Browser technologies are allowing you to bring rich applications into your web browser. In this chapter you will see how you can use the Open Source jQTouch Library to extend the functionality built into jQuery to build websites that run on your iOS and Android phones but look and interact as if they are native apps. You will learn how to create custom interfaces, screen flipping, and set themes using jQTouch.

Rapidly Building iPhone Apps without Learning Objective-C

Objective-C, the programming language used to create native apps for the iPhone, is not an easy language to learn. Although Steve Jobs espouses how easy it is to build an iPhone app (there are, after all, over 350,000), it is still not as easy as developing a website (there are billions of websites, in comparison). But this is all changing with tools such as jQTouch.

jQTouch is an open source plug-in for the jQuery library that allows you to very easily extend your website building skills to create solutions for the iPhone and Google’s Android. You can get started using jQTouch by downloading it at as shown in Figure 3.1.

Something to note is that although jQTouch is built using HTML5 standards on top of the jQuery framework, it has not been optimized to run on all devices. For instance, response time on Windows Phone 7 has not been tested. jQTouch is optimized for Apple’s iPhone (not the iPad) and will work well on Android phones (but not tablets).


Figure 3.1 The jQTouch website.

Though it may seem highly selective, you do get some advantages that general-purpose platforms do not allow you to leverage. For instance, you can create a web app using jQTouch with a custom launch screen. This cannot be done with jQuery Mobile.

Take the time to review the features you will get in jQTouch before you download the jQTouch framework. In particular, notice how the extensions for jQTouch work. Leveraging just HTML5 skills you can add geolocation, automatic titles, and floating toolbars. No Objective-C is needed here.

Converting HTML into an iPhone App

The web browser built into the iPhone is one of the most advanced browsers on the market. Features such as CSS transitions and animation were part of the iPhone Mobile Safari web browser years before they reached the desktop. You can leverage advanced animation and JavaScript functions to create native, app-like solutions.

You will need to test the rest of the code we develop in this chapter either in Safari on your Mac or directly on an iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad). The code will run on all versions of iOS 3+ (I have not tested the code on iOS 2). Let me know if you have an iPhone OS 2 device and send me a tweet (@matthewadavid) or e-mail ([email protected]). My gut is telling me that there are not too many of these devices out in the wild anymore.

To get you started you need to download the latest release of jQTouch. Point your web browser to and press the big, green Download button in the center of the screen. The code is stored in a Google Code Open Source project (, shown in Figure 3.2.

The jQTouch site has additional videos and tutorials you can check out. Also, check out Jonathan Stark’s videos on YouTube ( These are great resources.

The jQTouch project comes packaged in a ZIP file you can expand. Pay attention to two main sections: the JavaScript files and the CSS/image files.

jQTouch is a jQuery plug-in. Much of the heavy lifting, when it comes to interactivity, is done for you.

Styling, animation, and formatting is accomplished with CSS and image files. You can update these files if you want, but in this chapter we are going to stick with the defaults.


Figure 3.2 The source code site for jQTouch.

Building a Basic jQTouch Site

The goal of jQTouch is to allow you to create an iPhone-specific website very easily. To this end, all you really need is a little HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript knowledge to create your solutions. Let’s start with a basic web page that is just using DIV and UL/LI elements.

Using your favorite text editor, such as Notepad++ (my favorite on the PC) or TextWrangler (my favorite on the Mac), create a new blank HTML page. Name the page template.html.

The first step is to declare that the document is HTML5 compliant. This is done by adding the DOCTYPE of HTML, as seen here:

<!doctype html>

The next step is to add some standard opening HTML tags and HEAD element content:



<meta charset=“UTF-8” />

<title>Getting Started</title>

After the title, you will want to link to the CSS and JavaScript files used to design the document. You will see that the following CSS reference is pointing to a subfolder below the folder of the template. html document. Keeping your document references correct is very important. A mess-up here can lead to hours of bug hunting later.

You are linking to two CSS documents. The first is a generic document that contains information on page transitions, list presentation, and other visual elements. The second document points to a specific theme for the site. Here you are using the jqt theme. You can also use the “apple” folder for a theme (swap the jqt reference with apple) to give your web page an apple-esque look and feel.

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>

@import “jqtouch/jqtouch.min.css”;


<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>

@import “themes/jqt/theme.min.css”;


Following the CSS reference, you will need to reference two JavaScript documents: the jQuery framework and jQTouch framework. Both are included with the downloaded files (as of writing this book, jQTouch has not been tested with jQuery 1.5.x but it should work).

<script src=“jqtouch/jquery.1.3.2.min.js” type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“jqtouch/jqtouch.min.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

Following the reference to the JavaScript files, you need to initialize the JavaScript onto the page. This is done by adding the following JavaScript:

<script type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”>

var jQT = new $.jQTouch({



After the references to the JavaScript frameworks you can close the HEAD and start the BODY elements.



Content presented as “page” on a screen is actually controlled by DIV elements in jQTouch. This is similar to jQuery Mobile. There are some syntactic differences between jQuery Mobile and jQTouch. For instance, jQuery Mobile uses custom attributes in the DIV elements for formatting whereas jQTouch uses class attributes as reference points for CSS.

Within the following DIV is a basic page structure:

<div id=“home” class=“current”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>



 <p>Welcome Screen</p>


The final step is to close the final HTML tags.



You will notice that the first DIV element has a class called “current”. You can create additional pages using DIV elements. Adding the “current” class to one of them forces that page to be the default page displayed.

The second set of DIV elements leverages a class called “toolbar”. The “toolbar” is a reference to a set of CSS files that add an iPhone-esque toolbar to the top of the screen.

All together it looks like this:

<!doctype html>



<meta charset=“UTF-8” />

<title>Getting Started</title>

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>

@import “jqtouch/jqtouch.min.css”;


<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>

@import “themes/jqt/theme.min.css”;


<script src=“jqtouch/jquery.1.3.2.min.js” type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“jqtouch/jqtouch.min.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”>

var jQT = new $.jQTouch({





<div id=“home” class=“current”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>



 <p>Welcome Screen</p>





Figure 3.3 A basic template for your jQTouch applications.

Save your web page when you have added the links to the jQTouch files. Remember that when you first run this page in a web browser you are given a single page. Now when you run the web page, you are presented with a structured, app-like experience, as shown in Figure 3.3.

It is important to recognize that jQTouch is optimized for handheld devices. Unlike jQuery Mobile, which will scale the design to larger screens, jQTouch will only work for smaller screens. Your jQTouch solution will not work well on the iPad or other tablets.

Adding Two or More Pages

Creating the default template is a good place to start. Once you have it, you can open it, copy it, and start working on a second mobile app page. The next section will do this. Often, this is referred to as a boilerplate.

You can also add two or more screens as they appear on your phone. This is accomplished with additional DIV elements.

Let’s start by taking the template we just created. Save the template with a new name, such as mulitpages.html. We’ll begin by adding a default page in the main BODY section:

<div id=“home” class=“current”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Getting Started jQTouch</h1>


 <a href=“#pageTwo”>Page Two</a>


Following the first set of DIV elements you can add a second set. Here you can see the reference for page two. You will see that the ID in the opening DIV is “pageTwo”.

<div id=“pageTwo”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Page Two</h1>



The same process can be completed for page three:

<div id=“pageThree”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Page Three</h1>



At this point you can save your files and view them through either iOS or Android emulator. What you will see when you view the page is the first main page. You will not see the two new pages you have created.

To force the second page to be the first page to be presented inside of the mobile browser window you will need to change which DIV element has “class=“current””. For instance, you can add the class “current” to the second page to make it the default page, as shown in Figure 3.4:

<div id=“pageTwo” class=“current”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Page Two</h1>


 <p><a href=“#home”>back</a></p>



Figure 3.4 Changing the default start page for your website.

The way you can move around the site is to use HREF links. For instance, if the “pageTwo” DIV set is still the first loading page for the app, you can add a link to the home page with the following:

<div id=“pageTwo” class=“current”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Page Two</h1>


 <p><a href=“#home”>Home</a></p>


All you have done is use the #home reference to an ANCHOR in your HTML. The ANCHOR is the ID name of the DIV element.

Following is the code from the three pages you have created with the addition of HREF links in each virtual page, giving your user the ability to link through different sections of the page:

<div id=“home” class=“current”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Getting Started</h1>


 <a href=“#pageTwo”>Page Two</a>

 <ul class=“rounded”>

  <li class=“arrow”><a href=“#pageTwo”>Page Two</a> <small class=“counter”>4</small></li>

  <li class=“arrow”><a href=“#pageThree”>Page Three</a> <small class=“counter”>8</small></li>



 <div id=“pageTwo”>

  <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Page Two</h1>


 <p><a href=“#home”>Home</a></p>


<div id=“pageThree”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>

  <h1>Page Three</h1>


 <p><a href=“#home”>Home</a></p>


Save the page and preview in your mobile browser simulator, as shown in Figure 3.5.

Adding Lists


Figure 3.5 A basic three-page site built with jQTouch.

In the previous section you saw how to use a list to display data. Lists are effective tools you can leverage for your iPhone. This is largely due to the very limited space you have to work with on the screen. jQTouch gives you tools to easily add custom stylized lists.

You have three different types of lists in jQTouch: rounded, edge-to-edge, and metal. The effect of the three different types of list is very similar to the basic lists available in jQuery Mobile. Again, the difference, however, is that the jQTouch versions of the lists work great in iOS, are passable on Android, but have not been tested on any other system.

All three of the list types are enhancements of the standard UL and LI elements in HTML. The UL defines the type of list and the LI element leverages special classes to format the presentation of site built with jQTouch. each list element.

Following is a basic example of a rounded list. You will see that the HTML is just an opening/closing UL element with list items, as shown in Figure 3.6:

<ul class=“rounded”>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item One</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Two</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Three</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Four</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Five</a></li>


The class reference to “rounded” changes the formatting. You can change the visual appearance of the list to an edge-to-edge style by changing the class reference (Figure 3.7):

<ul class=“edgetoedge”>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item One</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Two</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Three</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Four</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Five</a></li>



Figure 3.6 A “rounded” list.


Figure 3.7 An “edge-to-edge” list.


Figure 3.8 A “metal” list.

Finally, you can apply the metal style, again, by changing the class reference (Figure 3.8):

<ul class=“metal”>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item One</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Two</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Three</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Four</a></li>

<li><a href=“#link”>Item Five</a></li>



Figure 3.9 A “rounded” list with arrows.

Each list style also comes with its own set of special visual elements. For instance, the rounded list can have arrows added to each list item by simply adding a class to each list item that references the class name arrow, as shown in Figure 3.9:

<ul class=“rounded”>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item One</a></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Two</a></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Three</a></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Four</a></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Five</a></li>


A second visual element you can add to rounded lists is a “counter” class reference to the right-hand side of the list element. Here you can see that each LI has a counter to the right-hand side within the SMALL element.

<ul class=“rounded”>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item One</a> <small class=“counter”>1</small></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Two</a> <small class=“counter”>2</small></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Three</a> <small class=“counter”>3</small></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Four</a> <small class=“counter”>4</small></li>

<li class=“arrow”><a href=“#link”>Item Five</a> <small class=“counter”>5</small></li>


Save this list to a web page and view inside your mobile browser, as shown in Figure 3.10.

Adding Buttons


Figure 3.10 Additional content added to the “rounded” list.

There are three basic buttons you can use in jQTouch: two different buttons for the toolbar and one set of buttons you can add to the main screen.

It is becoming common to include a back button along the left-hand side of your toolbar to send you back to the previous screen. This can be done with jQTouch using HTML. The following adds a button in the toolbar, as shown in Figure 3.11.

<div id=“home” class=“current”>

<div class=“toolbar”>

<a href=“#” class=“back”>Back Btn</a>

 <h1>This is where you will add a title</h1>




Figure 3.11 Buttons in jQTouch.

You will see in the previous HTML that the back button is a basic HREF link. The back button has an arrow shape that points to the left. Notice that the class is labeled “back” and that the button is before the H1 title. Placing the button before the title will force the button to be on the left-hand side of the title. If you want the button to be on the right-hand side of the title, then place the HTML after the H1.

In addition to the back button, you can also add a plain button. Here you can see the toolbar HTML content with a plain button:

<div id=“home” class=“current”>

 <div class=“toolbar”>


 <a href=“#” class=“button”>Plain Button</a>



Again, as with the back button, the plain button is created using a HREF ANCHOR. The class, this time, is labeled “button” and the visual display does not have arrows. You will notice that I have placed the button after the label. Again, this is just a convention that is beginning to appear on many websites optimized for mobile devices.

The third button type is really a modification of a list type. Following is a list that comes with the class label of “individual”. This creates a horizontal set of buttons. The following example shows two buttons.

<h1>Using a List for a Button</h1>

  <ul class=“individual”>

<li><a href=“#;” target=“_blank”>Email</a></li>

<li><a href=“#” target=“_blank”>Button</a></li>


You can add up to five buttons.

Richer Form Elements

At some point you will need to add a form to your website. The form may be a “contact us” type of form, a “get more information” form, or even an entire shopping cart solution. Using forms within jQTouch is great. You do not need to use custom code, just plain HTML (jQTouch styles and formatting take care of the rest).

Here you can see that a standard HTML form has been added to the page. The one change to a standard form that you will notice is that each element in the form is wrapped in a list item (LI). This is just for formatting.

The form is wrapped in the FORM element within your HTML as shown here:

<div id=“home” class=“current”>

<div class=“toolbar”>




Standard text input areas can leverage new HTML5 features such as placeholder text and input types. The following two are standard text and text areas, but you can use e-mail, phone, and other HTML5 input types to force the iPhone soft keyboard to change to the different types of default keyboard, as shown in Figure 3.12.

<ul class=“edit rounded”>

<li><input type=“text” name=“name” placeholder=“Text” id=“some_name” /></li>

<li><input type=“password” name=“some_name” value=“qwerty” id=“some_name” /></li>

<li><textarea placeholder=“Textarea” ></textarea></li>

A checkbox is a default yes/no or true/false feature in forms. You can see a SPAN element with the class label “toggle” to convert the checkbox element. Doing this creates the visual presentation of the checkbox to a slide for “on/off” options, as shown in Figure 3.13.

<li>Sample Toggle <span class=“toggle”><input type=“checkbox” /></span></li>


Figure 3.12 Forms can be easily customized with jQTouch.


Figure 3.13 The toggle button is simply a checkbox—nice, huh?


Figure 3.14 The iOS drum roll options window.

A feature in iPhones is the spinning drum for lists. The following will create that same effect with the addition of allowing you to choose different categories, as shown in Figure 3.14:

<select id=“itemList”>

<optgroup label=“Vegetables”>

<option value =“Carrots”>Carrots</option>

<option value =“Cucumber”>Cucumber</option>


<optgroup label=“Fruits”>

<option value =“Apple”>Apple</option>

<option value =“Orange”>Orange</option>




Checkboxes and Radio selectors can also be grouped together. Here you can see that standard HTML is used to organize the selectors by the name attribute.

<li><input type=“checkbox” name=“some_name” value=“Hello” id=“some_name” title=“V8 Engine Type” /></li>

<li><input type=“password” name=“some_name” value=“qwerty” id=“some_name”/></li>

<li><input type=“checkbox” name=“some_name” value=“Hello” id=“some_name” title=“Eat Veggies” /></li>

<li><input type=“checkbox” name=“some_name” value=“Hello” checked=“checked” id=“some_name” title=“Each Fruit” /></li>

<li><input type=“radio” name=“some_name” value=“Hello” id=“some_name” title=“Apples” /></li>

<li><input type=“radio” name=“some_name” value=“Hello” id=“some_name” title=“Oranges” /></li>




As with standard HTML, you close your form with a </form> element. By leveraging HTML standards and jQTouch styles you can create beautiful forms with very little effort.

Adding a Floating Toolbar

The foundation for jQTouch is jQuery. A core feature of jQuery is the ability to extend the library with custom plug-ins. jQTouch can also be extended with plug-ins called “extensions.” Three great plug-ins have been created by David Kaneda, called floaty, autotitles, and location.

Extensions are created with JavaScript. You will notice that they have the extension js, which indicates that they are JavaScript files.

Floaty is cool little tool that allows you to have a floating toolbar on your page. You can find the plug-in included with the jQTouch files with the folder names extensions.

Adding the floating toolbar does require some additional JavaScript, HTML, and CSS skills. Let’s get started.

1.  Open the Boilerplate template for jQTouch.

2.  Save a copy of the web page and name it floating.html.

3.   Open floating.html in your favorite text editor. A new JavaScript reference needs to be added to the other JavaScript files in the HEAD element of the page, as shown here:

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>@import “jqtouch/jqtouch.min.css”;</style>

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>@import “themes/jqt/theme.min.css”;</style>

<script src=“jqtouch/jquery.1.3.2.min.js” type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“jqtouch/jqtouch.min.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“extensions/jqt.floaty.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

The final reference is to the jQTouch extension called floaty, named jqt.floaty.js. Notice that the file starts with the name jqt. This is a naming convention that lets you know that the file is an extension to the jQTouch framework.

The next step is to add some custom JavaScript. This code performs two functions: first the new plug-in is associated with the jQTouch framework; the second is to start the floating toolbar when the page loads.

<script type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”>

var jQT = new $.jQTouch({




spacing: 20,

time: ‘1s’




This JavaScript has two settings you can control. The first is spacing, an instruction that states how far from the top of the screen the floating bar will appear. The second is time, an instruction for how long the floating bar animation will take to place the bar on the screen when you load the page.

After the JavaScript you will want to add a custom CSS class that will control how the toolbar will look on the screen:

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>

.floatingToolbar {

-webkit-border-radius: 10px;

-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, .5) 0px 1px 1px;

width: 90%;

margin: 0 5%;

padding: 5px 10px;

background: rgba(255,255,255,.7);

color: #000;




Figure 3.15 The floating toolbar.

You will notice these CSS settings control the same class in the JavaScript called floatingToolbar.

Each setting in the CSS is standard CSS3. You will notice for the background an RGBA setting is used to include an Alpha level (in this instance it is 70%). This is a relatively new color setting and the iPhone is one of the few systems to support it.

The final piece you need is the HTML to hold the floating toolbar. That can be done with the following:

<div class=“floatingToolbar”>

This is the floaty toolbar


Figure 3.15 shows the floating toolbar working.

Using Autotitles

The autotitle is a nice little script that will take your list name and create a web page for it. Using it is very easy. The setup is similar to the floating toolbar. The first thing you need to do is add a reference to the autotitle JavaScript file, as shown here:

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>@import “jqtouch/jqtouch.min.css”;</style>

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>@import “themes/jqt/theme.min.css”;</style>

<script src=“jqtouch/jquery.1.3.2.min.js” type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“jqtouch/jqtouch.min.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“extensions/jqt.autotitles.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

The next step is to add a list, as shown here:

<div id=“page1”>

<div class=“toolbar”>

<h1>Auto Titles</h1>


<ul class=“edgetoedge”>

<li><a href=“#page2”>Quick Title One</a></li>

<li><a href=“#page2”>Quick Title Two</a></li>

<li><a href=“#page2”>Quick Title Three</a></li>



The final step is to add a second page with a placeholder for the name in the toolbar. You will see that each of the links in the preceding list points to the same folder.

<div id=“page2”>

<div class=“toolbar”>

<a href=“#” class=“back”>back</a>





Figure 3.16 The autotitles extension.

Save your file and preview the page. Each time you select an item from the list, a new page will be generated with a new title, as shown in Figure 3.16.

Location Aware Solutions

The final plug-in leverages the geolocation features built into the phone to present the longitude and latitude of your current position.

This one will take a little more JavaScript.

As with the previous two plug-ins, you will need to reference the JavaScript files for this plug-in, as shown here:

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>@import “jqtouch/jqtouch.min.css”;</style>

<style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>@import “themes/jqt/theme.min.css”;</style>

<script src=“jqtouch/jquery.1.3.2.min.js” type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“jqtouch/jqtouch.min.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

<script src=“extensions/jqt.location.js” type=“application/x-javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

The next step is to add some additional JavaScript that allows for geolocation to work. The following script starts the new script:

<script type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”>

var jQT = new $.jQTouch({


The following function will display the content from the geolocation feature within your HTML where the info class is used:


function setDisplay(text) {



The following if/else statement will create a string of text for the longitude and latitude.

var lookup = jQT.updateLocation(function(coords){

if (coords) {

setDisplay(‘Latitude: ’ + coords.latitude + ‘<br /> Longitude: ’ + coords.longitude);

} else {

setDisplay(‘Device not capable of geolocation.’);



if (lookup) {

setDisplay(‘Looking up location&hellip;’);





Figure 3.17 Geolocation in your iPhone.

The final step is to add the HTML that will hold the geolocation coordinates. That can be accomplished with the following:

<div class=“info”></div>

That’s it. Save and test your code. You should now see the geolocation for your phone, as shown in Figure 3.17.

Creating Your Own Extensions

Extensions are a great way to add rich functionality within your jQTouch websites. Next I have pulled out the code from the autotitles extension so you can see how easy it is to create your own extensions.

The code starts by associating itself with the jQTouch framework:

(function($) {

if ($.jQTouch)


The next step is to create a new function that will do the work. In this instance the function is named AutoTitles.

$.jQTouch.addExtension(function AutoTitles(jQT){

The first variable in the function is to look for content within any HTML (such as a DIV element) that uses both the toolbar class and the H1 element.

var titleSelector=‘.toolbar h1’;

The second function creates a pseudo page from the list item.


$(‘body’).bind(‘pageAnimationStart’, function(e, data){

if (data.direction === ‘in’){

var $title = $(titleSelector, $(;

var $ref = $(‘referrer’);

if ($title.length && $ref){



The final function sets the title of each page:

function setTitleSelector(ts){



return {

setTitleSelector: setTitleSelector




Figure 3.18 Editing JavaScript in Dashcode.

That’s it. Not too bad. Check out how the code looks in Dashcode in Figure 3.18.

Both Jonathan Stark and David Kaneda have done a lot to enhance jQTouch over the last 18 months. Kudos to both of them.

Adding Animation

Animation is a big deal in iPhone applications. You can add fancy dissolves, cubic transitions, page flips, and more. The work that Apple has done in Mobile Safari allows the jQTouch project to easily expose these types of transitions for you.

The following example is a list of links that point to the same ANCHOR. Each link has a difference class reference to show how you can easily swap in and out different animation transitions.

<li><a href=“#quote”>Slide</a></li>

<li><a class=“slideup” href=“#quote”>Slide Up</a></li>

<li><a class=“dissolve” href=“#quote”>Dissolve</a></li>

<li><a class=“fade” href=“#quote”>Fade</a></li>

<li><a class=“flip” href=“#quote”>Flip</a></li>

<li><a class=“pop” href=“#quote”>Pop</a></li>

<li><a class=“swap” href=“#quote”>Swap</a></li>

<li><a class=“cube” href=“#quote”>Cube</a></li>

Code that may require two or more class references can also be added. A good example where you may want to add animation and style formatting is with a button. The following code example shows that you can list two or more classes with each other:

class=“button slideup”

The only thing you need to remember is to keep your references within quotes.

Some Little Extras

At this point you have the basic tools for creating a jQTouch website. There are, however, some nice little extras you can use that are specific for iOS devices.

The following function allows the animation to trigger correctly on the page.

<script type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”>

var jQT = new $.jQTouch({



bind(‘pageAnimationStart’, function(e, info){

$(this).find(‘.info’).append(‘Started animating ’ + info.direction + ‘&hellip; ’);


bind(‘pageAnimationEnd’, function(e, info){

$(this).find(‘.info’).append(‘ finished animating ’ + info.direction + ‘.<br /><br />’);



You can create a pseudo application with a custom launch page using jQTouch when the page has been saved to the main screen on the iPhone. The following settings link a default loading page, icon, icon style, and color to the status bar:

var jQT = new $.jQTouch({

icon: ‘jqtouch.png’,

addGlossToIcon: false,

startupScreen: ‘jqt_startup.png’,

statusBar: ‘black’,

It is important to note that the startup screen must be 480×320 pixels and that the icon must be 57×57 pixels. These settings work only for the iPhone; they will not work on the Android or other devices.


Using jQTouch is a fast way for you to convert a static web page into looking like a native iPhone or Android app. There is a lot of work currently being done by Jonathan Stark on jQTouch. This includes updating support for Android and modifying the tools for creating themes. The project is an Open Source solution. If you develop a new feature or fix a bug, don’t forget to share your revelations with Jonathan. You might find your code merged into the main solution.

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