
This is one of the biggest and most significant writing projects in which I have ever been involved. As I indicate in the Introduction, this book pulls together the thinking from The Ken Blanchard Companies over the past 30 years. This certainly wasn’t a solo flight. Many people contributed to bringing to reality the dream of Leading at a Higher Level.

Let me start with my coauthors. The idea for creating an organization where we could work with people we love and care about and make a difference in organizations was born in the early 1970s by eight of us who were faculty members or doctoral students at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. This group, including Margie and me, Don Carew, Eunice Parisi-Carew, Fred Finch, Laurie Hawkins, Drea Zigarmi, and Pat Zigarmi, is what we call the Founding Associates of The Ken Blanchard Companies.

In the early 1980s, this group changed the original Situational Leadership® theory to Situational Leadership® II, which is the cornerstone of the Blanchard leadership programs. These Founding Associates are the people I went to when I first thought of writing this book. Without their encouragement and important contributions, this book would have remained a dream.

After the Founding Associates got underway on the book, we invited a number of other consulting partners and associates to join us in writing it, because of the major part they have played in the development of our work. Big hugs and appreciation to Scott Blanchard, Madeline Homan Blanchard, Kathy Cuff, Garry Demarest, Chris Edmonds, Susan Fowler, Bob Glaser, Lael Good, Vicki Halsey, Judd Hoekstra, Fay Kandarian, Linda Miller, Alan Randolph, and Jesse Stoner, who have made important contributions to this book.

One other writer was instrumental in this book’s becoming a reality. Without Martha Lawrence, the senior editor on my team, we would still be talking about this book. She made it happen. She nurtured every section, every chapter, and every word. Martha hates attention and recognition, but she has no choice. Everyone who has worked on this book loves her and recognizes the important role she has played. Martha and I could never do what we do without the support of the other members of our team: Margery Allen, Anna Espino, and Renee Broadwell. They all light up my life.

Another Blanchard person has been key to the creation of this book. Richard Andrews is a miracle worker when it comes to writing win-win contracts. Not only does he believe “among friends, clear accounts,” but he is always making sure that our intellectual property is protected.

As an editor, Tim Moore is every author’s dream—brilliant, insightful, and always encouraging. A huge thank-you to Tim and his top-notch publishing team at Pearson/FT Press: Gina Kanouse, Amy Neidlinger, Lori Lyons, Kristy Hart, Gayle Johnson, and Gloria Schurick.

I have had the pleasure of coauthoring books with a number of other authors. Several deserve special mention:

Paul Hersey, my partner in developing the original Situational Leadership® model that led to Situational Leadership® II, the foundational concept for our company.

Spencer Johnson, my coauthor on The One Minute Manager, the book that catapulted my career and our company to a new level.

Sheldon Bowles, my coauthor on Raving Fans and Gung Ho!, two bestsellers that have taken our company in new directions.

Jim Ballard, a key writing partner who worked with me on Managing by Values (coauthored with Michael O’Connor), Everyone’s a Coach (coauthored with Don Shula), and The Heart of a Leader. We also wrote two books together: Whale Done! (coauthored with Thad Lacinak and Chuck Thompkins) and Customer Mania! (coauthored with Fred Finch). Jim has made me a better writer and has been a constant spiritual encouragement.

Bob Lorber, my coauthor on Putting the One Minute Manager to Work, the follow-up book that started The One Minute Manager Library.

Margret McBride, my coauthor on The Fourth Secret of the One Minute Manager and the literary agent who introduced me to mainstream publishing.

Norman Vincent Peale, my coauthor on The Power of Ethical Management and a wonderful inspiration for my spiritual growth.

Phil Hodges, my coauthor on Leadership by the Book (with Bill Hybels), The Servant Leader, and Lead Like Jesus, books that began my writing about Jesus as one of the greatest leadership role models of all time and led to our founding of the Lead Like Jesus ministries.

My work with Paul, Spencer, Sheldon, Jim, Bob, Margret, Norman, and Phil is cited throughout this book. They all have had a major impact on my thinking and my life.

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