
This book represents the expertise and passion of a tremendous global team that has worked tirelessly in recent years to innovate, create, and execute world-class career development resources for all IBM employees. Without you, we would not have a story to tell.

The authors would like to thank the following reviewers for their time, expertise, and gracious critiques in helping to shape our work:

Sharon Arad, Ph.D.

Anne Lake

Lindsay-Rae McIntyre

Renae Murphy

Audrey Murrell, Ph.D.

Reza Sisakhti, Ph.D.

Charlotte Wooten

Special thanks to Tobie Kranitz Walters, who provided the authors tremendous insight and perspectives with an external view; to Brenda Thompson and Olivia Robinson for helping to coordinate meetings with the author team; to Terris Richardson for her research support; to Dr. Ronald Shapiro for analysis of job/role responsibility; to Michael Cannon, Phee Vania, and the New Employee Experience team for input on the Your IBM+ program; to Matthew Valencius for input on the Global Sales School program; to Frank Persico, who has been instrumental in helping us drive many of the new career development changes cited in the book; and, last but not least, to the IBM Press team.

Many thanks to Ted Hoff for writing the Foreword.

The authors would also like to thank the Pearson Education team, Katherine Bull, Acquisitions Editor, and Todd Brakke, Development Editor, for their knowledge and support throughout the entire writing experience. Their professionalism provided the guiding light for us to achieve our best.

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