
This book’s content is not just the effort of the authors. The material was gathered over the past ten years of using and deploying customer solutions composed of the products mentioned within this book. The authors would like to thank the host of coworkers and customers who over the years have contributed to our greater understanding of the principles of change management, the functioning of the products, and our understanding of which change management strategies work and which ones don’t.

Our ever-patient editors at Pearson, Christopher Guzikowski and Raina Chrobak, deserve many thanks as well. Many thanks to our copy editor, Barbara Wood, and to our production editor, Anna Popick, for their diligence during the production process.

We would also like to thank our families for their long-suffering during the many weekends we were busy writing the book. Shmuel would like to thank his wife, Catherine, for her support and encouragement. Dave would like to thank his wife, Laura, and kids, Anthony, Jacob, and Mark, for allowing him the time to be involved in this effort.

Much of the material is directly related to the experience of the IBM Rational field teams in engagements with customers using ClearQuest. Some of the folks whom we would like to thank for their efforts in fleshing out strategies that work with many of our larger customer needs are Ariel Whol, Shai Shapira, Etan Shomrai, Alan Murphy, Allan Wagner, Daniel Diebolt, Majid Irani, Stuart Poulin, Michael Saylor, Paul Weiss, Grant Covell, Katur Patel, Marlin Deckert, David Maroshi, Bob Myers, and Raanon Reutlinger. We have probably missed someone; if so, our apologies and thanks.

Colleagues who agreed to share content deserve many thanks: Caroline Pampino for content on C/ALM; Bob Myers for content on CQ-ALM; Scott Ambler for content on Agile; David Lubanco on metrics; Sharon Weed, Bala Rajaraman, and John Wiegand for content on integrations; Patrick Streule and Nicolas Dangeville for their help with OSLC; Yuhong Yin and Steven Pitschke for assistance in building charts and content on CQ architecture; and Alan Murphy for content on CQ development and debugging.

Special thanks to those people who put in the time to review this book and provide comments to help make the information more accurate and the reading more pleasant: Scott Ambler, Bob Myers, Michael Warfield, Chuck Walrad, and Celso Gonzalez.

We have learned from every client engagement, many of them inspired with ideas and innovative solutions. Many thanks to clients who agreed to share content: Dr. Alexander Karnovsky, Gerrit Van Doorn, Joseph W. Derr Jr., and Jacob (Kobi) Welber.

Finally, our thanks go to everyone at IBM Rational Software who keeps ClearQuest and the Jazz-based product efforts moving forward. Keep up the good work.

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