
= (equal sign)

outputting results, 107–108

outputting strings, 108

sanitizing, 108

# (pound sign)

comment indicator, 103

in ID names, 106

/ (slash)

in file paths, 21

path expansion, 22

. (dot), in class names, 106

& (ampersand), anchors in YAML nodes, 115

== (equal signs), sanitizing, 108

- (hyphen), code indicator, 107

% (percent sign), tag indicator, 105

{} (curly braces), in Haml tags, 107

() (parentheses), in optional route matching, 52

<% %> ERB delimiters, 102

<% =%> ERB delimiters, 102

<%= %> ERB delimiters, 102

<%= -%> ERB delimiters, 102

~ (tilde), preserving whitespace, 108


absolute_url method, 71

Abstract controllers, 69–70

abstract! method, 229, 238–239

abstract? method, 229

AbstractController class, methods

before, 69

absolute_url, 71

action_name, 70

action_name=, 70

add_filter, 69

after, 69

body, 71

body=, 71

capture, 71

capture_erb, 71

catch_content, 71

clear_content, 71

concat, 71

concat_erb, 71

content_type, 71

content_type=, 71

controller_name, 69–70

default_layout, 70

filter, 69

general, 69, 70

inherited, 69

instance, 70

layout, 70

normalize_filters!, 69

partial, 71

relative_url, 71

render, 70

render, 71

render_all, 71

render_html, 71

render_js, 71

render_json, 71

render_options, 70

render_text, 71

render_xml, 71

render_yaml, 71

skip_after, 69

skip_before, 69

skip_filter, 69

subclasses_list, 69

template_roots, 70, 71

template_roots=, 70, 71

throw_content, 71

throw_content?, 71

URL, 71

url, 71

view, 71

Access privileges, properties, 131

Access realms, 240

:accessor option, 131

Action caching, 274–275

action key, 42

action_name method, 70

action_name= method, 70


callable, returning, 72

callable, setting, 79

calling, 66

hiding/showing, 72, 79


invoking, 258–259

naming, 257–258

methods available as, 68

names, 70

parts, 266–267

readability, improving, 78

ActionStore strategy store, 270

ActiveRecord, definition, 26

ActiveRecord associations, versus DataMapper, 132–133

Adapter options, Rack, 23–25

Adapters, DataMapper, 114

add_filter method, 69


controller names to subclasses_list, 69

CSS error class, 186

filters to filter chains, 69

names to routes, 57–58

query parameters, 143

routes, 44–45

session functionality, 29

add_rakefiles plugin, 222

Addressable URIs, storing as strings, 155

add_reversed query parameter, 145

add_slice method, 202–203

AdhocStore strategy store, 270

after class method, 81–82

After filter chain, 69

After filters, 81–82

after method

AbstractController class, 69

authentication strategies, 229

creating hooks, 154

filter method, 69

Strategy class, 229

after_app_loads blocks, 30

AfterAppLoads boot loader, 30

after_app_loads method, 13–14

after_authentication method, 237

after_callbacks array, 237

Aggregates, 158–161

all method, 142–145

alter_table_column_statement method, 126

Ampersand (&), anchors in YAML nodes, 115

app argument, 3

app/ directory, 9

Application class, 31, 72

Application controllers, 72–74

Application layouts

alternative, specifying, 28–29

core, 3

custom, 3

flat, 2–3, 6–8

overview, 2–3

standard, 3, 8–9

very flat, 2–6


creating, 1–2

development environment, 7, 16–17

environments, 7, 16–17

nontemplate code, loading, 29

production environment, 7, 16–17

reloading, 11

single file. See Flat application layouts; Very flat application layouts.

testing environment, 7, 16–17

assert_kind method, 144


belongs to, 132–135

belongs_to method, 132–135

cardinality, specifying, 136

DataMapper versus ActiveRecord, 132–133

has, 132–133, 135–137

has method, 132–133

has through, 138–139

join table models, creating, 139

ManyToMany associations, 139

many-to-many-through, 139

one-to-many-through, 138–139

overview, 132–133

symbolized class names, 136

through method, 138–139

Attaching files to email, 260–261

Attributes, updating, 152–153

attribute_set method, 152

Audit routes rake task, 48

audit:routes command, 48

auth core. See Authentication, auth core.

auth more. See Authentication, auth more.

auth password slices. See Authentication, auth password slices.

authenticate method, 235

authenticate! method, 225–226

Authentication, auth core

abstract! method, 229

abstract? method, 229

add_rakefiles plugin, 222

after method, 229

after_authentication method, 237

after_callbacks array, 237

authenticate method, 235

authenticate! method, 225–226

Authentication class, 223–227

before method, 229

before_app_loads plugin, 222

callbacks, 236–237

customizations, 236

customize_default method, 236

ensure_authenticated helper, 234–235

error messages, storing, 232–233

halt! method, 230

halted? method, 230

helpers, 234–235

hooking methods, 224

inherited method, 229

initialize method, 230

model class, selecting, 223

push_path method, 222

redirect method, 230

responses, 233–234

responses.rb file, 233–234

router helper, 235

run_after_authentication_callbacks method, 226–227, 237

serial callbacks, 226–227

sessions, 231

setup.rb file, 222

strategies.rb file, 222

Strategy class, 227–231

user_class method, 231

Authentication, auth more

controller, 245

encrypt method, 243

models, 242–245

overview, 237–238

passwords, encrypting, 243–244

redirect_back_or method, 245

redirecting logins, 245


abstract! method, 238–239

access realms, 240

Base class, 238

basic, 239–241

basic_authentication? method, 240

login_param method, 239

OpenID, 242

password form, 241

password_param method, 239

run! method, 239

Authentication, auth password slices

controller, 247–249

destroy action, 248

error_messages_for method, 250

Exceptions controller, 247–249

lib files, 246–247

login view, 249–250

Sessions controller, 247–249

underscored filters, 248

update action, 248

views, 249–250

Authentication class, 223–227

Auto-increment, enabling, 131

Auto-incrementing integers, 155


form actions, setting, 187

parameters, routing match rules, 51

parameters, symbolic matching, 51

validation, 132, 163

auto_migrate! method, 123–126

auto_upgrade! method, 123–126

:auto_validation option, 132

Average value, calculating, 159

avg method, 159


Base class, 238

basic_authentication? method, 240

BCryptHash property type, 155

be_client_error matcher, 291–292

before class method, 80–81

Before filter chain, 69

Before filters, 80–81

before method

AbstractController class, 69

authentication strategies, 229

creating hooks, 154

Strategy class, 229

BeforeAppHooks boot loader, 29

before_app_loads blocks, 29

before_app_loads plugin, 222

Belongs-to associations, 132–135

be_missing matcher, 291–292

be_successful matcher, 291–292

BigDecimal class, 128

Binary flags, storing as integers, 155

Blank, testing for, 22

blank? method, 22

Block-aware enhancer, 103–105

BlockAwareEnhancer, 103–105


calling later, 97

placing in worker queue, 74

body method, 71

body= method, 71

Body of controller response, getting/setting, 71

Boolean class, 128. See also TrueClass.

Boolean property type, 128

Boot loaders, overview, 27

BootLoader class

AfterAppLoads, 30

BeforeAppHooks, 29

BuildFramework, 28–29

ChooseAdapter, 31

Cookies, 30

Defaults, 28

Dependencies, 29

DropPidFile, 28

LoadClasses, 29

Logger, 27

MimeTypes, 30

MixinSession, 29

RackUpApplication, 31–32

ReloadClasses, 32

ReloadTemplates, 32

SetupSession, 30

SetupStubClasses, 31

StartWorkerThread, 31

Templates, 29–30

Bound variants versus unbound, 181

bound_check_box method, 182–183

Builder module, 179

BuildFramework boot loader, 28–29

build_request method, 275–277

build_url method, 275–277


cache action, 274–275

cache! action, 274–275

cache_action action, 274–275



ActionStore, 270

AdhocStore, 270

FileStore, 269–270

fundamental stores, 269–270

GzipStore, 270

MemcachedStore, 269–270

PageStore, 270

SHA1Store, 270

strategy stores, 270

delete method, 273

deleting, 273

exists? method, 272

fetch methods, 273

fetching, 273


action caching, 274–275

build_request method, 275–277

build_url method, 275–277

cache action, 274–275

cache! action, 274–275

cache_action action, 274–275

eager caching, 275–277

eager_cache method, 275–277

fetch_fragment method, 277

fetch_partial method, 277–278

fragment caching, 277

partial caching, 277–278

read method, 272

reading, 272

writable? method, 271–272

write method, 271–272

writing, 271–272

Caitlin, Hampton, 105

callable_actions method, 72

Callbacks, authentication, 236–237

Camel case, converting strings to, 21

camel_case method, 21

capture method, 71

capture_erb method, 71

Cardinality, specifying, 136

Casting values, 128–129

catch_content method, 71

cattr_accessor method, 20

cattr_reader method, 20

cattr_writer method, 20

-C flag, 9–10

Checkbox control, 182–183

check_box method, 189–190

Checking routes, 45

check_request_for_route method, 11

ChooseAdapter boot loader, 31

Class class, 20, 128


listing, 20


creating, 116

inheritance, 116

organizing, 115

Principle of Substitutability, 116

required for DataMapper, 115–117

Resource method, 115–117


Haml views, 106–107

storing as strings, 128

reloading, 32

class_inheritable_accessor method, 20

class_inheritable_reader method, 20

class_inheritable_writer method, 20

class_provided_formats method, 72–73

class_provided_formats= method, 72–73

clear! method, 208

clear_content method, 71

Clearing content, rendering templates, 71

clear_provides method, 72

Client response time, filters, 82

close_sandbox! method, 11

Collections, reversing object order, 145

Comments, ERB views, 103

Compiling templates, 89–90

concat method, 71

concat_erb method, 71

Conditions, validations, 163–164

conditions query parameter, 145

config/ directory, 12

Config method, 14



ActionStore, 270

AdhocStore, 270

FileStore, 269–270

fundamental stores, 269–270

GzipStore, 270

MemcachedStore, 269–270

PageStore, 270

SHA1Store, 270

strategy stores, 270


delivery methods, 254–255

quota checking, 255

sendmail, 254

SMTP, 253–254

test_send method, 254

sessions, 206

Configuration files

databases, 19–20

database.yml, 19–20

development.rb, 16

environments, 16–17

init script

after_app_loads method, 13–14

basic configuration, 14

dependencies, 13–14

gems and load path, 12

inflector customization, 15

libraries, distributing, 12–13

ORM options, 14–15

plugins, distributing, 12–13

RubyGems, 12–13

template engines, 14

testing options, 15

init.rb, 19–20


debug messages, 18

error messages, 18

example, 18

fatal messages, 18

flushing logs, 11, 18

info messages, 18

log file location, 17

message levels, specifying, 18

viewing logs, 18

warn messages, 18

production.rb, 16–17

router, 17

router.rb, 17, 43

routers, 43

test.rb, 17

YAML files, 19–20

Console methods, 10–11

Console traps, 9–10

Constants, converting to paths, 21

Content type for controller response, getting/setting, 71

content_type method, 71

content_type= method, 71

Contexts, validations, 164

Controller access, sessions, 220

Controller class

class methods

callable_actions, 72

class_provided_formats, 72

class_provided_formats=, 72

clear_provides, 72

does_not_provide, 72

format, 72

general, 72

hide_action, 72

only_provides, 72

overview, 70

provides, 72

reset_provides, 72

show_action, 72

instance methods

class_provided_formats, 73

class_provided_formats=, 73

cookies, 73

delete_cookie, 73

does_not_provide, 73

escape_xml, 74

escaping, 74

format, 73

general, 73

h, 74

headers, 73

html_escape, 74

nginx_send_file, 74

only_provides, 73

other, 74

params, 73

provides, 73

rack_response, 73

redirect, 73

render_chunked, 74

render_deferred, 74

render_then_call, 74

request, 73

run_later, 74

send_chunk, 74

send_data, 74

send_file, 74

session, 73

session, 73

set_cookie, 73

status, 73

status=, 73

stream_file, 74

Controller classes

AbstractController, methods

before, 69

absolute_url, 71

action_name, 70

action_name=, 70

add_filter, 69

after, 69

body, 71

body=, 71

capture, 71

capture_erb, 71

catch_content, 71

clear_content, 71

concat, 71

concat_erb, 71

content_type, 71

content_type=, 71

controller_name, 69–70

default_layout, 70

filter, 69

general, 69, 70

inherited, 69

instance, 70

layout, 70

normalize_filters!, 69

partial, 71

relative_url, 71

render, 70

render, 71

render_all, 71

render_html, 71

render_js, 71

render_json, 71

render_options, 70

render_text, 71

render_xml, 71

render_yaml, 71

skip_after, 69

skip_before, 69

skip_filter, 69

subclasses_list, 69

template_roots, 70, 71

template_roots=, 70, 71

throw_content, 71

throw_content?, 71

URL, 71

url, 71

view, 71

Application, 72

Controller, class methods

callable_actions, 72

class_provided_formats, 72

class_provided_formats=, 72

clear_provides, 72

does_not_provide, 72

format, 72

general, 72

hide_action, 72

only_provides, 72

overview, 70

provides, 72

reset_provides, 72

show_action, 72

Controller, instance methods

class_provided_formats, 73

class_provided_formats=, 73

cookies, 73

delete_cookie, 73

does_not_provide, 73

escape_xml, 74

escaping, 74

format, 73

general, 73

h, 74

headers, 73

html_escape, 74

nginx_send_file, 74

only_provides, 73

other, 74

params, 73

provides, 73

rack_response, 73

redirect, 73

render_chunked, 74

render_deferred, 74

render_then_call, 74

request, 73

run_later, 74

send_chunk, 74

send_data, 74

send_file, 74

session, 73

session, 73

set_cookie, 73

status, 73

status=, 73

stream_file, 74

Exceptions, 31, 74

Controller classes, custom


callable, setting, 79

hiding/showing, 79

readability, improving, 78

controller location, 75–76

naming controllers, 76

organizing methods

action readability, improving, 78

making methods available to subclasses, 77–78

overview, 76

sharing nonaction methods, 77

controller key, 42

Controller prefixes, 59

Controller response

body, getting/setting, 71

content type, getting/setting, 71

formats provided, 72, 73

controller_for_slice method, 201

controller_name method, 69–70

Controller#part method, 266–267


abstract, 69–70. See also AbstractController.

application, 72–74


auth more, 245

auth password slices, 247–249

calling actions, 66

definition, 34

dispatching requests, 66–67

exceptions, 74, 88

initializing, 66–67

location, 75–76

mailers, 257–258

Merb, 70–72. See also Controller class.


adding to subclasses_list, 69

creating, 76

returning, 69–70

parts, 263–266

rack response, 73

for slices, 200–201

Controller#send_mail method, 258–259

Convention over configuration, 5


constants to paths, 21

numbers to currency values, 169–170

strings to camel case, 21

time to EpochTime, 155


deleting, 73

functionality, loading, 30

getting, 73

session domain, setting, 206

session storage, 211–214

session store, encrypting, 206

setting, 73

Cookies boot loader, 30

cookies method, 73

CookieSession class, 211–214

Core application layouts, 3

core argument, 3

count method, 159–161

Counting numerical properties, 159–161

coverage task, 282

create action, 62

create_model_storage method, 123–126

create_table_statement method, 127

CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) basics

all method, 142–145

assert_kind method, 144

creating records, 140–142

deleting collections, 154

deleting records, 154

destroy!: method, 154

destroy method, 154

enforcing types, 144

first method, 142–145

lazy loading of collections, 146–148

lazy loading of properties, 148–150

LazyArray class, 147–148

model objects, creating and saving, 140–142

N+1 queries, 150

overview, 140

query object algebra, 144

query parameters, adding, 143

Query#merge method, 144–145

Relationship class, 151–152

retrieving records

data sets, reloading, 146

fields, fetching as an array, 145

grouping by fields, 146

including other data, 145

lazy loading of collections, 146–148

limiting number returned, 146

links in related model data, 146

overview, 142–145

query offset, 146

query order, 146

reversing object order, 145

SQL conditions, setting, 145

strategic eager loading, 150–152

scoped_query method, 143

special query parameters, 145–146

strategic eager loading, 150–152

updating records

attribute_set method, 152

original values versus dirty values, 153

overview, 152

save method, 152

update_attributes method, 152–153

update_speed method, 153

CSS error class, adding, 186

Csv property type, 155

Curly braces ({}), in Haml tags, 107

Currency values, converting numbers to, 169–170

current_form_context method, 187–188

Custom application layouts, 3

Customizations, authentication, 236

customize_default method, 236

Cycle helpers, 176–177

cycle method, 176–177

Cycling through a list of values, 176–177


Data sets, reloading, 146

Database storage

automigrating DB schema, 121–127

default configuration file, 120

overview, 120–121

sample_development.db file, 120


accessing without a password, 19

configuration files, 19–20

creating with rake, 120

database.yml files, 19–20, 115


adapters, 114

associations, versus ActiveRecord, 132–133

CRUD. See CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) basics.

data sources, 114

database back ends, 114

definition, 26

Ferret adapter, 114

required module, 115–117

Salesforce adapter, 114

session storage, 217–219

Date and time. See also Helpers, date and time.

converting time to EpochTime, 155

property type, 128

time equivalent of date, 22

Date class, 128

date format, 171

DateAndTimeFormatting module, 173

DateTime class, 22, 128

db format, 171

Debug messages, logging, 18

Debugging code. See Interactive sessions.

Decimal places, setting, 132

Decimal precision, property type, 128

default method, 57

:default option, 131

default_cookie_domain setting, 206

default_layout method, 70

Defaults boot loader, 28

Deferred blocks, running, 31

deferred method, 82

Deferred routes, routing match rules, 53–54

Deferring rendering responses, 74

Defining property types, 127–130, 155–156

Delete button, creating, 191

delete method, 11, 273

DELETE verb, 39–40

delete_button method, 191

delete_cookie method, 73


cache data, 273

collections, 154

cookies, 73

records, 154

URLs, 11

users, 62


gems as, 13–14

init script file, 13–14

loading, 29

models, 114

Dependencies boot loader, 29

dependencies method, 14

dependency method, 13

Design principles, 5

destroy!: method, 154

destroy action, 62, 248

destroy method, 154

destroy_model_storage method, 123–126

Development environment, applications, 7, 16–17

development.rb files, 16

Dirty values

versus original, 153

tracking properties for, 132

Discriminator class, 128

_dispatch method, 66

Dispatcher, overview, 33

Dispatching requests, 11, 66–67

dispatch_request method, 11

dispatch_to method, 11

display method, 95–96

dm-aggregate plugin, 158–161

dm-timestamps gem, 156–158

does_not_provide method, 72–73

Domain matching, 41

Dot (.), in class names, 106

DropPidFile boot loader, 28

drop_table_statement method, 126

Dual-formatted email messages, 255


Eager caching, 275–277

eager_cache method, 275–277

Ebb adapter, 25

ebb key, 25

edit action, 62

-e flag, 16

Email. See Mailers.

emongrel key, 25

encrypt method, 243


cookies session store, 206

encrypt method, 243

passwords, 243–244

strings, 155

Enforcing types, 144

ensure_authenticated helper, 234–235

Enum property type, 155

Enumerated values, storing as integers, 155

Environment configuration file, loading, 29


applications, 7, 16–17

configuration files, 16–17

settings, 16–17

specifying, 16–17

EpochTime, converting to, 155

EpochTime property type, 155

Equal sign (=)

outputting results, 107–108

outputting strings, 108

sanitizing, 108

Equal signs (==), sanitizing, 108

ERB format, rendering templates, 89

ERB (eRuby) views. See also Views.

# (pound sign), comment indicator, 103

<% %> delimiters, 102

<% =%> delimiters, 102

<%= %> delimiters, 102

<%= -%> delimiters, 102

basic delimiters, 102

block-aware enhancer, 103–105

BlockAwareEnhancer, 103–105

comments, 103

overview, 101–102

whitespace, removing, 102

Error messages

logging, 18

storing, 232–233

error_messages_for method, 186, 191, 250

escape_regex method, 21

escape_xml method, 74


HTML entities, 74

methods, 74

special characters, 21, 155

strings, 155

XML entities, 74

Evented Mongrel adapter, 25

Exception controllers, setting up, 31


in controller code, 74, 87–88. See also Exceptions controller.

overview, 87

raising, 87

Exceptions class, 31, 74

Exceptions controller, 247–249

exists? method, 272

Expiration time for sessions, setting, 206

Extlib. See also Stack.

/ (slash), in file paths, 21

/ (slash), path expansion, 22

blank, testing for, 22

blank? method, 22

camel_case method, 21

cattr_accessor method, 20

cattr_reader method, 20

cattr_writer method, 20

class, 20

Class class, 20

classes, listing, 20

class_inheritable_accessor method, 20

class_inheritable_reader method, 20

class_inheritable_writer method, 20

date, 22

date, time equivalent, 22

DateTime class, 22

escape_regex method, 21

Hook module, 23

in? method, 21

inheritable class-level variables, creating, 20

keys, strings or symbols as, 22

lazy loading, 23

LazyArray class, 23

Logger class, 22

logging, 22

Mash class, 22

meta_class method, 21

methods, associating before/after other methods, 23

Object class, 21


in arrays, duplicating, 21

in arrays, finding, 21

singleton class access, 21

ObjectSpace class, 20

overview, 20

Pathname class, 22

Pooling module, 23

resource sharing, 23

SimpleSet class, 23

snake_case method, 21

String class, 21


camel case, converting to, 21

escaping special characters, 21

as inline templates, 23

joining in file paths, 21

language translation, 21

path/constant conversion, 21

snake case, converting to, 21

String.translate method, 21

String.translations method, 21

t method, 21

time, returning, 22

Time class, 22

to_const_path method, 21

to_const_string method, 21

to_datetime method, 22

to_json method, 22

to_time method, 22

try_dup method, 21

unescape_regex method, 21

unified class and instance variables, creating, 20

VirtualFile class, 23


fake_request method, 11

FalseClass method, 22

FastCGI adapter, 25

Fatal messages, logging, 18

fcgi key, 25

Ferret adapter, 114

fetch methods, 273

fetch_fragment method, 277

Fetching cache data, 273

fetch_partial method, 277–278

-f flag, 18

:field option, 131


fetching as an array, 145

grouping retrieved data by, 146

names, overriding, 131

fields query parameter, 145

Fieldset elements, creating, 180–182

fieldset method, 180, 189

fieldset_for method, 189

fields_for method, 189

File paths, strings in, 21

file_field method, 189–190

FilePath property type, 155

Files, attaching to email, 260–261

FileStore cache store, 269–270

Filter chains, adding filters, 69

Filter methods, 69


before, 80–81

AbstractController methods, 69

adding to a filter chain, 69

after, 81–82

after class method, 81–82

after filter chain, 69

applying selectively, 82–83

before class method, 80–81

client response time, 82

deferred method, 82

ensuring option values are arrays, 69

before filter chain, 69

Haml views, 109

:if option, 83

options, 82–83

overview, 79–80

passing parameters to, 83

skip_after class method, 83–84

skip_before class method, 83–84

skipping, 69, 83–84

underscored, 248

:unless option, 83

:with option, 83

finalize method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

first method, 142–145

Fixatable routes, 59–60

Flag property type, 155

Flat application layouts, 3, 6–8

flat argument, 3

Flexible segmentation, 52

Float class, 128

Floating property type, 128

flush method, 18

Flushing logs, 11, 18

form method, 180, 188

Form module, 187–191

format key, 42

:format key, 163

Format methods, 72–73

:format option, 132


controller response, 72, 73

date and time, 171–173

rendering templates

default, 89

ERB, 89

specifying, 92–94

form_contexts method, 187–188

form_for method, 188–189


actions, setting automatically, 187

context, changing from another form, 189

default builder, 187

elements, creating, 180–182, 185–187. See also Helpers, form.

helpers. See Helpers, form.

names, 188–189

without model object content, 188

ForumSlice module, 196

Fragment caching, 277

Freezing gems, 13


Garbage collection, session storage, 215–216


as dependencies, 13–14

directory size, reducing, 13

freezing, 13

libraries, distributing, 12–13

and load path, init script file, 12

--no-rdoc flag, 13

plugins, distributing, 12–13

RubyGems, 12–13

version-specific, installing, 13

generate method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

get method, 11

GET verb, 39–40

Getter/setter methods, dynamic creation, 119

Getting. See Retrieving; specific items.

Globs, 29

GzipStore strategy store, 270


h method, 74

halt! method, 230

halted? method, 230

:haml parameter, 14

Haml views. See also Views.

= (equal sign)

outputting results, 107–108

outputting strings, 108

sanitizing, 108

. (dot), in class names, 106

== (equal signs), sanitizing, 108

- (hyphen), code indicator, 107

% (percent sign), tag indicator, 105

# (pound sign), in ID names, 106

{} (curly braces), in Haml tags, 107

~ (tilde), preserving whitespace, 108

class names, 106–107

filters, 109

history of, 105

HTML injections, preventing, 108

HTML-sensitive characters, sanitizing, 108

ID names, 106–107

indentation, 106

versus inline styles, 109

interpreting lines, 107

nesting code, 106

outputting lines, 107–108

sanitized lines, 108

tags, 105–106

whitespace, preserving, 108

Has associations, 132–133, 135–137

has method, 132–133

Has through associations, 138–139

have_body matcher, 292

have_content_type matcher, 292

Headers, requests, 73

headers method, 73


authentication, 234–235


action caching, 274–275

build_request method, 275–277

build_url method, 275–277

cache action, 274–275

cache! action, 274–275

cache_action action, 274–275

eager caching, 275–277

eager_cache method, 275–277

fetch_fragment method, 277

fetch_partial method, 277–278

fragment caching, 277

partial caching, 277–278

cycle, 176–177

cycle method, 176–177

date and time

date format, 171

DateAndTimeFormatting module, 173

db format, 171

formats, 171–173

long format, 171

prettier_time method, 175–176

relative date and time, 175–176

relative time, 175–176

relative_date method, 175

relative_date_span method, 175

relative_time_span method, 175

RFC 822 format, matching, 171

rfc822 format, 171

short format, 171

Time DSL, 173–175

time format, 171

time_lost_in_words method, 175


minutes_to_hours method, 169

to_currency method, 169–170

two-digits method, 168

ordinalize method, 173

ordinals, 173

overview, 167

tag, 177–178

tag method, 178

truncate method, 167–168

Helpers, form. See also Forms.


bound variants versus unbound, 181

bound_check_box method, 182–183

Builder module, 179

checkbox control, 182–183

CSS error class, adding, 186

error_messages_for method, 186

fieldset elements, 180–182

fieldset method, 180

form actions, setting automatically, 187

form elements, 180–182, 185–187

form method, 180

forms, default builder, 187

label elements, 184–185

label method, 184–185

name parameter, 179

obj parameter, 179

origin parameter, 179

process_form_attrs method, 180, 187

ResourcefulFormWithErrors, 187

update_bound_check_box method, 183–184

update_bound_controls method, 186

update_*_controls method, 181–182

validation errors, outputting, 186


check_box method, 189–190

current_form_context method, 187–188

delete button, creating, 191

delete_button method, 191

error_messages_for method, 191

fieldset method, 189

fieldset_for method, 189

fields_for method, 189

file_field method, 189–190

form context, changing from another form, 189

form method, 188

Form module, 187–191

form names, 188–189

form_contexts method, 187–188

form_for method, 188–189

forms without model object content, 188

hidden_field method, 189–190

password_field method, 189–190

radio_button method, 189–190

radio_group method, 189–190

select method, 189–190

singleton form context, 188

text_area method, 189–190

text_field method, 189–190

validation errors, outputting, 191

overview, 179

hidden_field method, 189–190

hide_action method, 72

Hiding actions, 72

Hijacking user accounts, 59–60

Hook module, 23

Hooking methods, authentication, 224

Hooks, models, 154

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

email messages, 255

entities, escaping, 74

injections, preventing, 108

MIME set, rendering views with, 71

html task, 282

html_escape method, 74

HTML-sensitive characters, sanitizing, 108

HTTP verbs, 39–40

Hyphen (-), code indicator, 107


ID names, Haml views, 106–107

identify method, 63

:if option, 83

-i flag, 9–10, 13

in? method, 21

includes query parameter, 145

Indentation, Haml views, 106

index action, 61

:index option, 132

Indexing properties, 132

Inflector customization, 15

info messages, logging, 18

Inheritable class-level variables, creating, 20

Inheritance, model classes, 116

inherited method

AbstractController class, 69

Strategy class, 229

Init file, loading, 29

Init script file

after_app_loads method, 13–14

basic configuration, 14

dependencies, 13–14

gems and load path, 12

inflector customization, 15

libraries, distributing, 12–13

ORM options, 14–15

plugins, distributing, 12–13

RubyGems, 12–13

template engines, 14

testing options, 15

initialize method, 230

Initializing controllers, 66–67

init.rb files, 19–20

Inline styles versus Haml views, 109

Inlining templates, 90

Instance methods, 70

Integer class, 128

Integers. See also Numbers.

auto-incrementing, 155

binary flags as, 155

enumerated values as, 155

property type, 128

Interactive Merb, registering routes, 45–48

Interactive sessions

check_request_for_route method, 11

close_sandbox! method, 11

console methods, 10–11

console traps, 9–10

delete method, 11

dispatch_request method, 11

dispatch_to method, 11

fake_request method, 11

get method, 11

logger output, flushing, 11, 18

open_sandbox! method, 11

post method, 11

put method, 11

reload! method, 11

reloading the application, 11

request method, 11

request routes, checking or listing, 11

requests, 11

sandboxing, 11–12

show_routes method, 11

starting, 9

trace_log! method, 11

url method, 11

URLs, 11

IP addresses, storing as strings, 155

IPAddress property type, 155

IRB adapter, 25

irb key, 25

Iterating through a list of values, 176–177


Join table models, creating, 139

JS MIME set, rendering views with, 71

JSON, storing as a string, 155

JSON MIME set, rendering views with, 71

Json property type, 155


Katz, Yehuda, 103, 114

Kernel methods, 293–294

:key option, 131


action, 42

controller, 42

ebb, 25

emongrel, 25

fcgi, 25

format, 42

:format, 163

irb, 25

:key option, 131

:length, 163

:nullable, 163

Rack, 25

route parameters, 42

runner, 25

session_id_key setting, 206

session_secret_key setting, 206

:set, 163

:size, 163

strings or symbols as, 22

swift, 25

table keys, defining, 131

thin, 25

webrick, 25


Label elements, creating, 184–185

label method, 184–185

Language translation, 21

layout method, 70

Layout options, rendering templates

class-level, setting, 70

disabling, 70

resetting, 70

setting, 70

Layout templates, 94–95

layout_for_slice method, 201

Lazy loading

collections, 146–148

enabling, 131

:lazy option, 131

LazyArray class, 23, 147–148

properties, 148–150

:lazy option, 131

LazyArray class, 23, 147–148

:length key, 163

:length option, 131. See also :size option.

lib files, 246–247

Libraries, distributing, 12–13

limit query parameter, 146

links query parameter, 146


classes, 20


with audit routes rake task, 48

audit:routes command, 48

with interactive Merb, 45–48

route command, 45

show_routes method, 11, 47–48

subclasses, 69

users, 61

Literal matching, routing match rules, 50–51

Literal segments, 40–41

LoadClasses boot loader, 29

Location, controllers, 75–76

Logger boot loader, 27

Logger class, 22

Logger output, flushing, 11, 18

Loggers, updating, 29


configuration files

debug messages, 18

error messages, 18

example, 18

fatal messages, 18

flushing logs, 11, 18

info messages, 18

log file location, 17

message levels, specifying, 18

viewing logs, 18

warn messages, 18

Extlib, 22

Logger boot loader, 22, 27

Login view, 249–250

login_param method, 239

Logins, redirecting, 245

long format, 171


MailController classes, 257–258

MailController#attach method, 260–261

Mailer class

configuring, 253–255

MailFactory interface, 255–257



invoking, 258–259

naming, 257–258

attaching files, 260–261


delivery methods, 254–255

quota checking, 255

sendmail, 254

SMTP, 253–254

test_send method, 254

controllers, 257–258

Controller#send_mail method, 258–259

dual-formatted messages, 255

generating mailer files, 261–262

HTML email, 255

MailController classes, 257–258

MailController#attach method, 260–261

MailFactory, 255–257

multipart messages, 255

parameters, 259–260

rendering message views, 261

templates, 261

testing, 261

:test_method method, 261

using directly, 255–257

MailFactory, 255–257

ManyToMany associations, 139

Many-to-many-through associations, 139

Mash class, 22

Master process, 2

Match captures, registering routes with, 56

match method, routing match rules, 50

Match rules. See Routing, match rules.

max method, 159

Maximum value, calculating, 159

Memcached session storage, 216–217

MemcachedStore cache store, 269–270

Memory session storage, 214–216

MemorySessionStore class, 215–216

Merb controllers, 70–72

Merb servers

overview, 32–33

shutting down, 2

Merb stack. See Stack.

merb-gen command, 1–2

meta_class method, 21

(Method) parameters, 43

Method route conditions, 39–40

Methods. See also Helpers; specific methods.

associating before/after other methods, 23

available as actions, 68


action readability, improving, 78

making methods available to subclasses, 77–78

overview, 76

sharing nonaction methods, 77

MIME types, registering defaults, 30

MimeTypes boot loader, 30

min method, 159

Minimum value, calculating, 159

minutes_to_hours method, 169

MixinSession boot loader, 29

Model class, selecting for authentication, 223

Model objects, creating/saving, 140–142

Model serial IDs, property type, 128

Model specs, in testing, 283–285

model task, 281


after method, 154

associations. See Associations.

authentication, auth more, 242–245


creating, 116

inheritance, 116

organizing, 115

Principle of Substitutability, 116

required for DataMapper, 115–117

Resource method, 115–117

configuration, 113–115

CRUD basics. See CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) basics.

database.yml file, 115


adapters, 114

data sources, 114

database back ends, 114

dependencies, 114

hooks, 154

before method, 154

plugins. See Plugins.

properties. See Properties.

repository configuration, 114–115

serial IDs, 128

YAML configuration file, 114–115

YAML nodes, 115

Mongrel adapter, 25

Multipart email messages, 255


N+1 queries, 150

name method, 58

name parameter, 179


actions, 70


adding to subclasses_list, 69

creating, 76

returning, 69–70

mail controller actions, 257–258

MailController classes, 257


adding, 57–58

controller prefixes, 59

namespaces, 59

prefixing, 58–59

namespace method, 59

Namespaces, 59

Neighman, Daniel, 221

Nesting match statements, 50

new action, 62

nginx_send_file method, 74

NilClass class, 22

Nontemplate code, loading, 29

--no-rdoc flag, 13

normalize_filters! method, 69

Null values, disallowing, 131

:nullable key, 163

:nullable option, 131

Numbers. See also Integers.

average value, calculating, 159

Boolean, 128

converting to currency, 169–170

counting, 159–161

dates and times, 128

decimal, precision, 128

decimal places, setting, 132

floating, 128

integers, 128

maximum value, calculating, 159

minimum value, calculating, 159

model serial IDs, 128

ordinals, 173

property types, 128

single-digit, padding to two digits, 168

summing, 159

Numeric class, 22

Numeric helpers

minutes_to_hours method, 169

to_currency method, 169–170

two-digits method, 168


obj parameter, 179

Object class

blank? method, 22

in Extlib, 21

property type, 128


in arrays, duplicating, 21

in arrays, finding, 21

marshaling into records, 128

singleton class access, 21

ObjectSpace class, 20

offset query parameter, 146

One-to-many-through associations, 138–139

only_provides method, 72–73

OpenID, authentication strategy, 242

open_sandbox! method, 11

Optional matching, routing match rules, 52–53

options method, 59

order query parameter, 146

ordinalize method, 173

Ordinals, 173

origin parameter, 179

ORM options, init script file, 14–15

ORMs (object relational mappings), 25–27


PageStore strategy store, 270


mailers, 259–260

(Method) parameters, 43

passing to filters, 83

request parameters, 43

from requests, 73

route parameters, 43

params method, 73

Parentheses (()), in optional route matching, 52

PartController class, 263–266

Partial caching, 277–278

partial method, 71

Partials, 111–112


actions, 266–267

controllers, 263–266

generating files, 267

Passing in literal strings, routing match rules, 51

Password form, authentication strategy, 241

password_field method, 189–190

password_param method, 239

Passwords. See also Authentication, auth password slices; Security.

accessing databases without, 19

authentication. See Authentication, auth password slices.

encrypting, 243–244

encryption, 243–244

form authentication strategy, 241

password_field method, 189–190

password_param method, 239

Path route conditions

definition, 39

literal segments, 40–41

overview, 40–41

query strings, 40

segments, 40–41

symbolic segments, 40–41

syntax, 40–41

Pathname class, 22


converting to constants, 21

storing as strings, 155

Percent sign (%), tag indicator, 105

Persistent accessors, 118

Pidfile, dropping, 28


addressable URIs, storing as strings, 155

aggregates, 158–161

auto-incrementing integers, 155

average value, calculating, 159

avg method, 159

binary flags, storing as integers, 155

count method, 159–161

counting numerical properties, 159–161

distributing, 12–13

dm-aggregate plugin, 158–161

dm-timestamps gem, 156–158

encrypting strings, 155

enumerated values, storing as integers, 155

EpochTime, converting to, 155

escaping strings, 155

IP addresses, storing as strings, 155

JSON, storing as a string, 155

max method, 159

maximum value, calculating, 159

min method, 159

minimum value, calculating, 159

numerical properties, 159

parsing strings as CSVs, 155

paths, storing as strings, 155

property types, 155–156. See also specific types.

records, counting, 158–161

regular expressions, storing as strings, 155

strings, 155

sum method, 159

summing numerical values, 159

timestamps, 156–158

URLs, strings in, 155

UUIDs, storing as strings, 155

validations. See also specific validation methods.

automatic, turning off, 132, 163

with blocks, 162

conditions, 163–164

confirming attributes, 162

contexts, 164

errors, 164–165

format of a value, 162

formats, 163

with methods, 162

numerical length, 162–163

numerical values, 162

overview, 162–163

presence of, 163

presence of a value, 162

within a range of values, 162–163

true values, 162

uniqueness, 162–163

validates_within method, 163

YAML, storing as a string, 155

Pooling module, 23

post method, 11

POST verb, 39–40

Posting URLs, 11

Pound sign (#)

comment indicator, 103

in ID names, 106

Power, David, 255

:precision option, 132

Prefixing route names, 58–59

Prepare block, router configuration, 43–44

prettier_time method, 175–176

Principle of least surprise, 5

Principle of Substitutability, 116

process_form_attrs method, 180, 187

Production environment, applications, 7, 16–17

production.rb files, 16–17


access privileges, setting, 131

alter_table_column_statement method, 126

auto-increment, enabling, 131

auto_migrate! method, 123–126

auto_upgrade! method, 123–126

create_model_storage method, 123–126

create_table_statement method, 127

database storage

automigrating DB schema, 121–127

default configuration file, 120

overview, 120–121

sample_development.db file, 120

in DataMapper, benefits of, 121

decimal places, setting, 132

default value, setting, 131


casting values, 128–129

options, 131–132. See also specific options.

overview, 127

property types, 127–130, 155–156. See also specific types.

destroy_model_storage method, 123–126

drop_table_statement method, 126

field names, overriding, 131

getter/setter methods, dynamic creation, 119

including in model files, 121

indexing, 132

lazy-loading, enabling, 131

null values, disallowing, 131

overview, 118–120

persistent accessors, 118

properties_with_subclasses method, 127

property_schema_statement method, 127

size, setting, 131

with subclasses, 127

table keys, defining, 131

tracking for dirtiness, 132

type plugins, 155–156

upgrade_model_storage method, 123–126

validation, 132

values, setting with instance variables, 119–120

properties_with_subclasses method, 127

property_schema_statement method, 127

Protocol matching, 41

provides method, 72–73

public/ directory, 9

push_path method, 222

put method, 11

PUT verb, 39–40

Putting URLs, 11



N+1, 150

parameters, adding, 143

special query parameters, 145–146

strings, path route conditions, 40

Query object algebra, 144

Query offset, 146

Query order, 146

Query#merge method, 144–145

Quota checking, email, 255


Rack. See also Stack.

adapter options, 23–25

adapters, choosing, 31

Ebb adapter, 25

ebb key, 25

emongrel key, 25

Evented Mongrel adapter, 25

FastCGI adapter, 25

fcgi key, 25

functional description, 24–26

IRB adapter, 25

irb key, 25

Mongrel adapter, 25

ORMs (object relational mappings), 25

overview, 23

Runner adapter, 25

runner key, 25

setting up, 31–32

swift key, 25

Swiftiplied Mongrel adapter, 25

Thin adapter, 25

thin key, 25

WEBrick adapter, 25

webrick key, 25

Rack response, controllers, 73

rack_response method, 73

RackUpApplication boot loader, 31–32

radio_button method, 189–190

radio_group method, 189–190

Rake tasks, in testing, 279–282

read method, 272

:reader option, 131

Reading cache data, 272

Reaping session storage, 215–216

Records, counting, 158–161

redirect matcher, 292

redirect method

Controller class, 73

registering a redirect, 56

Strategy class, 230

redirect_back_or method, 245

Redirecting logins, 245


after-POST requests, 85

a caveat, 84–85

in before filters, 86–87

overview, 84

redirect method, 73, 84

registering, 56

registering routes with, 56

redirect_to matcher, 292

regenerate method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

Regexp property type, 155

register method

generating slices, 195–196

registering routes with, 55–56. See also To method; With method.

Registering route parameters, 54

Registering routes with

match captures, 56

to method, 54–55. See also Register method; With method.

with method, 55. See also Register method; To method.

redirecting, 56

register method, 55–56. See also To method; With method.

symbols, 56–57

Regular expressions

routing match rules, 53

segment-specific, routing match rules, 52

setting route conditions, 39

storing as strings, 155

validation against, 132

Relationship class, 151–152

Relative time, 175–176

relative_date method, 175

relative_date_span method, 175

relative_time_span method, 175

relative_url method, 71

reload! method, 11

reload query parameter, 146

ReloadClasses boot loader, 32


applications, 11

classes, 32

ReloadTemplates boot loader, 32

Renaming resources, 63

render method

AbstractController class, 71

basic rendering, 91–92

Render methods, 70

render_all method, 71

render_chunked method, 74, 96

render_deferred method, 74, 96–97

render_html method, 71


email message views, 261

responses, 74

views, 71

Rendering, templates

basic rendering, 91–92

clearing content, 71

compiling templates, 89–90

display method, 95–96


default, 89

ERB, 89

specifying, 92–94

inlining templates, 90

layout options, 70

layout template, 94–95

overview, 89

render method, 91–92

render methods, 70

render_chunked method, 96

render_deferred method, 96–97

render_then_call method, 97

status code, setting, 94

:status option, 94

render_js method, 71

render_json method, 71

render_options method, 70

render_text method, 71

render_then_call method, 74, 97

render_xml method, 71

render_yaml method, 71

Repository configuration, 114–115

Request access, sessions, 219

Request class, 33

Request helper, in testing, 289–290

Request matchers, in testing, 290–292

request method, 11, 73

Request parameters, 43

Request routes, checking or listing, 11

Request specs, in testing, 285–288

request task, 281

REQUEST_METHOD option, 66–67

REQUEST_PATH option, 66–67


building, 11

dispatching, 11, 33, 66–67

headers, 73

incoming, dispatching, 33

object routed to the controller, 73

overview, 33

parameters, 73

returning, 11

status codes, 73

reset_provides method, 72

Resource method, 115–117

resource method, 62–63

Resource routes. See also Routers; Routes; Routing.

renaming resources, 63

standard resources routing

create action, 62

deleting users, 62

destroy action, 62

edit action, 62

index action, 61

new action, 62

resources method, 60–62

show action, 62

single resource routing, 62–63

update action, 62

updating users, 62

user accounts, creating, 62

user profiles, displaying, 62

users, listing, 61

Resource sharing, 23

ResourcefulFormWithErrors, 187

resources method, 60–62

respond_successfully matcher, 291–292

Responses, authentication, 233–234

responses.rb file, 233–234

Restarting after code changes, avoiding, 7

retrieve method, 211



data sets, reloading, 146

fields, fetching as an array, 145

grouping by fields, 146

including other data, 145

lazy loading of collections, 146–148

limiting number returned, 146

links in related model data, 146

overview, 142–145

query offset, 146

query order, 146

reversing object order, 145

SQL conditions, setting, 145

strategic eager loading, 150–152

URLs, 11

RFC 822 format, matching, 171

rfc822 format, 171

route command, 45

Route conditions

DELETE, 39–40

domain matching, 41

GET, 39–40

HTTP verbs, 40

methods, 39–40

minimal requirements, 39


definition, 39

literal segments, 40–41

overview, 40–41

query strings, 40

segments, 40–41

symbolic segments, 40–41

syntax, 40–41

POST, 39–40

protocol matching, 41

PUT, 39–40

setting with regular expressions, 39

Route parameters

action key, 42

controller key, 42

defaults, setting, 57

definition, 42

format key, 42

keys, 42

registering, 54

settings, 54

Router helper, authentication, 235

router.rb files, 17


behaviors, definition, 38


configuration file, 43

prepare block, 43–44

route order, 44

router.rb file, 43

routes, adding, 44–45

configuration files, 17

definition, 33

testing URL generation and recognition, 49–50


absolute URLs, returning, 71

adding, 44–45

checking, 45

definition, 38

fixatable, 59–60

including session IDs. See Session fixation.

interaction with resources. See Resource routes.


with audit routes rake task, 48

audit:routes command, 48

with interactive Merb, 45–48

route command, 45

show_routes method, 47–48


adding, 57–58

controller prefixes, 59

namespaces, 59

prefixing, 58–59

order, specifying, 44

registering with

match captures, 56

to method, 54–55. See also Register method; With method.

with method, 55. See also Register method; To method.

redirecting, 56

register method, 55–56. See also To method; With method.

symbols, 56–57

relative URLs, returning, 71

session fixation, 59–60

showing, 11, 47–48

Routing, match rules

deferred routes, 53–54

full regular expressions, 53

literal matching, 50–51

match method, 50

nesting match statements, 50

overview, 50

passing in literal strings, 51

symbolic matching

() (parentheses), in optional matching, 52

automatic parameters, 51

flexible segmentation, 52

optional matching, 52–53

overview, 51

segment-specific regular expressions, 52

Routing, overview, 38

RSpec extensions, in testing, 292–294

RubyGems, 12–13

run! method, 239

run_after_authentication_callbacks method, 226–227, 237

run_later method, 97

Runner adapter, 25

runner key, 25


Salesforce adapter, 114

sample_development.db file, 120

Sandboxing, 11–12

Sanitized lines, Haml views, 108

save method, 152

:scale option, 132

Schaefer, Bernerd, 114

scoped_query method, 143

Security. See also Passwords.

hijacking user accounts, 59–60

session fixation, 59–60

Segments, path route conditions, 40–41

Segment-specific regular expressions, routing match rules, 52

select method, 189–190

send_chunk method, 74

send_data method, 74

send_file method, 74


binary data, 74

chunks, 74


attached to email, 260–261

overview, 97–98

send_file method, 98

through nginx, 74

Sendmail, 254

Sequel, 26

Serial callbacks, authentication, 226–227

Serial class, 128

Serial IDs, models, 128

:serial option, 131

Serial property type, 155

Server. See Merb servers.

Session containers, 207–208, 214–215

Session fixation, 59–60

session method, 73, 220

Session methods, 73

Session store, accessing, 73

SessionContainer class, 207–208

session_expiry setting, 206

session_id= method, 208

session_id_key setting, 206


authentication, 231

configuration, 206

containers, setting up, 30

controller access, 220

cookie domain, setting, 206

cookie session store, encrypting, 206

default values, setting up, 30

default_cookie_domain setting, 206

definition, 34

expiration time, setting, 206

functionality, adding, 29

IDs, 205–206

overview, 205–206

request access, 219

session method, 220

session_expiry setting, 206

session_id_key setting, 206

session_secret_key setting, 206

session_store setting, 206

Sessions, storing

clear! method, 208

finalize method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

generate method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

regenerate method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

retrieve method, 211

session containers, 207–208, 214–215

SessionContainer class, 207–208

session_id= method, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 208–211

setup method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

storage mechanisms

cookie sessions, 211–214

CookieSession class, 211–214

DataMapper sessions, 217–219

garbage collection, 215–216

memcached sessions, 216–217

memory sessions, 214–216

MemorySessionStore class, 215–216

reaping sessions, 215–216

TamperedWithCookie error, 214

store containers, 208–211, 214–215

Sessions controller, 247–249

session_secret_key setting, 206

session_store setting, 206

SessionStoreContainer class, 208–211

:set key, 163

set_cookie method, 73

Setting. See specific items.

setup method

SessionContainer class, 208

SessionStoreContainer class, 211

setup.rb file, 222

SetupSession boot loader, 30

SetupStubClasses boot loader, 31

SHA1Store strategy store, 270

short format, 171

show action, 62

show_action method, 72


actions, 72

routes, 11, 47–48

show_routes method, 11, 47–48

SimpleSet class, 23

Single resource routing, 62–63

Singleton form context, 188

Singular words, switching to plural, 15

:size key, 163

Size of properties, setting, 131

:size option, 131. See also :length option.

skip_after class method, 83–84

skip_after method, 69

skip_before class method, 83–84

skip_before method, 69

skip_filter method, 69

Skipping filters, 69, 83–84

Slash (/)

in file paths, 21

path expansion, 22

slice command, 196–199

slice method, 201–203

Slices. See also Authentication, auth password slices.


building slices into gems, 199–200

controller_for_slice method, 201

controllers, 200–201

ForumSlice module, 196

generating slices, 193–196

layout_for_slice method, 201

register method, 195–196

running slices, 196–199

slice command, 196–199


add_slice method, 202–203

overview, 201

slice method, 201–203

Slug property type, 155

SMTP, 253–254

Snake case, converting strings to, 21

snake_case method, 21

Spec files, in testing, 282–283

Special characters, escaping, 21

spectasks.rb file, 279–280

SQL conditions, setting, 145

Stack. See also Extlib; Rack.

ORMs (object relational mappings), 26–27. See also ActiveRecord; Sequel.

plugins, 26–27

Standard application layouts, 3, 8–9

Standard resources routing

create action, 62

deleting users, 62

destroy action, 62

edit action, 62

index action, 61

new action, 62

resources method, 60–62

show action, 62

single resource routing, 62–63

update action, 62

updating users, 62

user accounts, creating, 62

user profiles, displaying, 62

users, listing, 61

StartWorkerThread boot loader, 31

Status codes

rendering templates, setting, 94

requests, sending, 73

in testing, 291–292

status method, 73

status= method, 73

:status option, 94

Stepping through a list of values, 176–177

Storage mechanisms

cookie sessions, 211–214

CookieSession class, 211–214

DataMapper sessions, 217–219

garbage collection, 215–216

memcached sessions, 216–217

memory sessions, 214–216

MemorySessionStore class, 215–216

reaping sessions, 215–216

TamperedWithCookie error, 214

Store containers, 208–211, 214–215

Storing sessions. See Sessions, storing.

Strategic eager loading, 150–152

strategies.rb file, 222

Strategy class, 227–231

Strategy stores, 270

stream_file method, 74

Streaming files, 74, 97–98

String class, 21, 128


camel case, converting to, 21

encrypting, 155

escaping special characters, 21, 155

globs, 29

as inline templates, 23

joining in file paths, 21

language translation, 21

parsing as CSVs, 155

path/constant conversion, 21

snake case, converting to, 21

storing, 128

truncating, 167–168

in URLs, 155

String.translate method, 21

String.translations method, 21

Stub classes, setting up, 31

Subclasses, listing, 69

subclasses_list method, 69

sum method, 159

Summing numerical properties, 159

swift key, 25

Swiftiplied Mongrel adapter, 25

Symbolic matching

routing match rules

() (parentheses), in optional matching, 52

automatic parameters, 51

flexible segmentation, 52

optional matching, 52–53

overview, 51

segment-specific regular expressions, 52

Symbolic segments, 40–41

Symbolized class names, 136


registering routes with, 56–57

thrown content, catching, 71


t method, 21

Table keys, defining, 131

Tag helpers, 177–178

tag method, 178

Tags, Haml views, 105–106

TamperedWithCookie error, 214

Template engines, init script file, 14

template_roots method, 70, 71

template_roots= method, 70, 71

Templates. See also Views.

capture method, calling, 71

capturing ERB blocks, 71

concat method, calling, 71

concatenating ERB blocks, 71

embedding in templates, 71

ERB blocks, 71

inline, strings as, 23

inlining, 29–30

mailers, 261

Merb view templates, 109–111

reloading, 32

rendering. See Rendering, templates.

root location, 70, 71

within templates, 111–112

templating system, default, 101–102

throwing content, 71

thrown content, checking for, 71

view. See Flat application layouts.

Templates boot loader, 29–30


be_client_error matcher, 291–292

be_missing matcher, 291–292

be_successful matcher, 291–292

coverage task, 282

extensions, 293–294

have_body matcher, 292

have_content_type matcher, 292

html task, 282

Kernel methods, 293–294

mailers, 261

model specs, 283–285

model task, 281

rake tasks, 279–282

redirect matcher, 292

redirect_to matcher, 292

request helper, 289–290

request matchers, 290–292

request specs, 285–288

request task, 281

respond_successfully matcher, 291–292

routers, URL generation and recognition, 49–50

RSpec extensions, 292–294

spec files, 282–283

spectasks.rb file, 279–280

status codes, 291–292

Testing environment, applications, 7, 16–17

Testing options, init script file, 15

:test_method method, 261

test.rb files, 17

test_send method, 254

Text class, 128

Text data, storing, 128

Text MIME set, rendering views with, 71

text_area method, 189–190

text_field method, 189–190

Thin adapter, 25

thin key, 25

through method, 138–139

throw_content method, 71

throw_content? method, 71

Tilde (~), preserving whitespace, 108

Time, returning, 22

Time class, 22, 128

Time DSL, 173–175

time format, 171

time_lost_in_words method, 175

Timestamps, 156–158

to method, registering routes with, 54–55. See also Register method; With method.

to_const_path method, 21

to_const_string method, 21

to_currency method, 169–170

to_datetime method, 22

to_json method, 22

to_time method, 22

trace_log! method, 11

:track option, 132

TrueClass class, 128. See also Boolean class.

truncate method, 167–168

try_dup method, 21

two-digits method, 168


Underscored filters, 248

unescape_regex method, 21

Unified class and instance variables, creating, 20

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). See URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).

unique query parameter, 146

:unique_index option, 132

Uniqueness, validating, 162–163

:unless option, 83

update action, 62, 248

update_attributes method, 152–153

update_bound_check_box method, 183–184

update_bound_controls method, 186

update_*_controls method, 181–182

update_speed method, 153


attributes, 152–153


attribute_set method, 152

original values versus dirty values, 153

overview, 152

save method, 152

update_attributes method, 152–153

update_speed method, 153

updating attributes, 152–153

users, 62

upgrade_model_storage method, 123–126

URI property type, 155

URIs, storing as strings, 155

url method

AbstractController class, 71

Merb console, 11

URLs, generating, 11, 50

URL methods, 71

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

absolute, returning, 71

deleting, 11

generating, 11

getting, 11

posting, 11

putting, 11

relative, returning, 71

retrieving, 11

router generation, testing, 50

router recognition, testing, 49–50

strings in, 155

User accounts

creating, 62

hijacking, 59–60

user_class method, 231


deleting, 62

listing, 61

profiles, displaying, 62

updating, 62

use_template_engines method, 14

UUID property type, 155

UUIDs, storing as strings, 155


validates_absent method, 162

validates_format method, 162

validates_is_accepted method, 162

validates_is_confirmed method, 162

validates_is_number method, 162

validates_is_unique method, 162–163

validates_length method, 162

validates_present method, 162

validates_with_block method, 162

validates_within method, 163

validates_with_method method, 162


automatic, 132

automatic, turning off, 132, 163

with blocks, 162

conditions, 163–164

confirming attributes, 162

contexts, 164

errors, 164–165, 186, 191

format of a value, 162

formats, 163

with methods, 162

numerical length, 162–163

numerical values, 162

overview, 162–163

presence of, 163

presence of a value, 162

within a range of values, 162–163

against regular expressions, 132

true values, 162

uniqueness, 162–163

validates_within method, 163

Very flat application layouts, 3–6

very_flat argument, 3–6

View methods, 71

View templates. See Flat application layouts.

Views. See also Templates.

authentication, 249–250

for ERB. See ERB (eRuby) views.

for HTML. See Haml views.

login, 249–250

Merb view templates, 109–111

partials, 111–112

templates within templates, 111–112

templating system, default, 101–102

for XML. See Haml views.

VirtualFile class, 23


Warn messages, logging, 18

WebController mixin, 265–266

WEBrick adapter, 25

webrick key, 25

Weizenbaum, Nathan, 105


preserving, 108

removing, 102

sensitivity, 19

Widgets. See Parts.

with method, registering routes with, 55. See also Register method; To method.

:with option, 83

Worker queue, placing blocks in, 74

Worker threads, starting, 31

Workers, definition, 34

writable? method, 271–272

write method, 271–272

:writer option, 131

Writing cache data, 271–272


XML entities, escaping, 74

XML MIME set, rendering views with, 71



configuration file, 114–115

files, 19–20

MIME set, rendering views with, 71

nodes, 115

storing as a string, 155

Yaml property type, 155

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