability, and power efficiency. In particular, the idea of manycore processing has gained significant traction. A manycore processor is one that is inherently designed for parallel computing. In other words, and in contrast to multicore platforms, it is not designed to support general-purpose, sequential computing needs. As a result, each core may not provide particularly high levels of performance: The overall computational power that they offer is the result of aggregating a large number of the cores and deploying them collaboratively to solve a problem. To accomplish this, some of the architectural complexities of multicore hardware are jettisoned; this frees up space that can be used to add more, simpler cores. By this definition, the GPU actually has a manycore design, although it is usually characterized by its original purpose. Other hardware developers are taking the essential idea behind its design—a large number of cores that are intended to work together and are not expected to support the entire generality of application programs—and using it to create other kinds of manycore hardware, based on a different kind of core and potentially employing different mechanisms to aggregate the many cores. Many such systems have emerged in HPC, and innovations in this area continue.

The biggest problem facing the users of Titan, its successor platforms, and other manycore systems is related to the memory. GPUs, and other manycores, have relatively small amounts of memory per core, and, in most existing platforms, data and code that are stored on the multicore host platform must be copied to the GPU via a relatively slow communications network. Worse, data movement expends high levels of electricity, so it needs to be kept to the minimum necessary. As mentioned, recent innovations take on this problem in order to reduce the complexity of creating code that is efficient in terms of execution speed as well as power consumption. Current trends toward ever more powerful compute nodes in HPC, and thus potentially more powerful parallel desktops and laptops, involve even greater amounts of heterogeneity in the kinds of cores configured, new kinds of memory and memory organization, and new strategies for integrating the components. Although these advances will not lead to greater transparency in the hardware, they are expected to reduce the difficulty of creating efficient code employing accelerators. They will also increase the range of systems for which OpenACC is suitable.

—Dr. Barbara Chapman

Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics,
and of Computer Science, Stony Brook University

Director of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Brookhaven National Laboratory

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