Up to this point you have been using a mixture of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to construct your mobile websites. In this section we are going to use Sencha’s ( Touch framework to construct your mobile websites.

The significant difference between Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile and HTML5 development is the heavy use of JavaScript to programmatically construct your pages. The negative to this is that you will need to be comfortable using JavaScript; the plus is that you can do some crazy cool things.

At this point I do need to point out one specific difference between Sencha Touch and frameworks such as jQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile seeks to work on a broad range of mobile devices; in contrast Sencha Touch targets specific devices, namely iOS, Android 2.1+, and BlackBerry 6 devices, as shown in Figure 4.1. The rationale for this is simple: the majority of next generation smart phones run on iOS, Android, or BlackBerry.

Getting Started with Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch is a free solution, but with a more complex licensing program than jQuery Mobile. The licensing that will likely interest you most is the GNU GPL Open Source license. Essentially, what this means is that any changes you make to the core library can be shared with other users of the code base; if, however, you want to keep your enhancements proprietary then contact Sencha about purchasing a Commercial Software License. I can’t imagine there are too many calls for the paid version of the software.

The bottom line is that the Sencha Touch framework is free for most of us. And that is great news.

Sencha Touch can be downloaded from the Sencha website. Go to, as shown in Figure 4.2.

The Sencha Touch framework is contained within a large ZIP file. Open the ZIP file on your computer and extract the content.

As with all popular mobile frameworks there are three main parts to the Sencha Touch framework: a JavaScript file, CSS, and HTML5. There are some big differences, however. To begin with, Sencha places a much heavier focus on JavaScript to describe the structure of the content over HTML5 elements. The second is an extension of CSS3 named SASS.


Figure 4.1 The Sencha Touch website shows its software running on iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry.


Figure 4.2 Where to go to download the files.

So why is there a heavy reliance on JavaScript? ‘Tis a good question, young squire. Fundamentally it comes down to a reflection of Sencha’s history with JavaScript. Sencha Touch has its foundation based on traditional desktop JavaScript frameworks such as Sencha’s Ext JS. So, you work with what you know. There is also a second advantage to using JavaScript over HTML: device type. We know that an ever-increasing number of devices are vying for your attention: iPhones, Android Phones, iPad, PlayBooks, the list goes on and on. Leveraging JavaScript, Sencha is able to extend Sencha Touch to easily adapt to tablet devices. Later in the series you will see how you can leverage the skills you learn in this chapter to build out tablet interfaces using the exact same JavaScript. It is pretty cool stuff.

The document that does all the heavy lifting in Sencha Touch is named sencha-touch.js. You can open sencha-touch.js to view the code. It will be difficult to read because the code has been minimized to reduce the size of the file. Here is what the first function looks like:

{Ext={}}Ext.apply=(function(){for(var a in {valueOf:1}) {return function(c,b,e){if(e){Ext.apply(c,e)}if(c&&b&&typeof b===“object”){for(var d in b){c[d]=b[d]}}return c}}return function(c,b,e){if(e){Ext.apply(c,e)}if(c&&b&&typeof b===“object”){for(var d in b){c[d]=b[d]}if(b.toString!==Object. prototype.toString){c.toString=b.toString}if(b.valueOf! ==Object.prototype.valueOf){c.valueOf=b.valueOf}}return c}})();

To help you understand the inner workings of Sencha Touch, you can also view the JavaScript in a debug version (sencha-touch-debug. js). The same line just shown looks like this in debug:

Ext.apply = (function() {

for(var key in {valueOf:1}) {

 return function(object, config, defaults) {

   if (defaults) {

    Ext.apply(object, defaults);


  if (object && config && typeof config === ‘object’) {

    for (var key in config) {

     object[key] = config[key];



  return object;




Yes, that is much easier to read. But, before we get too carried away with ourselves, let’s get our default Sencha Touch template completed.

Creating Your First Sencha Touch Page

You will need to get your favorite text editor out for working with Sencha Touch for the heavy lifting. We also have some graphics to develop, so crank up GIMP, Photoshop, Fireworks, or your favorite graphics editor.

If you have not already done so, download Sencha Touch and expand the files. You will see a lot of folders with subfolders. What you are looking for are:

•   A folder called “resource”

•   A file called Sencha-touch.js

These are the files you need to start your template. Let’s go ahead and add some more.

Start by creating a new HTML5 page. Let’s call it boilerplate. html. Unlike jQuery Mobile and jQTouch, the displayed content for your site will not be in HTML but will be controlled using JavaScript. With that said you do need to link to the JavaScript files and CSS files that control the presentation. The following will form the base for your Sencha Touch web app:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset=“utf-8”>


<!--Sencha Touch CSS-->

<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“resources/css/sencha-touch.css” type=“text/css”>

<!--Sencha Touch CSS-->

<script type=“text/javascript” src=“sencha-touch.js”> </script>




The code itself is standard HTML5. The opening DOCTYPE is the HTML5 document type. At line seven is a reference to the default Sencha Touch CSS document. Line nine refers to the core minimized Sencha Touch JavaScript document.

At this point if you run your web page inside of a mobile phone you will not see anything. The CSS and JavaScript files are the foundation you need for your apps. To get anything working with Sencha Touch you need to add an additional JavaScript file. To keep things easy to manage, let’s add the JavaScript you will use to power your app with a second JS file. Name the file boilerplate.js and add the following link after the sencha-touch.js file reference in your boilerplate.html page:

<script type=“text/javascript” src=“boilerplate.js”> </script>

The file named boilerplate.js forms the base of your Sencha Touch application. There are two main parts of the app file: settings and presentation.

Each Sencha Touch web app you create can inherit native-app-like settings. For instance, the following four settings allow a Sencha Touch app that is saved to the home screen to have its own icon, iPhone startup screen, and iPad startup screen:


icon: ‘icon.png’,

glossOnIcon: false,

tabletStartupScreen: ‘tablet_startup.png’,

phoneStartupScreen: ‘phone_startup.png’,


Stepping through each line, the first line initializes the setup settings. The second line links to a PNG file called icon.png. iOS requires you provide a 57×57 pixel file labeled icon to be the icon on the home screen of your iPhone.

By default, all icons on iOS devices have a glossy interface. Changing the setting for glossOnIcon to false removes Apple’s default visual effect.

The iPad can use an image while your app is starting up. The image is 1024×768 pixels. iPhone and iPod Touch devices will use an image while your app is starting up. The image is 480×360 pixels.

At this point we still do not have anything visual to display. Append the following JavaScript to the bottom of your boilerplate.js file.

onReady: function() {

new Ext.TabPanel({

  fullscreen: true,

  type: ‘dark’,

  items: [{

    title: ‘Tab 1’,

    html: ‘<p>This is a place for HTML</p> <p>feel free to add your content</p>’,

    cls: ‘card1’





Figure 4.3 Your first Sencha Touch web page.

The onReady function controls the content that will be presented on the screen. The DOM for the mobile browser fires the onReady code when it is fully loaded.

This section contains settings for the Sencha Touch TabPanel. In this instance you only have one tab on the screen. We’ll cover the TabPanel in more detail later.

All together, your boilerplate.js file should look like the following, as shown in Figure 4.3:


icon: ‘icon.png’,

 glossOnIcon: false,

 tabletStartupScreen: ‘tablet_startup.png’,

 phoneStartupScreen: ‘phone_startup.png’,

 onReady: function() {

new Ext.TabPanel({

 fullscreen: true,

 type: ‘dark’,

 items: [{

   title: ‘Tab 1’,

   html: ‘<p>This is a place for HTML</p> <p>feel free to add your content</p>’,

   cls: ‘card1’





You can now run the files in your mobile browser and present them as a web page with one tab on it.

The next section examines the different UI tools Sencha Touch provides.

Working with User Interface Elements in Sencha Touch

As with all the frameworks we cover, Sencha Touch comes with a set of iOS/Android app-like UI tools you can add to your web apps. The collection is very extensive and includes the following:

•   Buttons

•   Forms

•   Lists

•   Toolbars

•   Carousel and tabs

•   Video

Each of these elements are constructed with JavaScript and formatted with CSS. You can use the default CSS settings or, when you are comfortable working with the code base, even go into the CSS file to make your own modifications.

The key to remember is that each feature is just JavaScript and CSS, which means you can extend them with your own script.

Adding Buttons to a Page


Figure 4.4 Different buttons in the Sencha Touch framework.

There are dozens of color schemes and styles for buttons in Sencha Touch. What you will find is that they are all structured with simple parameter settings. For instance, the following will add a standard button:

items: [

{ text:button ‘Standard’ },


The button itself is described within the square brackets as an item. You have a setting called text. The result is a gray, square button with the word Standard written on it.

A rounded button can be created by adding the parameter ui: ‘round’ as shown here:

items: [

{ ui: ‘round’, text: ‘Round’ }


Buttons can also be set to perform specific functions. For instance, a default button can be used to trigger a command, or to cancel an action. The following two buttons will confirm and decline an action. The ui attribute defines both look and functionality.

items: [

{ ui: ‘decline-round’, text: ‘No Thank You’ }


}, {

 items: [

{ ui: ‘confirm’, text: ‘Approve’ },


There are over 50 different styles of buttons you can use in Sencha Touch. And, of course, you can use CSS to create your own custom styles, as shown in Figure 4.4.

Controlling Forms in Sencha Touch


Figure 4.5 Sencha Touch comes with a broad range of form controls.

Sencha provides you with a complete set of form controls, as shown in Figure 4.5. As with buttons, you will see that the form controls are presented as items that can be configured with property values.

A form is comprised of a fieldset region wrapped in square brackets, as shown:

items: [{

xtype: ‘fieldset’,

title: ‘Online Information’,

instructions: ‘Please enter the information above.’,

defaults: {

//labelAlign: ‘right’

labelWidth: ‘25%’



The second line in the example declares that xtype is a form. The third and fourth line are titles and descriptions you can add.

Of course, this form does not have any content. You can add form fields and controls before the closing }] at the end in the last line.

There are several form controls you can add including:

•   Text field

•   Text area

•   Password

•   Email

•   URL field

•   Checkbox

•   Date picker

•   Selection

•   Hidden

Each field is controlled in a very similar way: you have an xtype describing the field and then a set of parameters that add additional information. For instance, this is how you describe a text field:

items: [{

xtype: ‘textfield’,

name: ‘nameID’,


placeHolder: ‘Matthew David’,

autoCapitalize : true,

required: true,


The xtype ‘textfield’ informs Sencha Touch to reformat the item as a text field. The name property is an ID you can use to reference the field. The label property places a label to the left-hand side of the field.

Text can be placed into the form field as placeholder text. In this instance I have added my name (you can add your own name).

The autoCapitalize property allows for auto-capitalization of the first letter of each word. This is a Boolean true or false setting. If you set the field to being required then a star will be placed alongside the label.

The Text field is the most basic form field in the Sencha Touch framework. There are, however, four other fields that are very similar: Text area, Password, URL, and Email.

At the basic level, each of these four fields are just different enhancements of the Text field but with additional special properties. Below is a breakdown of the four field types as you define them in Sencha Touch:


xtype: ‘passwordfield’,

name: ‘password’,

label: ‘Password’,

useClearIcon: true

}, {

xtype: ‘emailfield’,

name: ‘email’,

label: ‘Email’,

placeHolder: “[email protected]”’,

useClearIcon: true

}, {

xtype: ‘urlfield’,

name: ‘url’,

label: ‘Url’,

placeHolder: ‘’,

useClearIcon: true

}, {

xtype: ‘textareafield’,

name: ‘bio’,

label: ‘Bio’




Figure 4.6 The password field extends the functionality of the text field.

Sencha Touch is leveraging new HTML5 features in forms to control how you interact with passwords or e-mail fields. For instance, when you select the Password field type your characters are changed to bullets as you type in the password, as shown in Figure 4.6. Nothing special here (this has been the case with password fields for years), but it starts getting cool with the e-mail field.


Figure 4.7 The e-mail text field has a custom keyboard.

The e-mail field modifies the onscreen keyboard to one specifically for e-mail characters. The @ symbol is prominently displayed on the new keyboard, as shown in Figure 4.7.

The URL field is similar in that you have fast access to special keys such as one with the extension .com as shown in Figure 4.8.

Through extending the base text field, Sencha Touch allows you to easily leverage complex HTML5 features supported in iOS devices and Android 2.3+.

The good news is that support for complex form features does not stop with text fields. The checkbox is another field you can add to your forms to solicit a simple true/false, or Boolean, response. To use the checkbox you leverage the xtype named checkboxfield, as shown:

{         xtype: ‘checkboxfield’,

name: ‘doYouLikeRain’,

label: ‘Do you like rain?’



Figure 4.8 The URL text field has a custom keyboard.


Figure 4.9 A checkbox in Sencha Touch is a big check mark.


Figure 4.10 The scrolling barrel is the Sencha Touch alternative to a drop down list.

As you can see, the checkbox has only a few parameters you need to set. Once you have them set you will see on your Android or iPhone that you can answer the question with a check mark, as shown in Figure 4.9.

Dates can also be controlled with the datepickerfield.


xtype: ‘datepickerfield’,

name: ‘dateOfTrip’,

label: ‘Date of trip’,

picker: { yearFrom: 2010 }


Selecting a date from the datepickerfield will bring up a screen that will allow you to select year/month/day from a spinning tumbler. All of this is completed with HTML.

A similar control to the datepickerfield is the selectfield form control. The objective of the selectfield control is to allow you to choose two or more options from a pop-up tumbler screen. The selectfield is comprised of two parts: the select-field and the options that will appear on the screen, as shown in Figure 4.10.

Below selectfield you can choose from different types of vacation trip:


xtype: ‘selectfield’,

name: ‘vacation’,

label: ‘Vacation Type’,

options: [{

text: ‘Package Holiday’,

value: ‘package’

   }, {

text: ‘RV’,

value: ‘rv’

   }, {

text: ‘Hotel’,

value: ‘hotel’

   }, {

text: ‘Camping’,

value: ‘camping’

   }, {

text: ‘Youth Hostel’,

value: ‘youthHostel’



Each item you can select from the onscreen display has two properties: text and value. The text value is the screen display for the form. The value is the data that will be sent to your database/server, as shown in Figure 4.11.


Figure 4.11 The selectfield option gives you several options to choose from.

Similar to the selectfield xtype is the fieldset xtype for creating a group of radio buttons. Yep, this is very much like creating a group of radio buttons on a web page where the customer can select only one option.

The setup for the fieldset is very similar to the selectfield: you have a control that manages the items. Here is an example of fieldset group:


xtype: ‘fieldset’,

title: ‘Travel Options’,

defaults: {

xtype: ‘radiofield’,

labelWidth: ‘35%’


items: [{

name: ‘travel’,

value: ‘car’,

label: ‘Car’

}, {

name: ‘travel’,

label: ‘Bus’,

value: ‘bus’

}, {

name: ‘travel’,

label: ‘Camper’,

value: ‘Camper’

}, {

name: ‘travel’,

label: ‘RV’,

value: ‘rv’

}, {

name: ‘travel’,

label: ‘Plane’,

value: ‘plane’


You will see that the items you can select are very similar to the selectfield. The big difference, however, is that each item has a name property. Each item has the same value in the name property. Keeping the value the same tells Sencha Touch that these values are in the same group. The resulting action is that the user can select only one option.

The final action for any form is to add a Submit button. This is where you use the Sencha Touch UI buttons covered earlier.

Controlling Data with Lists Using Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch comes with three list types: basic, grouped, and disclosure. The three lists scroll up and down with iOS-like momentum giving you an app-like feel to your page.

The setup for each of the lists is very similar. You have three key elements: defining the values you will be presenting, the data itself, and the list control. In many ways, it is not too different from the selectfield and fieldset form controls. This is why I like Sencha Touch—each control becomes more complex by enhancing existing design patterns and thereby reducing your learning curve. Nice, huh?

To demonstrate how lists work in Sencha Touch, we’ll use an example: to display a list of campgrounds. The list itself is a local array, but you can use XML or JSON to populate the list, too.

Start by instructing Sencha Touch that you are creating a new data model, and identifying the fields you will be accessing within that model. The following three lines provide the instruction:

Ext.regModel(‘Camping’, {

   fields: [‘campsiteName’, ‘locationState’]


The first line defines the name of the model. In this instance, we are calling it ‘Camping’. The second line defines the fields you will use, in this case ‘campsiteName’ and ‘locationState’.

The next step is to add the array you will use for your data source:

demos.ListStore = new{

  model: ‘Camping’,

  sorters: ‘campsiteName’,

  getGroupString : function(record) {

return record.get(‘campsiteName’)[0];


  data: [

{campsiteName: ‘Bridge Bay’, locationState: ‘CA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Canyon’, locationState: ‘CO’},

{campsiteName: ‘Fishing Bridge’, locationState: ‘CO’},

{campsiteName: ‘Grant Village’, locationState: ‘ND’},

{campsiteName: ‘Lewis Lake’, locationState: ‘SD’},

{campsiteName: ‘Madison’, locationState: ‘WI’},

{campsiteName: ‘Mammoth’, locationState: ‘CA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Norris’, locationState: ‘MA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Pebble Creek’, locationState: ‘MA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Door County’, locationState: ‘MA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Slough Creek’, locationState: ‘MA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Tower’, locationState: ‘MA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Arches’, locationState: ‘MA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Canyon Lands’, locationState: ‘MA’},

{campsiteName: ‘Rushmore’, locationState: ‘MA’},



The first line assigns a name to the new array, or data store. By giving the data store a name you can then tie it to other controls. We will do that in a moment.

The second line identifies the model name and links it with the model defined in the previous section.

The data itself is a list of value pairs: a name and a value. In this instance the data names are campsiteName and locationState. With this information you can now create the visual elements of the list.

The basic list forms the foundation for the three different types of list. Below is a breakdown of a basic list:

items: [{

title: ‘Basic’,

layout: ? ‘fit’ : {

type: ‘vbox’,

align: ‘center’,

pack: ‘center’


cls: ‘demo-list’,

items: [{

width: ? undefined : 300,

height: 500,

xtype: ‘list’,

store: demos.ListStore,

   itemTpl: ‘<div class=“Camping”><strong>{campsit eName}</strong>, {locationState}</div>’



The list is in two main parts: the first section defines how the list will look on the screen and the second section, from line 8, controls the data.

The important properties are xtype, store, and itemTpl. The xtype defines that this is a list to be displayed. The store points to the array you created.

The itemTpl is a template you use to control how the data is displayed on the screen. In this example you are using some simple HTML with placeholders for the data.

You can now save the file and view it inside your mobile browser, as shown in Figure 4.12. Voilà! A basic list.


Figure 4.12 A basic list.

Lists can be more complicated by adding additional Sencha Touch list properties. For instance, the following is a basic list that now groups all the items by letter.


title: ‘Grouped’,

layout: ? ‘fit’ : {

type: ‘vbox’,

align: ‘center’,

pack: ‘center’


cls: ‘demo-list’,

items: [{

width: ? undefined : 300,

height: 500,

xtype: ‘list’,

store: demos.ListStore,

itemTpl: ‘<div class=“Camping”><strong>{campsiteName}</strong> {locationState}</div>’,

grouped: true,

indexBar: true



The grouping is controlled with the inclusion of a property called grouped. Setting this value to true will group everything together.

An additional property, indexBar, will add an alphabetical bar along the right-hand side of the screen, allowing you to quickly tap a letter, as shown in Figure 4.13. That’s it. You have created a second type of list by merely enhancing the existing basic list.


Figure 4.13 A most complex list.

Finally, you can add even more complexity. In the following example, as shown in Figure 4.14, you can select an item in the list, tap it, and present a pop-up box with more information:


Figure 4.14 An even more complex list.


title: ‘Disclosure’,

layout: ? ‘fit’ : {

type: ‘vbox’,

align: ‘center’,

pack: ‘center’


cls: ‘demo-list’,

items: [{

width: ? undefined : 300,

height: ? undefined : 500,

xtype: ‘list’,

onItemDisclosure: function(record, btn, index) {

   Ext.Msg.alert(‘Tap’, ‘Disclose more info for ‘ + record.get(‘campsiteName’), Ext.emptyFn);


store: demos.ListStore, //getRange(0, 9),

itemTpl: ‘<div class=“Camping”><strong>{campsite Name}</strong> {locationState}</div>’



As you can see with the lists, you can start simple and build increasing complexity as you become more experienced.

Adding Toolbars with Sencha Touch

A common navigation metaphor for mobile devices is the toolbar. Either located at the top of the screen or at the bottom, the toolbar is a quick link tool that takes you to specific screens within your application, as shown in Figure 4.15.


Figure 4.15 A set of several toolbars using Sencha Touch.

As you might expect from your previous work with Sencha Touch, a toolbar is built from existing controls you are comfortable working with; specifically, the button control. The difference is that a toolbar groups a series of buttons together.

Here is an example toolbar:

var buttonsGroup1 = [{

text: ‘Button One’,

}, {

text: ‘Button Two’,

}, {

text: ‘Round Three’,



You can see that each button is a standard, square button. The difference is that the buttons are now in a group collecting them together as a toolbar.

In addition to the standard buttons you can you add specific, stylized buttons as defined by Sencha. Here you will see that the backward, forward, and rounded settings in the UI property have been set to change the visual appearance of the buttons in the toolbar:

var buttonsGroup1 = [{

text: ‘Back’,

ui: ‘back’,

}, {

text: ‘Default’,

badgeText: ‘2’,

}, {

text: ‘Round’,

ui: ‘round’,



text: ‘Forward’,

ui: ‘forward’,


Again, Sencha Touch is building complexity into fundamental functionality.

Enhancing Content on the Screen with the Carousel and Tabs

A challenge when developing solutions for devices such as the Android phone is how limited you are with the screen space. It doesn’t matter if you have a Droid with a 4-inch screen or an iPhone 4—the screen space is just not that great. Sencha Touch provides you two tools you can use to control how users easily access large amounts of content: Carousel and Tabs.

The Carousel allows you to swipe from one screen to the next with each screen having its own set of data.

The Tabs control allows you to have tabs in your toolbar that show or hide different screens.

By now, you will recognize that the carousel is an xtype with items for the different screens. Following is a three-screen carousel. Each screen is defined by a cls to show it is a different screen, or card (the metaphor of breaking screens into cards comes from HP’s webOS mobile operating system):

items: [{

xtype: ‘carousel’,

items: [{

html: ‘<p>Navigate the carousel on this page by swiping left/right.</p>’,

cls: ‘card card1’



html: ‘<p>Clicking on either side of the indicators below</p>’,

cls: ‘card card2’



html: ‘Card #3’,

cls: ‘card card3’



This is just a basic example showing you how to insert a horizontal, side-swiping carousel. What is interesting, however, is that you can convert your carousel from horizontal to vertical by adding a single parameter called direction as shown:


xtype: ‘carousel’,

ui: ‘light’,

direction: ‘vertical’,

items: [{

html: ‘<p>A vertical carousel M</p> ’,

cls: ‘card card1’



html: ‘Screen #2’,

cls: ‘card card2’



html: ‘Screen #3’,

cls: ‘card card3’



That’s it. Your carousel has transformed from sliding horizontally to vertically, as shown in Figure 4.16.


Figure 4.16 A carousel can have either vertical or horizontal scroll effects.

Working with tabs is very similar to the carousel. You have actually already been introduced to the tab. We covered it in the first Sencha Touch app you created at the beginning of this article. In that example the page you created had only one tab. Let’s expand that to three:

demos.Tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({

sortable: true, // Tap and hold to sort

ui: ‘dark’,

items: [{

title: ‘Tab 1’,

html: ‘You can add your own HTML here with HTML5 elements’,

cls: ‘card card1’



title: ‘Tab 2’,

html: ‘Tab 2’,

cls: ‘card card2’



title: ‘Tab 3’,

html: ‘Tab 3’,

cls: ‘card card3’



The first line defines the code as a TabPanel. The second line is a nifty property that allows you to drag and drop tabs. A user can select the tab on the iPhone and drag it to a new position.

Each tab is defined in the items section of the code. There are three critical elements for each tab definition: title, HTML, and cls. As you can see in Figure 4.17, this is similar to the carousel.


Figure 4.17 Using Sencha Touch to generate a tab navigation system.

Controlling Video with Sencha Touch

Increasingly it is important to have video in your apps. As you might expect, Sencha Touch provides a tool that allows you to very easily add video. The Sencha Touch video player performs two functions: you can easily add video to the page and, second, leverage a prebuilt player that is consistent from one device to another.

As you might expect, the video control is an xtype with properties. Here is an example:

items: [{

xtype: ‘video’,

url: ‘myVideo.mp4’,

loop: true, posterUrl: ‘myVideoPoster.png’


As you can see, the xtype is called ‘video’ in line two. A link to the video file is on the third line. The video itself can be set to loop. The final line points to an image that will act as a placeholder for the video before it starts playing.

When you are playing video you will want to make sure you use an MP4 video file format. At some point the Android OS will start to support WebM video, but iOS devices support only MPEG-4 formatted content.


In many ways, Sencha Touch is very different from competing mobile web frameworks. You build your web apps using JavaScript. The whole process is more “app-like” than jQuery Mobile or straight HTML5. And this is a good thing. It is becoming increasingly clear that web apps are a critical element of the future of mobile development. Sencha Touch fills that space between HTML and native app.

The next article will blur the difference between the web and native apps by allowing you to convert your web pages into native applications using a tool called PhoneGap.

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