Chapter 14. Ten Terrific Web Resources and Software Add-ons for iPhoto

In This Chapter

  • White papers, Webcasts, and downloads

  • Shutterfly Export Assistant for iPhoto

  • iPhoto to Archive

  • iPhoto Library Manager

  • PictureItPostage

  • Duplicate Annihilator

  • Essentials 2 Add-Ons

  • Keyword Manager

  • iPhoto Buddy

  • iPhoto Mini

If you haven't guessed already, I think iPhoto is a great Apple tool for bringing the best out of your photos and for giving you, the photographer, several ways to enjoy and share your hard work and great photos.

Ten Terrific Web Resources and Software Add-ons for iPhoto

No matter how much capability is put into software, though, more can always be added. Although books are fixed in what they can present at any one time, there's nothing static about the ideas and solutions you find online. In this chapter, I give you ten excellent iPhoto resources, but there are certainly more. I encourage you to look around on the Web for your own terrific resources.


Take the time upfront to make sure that any software you try works with the version of iPhoto that you have.


The TechRepublic Web site is a terrific source of white papers, Webcasts, ideas, discussions, and downloadable software to enhance your iPhoto use. This site also covers lots of other products, so it might turn into a real goldmine for you. Just use the Search box on the TechRepublic landing page.

Shutterfly Export Assistant for iPhoto

This is a Web service available to you from within iPhoto. Export Assistant — free! — modifies the iPhoto Export dialog so that you can select Shutterfly directly. When you download Shutterfly and install it, it modifies the iPhoto Export dialog and puts the Shutterfly button at the top with the other buttons so you can select it easily.

Shutterfly gives you access to a large selection of photo books, calendars, cards, and other printing services, in addition to those within iPhoto.

iPhoto to Archive

In Chapter 11, I talk about exporting your photos. You might have a number of reasons for doing this, one of which is saving space in your iPhoto Library by archiving photos that you don't often use. Space is space, and saving space anywhere is important, including on an external hard drive.

iPhoto has no way to compress an exported file directly — until now, that is. iPhoto to Archive is a downloadable product from Übermind that modifies the Export dialog so that you can archive, using four choices of packaging and compression formats from within iPhoto.

You can choose to save the photos as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, or the photo's Original format it had at the time of import, in several sizes; and you have several naming choices. A 15-day free trial is available. After the trial period, the current price is $9.95.

iPhoto Library Manager

In Chapter 3, you can read about the advantages in having multiple iPhoto Libraries. However, it can become complex to try to use iPhoto alone to handle them. Relax! Here's a great answer, available for free from Fat Cat Software.

There is an advanced version for which you pay, but there's also a free version that I recommend you try first. With this software, you can

  • Create and/or add new libraries.

  • Easily switch between libraries without restarting iPhoto.

  • Check the Library database file size easily.

  • Rebuild the Library easily.

I mention a few of the capabilities, but there are more, some of which work only in the paid ($20) version. For example, the version that you purchase lets you click and drag albums to copy to a new Library, including metadata.

PictureItPostage by Endicia

Get a kick out of the reaction of friends and family to your gorgeous photos? You can get an even bigger kick by using your photos to create personalized U.S. postage stamps! Now, your announcements and invitations can have a personalized look even on the outside of the envelope.

The PictureItPostage software is free and integrates beautifully with iPhoto. You choose the photo, its orientation, any special effects (the software provides a palette of these), rotation, and colors. Then just click the Buy PictureItPostage button and tell Endicia the stamp's denomination and how many sheets you want. A few days later, your stamps arrive. You might not want to use this for everyday postage, though: The cost of the stamps includes Endicia's fee, so a sheet of twenty 42 cent stamps is about $19.

Duplicate Annihilator

Sounds like a video game, doesn't it? Actually, Duplicate Annihilator is software that's useful rather than just entertaining and only $7.95. Duplicate Annihilator takes on the time-consuming task of comparing the images in your iPhoto Library to make sure that no duplicates escape. You can choose from several courses of action for the program to take when it finds them, including marking them for a later search.

Essentials 2.1

Although iPhoto was conceived as a tool to help "point-and-shoot" photographers achieve the most from their photos, it can also be productive for those who want to use more powerful tools while retaining an easy-to-use interface.

Essentials 2.1 for iPhoto might be just what you're looking for to extend iPhoto's capabilities. It's a collection of four tools that help you correct color, add depth of field by realistically blurring the background, add creative borders, and resize your photos to get larger prints.

Although onOne Software offers a free demo version, you can buy the complete Essentials 2.1 for $69.99.

Keyword Manager

If you like to use lots of keywords to find photos, using Keyword Manager can help you manage your keywords so you can quickly and easily tag all photos in your Library, regardless of how many photos you have and how many keywords you want to use.

Because Keyword Manager uses iPhoto's own keyword system internally, it's completely safe. Even if you decide to stop using Keyword Manager, all your keywords will remain! It isn't free ($20), but if it's what you really need, it might be worth the cost.

iPhoto Buddy

Here's another iPhoto Library manager, but this one is totally free. If you find the software does help you, it's a good idea to make a donation to the software's author, which you can do right on the site.

iPhoto Buddy is a universal application (it runs on PPC and Intel Macs). With it, you can create, manage, and switch among multiple iPhoto Libraries. Depending on how many photos you have, there are real advantages to splitting your current iPhoto Library into multiple smaller ones where, perhaps, each new Library contains photos of only particular kinds of events, or photos taken in the same year or by the same camera. The possibilities for efficient organization are endless.

When you pick a new Library with iPhoto Buddy, it automatically quits iPhoto and restarts it with the Library you chose. It can also display details such as size; number of images in the Library; and a listing of Albums, folders, books, and more — all without opening the Library.

iPhoto Mini

I'm sure that most of you use widgets in Dashboard on your Mac. Clever, small, and instantly available on your screen, you can also put widgets away quickly when you're done. Enter the iPhoto Mini, which is one handy widget.

Suppose you want to quickly look at some or all the contents of your iPhoto Library but don't want to start iPhoto. iPhoto Mini to the rescue! Open it to see a listing of all your folders and Albums. Choose one, and the photos are automatically scaled to fit into the widget's window.

From left to right, use the icons at the bottom to

  • Display a list of all folders and Albums letting you choose one.

  • Allow you to make the active photo your Desktop picture.

  • Allow you to open the photo in several applications, such as Preview, Mail and Safari.

  • Navigate through the album you chose.

  • Refresh the display.

Quite a lot for a small package.


Widgets you download are usually shareware, and a donation is requested.

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