
I’ve taught a fair number of Ruby classes over the years, but one particular class stands out in my mind. Class was over, and as I was going out the door one of my students, an experienced Java programmer, stopped me and voiced a complaint that I have heard many times since. He said that the hardest part of learning Ruby wasn’t the syntax or the dynamic typing. Oh, he could write perfectly correct Ruby, sans semicolons and variable declarations. The problem was that something was missing. He constantly found himself falling back into his same old Java habits. Somehow his Ruby code always ended up looking much like what he would have written in Java. My answer to him was not to worry, you haven’t missed anything—you just aren’t done learning Ruby.

What does it mean to learn a new programming language? Clearly, like my frustrated student, you need to understand the basic rules of the grammar. To learn Ruby you need to be aware that a new line usually starts a new statement, that a class definition starts with the word class, and that variable names start with a lowercase letter—unless they start with an @. But you can’t really stop there. Again, like my erstwhile student you will also need to know what all of that code does. You’ll need to know that those statements are really expressions (since they all return a value) and that all of those classes starting with the class keyword can change over time. And you’ll need to know why those @variables are different from the plain vanilla variables.

But the punch line is that even after you master all of this, you are still not quite there. It turns out that computer languages share something fundamental with our everyday order-a-pizza human tongues: Both kinds of languages are embedded in a culture, a way of thinking about the world, an approach to solving problems. A formal understanding of the mechanics of Ruby isn’t the same as really looking at the programming world through Ruby-colored glasses. You need to absorb the cultural part of Ruby, to see how real Rubyists use the language to solve problems.

This is a book about making that final leap, about absorbing the Ruby programming culture, about becoming truly fluent in Ruby. The good news is that for most people the final step is the best part of learning Ruby—a series of “Ah ha!” moments—as it suddenly becomes clear why those funny symbol things exist, why classes are never final, and how this wonderful language works so hard to just stay out of your way.

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for you if you have a basic understanding of Ruby but feel that you haven’t quite gotten your arms around the language. If you find yourself wondering what anyone could possibly do with all those odd language features that seem so important to Ruby, keep reading.

This book is also for you if you are a programmer with experience in other object oriented languages, perhaps Java or C# or Python, and you want to see what this Ruby thing is all about. While I’m not going to explain the basic details of Ruby in this book, the basics of Ruby are really very basic indeed. So, if your learning style involves simply jumping into the deep end, welcome to the pool.

How Is This Book Organized?

Mostly, this book works from small to large. We will start with the most tactical questions and work our way up to the grand strategy behind pulling whole Ruby projects together. Thus the first few chapters will concentrate on one-statement, one-method, one-test, and one-bug-sized issues:

• How do you write code that actually looks like Ruby?

• Why does Ruby have such an outsized collection of control structures?

• Why do Ruby programmers use so many hashes and arrays in their code?

• How do I get the most out of Ruby’s very powerful strings and regular expressions?

• What are those symbol things, and what do you do with them?

• Is everything in Ruby really an object?

• How do I take advantage of dynamic typing?

• How can I make sure that my code actually works?

From there we will move on to the bigger questions of building methods and classes:

• Why are Ruby classes so full of tiny little methods?

• Why would you overload an operator? And, more importantly, why would you not?

• Do I really need to care about object equality?

• What good is a module?

• Can I really assign a method to an individual object? And what does that have to do with class methods?

• How do I hang some data on a class?

• How do you use blocks to good effect?

• Why would you ever call a method that doesn’t actually exist?

• Can I really get notified when a class gets created? Why would I do that?

• Can I really modify classes on the fly? Why would I do that?

• Can I really write code that writes code? Why would I do that?

Finally, we will look at some of the techniques you can use to pull your programming project together into a unified whole:

• Would you really build a whole language simply to solve an ordinary programming problem?

• How do I make it easy for others to use my work?

• How does my Ruby implementation work?

• Where do I go from here?

About the Code Examples

The trouble with writing books about programming is that all the interesting stuff is in a constant state of flux. This is, after all, what makes it interesting. Certainly Ruby is something of a moving target these days: Although the great bulk of the Ruby code base was written for Ruby 1.8.X, version 1.9 has been out for some time and is clearly the future. In the pages that follow I have tried to split the coding difference by writing all of the examples in the 1.9 dialect,1 taking care to note where Ruby 1.8 would be different. The good news is that there aren’t all that many differences.

I have also consistently used the traditional pp command to print out more complex objects. However, to keep from driving everyone2 crazy, I’m not going to endlessly repeat the require 'pp' call needed to make pp work. Just assume it is there at the top of each example.

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