Chapter 6

Risks in Augmented Intelligence


The commercialization of machine learning (ML) models and artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing about a dramatic transformation in the way businesses view the value of their data. Although there is no doubt that there is incredible potential, this era represents a challenging transition time for businesses and technology leaders. Amid all the potential benefits of AI and ML, there are serious risks that often are ignored. Organizations must be able to deal with an abundance of both business and technical risks. Some risks are obvious, such as the ethical risks of collecting personal data when individuals have not given their permission. However, business leaders need to understand the vast array of risks and issues they need to prepare for before they can leverage the power of AI and ML.

In this chapter, we discuss risks that businesses need to consider when applying machine learning to business tasks that have the potential to augment how work gets accomplished in everyday business life. We are separating risks from the ethical issues of gathering data. The issue of ethics and governance will be discussed in Chapter 7. In Chapter 7, we discuss the potential for litigation stemming from ethical failures that impact customers’ lives and finances.

Providing Context and Understanding

Before we get into the details of the risks a business needs to be prepared to address, let’s take a step back and understand what is actually happening inside the machine learning components as they apply to business tasks. Let’s assume that a business plans to replace straightforward repetitive process tasks with machine learning models. Although there are wild promises that machines will be smart enough to replace everything a human does, it is not quite that simple—even when the tasks seem relatively routine. For example, the machine learning model would have to learn the purpose and context is for every task being automated. What is the goal of executing a process? What happens if an action related to one task is done incorrectly because of a problem with the data that has been ingested? What if the data is old and hasn’t been updated? What if two different processes are using different data sources and different conflicting rules? Unlike a human team member, an ML component cannot alert other team members about the job it performs, or work around activities if something seems wrong.

Furthermore, we can ask: Do the results of the process really serve the business objectives of the organization? Remember that ML algorithms and models are code created by developers. Successful models require enough knowledge and nuance from the team of experts to ensure that the results are correct and useful for the business task. If the developer does not understand the business and the processes behind the way the business should operate, the models are likely to fail to achieve their goals and add a significant level of risk to the organization.

Once a machine learning component is available to perform a business task without a team member, the way the business process is executed will have to change. At a fundamental level, there are simply different expectations for how automation handles a problem compared to how a person will approach the same task. In the traditional business, staff members have a set process for conducting business and rarely alter their routine unless forced to by changing business conditions. Needless to say, people are creatures of habit. In contrast, a machine learning model is not bound by “the way things have always been done.” One of the powerful characteristics of a machine learning model is that it is capable of creating an innovative approach to achieving a business objective. The objective of the model requires that business processes must evolve so that they are more efficient, more adaptable, and more innovative. But there is a danger in simply trusting a machine to understand the constraints required for a responsible business. So, the question remains, how do you innovate and transform without putting the business at risk?

Building an innovative model is not automatic. The data scientist must work side by side with subject matter experts to understand the purpose of the business process and how it can be changed and adapted in a consistent and predictable manner. If the team builds a model in isolation, it is possible to create unanticipated consequences that risk real harm to the business. For example, consider a business process that requires the business to guarantee that if a product is not in stock, the company will offer the customer a third-party alternative if they agree. What if the ML model that predicts product availability fails to include the permission agreement? In this case, a tried-and-true business process has violated the trust between vendor and customer. Failure to support this adaptation and provide it with sufficient resources assures that the augmentation of the team will fail or perform poorly.

The Human Factor

It is tempting to assume that once a business builds a machine learning component, the staff’s job is done. The process may have been directly automated or even dramatically changed. However, this simplistic view does not consider some key considerations. First, let’s assume that the process has been completely redesigned so that there is no historical data available for testing. This new process has to be integrated with the rest of the overall business process that operates a key part of how business is conducted. The machine only executes the model based on the data being ingested. The model often must be viewed as part of a larger unit of work that defines a combination of new innovations and basic best practices for an industry. Although digital disruption is a rallying cry for businesses that need to change to compete, there are certain business principles of how commerce is conducted that will never change. For example, the customer must be provided with the right level of information to ensure the accountability of the vendor. The product and service must be delivered at the right time and the right price. Accounts payable (AP) processes have to work as required by the company’s business practices.

The basic truth is that the human team still understands the context of the organization’s overall business process. It is critical that team members be able to quickly manage important changes to business processes as the market changes. It may not be obvious how the ML component will impact a business process. All team members, not just the data scientist and subject experts, need to know how the ML model is intended to work and where it fits into the overall process. Then they can assess if the model is contributing to the business process changes and whether the changes are having the intended goals. If the model is not contributing well, then the team will need to step, document the failures, and make changes in the model. Therefore, the model has to be designed to anticipate errors and the fact that customers do not always act rationally.

Understanding the Risks of a ML Model

How do you know how well a machine learning model is performing? Is it the responsibility of senior managers? Does the data scientist have the ability to understand what is happening within that model? In reality, many risks can impact the validity and consequences of deploying a model. What if the data scientist has selected an algorithm that is not appropriate for the task at hand? What if the algorithm is not given enough data? There may be a situation when the wrong features (measurable property) are selected. Selecting a wrong feature can mean that the wrong characteristic is being measured and, therefore, will not be helpful to the business. The risk of wrong feature selection can be significant because management will pay attention to the wrong processes and issues. Even if the features are correct, the model’s performance may be hindered by the new data being ingested into the model. When data is not correct, the business process simply will fail to deliver the required business results.

A new ML component is a bit like a new employee who seems to have all the right credentials for the job but is unable to fulfill the needs of the business. The employee might have potential but may not understand the business well enough to make the right decisions. Likewise, as the business adopts new business processes based on changed machine learning models, there is a risk that the model will not perform as intended and cause problems. An even more dangerous risk is that the process in which the model does its work will be com promised. Therefore, both the data scientists and the business team members have to understand the components of the model well enough to be able to assess the performance of the model with the ingested data and how it is impacting the overall business processes in which it operates. The team must regularly check that the model is doing what it is expected to do and have a means of performing digital audits, that is, simply said, running tests to ensure that the model is working well.

The Importance of Digital Auditing

One technique that has emerged to help is to have experts conduct digital auditing to assess how well an algorithmic model is working. That assessment is called algorithmic accountability. Algorithmic accountability is not just good “business hygiene.” It is essential for knowing that models coming from machine learning algorithms work properly, and for conforming with new federal laws being developed by the US Congress to address machine learning and its role in business.

Although outside consulting firms are now offering special services for digital auditing, this process can be managed in house if senior management engages a business to undertake this process. Digital auditing involves assessment of what goals the algorithm has been asked to address, what decisions it is making, and what data has been used to create the model decisions. The whole process of developing the algorithmic model, including the training and testing of the model, must be scrutinized to assure that the model has not introduced bias in its decision making.

Algorithm accountability will be even more useful if the tests that make up a digital audit use both past as well as new business data (even if the team has to “make up” the data because there is none at hand). Because the needs of customers evolve over time, those changes will be reflected in the data the business inputs to the model. If new data is markedly different from the original data used to build the model, then the algorithm could make different decisions given the new data. Assessing the model’s performance on old and new data will give some indication of the overall behavior of the model.

Furthermore, some knowledge of the differences in the use of new data will allow the team to continually assess whether the model is changing or instead failing, as more and more new data come online. The value of new data is its use in seeing new trends before human teams become aware of them. However, if there is not enough new data to retrain the model, the old model will hold sway and make fewer good predictions. If there is enough new data and the new results are dramatically different, the model might seem unreliable to the team. It is imperative to keep the team informed about how well an algorithm is performing in order to mitigate risks in using machine learning–based models.

Other factors can be critical in digital auditing. Not only can a machine learning algorithm be faulty, but efforts to correct predictions can be suppressed. For example, a model’s predictions might be ignored if it surfaces problems in product safety that the team does not want to acknowledge. Correct predictions could also be manipulated to add results that favor a direction desired by some part of the management team. Although overall digital auditing goes beyond the concerns of AI augmentation, its practice will be valuable to many businesses in mitigating the risks in machine learning models.

The Risks in Capturing More Data

Many companies are beginning to use powerful machine learning techniques as a way to transform their business processes. Leveraging data in order to drive business decisions through artificial intelligence and machine learning models can be surprisingly powerful. However, teams may rush to begin using machine learning models without understanding the full impact on the business. One of the biggest issues that organizations face is that they simply do not have enough data to ensure the accuracy of results from the use of machine learning algorithms. Gathering an ample amount of data often requires procuring information from partners or other third-party data sources. Sharing this data can result in exposing private customer data. The typical process of anonymizing data is intended to sanitize private information. Anonymizing is done either through encryption or by removing personally identifiable information from data. Masking company data for others to use is challenging and risky. First, the business has to be very careful that critical private or mission critical data isn’t accidently disclosed. Although experienced security experts are often able to protect data, there are no guarantees that mistakes will not occur. Avoiding risks of data security breaches requires a team effort to ensure that everyone understands the rules: what data must be kept private and what data can be freely shared. It is not surprising that a number of businesses simply refuse to share data that they consider too private and confidential to expose the information outside their data center. The risks may not even with obvious. For example, there have been situations in which business leaders did not even realize that data rules have been violated. For example, there was a situation at a state governmental agency where data scientists were analyzing citizen data. All social security numbers and names were blacked out. However, there was enough other identifiable information that it was easy to determine the identities of individuals.

Why It Is Hard to Manage Risk

Although it is impossible to anticipate all the risks that can result from the way data is used within machine learning models, there are some fundamental risks that are a good starting point. In this next section we will detail seven important risks that should help you get started. Keep in mind that as you work with your models in context with business change, new risks may emerge.

Seven Key Risks

If you are not prepared to deal with risks, you will be putting your business in danger. One of the ironic factors leading to these risks is that you are innovating by beginning to break down silos between your sources of data.

1. The Risk of Overfitting or Underfitting

We have talked a lot in this book about the problem presented by either overfitting or underfitting data when used with machine learning algorithms. This problem occurs when the data is not good enough to be able to successfully predict outcomes from business processes. The risk is simply that the ML component will predict outcomes poorly and thereby negatively affect the business process it is meant to enhance. The work of the business managers taking on the use of ML components in their business is to understand enough about the data science teams’ efforts or to seek outside consultant advice to be reasonably convinced that efforts in collecting and using data are sound. Everyone knows there are no guarantees for anything in the world, but business managers must use every knowledge resource at their disposal to mitigate the risks associated with data and its use in ML algorithms.

To mitigate this risk, a strong team of ML data scientists working in collaboration with team members who have a deep understanding of business processes should be able to avoid using inappropriate data sets. Collaboration is key in this effort because each team member must understand the roles of the other members. Furthermore, they must combine their individual experiences to assess the data sets and problems being addressed. Although there are no guarantees of success, the team that works together and understands the value of all its members stands the best chance of succeeding.

2. Changing Business Processes Increases Risk

As you change business processes and begin to leverage machine learning to study the discontinuities in your business operations, you will introduce new risks. Typically, employees follow well-understood processes, even if they are inefficient or even harmful to the business. It is hard to change habits that have often been in place for many years. If the staff is unwilling to adapt to new processes or they don’t understand what they are being asked to do, you may be setting the organization up for failure. As a consequence, staff members who are adopting new processes may avoid following new procedures or make decisions that are contrary to what the data indicates.

Mitigating the risk of employees derailing changes to the process requires the skills of experienced managers to motivate employees to adapt and spear-head changes in business processes. In addition, successful managers will motivate teams to learn how ML models can be used effectively.

3. The Risk of Bias

In previous chapters, we have discussed the fact that bias can exist in the data used in building a model. Bias is a significant business risk because it leads to incorrect model predictions about customer needs, about the nature of one’s customers, or about the products a business is developing. Bias is potentially debilitating to a business in two major ways.

  • Failure to Understand the Ethical Implications: Bias can lead to ethical and legal challenges discussed further in Chapter 7. The promise of the machine learning model is being able to conduct advanced analysis that can provide you with important insights that were not possible by reviewing the data manually. However, if the data used causes the model to produce results that harm a protected group (e.g., the aged, the disabled, or ethnic groups), by charging them more for services, excluding them from services or products, or limiting their participation in the business, your business itself incurs a large risk: The business itself is seen both ethically and legally as biased against that special group and can face all the legal challenges that come with such a view.

  • The Risk of Poor Business Decisions: In an era of excitement around artificial intelligence, it is not surprising that data scientists and business leaders would fall in love with algorithms as a way to analyze data that helps make critical business decisions. The key risks that arise from the use of machine learning–based models include biases that might be unintentional and harmful to the business as a business.

Algorithms are vulnerable to risks, such as accidental or intentional biases, errors, and frauds. Catching biases is essential because biased decisions can lead to poor business decisions that will hurt future growth. What is the impact of bias? Here are some examples that could impact your organization:

  • Leaving out a critical population of customers.

  • Producing product offerings that ignore a group of important customers.

  • Discounting the knowledge of a business team that has operated successfully in the past.

  • Encouraging business decisions that favor an old process because new approaches are not reflected in the existing data used to create the model. Even the decision about employees can be compromised. Companies that use ML models to decide who to interview for employment risk bias in choosing employees similar to the ones they have. They will miss out on employees with new ideas and new energy!

Biases that harm businesses are different from the ones that leave out protected populations and lead to ethical and legal challenges. However, these biases harm the business by causing decisions that neglect new customer groups, discount successful internal teams, or ignore potential new products and exclude new processes that could further enhance a company’s goals. If your data models are biased, you put your business at risk.

How Can the Risk of Bias Be Mitigated?

There are no tried-and-true methods for eliminating bias in the data used to create ML-based models. This challenge of biases in data is currently the source of a significant amount of research in the field of data science. In the meantime, a machine learning–based model for a part of your business cannot and should not replace brainstorming and smart thinking on the part of your business teams. To aid in these efforts, a business team should ask itself several questions: Do the predictions of the model seem fair to all the customer segments on which it operates? Are there new products and services we think might become a trend that are not predicted by this model? Are there new company goals that this model is not addressing? Smart thinking and creative answers by the human team mean that machine learning models can augment the business as well as illustrate why the human team is still so critical to business.

4. The Risk of Over Relying on the Algorithm

Creating machine learning models can lead a business team to rely on the algorithm without hesitation. Because it is hard work to create a model, and once it looks like the model works well, it’s tempting to allow the model to work without human intervention. However, this tactic risks a model that will not behave as expected and will make poor decisions.

How can this risk be mitigated? As we have pointed out previously, a model must be carefully vetted before it is put into practice, and must be reviewed periodically. Initial vetting requires training the model on part of the available data and then testing it on a different part of the data. When doing initial tests, the results, usually given as percentages of correct choices, must be high enough that the team feels confident in dealing with whatever percentage of mistakes the model makes. Periodic reviews of a working model prevent the model from making choices because it has become out of date due to new data that has not been incorporated in the model. The business team must make periodic reviews because otherwise the team will not have a way of noticing if the model is beginning to fail.

5. The Risk of Lack of Explainability

With the exception of models that are the product of decision trees (which are not widely used by data scientists, as discussed in Chapter 4), the models created by machine learning algorithms come without any explanation of how they made their decisions—that is, machine learning algorithms are a black box that no one can look inside of. If you can’t look inside the box, how can you know why the model makes the decisions it does? The answer is simply that there is no direct way to know.

The Model Lacks Explainability

This lack of explanation is a major drawback to using ML-based models. There are two key risks involved in the lack of explainability. First, business teams won’t use the models because they do not know how they made their decisions and cannot be sure they work as advertised. Second, no one can explain to customers, lawyers, or auditors why the model made the decision it did, except to say that the decision results from patterns in the data that the ML algorithm found and fixed into the model. Put in this light, it sounds very risky to rely on models that cannot be explained.

How can a business team mitigate this risk? Principally, the team needs to be able to carefully test the model to begin with so that it behaves as expected. At this point, the model needs to be periodically reviewed so that algorithms can be updated as needed. Once an algorithmic model is up and running, the team must test the model carefully to see that it is operating in a reasonable way. This requires a different level of testing than was conducted before the model was put into production. This new level of testing is based on the experience of team members to assess just what the model is doing and to determine if the outcomes make sense. The challenge in this risk mitigation is to determine the line between reasonable predictions that may point in new directions and unreasonable predictions that are a result of faulty data. The team is responsible for capturing subtleties, nuances, and context in order to mitigate risk.

6. The Risk of Revealing Confidential Information

Often, machine learning systems ingest personal data that must be kept confidential. While masking can be used as a technique to keep information such as social security numbers private, there are risks. For example, it is possible to take all of the data that has not been masked and determine the identity of an individual. In reality, anonymizing data is complex. For example, let’s say an organization is analyzing voting records. Information about the name of the person is masked. However, analyzing all of the other fields makes it relatively easy to figure out identities. However, removing additional data to try to reduce risk will result in a data set that is useless because it is devoid of meaningful information. There are situations in which a data scientist grabs a lot of data to test and train a model not realizing that the selected data has sensitive information that should not be revealed.

How can the risk of revealing confidential information be mitigated? In the data-gathering process, the business team building the ML models must review the data being offered for the ML algorithm and eliminate any data the team feels might be problematic. When a team is aggregating several fields of data, it is their responsibility to determine if portions of the data reveal confidential data. These reviews are not easy to undertake and provide no guarantees, but they are essential to the risk management process.

7. The Risk of a Poorly Constructed Team

An organization can hire the most talented data scientists but end up with a failed effort. The data scientists can build a model that really does not help to solve a business process problem. How can you recreate business processes with machine learning models that take into account the subtle nuances of business operations? Is there adequate knowledge of current and changing business models? These are difficult questions, and failing to answer them well can result in risks to the effort to use machine learning models.

To mitigate this risk, it is necessary to create a team consisting of (1) business experts who have experience in the business processes that might be changed with machine learning and who understand the value and role of machine learning models, and (2) data scientists who can build machine learning models and who are willing to learn about the business from their business counterparts. In a perfect world, it would be possible to find team members who have both in-depth business expertise and data science knowledge. Central to this risk mitigation, business leaders and data scientists have to be willing to collaborate. The team must undertake the collaborations with openness to new perspectives outside of their comfort zones.


Machine learning models for business decision making are incredibly powerful in helping subject matter experts gain better insights into the steps needed to execute decisions. Being able to harness all of the data collected over years to find patterns and anomalies is powerful but not without risk. If an organization approaches machine learning with a focus on avoiding pitfalls, the models can be a game changer.

This chapter has presented seven key risks for businesses using machine learning models to enhance business decision making: overfitting or under-fitting the data used in the model, changing business processes, failure to understand the ethical implications in biases in data and models, poor business decisions based on bias, overreliance on the machine learning model, lack of explainability of the model, revealing confidential information in sharing data for models, and constructing a team with little regard for their skill and knowledge in using the model. Each of these risks can be significantly mitigated by awareness of these risks by a team of business and machine learning experts chosen to work on business processes, including the machine learning models, along with regular review of the data used in the model as well as the model’s performance. In addition, the business team should take the time to brainstorm new ways to deal with changes in the model as the business strategy transitions.

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