Part V. The Part of Tens

The Part of Tens

Welcome to the Part of Tens, that conclusion of all For Dummies books where you can find all sorts of additional gems of wisdom. Here, you can find great iPhoto '09 additions and also discover marvelous places to get even more tips, techniques, and information on iPhoto '09.

Chapter 14 gives you some Web sites that are great resources for iPhoto. This chapter also introduces you to some add-ons that can prove very productive with iPhoto — additions that can allow you to derive even more enjoyment from iPhoto. Some of these additions allow you to enhance your photos and provide the kind of extra capabilities that make an iPhoto session even more fun.

Chapter 15 provides a convenient and centralized location for helpful hints and shortcuts. These hints and shortcuts are in addition to any tips contained in the various chapters of the book.

The Part of Tens
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