Part II. Manipulating Photo Organization

Manipulating Photo Organization

In this part of the book, I talk about getting and keeping your photo collection organized. With the advent of digital photography, we're encouraged to take lots of photos. No more worries about running out of film at a crucial time, which used to make us ration our shots. Now, using relatively inexpensive memory cards instead of film, you can shoot to your heart's content.

Is there a downside to this bountiful harvest of cinematic endeavor? Sort of. All these hundreds and hundreds of photo files can become unwieldy — and what's worse, irretrievable. How frustrating it is to know that you have a photo of a particular event or person, but you can't find it?

Chapter 4 discusses all the different ways you can organize your photos, whether by the event, place, and even the faces in the photo! Chapter 5 takes organization one step further, enabling you to take several groups of photos and combine them into an Album. The part concludes with Chapter 6, providing everything you need to know about searching for your photos and backing them up.

Manipulating Photo Organization
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